Murder Rate by Country - Intentional Homicide - 2007 Rank - Countries Rankings

Murder Rate (Intentional Homicides) - Country Rankings
SOURCE: United Nations Development Programme

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    Data for the following table were reported by the United Nations Development Programme. For explanations, please refer to the notes below the table.
    Intentional Homicides Per 100,000 People, 2000-2004
                         Ranked Lowest to Highest
    Rank	Country/Region		Rate
    -------     ----------------------------		----------
      1	Myanmar			0.2
      2	Sudan			0.3
      3	Egypt			0.4
      4	Japan			0.5
      5	Singapore			0.5
      6	Botswana			0.5
      7	Morocco			0.5
      8	Madagascar		0.5
      9	Hong Kong		0.6
    10	United Arab Emirates		0.6
    11	Oman			0.6
    12	Vanuatu			0.7
    13	Greece			0.8
    14	Denmark			0.8
    15	Austria			0.8
    16	Norway			0.8
    17	Qatar			0.8
    18	Ireland			0.9
    19	Luxembourg		0.9
    20	Saudi Arabia		0.9
    21	Jordan			0.9
    22	Iceland			1
    23	Netherlands		1
    24	Germany			1
    25	Kuwait			1
    26	Bahrain			1
    27	Indonesia			1.1
    28	Syria			1.1
    29	Spain			1.2
    30	Italy			1.2
    31	Tunisia			1.2
    32	Australia			1.3
    33	New Zealand		1.3
    34	Maldives			1.3
    35	Brunei			1.4
    36	Algeria			1.4
    37	Belgium			1.5
    38	Slovenia			1.5
    39	Nigeria			1.5
    40	France			1.6
    41	Poland			1.6
    42	Cyprus			1.7
    43	Chile			1.7
    44	Fiji			1.7
    45	Portugal			1.8
    46	Malta			1.8
    47	Croatia			1.8
    48	Canada			1.9
    49	Tonga			2
    50	United Kingdom		2.1
    51	Hungary			2.1
    52	China			2.1
    53	Korea South		2.2
    54	Czech Republic		2.2
    55	Slovakia			2.3
    56	F.Y.R.O.Macedonia		2.3
    57	Sweden			2.4
    58	Romania			2.4
    59	Malaysia			2.4
    60	Azerbaijan			2.4
    61	Mauritius			2.5
    62	Armenia			2.5
    63	Israel			2.6
    64	Finland			2.8
    65	Dominica			2.8
    66	Bolivia			2.8
    67	Switzerland		2.9
    68	Iran			2.9
    69	Bulgaria			3.1
    70	Nepal			3.4
    71	India			3.7
    72	Turkey			3.8
    73	Yemen			4
    74	Palestinian Territories		4
    75	Philippines			4.3
    76	Sant Kitts andNevis		4.8
    77	Peru			5.5
    78	United States		5.6
    79	Uruguay			5.6
    80	Albania			5.7
    81	Lebanon			5.7
    82	Costa Rica		6.2
    83	Georgia			6.2
    84	Sao Tome and Principe	6.2
    85	Namibia			6.3
    86	Sri Lanka			6.7
    87	Moldova			6.7
    88	Estonia			6.8
    89	Seychelles		7.4
    90	Ukraine			7.4
    91	Uganda			7.4
    92	Barbados			7.5
    93	Tanzania			7.5
    94	Tajikistan			7.6
    95	Kyrgyzstan		8
    96	Belarus			8.3
    97	Zimbabwe			8.4
    98	Thailand			8.5
    99	Latvia			8.6
    100	Papua  New Guinea		9.1
    101	Lithuania			9.4
    102	Argentina			9.5
    103	Panama			9.6
    104	Suriname			10.3
    105	Paraguay			12.6
    106	Nicaragua			12.8
    107	Mongolia			12.8
    108	Mexico			13
    109	Swaziland			13.6
    110	Guyana			13.8
    111	Bahamas			15.9
    112	Kazakhstan		16.8
    113	Ecuador			18.3
    114	Russia			19.9
    115	Guatemala			25.5
    116	El Salvador		31.5
    117	Venezuela			33.2
    118	Jamaica			34.4
    119	South Africa		47.5
    120	Lesotho			50.7
    121	Colombia			62.7
    	Pakistan			..
    	Cuba			..
    	Libya			..
    	Trinidad and Tobago		..
    	Bosnia and Herzegovina	..
    	Brazil			..
    	Saint Lucia		..
    	Samoa			..
    	Dominican Republic		..
    	Belize			..
    	Grenada			..
    	St Vincent & Grenadines	..
    	Cape Verde		..
    	Viet Nam			..
    	Turkmenistan		..
    	Uzbekistan		..
    	Honduras			..
    	Gabon			..
    	Equatorial Guinea		..
    	Solomon Islands		..
    	Laos			..
    	Cambodia			..
    	Bhutan			..
    	Comoros			..
    	Ghana			..
    	Mauritania			..
    	Congo			..
    	Bangladesh		..
    	Cameroon			..
    	Haiti			..
    	Kenya			..
    	Djibouti			..
    	Timor-Leste		..
    	Togo			..
    	Gambia			..
    	Senegal			..
    	Eritrea			..
    	Antigua and Barbuda		..
    Countries for which there is no adequate or comparable data are listed at the bottom of the table.

    Because of differences in the legal definition of offences, data are not strictly comparable across countries.

    Data refer to a year from 2000 to 2004, and reported in 2007, but in some cases from a different year if otherwise not available. In some cases the intentional homicide rate differs from the standard defi nition or refers to only part of a country.

    Intentional homicide data from ICPS - International Center for Policy Studies.

NOTE: The table on this page is re-published from data provided by the United Nations Development Program. No claims are made regarding the accuracy of murder rate-homicide information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about national murder rate index should be addressed to the UNDP.

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This page was last modified 4-NOV-08
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