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Serbia and Montenegro Government 1999

    Country name:
    conventional long form: none
    conventional short form: Serbia and Montenegro
    local long form: none
    local short form: Srbija-Crna Gora
    note: Serbia and Montenegro has self-proclaimed itself the "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" (FRY) but the US view is that the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) has dissolved and that none of the successor republics represents its continuation

    Data code: Serbia—SR; Montenegro—MW

    Government type: republic

    Capital: Belgrade (Serbia), Podgorica (Montenegro)

    Administrative divisions: 2 republics (republike, singular—republika); and 2 nominally autonomous provinces* (autonomn pokrajine, singular—autonomna pokrajina); Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia, Vojvodina*

    Independence: 11 April 1992 (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or FRY formed as self-proclaimed successor to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or SFRY)

    National holiday: St. Vitus Day, 28 June

    Constitution: 27 April 1992

    Legal system: based on civil law system

    Suffrage: 16 years of age, if employed; 18 years of age, universal

    Executive branch:
    chief of state: President Slobodan MILOSEVIC (since 23 July 1997); note—Milan MILUTINOVIC is president of Serbia (since 21 December 1997); Milo DJUKANOVIC is president of Montenegro (since 21 December 1997)
    head of government: Prime Minister Momir BULATOVIC (since 20 May 1998); Deputy Prime Ministers Nikola SAINOVIC (since 15 September 1995), Vuk DRASKOVIC (since 1 February 1999), Jovan ZEBIC (since 9 April 1998), and Vladan KUTLESIC (since 20 March 1997), Zoran LILIC (since 20 May 1998), Danilo VUKSANOVIC (since 20 May 1998)
    cabinet: Federal Executive Council
    elections: president elected by the Federal Assembly for a four-year term; election last held 23 July 1997 (next to be held NA 2001); prime minister appointed by the president
    election results: Slobodan MILOSEVIC elected president; percent of legislative vote—Slobodan MILOSEVIC 90%

    Legislative branch: bicameral Federal Assembly or Savezna Skupstina consists of the Chamber of Republics or Vece Republika (40 seats—20 Serbian, 20 Montenegrin; members distributed on the basis of party representation in the republican assemblies to serve four-year terms) and the Chamber of Citizens or Vece Gradjana (138 seats -, 108 Serbian with half elected by constituency majorities and half by proportional representation, 30 Montenegrin with six elected by constituency and 24 proportionally; members serve four-year terms)
    elections: Chamber of Republics—last held 24 December 1996 (next to be held NA 2000); Chamber of Citizens—last held 3 November 1996 (next to be held NA 2000)
    election results: Chamber of Republics—percent of vote by party—NA; seats by party—NA; note—seats are filled on a proportional basis to reflect the composition of the legislatures of the republics of Montenegro and Serbia; Chamber of Citizens—percent of vote by party—NA; seats by party—SPS/JUL/ND 64, Zajedno 22, DPSCG 20, SRS 16, NS 8, SVM 3, other 5; note—Zajedno coalition includes SPO, DS, GSS

    Judicial branch: Federal Court or Savezni Sud, judges are elected by the Federal Assembly for nine-year terms; Constitutional Court, judges are elected by the Federal Assembly for nine-year terms

    Political parties and leaders: Serbian Socialist Party or SPS (former Communist Party) [Slobodan MILOSEVIC]; Serbian Radical Party or SRS [Vojislav SESELJ]; Serbian Renewal Movement or SPO [Vuk DRASKOVIC, president]; Democratic Party or DS [Zoran DJINDJIC]; Democratic Party of Serbia or DSS [Vojislav KOSTUNICA]; Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro or DPSCG [Milo DJUKANOVIC]; People's Party of Montenegro or NS [Novak KILIBARDA]; Socialist People's Party of Montenegro or SNP [Momir BULATOVIC]; Social Democratic Party of Montenegro or SDP [Zarko RAKCEVIC]; Liberal Alliance of Montenegro [Slavko PEROVIC]; Democratic Community of Vojvodina Hungarians or DZVM [Sandor PALL]; League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina or LSV [Nenad CANAK]; Reformist Democratic Party of Vojvodina or RDSV [Aleksandar POPOV]; Democratic Alliance of Vojvodina Croats or DSHV [Bela TONKOVIC]; League of Communists-Movement for Yugoslavia or SK-PJ [Dragomir DRASKOVIC]; Democratic Alliance of Kosovo or LDK [Dr. Ibrahim RUGOVA, president]; Democratic League of Albanians [Rexhep QOSJA]; Parliamentary Party of Kosovo or PPK [Bajram KOSUMI]; Party of Democratic Action or SDA [Dr. Sulejman UGLJANIN]; Civic Alliance of Serbia or GSS [Vesna PESIC, chairman]; Yugoslav United Left or JUL [Mirjana MARKOVIC (MILOSEVIC's wife)]; New Democracy or ND [Dusan MIHAJLOVIC]; Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians or SVM [Jozsef KASZA]; Together or Zajedno [leader NA]

    Political pressure groups and leaders: NA

    International organization participation: ICFTU, IOC, OPCW

    Diplomatic representation in the US: the US and Serbia and Montenegro do not maintain full diplomatic relations; the Embassy of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia continues to function in the US
    chief of mission: Ambassador (vacant); Counselor, Charge d'Affaires ad interim Nebojsa VUJOVIC
    chancery: 2410 California St. NW, Washington, DC 20008
    telephone: [1] (202) 462-6566

    Diplomatic representation from the US: the US and Serbia and Montenegro do not maintain full diplomatic relations
    chief of mission: Ambassador (vacant); Chief of Mission Richard M. MILES
    embassy: Kneza Milosa 50, 11000 Belgrade
    mailing address: American Embassy, Belgrade, United States Department of State, Washington, DC 20521-5070 (pouch)
    telephone: [381] (11) 645655
    FAX: [381] (11) 645221

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