THE use of detention within the United States may be the
most problematic tool in the Bush administration's arsenal in
the global war on terrorism. It has alarmed American civil
rights groups, and foreign critics have used the issue to turn
a lot of initial sympathy for the United States into a new
wave of anti-Americanism, while it has given China and Russia
reason to call their far more egregious human rights
violations antiterrorism.
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Detention is not new in the United States. There was the
roundup of Japanese-Americans during World War II and the
wholesale detention of Haitian boat people and a significant
number of Cubans in the 1980's and early 1990's. What is new
is that the detentions are shrouded in secrecy: for the first
time, the United States � like countries whose human rights
policies it has long criticized � is withholding the names of
detainees. A federal judge ordered the Bush administration to
release the names by Aug. 17, but it filed a stay on Aug. 8 to
challenge the ruling, arguing among other things that the
White House does not want to give Al Qaeda a road map to the
investigation by letting it know who has been
"The detentions of Haitian asylum seekers weren't secret,"
said Elisa Massimino, director of the Washington office of the
Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights. "We were never denied the
names; they were permitted access to counsel. It's really a
qualitative difference with what's being done now."
She said that secret detention is a policy that "kind of
seeps into the system and becomes part of the landscape
forever," adding that there is concern in the human rights
lobby that the detention section in new antiterrorism
legislation is the only one with implied permanence. "That
stuff is here to stay and it will take an act of Congress to
get rid of it now," she said.
"If there is another attack, God forbid, we're going to see
a whole new round of measures, and they will be far more
extreme than what we've seen," she said. "If we want to see
where this kind of thing is heading, then we can look to
China, and we can look to Egypt and we can look to what Turkey
was doing with the Kurds. That's our future, unless we can lay
down some markers now about what would be too much."
No mainstream critic of the Bush administration's
antiterrorism policies suggests that Americans are physically
abusing detainees, and detention in the United States, however
harrowing for detainees and families, is a different
experience from what happens in countries where there are few
if any strong watchdog groups to monitor treatment and living
conditions and to press for the widest application of civil
rights standards.
In India over the 1990's, thousands of Kashmiris were
detained, and the latest State Department human rights report
says that hundreds of them were probably tortured or killed in
detention. The Bar Association of Kashmir, part of an alliance
of unarmed moderate separatists, estimates that as many as
5,000 Kashmiris may have "disappeared" in little more than a
More recently in the Caucasus, Arthur C. Helton at the
Council on Foreign Relations in New York said, "Russian
soldiers in Chechnya pick up Chechen men all the time and send
them to `filtration centers,' where they are treated harshly,
and some of them disappear; but the Chechens also capture or
kidnap Russians or other Chechens or foreigners."
Detention � the deprivation of a person's right to freedom
of movement, especially if no trial is impending or any
charges are likely � is nearly universal, though it can take
many forms.
What alarms many human rights advocates is how quickly
governments resort to rounding up detainees in moments of
crisis � or panic � and how, in places where due process of
law is weak or nonexistent, a detainee one day may be a
torture victim the next, or may "disappear" altogether.
DEMOCRACIES are no exception to the use of detention, even
though prolonged detention without demonstrable cause violates
international human rights law, Mr. Helton and others said.
During "the troubles" in Northern Ireland in the 1970's and
1980's, the British detained hundreds of Catholic and
Protestant paramilitaries, held them for varying periods and
then convicted them in trials without juries.
Furthermore, said Mr. Helton, author of "The Price of
Indifference: Refugees and Humanitarian Action in the New
Century" (Oxford, 2002), across Europe, as well as in the
United States, in Africa, Asia and most recently Australia,
"detention is being used increasingly as a migration-control
strategy." The reason he said, is that people who are not
citizens and arrive uninvited are determined to have fewer
Some governments try to detain whole classes of people, as
in China, where the Falun Gong cult has been one of the most
recent targets. Other governments carry out what they call
"preventive detentions," rounding up potential troublemakers
before they can act. But detaining people isn't limited to
governments. In the Balkans, Serbs rounded up Muslims and
Muslims held Serbs, though in smaller numbers � detentions
that often led to abuse or death.
Ruth Wedgwood, a professor of international law at the Yale
Law School and the School of Advanced International Studies at
Johns Hopkins, said that some of the strongest criticism of
detentions, especially secret ones, grows out of a traditional
American commitment to transparent government and a belief
that openness must be preserved no matter what the cost or
circumstances. In international conventions governing
detention, she said, considerable leeway is actually given to
"The international human rights conventions are not always
so liberal as the American Constitution," she said. "Every
statement of a right is accompanied by the statement that the
right is subject to the limitations of public order, public
health." But, she added, "detention must be proportionate and
strictly necessary."
Governments may limit rights in a national emergency if the
emergency is reported to the authority in charge of upholding
the convention. This could be the United Nations if it is an
international agreement or the Council of Europe, or other
regional body if the covenant is regional. "Freedom of
locomotion, as much as we cherish it, is not one of the
super-entrenched rights in international covenants," she said.
"All they really hold sacrosanct is the physical integrity
of the body: no torture, no unlawful killing, no
Nevertheless, said Felice Gaer, chairwoman of the United
States Commission on International Religious Freedom and a
member of the United Nations committee on torture, there have
to be better standards for how detention is employed: "Why is
a person detained? Is it under the rule of law, or is it
arbitrary? Is there access to a lawyer, doctor, family member?
Is there access to a functioning legal system?"
She said that a record of each case should be kept, that
inspections should be permitted and that any complaint of ill
treatment should be examined. "When you start to break down
these pieces and go into secrecy, that creates the uncertainty
in which ill treatment can take place," she said. "That's what
we're on the watch for."