Classes of United States Government Publications Available for Depository Libraries - Classifications

Classification of United States Government Publications
SOURCE: U.S. Government Printing Office

    The following list of classes of United States government publications is derived from the U.S. Government Printing Office. See notes below the list.

    Classes of United States Government Publications Available for Selection by Depository Libraries
    A 1.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0006
    A 1.1/3:,Semiannual Report, Office of Inspector General (EL),0006-G
    A 1.1/6:,USDA Office of Inspector General Annual Business Plan (EL),0006-J
    A 1.1/8-2:,Budget Summary and Annual Performance Plan (annual) (EL),0006-J-04
    A 1.1/9:,Annual Report of the Judicial Officer (EL),0006-J-03
    A 1.2:,General Publications,0010
    A 1.7/2:,News Releases for ... (annual) (EL),0010-B
    A 1.11/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0011-C
    A 1.32:,Posters and Maps (P),0080-H
    A 1.34:,Statistical Bulletins (MF) (EL),0015
    A 1.34/6:,Statistical Highlights of U.S. Agriculture (annual) (EL),0015-B-59
    A 1.36:,Technical Bulletins (MF),0016
    A 1.38:,Miscellaneous Publications (MF) (EL),0013-A
    A 1.47:,Agricultural Statistics (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0001
    A 1.47:,Agricultural Statistics (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0001-A-01
    A 1.47/2:,Agricultural Statistics (annual) (CD-ROM) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0001-A
    A 1.57:,USDA News (EL),0015-A
    A 1.58/A:,Agriculture Decisions (semiannual) (P) (EL),0002
    A 1.58/3:,Summary of Decisions (EL),0002-A
    A 1.60/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0032-B-01
    A 1.60/3:,Bibliographies and Literature of Agriculture BLA (series) (MF) (EL),0032-B-01
    A 1.68:,PA (Program Aid) Series (P) (EL),0014-A
    A 1.75:,Agriculture Information Bulletin (AIB series) (MF) (EL),0004
    A 1.75/2:,Structural and Financial Characteristics of U.S. Farms (annual) (EL),0004
    A 1.75/4:,Index to USDA Agriculture Information Bulletins (EL),0004-A
    A 1.75/5:,United States Animal Health Report (annual) (EL),0004-A-01
    A 1.76:,Agriculture Handbooks (P) (EL),0003
    A 1.77:,Home and Garden Bulletins (P) (EL),0011
    A 1.87:,Home Economics Research Reports (numbered) (MF),0011-B
    A 1.89:,Telephone Directory (EL),0080-E
    A 1.89/3:,Directories (P),0080-E
    A 1.93:,Budget Estimates for the United States Department of Agriculture for Fiscal Year
    	 ... (MF),0006-H
    A 1.107:,Agricultural Economic Report (series) (MF) (EL),0042-C
    A 1.107/2:,Food Cost Review (annual) (MF),0042-C
    A 1.107/3:,U.S. Food Marketing System (biennial) (EL),0042-C
    A 1.114:,Conservation Research Reports (numbered) (MF),0025-D
    A 1.129/3:,Office of Ethics Newsletter (quarterly) (EL),0010-A-01
    A 1.129/4:,PDSD Newsletter (quarterly) (EL),0010-A-03
    A 1.135:,AITC Notes (quarterly) (EL),0006-R
    A 1.135/2:,Ag Notes (irregular) (EL),0006-R-01
    A 1.142:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0015-A
    A 1.144:,Agriculture Outlook, Conference Proceedings (annual) (EL),0010-A
    A 1.145:,Report to the Congress, CERCLA/SARA Activities (irregular) (EL),0010-A-02
    A 1.146:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0010-C
    A 1.147:, (database) (EL),0010-D
    A 13.1/3:,Report of the Forest Service (fiscal year) (EL),0080
    A 13.1/5:,Snow and Avalanches in Utah (annual) (EL),0085-B-01
    A 13.1/6:,Community-Based Watershed Restoration Partnerships (annual) (EL),0080-L
    A 13.2:,General Publications,0084
    A 13.10:,Land Areas of the National Forest System (annual) (EL),0084-A
    A 13.11/2:,Lists of Publications (miscellaneous) (P),0085-A
    A 13.13:,Information Pamphlets Relating to National Forests (various titles) (P),0085
    A 13.27/2:,Forest Products Laboratory: General Publications,0085-A
    A 13.27/7:,Forest Products Laboratory: Lists of Publications (P),0085-A
    A 13.27/7-2:,Dividends From Wood Research (semiannual) (EL),0085-A
    A 13.27/16:,The Finish Line (EL),0085-A-02
    A 13.28:,Maps and Charts (P),0080-G
    A 13.32:,Fire Management Today (quarterly) (EL),0082-A-06
    A 13.32/2-4:,Wildfire News and Notes (quarterly) (EL),0082-D-13
    A 13.32/2-5:,Wildland Fire Statistics (online database),0082-D-14
    A 13.32/3-2:,Performance Report (annual) (EL),0082-D-12
    A 13.36:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0086-B
    A 13.36/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0086-C
    A 13.36/2-2:,Forest Service Organizational Directory (annual) (MF),0086-H
    A 13.36/2-6:,Recreation Guide (R8-RG series) (P),0086-C
    A 13.36/2-7:,Recreation Guide to Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison Nationa
    	l Forests (P),0086-C
    A 13.36/2-8:,Special Places, A Travel & Tourism Planner's Guide to Your National Forests
    	 (irregular) (EL),0086-C-01
    A 13.36/2-9:,Firewood Guides (various forests) (irregular) (P),0086-C-02
    A 13.40/1-2:,Annual Letter (International Institute of Tropical Forestry, Puerto Rico)
    A 13.42/2:,Northeastern Research Station: General Publications,0079-A
    A 13.42/6-2:,Northeastern Research Station: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (P),0079-A-01
    A 13.42/30:,Proceedings of the ... Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium
    	 (annual) (EL),0084-D-01
    A 13.51:,Tree Planters' Notes (irregular) (EL),0086-D
    A 13.52:,Forest Insect and Disease Leaflets (numbered) (P) (EL),0082-A
    A 13.52/2:,Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the United States (annual)
    A 13.52/6:,Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the Pacific Northwes
    	t (MF),0082-D-07
    A 13.52/9:,Forest Insect Conditions in Northeastern U.S. (MF),0082-B
    A 13.52/11:,Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the Southwestern Region
    	 (annual) (EL),0082-B-01
    A 13.52/12-2:,Intermountain Reporter (quarterly) (EL),0080-J-02
    A 13.52/13:,Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in the Rocky Mountain Region
    	 (irregular) (EL),0080-J-01
    A 13.52/14:,Short Subjects and Timely Tips for Pesticide Users (EL),0082-A-07
    A 13.52/15:,Forest Insect and Disease Conditions in Alaska (annual) (EL),0080-J-03
    A 13.52/16:,Forest Insect and Disease Conditions for the Southern Region (annual)
    A 13.52/17:,Forest Pest Conditions in California (annual) (EL),0080-J-05
    A 13.52/18:,Forest Insect and Disease Conditions Report (Pacific Northwest Region)
    	 (annual) (EL),0080-J-06
    A 13.66/1:,Science Accomplishments of the Pacific Northwest Research Station
    	 (annual) (EL),0079-C-02
    A 13.66/1-2:,Joint Fire Science Program Business Summary (annual) (EL),0079-C-03
    A 13.66/2:,Pacific Northwest Research Station: General Publications,0079-C
    A 13.66/12:,Pacific Northwest Research Station: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
    A 13.66/13:,Production, Prices, Employment and Trade in Northwest Forest Industries
    	 (annual) (EL),0086-E
    A 13.66/14:,Recent Publications of the Pacific Northwest Research Station
    	 (quarterly) (EL),0085-A-01
    A 13.66/15:,Pacific Northwest Research Station:  Bibliographies and Lists of
    	 Publications (P),0085-A-01
    A 13.66/16:,Science Update (Pacific Northwest Research Station) (irregular)
    A 13.66/18:,ECOL Tech Paper (irregular) (P),0085-A-01
    A 13.66/19:,Science Findings (9 times a year) (EL),0015-A-05
    A 13.74/2:,Forest Nursery Notes (semiannual) (EL),0010-A-04
    A 13.78:,Research Papers (numbered) (MF) (EL),0083-B
    A 13.79:,Research Notes (numbered) (MF) (EL),0083-B-04
    A 13.79/2:,Pulpwood Prices in the Southeast (annual) (MF),0083-B-04
    A 13.79/3:,Bulletin of Hardwood Market Statistics (irregular) (EL),0083-B-04
    A 13.79/4:,U.S. Forest Products Annual Market Review and Prospects (annual)
    A 13.80:,Resource Bulletins (numbered) (MF) (EL),0083-B-05
    A 13.80/4:,Southern Pulpwood Production (annual) (EL),0083-B-05
    A 13.80/5:,Pulpwood Production in the North-Central Region by County (annual)
    A 13.80/6:,Forest Statistics for Northwest Florida (annual) (MF),0083-B-05
    A 13.80/7:,Kentucky's Timber Industry: An Assessment of Timber Product Output & Use
    	 (biennial) (EL),0083-B-14
    A 13.80/8:,Michigan Timber Industry (biennial) (EL),0083-B-15
    A 13.82/2:,North Central Research Station: General Publications,0079-E
    A 13.82/8:,North Central Research Station: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (P),0079-E-01
    A 13.82/9:,North Central Research Station: New from North Central (semiannual)
    A 13.82/9-2:,NC (North Central) News (monthly) (EL),0079-E-04
    A 13.82/11:,Research Attainment Report, Fiscal Year (annual) (MF),0079-E-03
    A 13.83:,Grazing Statistical Summary (annual) (EL),0083-C-02
    A 13.84/2:,Engineering Technical Information System EM (series) (MF),0083-C
    A 13.88:,General Technical Reports (numbered) (CD-ROM) (EL),0083-B-06
    A 13.88/2:,Proceedings of the ... Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Committee
    	 (biennial) (EL),0083-B-13
    A 13.88/3:,Proceedings of the ... Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium
    	 (annual) (EL),0083-B-16
    A 13.92:,Final Environmental Impact Statements and Related Materials (MF)
    A 13.92/2:,Draft Environmental Impact Statements and Related Materials (MF)
    A 13.98/3:,History Line (irregular) (MF),0084-A-11
    A 13.99/8:,National Wildfire Coordinating Group: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,
    A 13.104:,Posters (P),0080-H-01
    A 13.105/2:,Management Bulletin (series) (P),0082-A-05
    A 13.105/3:,Utilization Report (series) (P),0082-A-05
    A 13.105/4:,Protection Report (series) (P),0082-A-05
    A 13.107:,Species Range maps (series) (P),0080-G
    A 13.110/2:,State and Private Forestry: General Publications,0086-F-01
    A 13.110/8:,State and Private Forestry: Handbooks Manuals, Guides (P),0086-F
    A 13.110/9:,Forestry Report (series) (MF),0079-M
    A 13.110/10:,State and Private Forestry: Forestry Bulletins (irregular) (MF),0079-M-01
    A 13.110/11:,Miscellaneous Report (P),0086-F-01
    A 13.110/12:,State and Private Forestry: General Reports (series) (MF),0084-C-02
    A 13.110/13:,State and Private Forestry: Technical Publications (MF),0086-G
    A 13.110/14-2:,Reforestation and Timber Stand Report (annual) (EL),0084-I-01
    A 13.110/17:,Update, Forest Health Technology, Enterprise Team Update
    A 13.110/18:,FHTET (Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team) series (MF)
    A 13.110/19:,Wildland Waters (quarterly) (EL),0086-F-06
    A 13.110/20:,NA Watershed Update (quarterly) (EL),0086-F-07
    A 13.110/21:,America's Forests: Health Update (biennial) (EL),0086-F-08
    A 13.110/22:,Forest Legacy (irregular) (EL),0086-F-09
    A 13.110/23:,FHP Report (series) (EL),0086-F-10
    A 13.112:,Volunteer Opportunities (annual) (MF),0084-E
    A 13.112/2:,Volunteers in the National Forests (series) (MF),0084-E
    A 13.112/3:,Volunteer Opportunities (annual) (EL),0084-E-02
    A 13.113:,U.S. Timber Production, Trade, Consumption, and Price Statistics (annual)
    A 13.114/2:,National Forest Annual Reports (various regions) (EL),0080
    A 13.129:,Pacific Northwest Research Station: Miscellaneous Publications (P),0084-E
    A 13.131:,Learning Link (quarterly) (EL),0084-E
    A 13.133:,Wildlife, Fish, Rare Plant, Partnership Update (annual) (P),0084-E-01
    A 13.137:,Technology and Development Program (series) (MF) (EL),0084-A-03
    A 13.138:,The Shawnee Quarterly, The Shawnee National Forest Schedule of Projects
    A 13.138/2:,Schedule of proposed action (SOPA) Caribou and Targhee National Forests
    A 13.138/3:,Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) Uinta National Forest (Quarterly)
    A 13.138/3-2:,Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) Wasatch-Cache National Forest
    A 13.138/4:,Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) Payette National Forest (quarterly)
    A 13.138/5:,Schedule of proposed actions (SOPA) Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest
    	 (quarterly) (EL),0084-A-10
    A 13.138/6:,Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) Lolo National Forest (quarterly)
    A 13.138/7:,Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) Lewis And Clark National Forest
    	 (quarterly) (EL),0084-A-13
    A 13.138/8:,Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) Allegheny National Forest (quarterly)
    A 13.138/9:,Schedule of Proposed Action (SOPA) Idaho Panhandle National Forest
    	 (quarterly) (EL),0084-A-15
    A 13.139:,Eco-Report (annual) (EL),0084-A-06
    A 13.140:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0015-A-02
    A 13.150:,Southern Research Station: General Publications,0084-K
    A 13.150/1:,Annual Report (Southern Research Station) (EL),0084-K-04
    A 13.150/2:,Southern Research Station: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
    A 13.150/3:,Southern Research Station: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (P),0084-K-02
    A 13.150/4:,Southern Research Station Directory of Research Scientists (EL),0084-K-03
    A 13.150/5:,Compass: Recent Publications of the Southern Research Station (quarterly)
    A 13.150/6:,Southern Aspect (quarterly) (EL),0084-K-05
    A 13.151:,Rocky Mountain Research Station: General Publications,0079-B-12
    A 13.151/2:,Rocky Mountain Research Station: Bibliographies and Lists of Publications
    A 13.151/2-2:,New Publications Rocky Mountain Research Station (quarterly)
    A 13.151/3:,Rocky Mountain Research Station: Maps (P),0079-B-04
    A 13.151/4:,Rocky Mountain Research Station: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides
    A 13.151/4-2:,Rocky Mountain Research Station Directory (MF),0079-B-09
    A 13.151/5:,Proceedings RMRS-P (Rocky Mountain Research Station) (series)
    	 (P) (EL),0079-B-08
    A 13.151/6:,RMRScience (quarterly) (EL),0080-B-01
    A 13.151/7:,Research Accomplishments (Rocky Mountain Research Station)
    	 (annual) (EL),0079-B-11
    A 13.153:,Global Leaflet (semiannual) (EL),0015-A-02
    A 13.154/2:,Forest Health Highlights, Alabama (annual) (EL),0015-A-44
    A 13.154/3:,Forest Health Highlights, Alaska (annual) (EL),0015-A-06
    A 13.154/5:,Forest Health Highlights, Arkansas (annual) (EL),0015-A-40
    A 13.154/6:,Forest Health Highlights, California (annual) (EL),0015-A-48
    A 13.154/7:,Forest Health Highlights, Colorado (annual) (EL),0015-A-07
    A 13.154/8:,Forest Health Highlights, Connecticut (annual) (EL),0015-A-20
    A 13.154/9:,Forest Health Highlights, Delaware (annual) (EL),0015-A-21
    A 13.154/10:,Forest Health Highlights, Florida (annual) (EL),0015-A-39
    A 13.154/11:,Forest Health Highlights, Georgia (annual) (EL),0015-A-38
    A 13.154/14:,Forest Health Highlights, Illinois (annual) (EL),0015-A-14
    A 13.154/15:,Forest Health Highlights, Indiana (annual) (EL),0015-A-49
    A 13.154/16:,Forest Health Highlights, Iowa (annual) (EL),0015-A-13
    A 13.154/17:,Forest Health Highlights, Kansas (annual) (EL),0015-A-10
    A 13.154/18:,Forest Health Highlights, Kentucky (annual) (EL),0015-A-45
    A 13.154/19:,Forest Health Highlights, Louisiana (annual) (EL),0015-A-37
    A 13.154/20:,Forest Health Highlights, Maine (annual) (EL),0015-A-24
    A 13.154/21:,Forest Health Highlights, Maryland (annual) (EL),0015-A-23
    A 13.154/22:,Forest Health Highlights, Massachusetts (annual) (EL),0015-A-22
    A 13.154/23:,Forest Health Highlights, Michigan (annual) (EL),0015-A-11
    A 13.154/24:,Forest Health Highlights, Minnesota (annual) (EL),0015-A-12
    A 13.154/25:,Forest Health Highlights, Mississippi (annual) (EL),0015-A-41
    A 13.154/26:,Forest Health Highlights, Missouri (annual) (EL),0015-A-15
    A 13.154/28:,Forest Health Highlights, Nebraska (annual) (EL),0015-A-17
    A 13.154/29:,Forest Health Highlights, Nevada (annual) (EL),0015-A-08
    A 13.154/30:,Forest Health Highlights, New Hampshire (annual) (EL),0015-A-25
    A 13.154/31:,Forest Health Highlights, New Jersey (annual) (EL),0015-A-26
    A 13.154/33:,Forest Health Highlights, New York (annual) (EL),0015-A-27
    A 13.154/34:,Forest Health Highlights, North Carolina (annual) (EL),0015-A-34
    A 13.154/35:,Forest Health Highlights, North Dakota (annual) (EL),0015-A-16
    A 13.154/36:,Forest Health Highlights, Ohio (annual) (EL),0015-A-28
    A 13.154/37:,Forest Health Highlights, Oklahoma (annual) (EL),0015-A-43
    A 13.154/38:,Forest Health Highlights, Oregon (annual) (EL),0015-A-47
    A 13.154/39:,Forest Health Highlights, Pennsylvania (annual) (EL),0015-A-29
    A 13.154/40:,Forest Health Highlights, Rhode Island (annual) (EL),0015-A-30
    A 13.154/41:,Forest Health Highlights, South Carolina (annual) (EL),0015-A-36
    A 13.154/42:,Forest Health Highlights, South Dakota (annual) (EL),0015-A-18
    A 13.154/43:,Forest Health Highlights, Tennessee (annual) (EL),0015-A-42
    A 13.154/44:,Forest Health Highlights, Texas (annual) (EL),0015-A-35
    A 13.154/45:,Forest Health Highlights, Utah (annual) (EL),0015-A-50
    A 13.154/46:,Forest Health Highlights, Vermont (annual) (EL),0015-A-31
    A 13.154/47:,Forest Health Highlights, Virginia (annual) (EL),0015-A-33
    A 13.154/48:,Forest Health Highlights, Washington (annual) (EL),0015-A-46
    A 13.154/49:,Forest Health Highlights, West Virginia (annual) (EL),0015-A-32
    A 13.154/50:,Forest Health Highlights, Wisconsin (annual) (EL),0015-A-19
    A 13.154/51:,Forest Health Highlights, Wyoming (annual) (EL),0015-A-09
    A 13.154/52:,Lake States Forest Health Watch (irregular) (EL),0015-A-52
    A 13.155:,The Natural Inquirer, A Research and Science Journal (EL),0084-L
    A 13.155/2:,Natural inquirer (Spanish) (EL),0084-L-04
    A 13.156:,Briefing Book, Alaska Region (annual) (P),0084-M
    A 13.157:,Southern Region Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (annual)
    A 13.157/2:,Alaska Region Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (annual)
    A 13.157/3:,Southwestern Region Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (annual)
    A 13.157/4:,Intermountain Region Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (annual)
    A 13.157/4-2:,Private Land News (annual) (MF),0084-L-18
    A 13.157/5:,Pacific Southwest Region Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports
    	 (annual) (EL),0084-L-08
    A 13.157/6:,Pacific Northwest Region Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports
    	 (annual) (EL),0084-L-09
    A 13.157/7:,Northern Region Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (annual)
    A 13.157/8:,Rocky Mountain Region Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports
    	 (annual) (EL),0084-L-11
    A 13.157/9:,Eastern Region Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (annual)
    A 13.158:,Payette River Recreation Fee Demonstration (annual) (EL),0084-A-05
    A 13.161:,IMI Reports (MF) (EL),0084-L-03
    A 13.162:,National Nursery Proceedings (annual) (EL),0084-L-13
    A 13.163/07:,Connecticut's Forest Resources (annual) (EL),0084-N-07
    A 13.163/13:,Illinois's Forest Resources in ... (annual) (EL),0084-N-13
    A 13.163/14:,Indiana's Forest Resources in ... (annual) (EL),0084-N-14
    A 13.163/15:,Iowa's Forest Resources in ... (annual) (EL),0084-N-15
    A 13.163/16:,Kansas' Forest Resources in ... (annual) (EL),0084-N-16
    A 13.163/21:,Massachusetts' Forest Resources (annual) (EL),0084-N-21
    A 13.163/22:,Michigan's Forest Resources in ... (annual) (EL),0084-N-22
    A 13.163/23:,Minnesota's Forest Resource in ... (annual) (EL),0084-N-23
    A 13.163/25:,Missouri's Forest Resources in ... (annual) (EL),0084-N-25
    A 13.163/27:,Nebraska's Forest Resources in ... (annual) (EL),0084-N-27
    A 13.163/34:,North Dakota's Forest Resources in ... (annual) (EL),0084-N-34
    A 13.163/39:,Rhode Island's Forest Resources (annual) (EL),0084-N-39
    A 13.163/41:,South Dakota's Forest Resources in ... (annual) (EL),0084-N-41
    A 13.163/49:,Wisconsin's Forest Resources in ... (EL),0084-N-49
    A 13.164:,Inside Agroforestry (quarterly) (EL),0084-N-42
    A 13.164/2:,Agroforestry Notes (irregular) (EL),0084-N-43
    A 13.165:,Northeastern Area News Notes (monthly) (EL),0084-O
    A 13.165/2:,Insect and Disease Conditions Report, Northeastern Area (annual)
    A 13.165/3:,Forest Stewardship, Information Exchange (EL),0084-O-02
    A 13.165/4:,Northeastern Area Fact Sheet (series) (EL),0084-O-03
    A 13.166:,Airward News (irregular) (EL),0084-P
    A 13.166/2:,Aviation Safety Summary (annual) (EL),0084-P-01
    A 13.167:,Report to Congress for Fiscal Year ... (Valles Caldera Trust) (annual)
    A 13.168:,Rocky Mountain Region Campground List (EL),0084-R
    A 17.1:,National Agricultural Library Annual Report (EL),0095-F
    A 17.2:,General Publications,0095-A-01
    A 17.18/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0095-A-02
    A 17.18/4:,Quick Bibliography Series (P),0095-A-02
    A 17.18/5-2:,Journals Indexed in AGRICOLA (quarterly) (EL),0095-A-08
    A 17.18/6:,AGRI-TOPICS (irregular) (P),0095-A-02
    A 17.22:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0095-C-01
    A 17.24:,Special Reference Briefs (P),0095-A-03
    A 17.27:,AWIC (Animal Welfare Information Center) (series) (MF),0095-C-01
    A 17.27/2:,Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin (quarterly) (EL),0095-C-01
    A 17.27/3:,AWIC Resource Series (P) (EL),0095-C-02
    A 17.28:,AIC (Aquaculture Information Center) Series (P),0095-A-02
    A 17.29:,Rural Information Center Publication Series (P),0095-A-02
    A 17.31:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0095-A-06
    A 17.32:,Educational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture (annual)
    A 17.33:,Sources of Free or Low-Cost Food and Nutrition Materials (irregular)
    A 21.28:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0090-A
    A 21.34:,Broadcasters Letter (weekly) (EL),0090-E-01
    A 57.1/5:,Accomplishments Report (Natural Resources Conservation Service)
    	 (annual) (EL),0119-D
    A 57.2:,General Publications,0120
    A 57.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0120-A
    A 57.6/3:,Irrigation Guides (P),0120-A
    A 57.22:,National Resources Inventory (annual) (MF),0120-B
    A 57.38:LIST/,List of Published Soil Surveys (P),0102-A
    A 57.38/1-2:,Soil Survey Reports (Alabama) (P),0102-B-01
    A 57.38/2-2:,Soil Survey Reports (Alaska) (P),0102-B-02
    A 57.38/3:,Soil Survey Reports (Arizona) (P),0102-B-03
    A 57.38/4:,Soil Survey Reports (Arkansas) (P),0102-B-04
    A 57.38/5:,Soil Survey Reports (California) (P),0102-B-05
    A 57.38/6:,Soil Survey Reports (Colorado) (P),0102-B-06
    A 57.38/7:,Soil Survey Reports (Connecticut) (P),0102-B-07
    A 57.38/8:,Soil Survey Reports (Delaware) (P),0102-B-08
    A 57.38/9:,Soil Survey Reports (Florida) (P),0102-B-09
    A 57.38/10:,Soil Survey Reports (Georgia) (P),0102-B-10
    A 57.38/11:,Soil Survey Reports (Hawaii) (P),0102-B-11
    A 57.38/12:,Soil Survey Reports (Idaho) (P),0102-B-12
    A 57.38/13:,Soil Survey Reports (Illinois) (P),0102-B-13
    A 57.38/14:,Soil Survey Reports (Indiana) (P),0102-B-14
    A 57.38/15:,Soil Survey Reports (Iowa) (P),0102-B-15
    A 57.38/16:,Soil Survey Reports (Kansas) (P),0102-B-16
    A 57.38/17:,Soil Survey Reports (Kentucky) (P),0102-B-17
    A 57.38/18:,Soil Survey Reports (Louisiana) (P),0102-B-18
    A 57.38/19:,Soil Survey Reports (Maine) (P),0102-B-19
    A 57.38/20:,Soil Survey Reports (Maryland) (P),0102-B-20
    A 57.38/21:,Soil Survey Reports (Massachusetts) (P),0102-B-21
    A 57.38/22:,Soil Survey Reports (Michigan) (P),0102-B-22
    A 57.38/23:,Soil Survey Reports (Minnesota) (P),0102-B-23
    A 57.38/24:,Soil Survey Reports (Mississippi) (P),0102-B-24
    A 57.38/25:,Soil Survey Reports (Missouri) (P),0102-B-25
    A 57.38/26:,Soil Survey Reports (Montana) (P),0102-B-26
    A 57.38/27:,Soil Survey Reports (Nebraska) (P),0102-B-27
    A 57.38/28:,Soil Survey Reports (Nevada) (P),0102-B-28
    A 57.38/29:,Soil Survey Reports (New Hampshire) (P),0102-B-29
    A 57.38/30:,Soil Survey Reports (New Jersey) (P),0102-B-30
    A 57.38/31:,Soil Survey Reports (New Mexico) (P),0102-B-31
    A 57.38/32:,Soil Survey Reports (New York) (P),0102-B-32
    A 57.38/33:,Soil Survey Reports (North Carolina) (P),0102-B-33
    A 57.38/34:,Soil Survey Reports (North Dakota) (P),0102-B-34
    A 57.38/35:,Soil Survey Reports (Ohio) (P),0102-B-35
    A 57.38/36:,Soil Survey Reports (Oklahoma) (P),0102-B-36
    A 57.38/37:,Soil Survey Reports (Oregon) (P),0102-B-37
    A 57.38/38:,Soil Survey Reports (Pennsylvania) (P),0102-B-38
    A 57.38/39:,Soil Survey Reports (Rhode Island) (P),0102-B-39
    A 57.38/40:,Soil Survey Reports (South Carolina) (P),0102-B-40
    A 57.38/41:,Soil Survey Reports (South Dakota) (P),0102-B-41
    A 57.38/42:,Soil Survey Reports (Tennessee) (P),0102-B-42
    A 57.38/43:,Soil Survey Reports (Texas) (P),0102-B-43
    A 57.38/44:,Soil Survey Reports (Utah) (P),0102-B-44
    A 57.38/45:,Soil Survey Reports (Vermont) (P),0102-B-45
    A 57.38/46:,Soil Survey Reports (Virginia) (P),0102-B-46
    A 57.38/47:,Soil Survey Reports (Washington) (P),0102-B-47
    A 57.38/48:,Soil Survey Reports (West Virginia) (P),0102-B-48
    A 57.38/49:,Soil Survey Reports (Wisconsin) (P),0102-B-49
    A 57.38/50:,Soil Survey Reports (Wyoming) (P),0102-B-50
    A 57.38/51:,Soil Survey Reports (Outlying Areas) (P),0102-B-53
    A 57.46:,Arizona State Basin Outlook Report for ... (monthly) (EL),0102-C-03
    A 57.46/3:,Montana State Basin Outlook Report for ... (monthly) (EL),0102-C-26
    A 57.46/4:,Nevada State Basin Outlook Report for ... (monthly) (EL),0102-C-28
    A 57.46/4-2:,State Annual Data Summaries. Nevada Cooperative Snow Survey Data of
    	 Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Surveys (annual) (EL),0102-B-28
    A 57.46/5:,Oregon State Basin Outlook Report for (monthly) (EL),0102-C-37
    A 57.46/5-3:,State Annual Data Summaries. Oregon Cooperative Snow Survey Data of
    	 Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Surveys (annual) (EL),0102-B-37
    A 57.46/6:,Utah State Basin Outlook Report for (monthly) (EL),0102-C-44
    A 57.46/6-3:,State Annual Data Summaries. Utah Cooperative Snow Survey Data of
    	 Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Surveys (annual) (EL),0102-B-44
    A 57.46/7:,Washington State Basin Outlook Report for (monthly) (EL),0102-C-47
    A 57.46/7-2:,State Annual Data Summaries. Washington Cooperative Snow Survey Data of
    	 Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Surveys (annual) (EL),0102-B-47
    A 57.46/10:,Wyoming State Basin Outlook Report for (monthly) (EL),0102-C-56
    A 57.46/11:,Idaho Basin Outlook Report (monthly) (MF),0102-B-12
    A 57.46/11-2:,State Annual Data Summaries. Idaho Cooperative Snow Survey Data of
    	 Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Surveys (annual) (EL),0102-B-56
    A 57.46/12-2:,Water Supply Outlook for the Western United States (monthly) (EL),0102-B-05
    A 57.46/13:,Alaska Basin Outlook Report (monthly) (EL),0102-C-02
    A 57.46/13-3:,State Annual Data Summaries. Alaska Cooperative Snow Survey Data of
    	 Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Surveys (annual) (EL),0102-B-02
    A 57.46/18:,New Mexico State Basin Outlook Report for (monthly) (EL),0102-C-31
    A 57.46/18-2:,State Annual Data Summaries. New Mexico Cooperative Snow Survey Data of
    	 Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Surveys (annual) (EL),0102-B-31
    A 57.46/19:,Colorado State Basin Outlook Report for ... (monthly) (EL),0102-C-06
    A 57.46/19-2:,State Annual Data Summaries. Colorado Cooperative Snow Survey Data of
    	 Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Surveys (annual) (EL),0102-B-06
    A 57.46/20:,Basin Outlook Reports (Western States) (EL),0102-B-54
    A 57.46/21:,State Annual Data Summaries. Arizona Cooperative Snow Survey Data of
    	 Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Surveys (annual) (EL),0102-B-55
    A 57.46/22:,California State Basin Outlook Report for ... (monthly) (EL),0102-C-05
    A 57.52:,Soil Survey Investigation Reports (MF),0121-A
    A 57.54/4:,Plant Solutions (bimonthly) (EL),0121-B-02
    A 57.56/2:,Fish & Wildlife Habitat Management Leaflets (irregular) (EL),0121-H-01
    A 57.64/4:,Flood Plain Management Study (irregular) (P),0120-B-06
    A 57.65/2:,Final Environmental Impact Statements (MF),0121-C
    A 57.68:,Maps and Posters (P),0121-F
    A 57.71:,Posters (P),0121-F
    A 57.74:,Historical Notes (series) (P),0121-G
    A 57.75:,Conservation and Your Community (EL),0121-G-01
    A 57.75/2:,Outreach Insider (irregular) (EL),0121-G-04
    A 57.76:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0121-G-02
    A 57.77:,Soil Quality Information Sheets (EL),0121-G-02
    A 57.78:,NCSS (National Cooperative Soil Survey) Newsletter (EL),0121-G-03
    A 57.78/2:,Coastal Plainer (biennial) (EL),0121-G-08
    A 57.79:,Watershed Planning and You! (quarterly) (EL),0121-G-05
    A 57.80:,Plants Database (EL),0121-G-06
    A 57.81:,Horizons (Arizona) (online) (EL),0121-G-07
    A 57.81/2:,NRCS Alaska News (irregular) (EL),0120-C-02
    A 57.81/3:,NRCS Alabama Current Developments (quarterly) (EL),0120-C-03
    A 57.81/3-2:,Alabama NRCS Tech News (quarterly) (EL),0120-A-25
    A 57.81/4:,Arkansas Annual Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-04
    A 57.81/4-2:,Accomplishment Report, Arkansas Conservation Partnership (annual) (EL),0120-A-12
    A 57.81/4-3:,Arkansas Conservation News (quarterly) (EL),0120-A-23
    A 57.81/5:,California Report Natural Resources Conservation Service Activities (annual) (EL),0120-C-05
    A 57.81/5-2:,California Current Developments (irregular) (EL),0120-C-49
    A 57.81/6:,The Colorado Connection (irregular) (EL),0120-C-06
    A 57.81/7:,NRCS, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Connecticut (monthly) (EL),0120-C-07
    A 57.81/8:,eNewsbytes: News Updates from Delaware NCRS (irregular) (EL),0120-C-50
    A 57.81/9:,Focus: Florida Outreach and Conservation Updates (quarterly) (EL),0120-C-08
    A 57.81/9-2:,Outreach Update (irregular) (EL),0120-C-09
    A 57.81/10:,Georgia Annual Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-10
    A 57.81/10-2:,Conservation Connection (Georgia) (EL),0120-A-09
    A 57.81/11:,Hawaii Annual Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-11
    A 57.81/11-2:,Hawaii Current Developments (irregular) (EL),0120-A-03
    A 57.81/11-3:,Conservation Update (Hawaii) (irregular) (EL),0120-A-04
    A 57.81/11-4:,Hawaii State Association of Resource Conservation and Development Areas Annual Report
    	 (annual) (EL),0120-A-05
    A 57.81/12:,Highlights (3 nos. a year) (EL),0120-C-12
    A 57.81/12-2:,Executive Update (NRCS) (irregular) (EL),0120-A-26
    A 57.81/12-3:,eNewsbytes: News Updates from Idaho NCRS (irregular) (EL),0120-A-30
    A 57.81/13:,Illinois Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-13
    A 57.81/14:,Hoosier Headlines (bimonthly) (EL),0120-C-14
    A 57.81/15:,Iowa Report, Natural Resources Conservation Activities (annual) (EL),0120-C-15
    A 57.81/16:,Kansas Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-16
    A 57.81/16-2:,Kansas Highlights (3 times a year) (EL),0120-A-01
    A 57.81/17:,Kentucky NRCS Newsletter (irregular) (EL),0120-C-17
    A 57.81/18:,Louisiana NRCS Conservation Update (monthly) (EL),0120-C-51
    A 57.81/19:,Maine Natural Resources Conservation Activities (annual) (EL),0120-C-19
    A 57.81/19-2:,Conservation Briefs (irregular) (EL),0120-A-10
    A 57.81/20:,Annual Report, Conservation Activities in Maryland (annual) (EL),0120-C-20
    A 57.81/21:,Conservation Connection (Massachusetts) (EL),0120-C-21
    A 57.81/22:,Michigan Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-22
    A 57.81/22-2:,Current Developments (Michigan) (quarterly) (EL),0120-A-02
    A 57.81/23:,Minnesota Report, Natural Resources Conservation Activities (annual) (EL),0120-C-23
    A 57.81/25:,Missouri Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-25
    A 57.81/25-2:,Upper White River Review (monthly) (EL),0120-C-29
    A 57.81/26:,Montana Report on Natural Resources Conservation Activities (annual) (EL),0120-C-26
    A 57.81/27:,Nebraska Report, Natural Resources Conservation Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-27
    A 57.81/27-2:,RC&D Report (annual) (EL),0120-A-11
    A 57.81/27-3:,Resource Conservation and Development Highlights (annual) (EL),0120-A-13
    A 57.81/27-4:,Neb News (irregular) (EL),0120-A-20
    A 57.81/28:,Nevada State Story (annual) (EL),0120-C-28
    A 57.81/29:,The Inside Scoop (irregular) (EL),0120-A-24
    A 57.81/31:,Past Year's Accomplishments (New Mexico) (annual) (EL),0120-C-31
    A 57.81/31-2:,Natural Resources Reporter (New Mexico) (quarterly) (EL),0120-C-36
    A 57.81/32:,New York Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-32
    A 57.81/33:,North Carolina Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-33
    A 57.81/33-2:,Conservation Connection (North Carolina) (quarterly) (EL),0120-A-06
    A 57.81/34:,Current Developments (North Dakota) (irregular) (EL),0120-C-34
    A 57.81/35:,Conservation Matters (quarterly) (EL),0120-C-35
    A 57.81/36:,Oklahoma Conservation Partnership Report (monthly) (EL),0120-C-52
    A 57.81/37:,Annual Report (Oregon) (annual) (EL),0120-C-37
    A 57.81/39:,Activity Report for our Conservation Partners (bimonthly) (EL),0120-C-53
    A 57.81/40:,South Carolina Natural Resources Conservation Activities (annual) (EL),0120-C-40
    A 57.81/40-2:,South Carolina's Current Developments (irregular) (EL),0120-A-21
    A 57.81/41:,South Dakota NRCS Update (monthly) (EL),0120-C-41
    A 57.81/42:,Annual Report (Tennessee) (annual) (EL),0120-C-42
    A 57.81/42-2:,Current Developments (Tennessee) (quarterly) (EL),0120-A-08
    A 57.81/44:,e-Blast: News briefs from Utah NRCS (irregular) (EL),0120-C-54
    A 57.81/46:,Virginia Current Developments (irregular) (EL),0120-C-55
    A 57.81/47:,Conservation Footprints (quarterly) (EL),0120-C-47
    A 57.81/48:,West Virginia NRCS News and Views (quarterly) (EL),0120-C-48
    A 57.81/49:,Wisconsin Report (annual) (EL),0120-C-56
    A 57.81/50:,Wyoming Way (bimonthly) (EL),0120-C-57
    A 57.82:,NRCS Technology News (10 times a year) (EL),0120-A-07
    A 57.82/2:,NRCS This Week (weekly) (EL),0120-A-22
    A 57.82/3:,Conservation Program Allocations to States (annual) (EL),0120-A-28
    A 57.82/3-2:,Discretionary Conservation Program Initial Allocations to States by Program (annual)
    A 57.83:,Soil Data Mart (EL),0121-G-09
    A 57.84:,Volunteer Voice (quarterly) (EL),0120-A-31
    A 57.90:,TSP Express (irregular) (EL),0120-A-19
    A 57.91:,Invasive Species Technical Note (series) (P) (EL),0120-A-27
    A 57.91/2:,Technical Note: Plant Materials (series) (EL),0120-A-32
    A 57.92:,Working Paper (series) (EL),0120-A-33
    A 62.15:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0071-C-02
    A 62.15/2:,Adjusted Gross Revenue Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-03
    A 62.15/3:,Data Acceptance System Handbook (annual) (EL),0071-C-04
    A 62.15/4:,Group Risk Plan Insurance Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-05
    A 62.15/5:,Written Agreement Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-06
    A 62.15/6:,Ineligible Tracking System Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-07
    A 62.15/7:,Nursery Crop Insurance Underwriting Guide (irregular) (EL),0071-C-08
    A 62.15/8:,Cultivated Clam Pilot Crop Insurance Underwriting Guide (irregular) (EL),0071-C-09
    A 62.15/9:,Florida Fruit Tree Crop Insurance Underwriting Guide (irregular) (EL),0071-C-10
    A 62.15/10:,Organic Crop Insurance Underwriting Guide (irregular) (EL),0071-C-11
    A 62.15/11:,Loss Adjustment Manual (LAM) Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-12
    A 62.15/12:,Almond Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-13
    A 62.15/13:,Apple Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-14
    A 62.15/14:,Arizona-California Citrus Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-15
    A 62.15/15:,Stonefruit Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-16
    A 62.15/16:,Processing Bean Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-17
    A 62.15/17:,Processing Tomato Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-18
    A 62.15/18:,Corn Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-19
    A 62.15/19:,Cotton Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-20
    A 62.15/20:,Cranberry Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-21
    A 62.15/21:,Dry Bean Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-22
    A 62.15/22:,Fig Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-23
    A 62.15/23:,Florida Citrus Fruit Loss Adjustment Standards (irregular) (EL),0071-C-24
    A 62.15/24:,Forage Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-25
    A 62.15/25:,Fresh Market Sweet Corn Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-26
    A 62.15/26:,Fresh Market Tomato (Dollar Plan) Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular)
    A 62.15/27:,Fresh Market Tomato (Guaranteed Production Plan) Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook
    	 (irregular) (EL),0071-C-28
    A 62.15/28:,Plum Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-29
    A 62.15/29:,Grain Sorghum Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-30
    A 62.15/30:,Grape Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-31
    A 62.15/31:,Hybrid Seeds Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-32
    A 62.15/32:,Macadamia Nut Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-33
    A 62.15/33:,Macadamia Tree Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-34
    A 62.15/34:,Onion Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-35
    A 62.15/35:,Pea Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-36
    A 62.15/36:,Peach Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-37
    A 62.15/37:,Peanut Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-38
    A 62.15/38:,Pear Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-39
    A 62.15/39:,Fresh Market Pepper Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-40
    A 62.15/40:,Popcorn Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-41
    A 62.15/41:,Central and Southern Potato Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-42
    A 62.15/42:,Northern Potato Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-43
    A 62.15/43:,Prevented Planting Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-44
    A 62.15/44:,Prune Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-45
    A 62.15/45:,Raisin Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-46
    A 62.15/46:,Random Path Appraisal Method Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-47
    A 62.15/47:,Rice Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-48
    A 62.15/48:,Safflower Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-49
    A 62.15/49:,Small Grains Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-50
    A 62.15/50:,Soybean Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-51
    A 62.15/51:,Sugar Beet Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-52
    A 62.15/52:,Sugarcane Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-53
    A 62.15/53:,Sunflower Seed Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-54
    A 62.15/54:,Processing Sweet Corn Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-55
    A 62.15/55:,Table Grape Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-56
    A 62.15/56:,Texas Citrus Fruit Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-57
    A 62.15/57:,Texas Citrus Tree Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-58
    A 62.15/58:,Tobacco (Guaranteed Production) Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular)
    A 62.15/59:,Tobacco (Quota) Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-60
    A 62.15/60:,Walnut Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-61
    A 62.15/61:,Blueberry Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-62
    A 62.15/62:,Canola and Rapeseed Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-63
    A 62.15/63:,Florida Fruit Tree Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-64
    A 62.15/64:,Income Protection Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-65
    A 62.15/65:,Millet Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-66
    A 62.15/66:,California Avocado Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-67
    A 62.15/67:,Sweet Potato Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-68
    A 62.15/68:,Avocado and Mango Tree Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-69
    A 62.15/69:,Pecan Revenue Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-70
    A 62.15/70:,Florida Avocado Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-71
    A 62.15/71:,Cabbage (Pilot) Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-72
    A 62.15/72:,Cherry (Pilot) Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-73
    A 62.15/73:,Processing Chile Pepper Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular)
    A 62.15/74:,Winter Squash (Pilot) Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-75
    A 62.15/75:,Cultivated Wild Rice (Pilot) Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular)
    A 62.15/76:,Pilot Processing Cucumber Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular)
    A 62.15/77:,Crambe Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-78
    A 62.15/78:,Mustard Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-79
    A 62.15/79:,Nursery Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-80
    A 62.15/80:,Fresh Market Beans Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-81
    A 62.15/81:,Mint Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-82
    A 62.15/82:,Strawberry Dollar Plan Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards (irregular) (EL),0071-C-83
    A 62.15/83:,Pilot Raspberry and Blackberry Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular)
    A 62.15/84:,Cultivated Clam Pilot Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-85
    A 62.15/85:,Pilot California Citrus Dollar Loss Adjustment Standards (irregular) (EL),0071-C-86
    A 62.15/86:,Pilot Forage Seed Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-87
    A 62.15/87:,Apple Pilot Quality Option Loss Adjustment Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0071-C-88
    A 62.17:,Research and Development Bulletins (EL),0071-C-01
    A 62.18:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0071-C-01
    A 62.19:,Eligible Plant List and Plant Price Schedule, Nursery Crop Insurance Program (annual)
    A 62.51:,Program Compliance and Integrity Annual Report to Congress (annual) (EL),0123-B-06
    A 62.52:,General Publications,0123-B
    A 62.58/2:,Crop Insurance Handbook (CIH) (annual) (EL),0123-B-02
    A 62.58/3:,New Program Development Handbook (irregular) (EL),0123-B-03
    A 62.58/4:,Classification Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0123-B-04
    A 62.58/5:,Document and Supplemental Standards Handbook (irregular) (EL),0123-B-05
    A 62.65:,Report to Congress, New and Specialty Crops (annual) (EL),0123-B-01
    A 62.66/1:,Alabama Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-01
    A 62.66/2:,Alaska Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-02
    A 62.66/3:,Arizona Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-03
    A 62.66/4:,Arkansas Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-04
    A 62.66/5:,California Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-05
    A 62.66/6:,Colorado Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-06
    A 62.66/7:,Connecticut Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-07
    A 62.66/8:,Delaware Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-08
    A 62.66/9:,Florida Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-09
    A 62.66/10:,Georgia Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-10
    A 62.66/11:,Hawaii Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-11
    A 62.66/12:,Idaho Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-12
    A 62.66/13:,Illinois Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-13
    A 62.66/14:,Indiana Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-14
    A 62.66/15:,Iowa Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-15
    A 62.66/16:,Kansas Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-16
    A 62.66/17:,Kentucky Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-17
    A 62.66/18:,Louisiana Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-18
    A 62.66/19:,Maine Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-19
    A 62.66/20:,Maryland Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-20
    A 62.66/21:,Massachusetts Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-21
    A 62.66/22:,Michigan Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-22
    A 62.66/23:,Minnesota Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-23
    A 62.66/24:,Mississippi Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-24
    A 62.66/25:,Missouri Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-25
    A 62.66/26:,Montana Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-26
    A 62.66/27:,Nebraska Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-27
    A 62.66/28:,Nevada Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-28
    A 62.66/29:,New Hampshire Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-29
    A 62.66/30:,New Jersey Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-30
    A 62.66/31:,New Mexico Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-31
    A 62.66/32:,New York Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-32
    A 62.66/33:,North Carolina Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-33
    A 62.66/34:,North Dakota Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-34
    A 62.66/35:,Ohio Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-35
    A 62.66/36:,Oklahoma Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-36
    A 62.66/37:,Oregon Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-37
    A 62.66/38:,Pennsylvania Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-38
    A 62.66/39:,Rhode Island Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-39
    A 62.66/40:,South Carolina Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-40
    A 62.66/41:,South Dakota Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-41
    A 62.66/42:,Tennessee Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-42
    A 62.66/43:,Texas Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-43
    A 62.66/44:,Utah Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-44
    A 62.66/45:,Vermont Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-45
    A 62.66/46:,Virginia Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-46
    A 62.66/47:,Washington Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-47
    A 62.66/48:,West Virginia Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-48
    A 62.66/49:,Wisconsin Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-49
    A 62.66/50:,Wyoming Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-50
    A 62.66/53:,Puerto Rico Crop Insurance Profile (annual) (EL),0123-C-53
    A 67.2:,General Publications,0077
    A 67.7/3:,FAS Worldwide (quarterly) (EL),0076
    A 67.18:,World Markets and Trade, Circular Series, (FTROP, FD, etc.) (MF) (EL),0076-J
    A 67.18/3:,U.S. Planting Seed Trade (monthly) (EL),0077-B-01
    A 67.40:,U.S. Export Sales (weekly) (EL),0076-K
    A 67.40/2:,Trade Leads (weekly) (EL),0076-K
    A 67.46:,Export Assistance, Food Aid, and Market Development Programs (EL),0076-M
    A 67.47:,Monthly Summary of Export Credit Guarantee Program Activity (EL),0076-J-01
    A 67.49:,Directories,0077-B
    A 67.50:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0077-B-01
    A 67.51:,Organic Perspectives (bimonthly) (EL),0077-B-02
    A 67.52:,America the Bountiful (quarterly) (EL),0077-B-03
    A 68.1/2:,Annual Statistical Report, Rural Electric Borrowers (MF),0115-A-01
    A 68.1/3:,Statistical Report, Rural Telecommunications Borrowers (MF),0115-A-02
    A 68.1/6:,Water & Environmental Programs Annual Activity Report (annual) (EL),0115-A-06
    A 68.2:,General Publications,0116
    A 68.3:,Bulletins (MF),0116
    A 68.5:,Laws (P),0116-B
    A 68.6/2:,List of Materials Acceptable for Use on System of RUS Electrification Borrowers
    A 68.6/5:,List of Materials Acceptable for Use on Telecommunications Systems of RUS Borrowers
    A 68.6/6:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0116-A-04
    A 68.24:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0115-A-04
    A 68.25:,Summary of Items of Engineering Interests (annual) (EL),0115-A-07
    A 68.26:,On Tap (Quarterly) (EL),0116-A-05
    A 77.2:,General Publications,0026-A-01
    A 77.6/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0026-A-03
    A 77.12:,Agricultural Research (monthly) (EL),0025-A
    A 77.12/A:,Agricultural Research (separates) (P),0025-A
    A 77.15:,ARS (series) (MF),0025-B
    A 77.15/2:,ARS Directory (semiannual) (MF),0025-B
    A 77.15/3:,Conservation Tillage Facts (series) (EL),0025-B-01
    A 77.29/2:,Northern Plain Facts (bimonthly) (EL),0026-A-12
    A 77.37:,USDFRC Research Summary (U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center) (EL),0101
    A 77.38/2:,Arboretum Plant Introduction and Winners (fact sheets) (P) (EL),0101-A-03
    A 77.40:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0015-A-01
    A 77.41:,GRIN Taxonomy for Plants (online database) (EL),0026-A-13
    A 77.515:,Plant Inventory (P),0101
    A 77.516:,NFS Reports (series) (MF),0101-A-02
    A 77.517:,Methyl Bromide Alternatives (semiannual) (EL),0015-A-01
    A 77.518:,Food & Nutrition Research Briefs (irregular) (EL),0026-A-08
    A 77.518/2:,Tektran (EL),0026-A-23
    A 77.519:,Healthy Animals (quarterly) (EL),0026-A-09
    A 77.535:,Oat Newsletter (annual) (EL),0026-A-10
    A 77.715:,USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (annual) (EL),0026-A-11
    A 82.301:,Annual Report (P),0034
    A 82.302:,General Publications,0035
    A 82.305:,Laws (P),0036
    A 82.306:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0037
    A 88.2:,General Publications,0024-B
    A 88.5:,Laws (P),0024-O
    A 88.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0107-B
    A 88.6/2:,Standards for (Fruits, Vegetables, etc.) (irregular) (MF) (EL),0024-B-02
    A 88.6/4:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0024-P
    A 88.11:,United States Cotton Quality Report (monthly) (EL),0024-B-22
    A 88.11/2:,Weekly Cotton Market Review (EL),0024-B-12
    A 88.11/3:,Monthly Cotton Linters Review (monthly) (EL),0024-B-23
    A 88.11/4:,Daily Spot Cotton Quotations (EL),0024-B-12
    A 88.11/20:,Long Stable Cotton Review (monthly) (EL),0024-B-24
    A 88.11/23:,Quality of Cotton Classed (by Classing Office) (weekly) (EL),0024-B-17
    A 88.11/23-2:,Quality of Cotton Classed (by State) (weekly) (EL),0024-B-33
    A 88.12/31-3:,Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Shipments, by Commodities, States, and Months, (annual)
    A 88.14/11:,Federal Milk Order Statistics for ... FMOS-(nos.) (bimonthly) (MF) (EL),0024-B-03
    A 88.14/11-2:,Federal Milk Order Market Statistics, Annual Summary (EL),0024-B-03
    A 88.14/11-3:,Sources of Milk for Federal Order Markets by State & County (irregular) (MF),0024-B-11
    A 88.14/12:,Dairy Plants Surveyed and Approved for USDA Grading Service (quarterly) (EL),0021-Q
    A 88.14/13:,Dairy Market Statistics, Annual Summary (EL),0024-B-09
    A 88.14/13-2:,Dairy Market News (weekly) (EL),0024-B-20
    A 88.15/23:,PlantBook (Voluntary Poultry and Egg Grading and Certification Services Directory)
    A 88.16/3-3:,National Daily Hog and Pork Summary (daily) (EL),0024-C-29
    A 88.16/4:,Livestock, Meat, Wool Market News, Weekly Summary and Statistics (EL),0024-C-02
    A 88.16/21:,Weekly Georgia Livestock Review (weekly) (EL),0024-C-16
    A 88.16/22:,Alabama Weekly Livestock Summary (EL),0024-C-17
    A 88.17/9:,USDA Weekly Veal Market Summary (weekly) (EL),0024-C-20
    A 88.17/10:,Weekly National Carlot Meat Report (weekly) (EL),0024-C-19
    A 88.17/11:,USDA Weekly National Lamb Market Summary (weekly) (EL),0024-C-18
    A 88.17/12:,National Weekly Cattle and Beef Summary (weekly) (EL),0024-C-28
    A 88.17/12-2:,National Daily Cattle and Beef Summary (daily) (EL),0024-C-31
    A 88.17/12-3:,National Daily Feeder and Stocker Cattle AM Summary (daily) (EL),0024-C-30
    A 88.18/2-3:,Stocks of Grain at Selected Terminal & Elevator Sites (weekly) (EL),0024-C-13
    A 88.18/2-4:,Daily Grain Review (daily) (EL),0024-C-27
    A 88.18/4-2:,Grain and Feed Weekly Summary and Statistics (weekly) (EL),0024-C-08
    A 88.18/4-3:,California Grain and Feed Report (weekly) (EL),0024-C-10
    A 88.18/4-4:,National Hay, Feed & Seed Weekly Summary (weekly) (EL),0024-C-11
    A 88.18/4-5:,Feed Market News, Pacific Northwest Weekly Edition (weekly) (EL),0024-C-12
    A 88.18/9:,Rice Market News (weekly) (EL),0024-C-09
    A 88.18/21-2:,Grain Market News, Pacific Northwest Weekly Edition (weekly) (EL),0024-C-14
    A 88.18/29:,Northwest Commodity Corner (weekly) (EL),0024-C-15
    A 88.19:,National Honey Report (monthly) (EL),0024-B-19
    A 88.23:,Molasses Market News (EL),0024-B-12
    A 88.34:,Tobacco Stocks Reports TOB (quarterly) (MF),0024-D
    A 88.34/5:,Tobacco Market Review TOB-LA (annual) (MF),0024-D
    A 88.34/6:,Flue-Cured Tobacco Market Review (annual) (MF),0024-D
    A 88.34/8:,Fire-Cured and Dark Air-Cured Tobacco Market Review (annual) (MF),0024-D
    A 88.34/12:,Annual Report on Tobacco Statistics (EL),0024-D
    A 88.38:,Posters (P),0024-B-05
    A 88.52/2:,Plant Variety Protection Database (EL),0024-B-12
    A 88.60:,Pesticide Data Program Annual Summary (annual) (EL),0024-B-01
    A 88.61:,Livestock & Seed Division (series) (P),0024-B-01
    A 88.63:,Items of Interest in Seed Control (quarterly) (EL),0024-B-10
    A 88.64:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0024-B-12
    A 88.65:,Bean Market News (EL),0024-B-13
    A 88.66:,Market News Reports (EL),0024-B-12
    A 88.67:,Food Purchase Reports & Invitations to BID (EL),0024-B-12
    A 88.68:,Grain Transportation Report (weekly) (EL),0024-B-14
    A 88.68/2:,Grain Transportation Prospects (irregular) (EL),0024-B-12
    A 88.69:,Directories,0024-B-15
    A 88.69/2-2:,National Directory of Farmers Market and Direct Marketing Associations
    	 (irregular) (EL),0024-B-31
    A 88.69/2-3:,Farmer's Markets Listed by State (biennial) (EL),0024-B-32
    A 88.70:,Ocean Freight Rate Bulletin (quarterly) (EL),0024-B-18
    A 88.71:,National Weekly Pricing Report Prepared for the American Food Service Association
    	 and the American Commodity Distribution Association (weekly) (EL),0024-B-21
    A 88.72:,Egg & Poultry National Weekly Review (weekly) (EL),0024-B-25
    A 88.72/2:,International Egg and Poultry Review (weekly) (EL),0024-B-26
    A 88.72/3:,Weekly Egg Products Report (weekly) (EL),0024-B-27
    A 88.72/4:,USDA Broiler Market News Report (three times a week) (EL),0024-B-28
    A 88.72/5:,USDA Egg Market News Report (semiweekly) (EL),0024-B-29
    A 88.72/6:,USDA Turkey Market News Report (three times a week) (EL),0024-B-30
    A 92.2:,General Publications,0122-A-07
    A 92.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0122-A-09
    A 92.9/3:,Poultry Production, and Value (EL),0021-F
    A 92.9/3-2:,Poultry Production and Value, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0021-F-13
    A 92.9/4:,Egg Products (EL),0021-F-02
    A 92.9/5:,Poultry Slaughter (EL),0021-F
    A 92.9/5-2:,Poultry Slaughter Annual Summary (annual) (EL),0021-F-11
    A 92.9/6:,Hatchery Production (annual) (EL),0021-F
    A 92.9/13:,Chickens and Eggs (annual) (EL),0021-F-02
    A 92.9/16:,Chickens and Eggs (monthly) (EL),0021-F-01
    A 92.9/16-2:,Chickens and Eggs, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0021-F-14
    A 92.9/17:,Turkeys Raised (semiannual) (EL),0021-F-01
    A 92.9/17-2:,Turkey Hatchery (monthly) (EL),0021-F-01
    A 92.9/17-3:,Turkeys, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0021-F-12
    A 92.10:,Milk Production (monthly) (EL),0024-F
    A 92.10/2:,Milk, Production, Disposition, and Income (Da 1-2) (annual) (EL),0024-F
    A 92.10/2-3:,Milk Disposition and Income, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0024-F-02
    A 92.10/5:,Dairy Products Annual Summary (Da 2-1) (annual) (EL),0024-F
    A 92.10/7:,Dairy Products (monthly) (EL),0024-F
    A 92.10/8:,Dairy Products Prices (weekly) (EL),0015-A-03
    A 92.10/9:,Milk Cows and Production, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0024-F-03
    A 92.11:,Vegetables (Vg 3-1) (EL),0024-E
    A 92.11/2-2:,Noncitrus Fruits and Nuts (prelim. and annual) (EL),0122-A-04
    A 92.11/2-5:,Almond Production (annual) (EL),0122-A-15
    A 92.11/2-6:,Noncitrus Fruits and Nuts, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0122-A-22
    A 92.11/3:,Cherry Production (annual) (EL),0122-A-13
    A 92.11/4:,Potatoes (annual) (EL),0020-B-01
    A 92.11/6:,Cranberries (SpCr 1) (annual) (EL),0122-A-04
    A 92.11/8:,Citrus Fruits (annual) (EL),0024-E-01
    A 92.11/8-2:,Citrus Fruits, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0024-E-02
    A 92.11/10-2:,Vegetables Summary (annual) (EL),0024-E
    A 92.11/10-5:,Mushrooms (Vg 2-1-2) (annual) (EL),0024-E
    A 92.11/10-7:,Vegetables, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0024-E-03
    A 92.11/11:,Potato Stocks and Disposition (6 times a year) (EL),0020-B-01
    A 92.11/11-2:,Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0020-B-06
    A 92.12:,Farm Labor (quarterly) (EL),0021-F-05
    A 92.12/2:,Farm Computer Usage and Ownership (irregular) (EL),0021-F-08
    A 92.14:,Peanut Stocks and Processing (monthly) (EL),0122-A-03
    A 92.15:,Grain Stocks (EL),0122-A-03
    A 92.15/6:,Stocks of Grains, Oilseeds, and Hay, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0122-A-23
    A 92.16:,Agricultural Prices (monthly) (EL),0018-C
    A 92.16/2:,Agricultural Prices (annual summary) (EL),0018-C
    A 92.17:,Meat Animals, Production, Disposition, and Income (MtAn 1-1) (annual) (EL),0024-H
    A 92.17/3:,Meat Animals, Production, Disposition, and Income, Final Estimates (quinquennial)
    A 92.18:,Livestock Slaughter (MtAn 1-2-1) (annual) (EL),0024-J
    A 92.18/3:,Livestock Slaughter (monthly) (EL),0024-J
    A 92.18/6:,Cattle on Feed (MtAn 2-1) (monthly) (EL),0021-N-01
    A 92.18/6-2:,Cattle (LVGnl) (irregular) (EL),0021-N
    A 92.18/6-3:,United States and Canadian Cattle (EL),0021-N-11
    A 92.18/6-4:,Cattle, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0021-N-13
    A 92.18/7:,Quarterly Hogs and Pigs (MtAn) (quarterly) (EL),0024-H
    A 92.18/7-2:,Monthly Hogs and Pigs (monthly) (EL),0024-H-01
    A 92.18/7-3:,Hogs and Pigs, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0024-H-03
    A 92.18/8:,Sheep and Goats (LvGn1) (EL),0021-N
    A 92.18/8-2:,Sheep and Goats, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0021-N-21
    A 92.18/9:,Sheep (semiannual) (EL),0021-N-10
    A 92.18/11:,Mink (MtAn) (annual) (EL),0024-J
    A 92.21:,Cold Storage (monthly) (EL),0024-G-01
    A 92.21/2:,Cold Storage, Annual Summary (EL),0024-G-04
    A 92.21/3:,Capacity of Refrigerated Warehouses (CoSt 2) (biennial) (EL),0024-G
    A 92.24:,Crop Production (CrPr 2-2) (monthly) (EL),0020-B
    A 92.24/2:,Prospective Planting (CrPr 2-4) (annual) (EL),0020-B-03
    A 92.24/3:,Crop Values (annual) (EL),0020-B-05
    A 92.24/3-2:,Crop Values, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0020-B-07
    A 92.24/4:,Crop Production (annual) (EL),0020-B-02
    A 92.24/5:,Farms and Land in Farms (annual) (EL),0018-A
    A 92.24/5-2:,Agricultural Land Values and Cash Rents (annual) (EL),0018-A-01
    A 92.24/5-3:,Farms and Land in Farms, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0018-A-02
    A 92.24/6:,Field Crops, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0018-A-03
    A 92.28/2:,Honey (annual) (EL),0018-E
    A 92.28/2-2:,Honey, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0018-E-01
    A 92.29/5:,Wool and Mohair (annual) (EL),0021-N-09
    A 92.30:,Hop Stocks (EL),0122-A-03
    A 92.32:,Floriculture Crops (annual) (EL),0024-L
    A 92.35:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0122-A-08
    A 92.39:,Acreage (annual) (EL),0020-B-04
    A 92.40:,Farm Production Expenditures Summary (annual) (EL),0018-A
    A 92.42:,Winter Wheat and Rye Seedings (EL),0122-A-06
    A 92.43:,Rice Stocks (EL),0122-A-03
    A 92.43/2:,Rice Stocks, Final Estimates (quinquennial) (EL),0122-A-24
    A 92.44:,Catfish Processing (monthly) (EL),0021-F-04
    A 92.44/2-2:,Catfish Production (quarterly) (EL),0021-F-04
    A 92.44/2-4:,Catfish Feed Deliveries (monthly) (EL),0021-F-15
    A 92.44/3:,Trout Production (annual) (EL),0021-F-09
    A 92.45:,Alaska Farm Reporter (EL),0015-A-03
    A 92.45/2:,Alaska Crop-Weather (weekly) (EL),0015-A-51
    A 92.46:,Broiler Hatchery (weekly) (EL),0021-F-01
    A 92.47:,Cotton Ginnings (monthly) (EL),0141
    A 92.47/2:,Cotton Ginnings (annual) (EL),0141-A-04
    A 92.50:,Agricultural Chemical Usage (various titles) (semiannual) (EL),0122-A-10
    A 92.50/2:,Agricultural Chemical Usage, Restricted Use Summary (annual) (EL),0122-A-16
    A 92.50/3:,Agricultural Chemical Usage, Vegetable Summary (biennial) (EL),0122-A-17
    A 92.50/4:,Agricultural Chemical Usage, Fruit Summary (biennial) (EL),0122-A-18
    A 92.50/5:,Agricultural Chemical Usage, Field Crops Summary (annual) (EL),0122-A-19
    A 92.50/6:,Agricultural Chemical Usage, Postharvest Application (annual) (EL),0122-A-20
    A 92.50/7:,Agricultural Chemical Usage, Nursery and Floriculture Summary (biennial) (EL),0122-A-21
    A 92.50/8:,Agricultural Chemical Usage:  Pest Management Practices Summary (annual)
    A 92.52:,Forms,0015-A-04
    A 92.53/1:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Alabama) (P) (EL),0015-B-01
    A 92.53/2:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Alaska) (P) (EL),0015-B-02
    A 92.53/3:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Arizona) (P) (EL),0015-B-03
    A 92.53/4:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Arkansas) (P) (EL),0015-B-04
    A 92.53/5:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (California) (P) (EL),0015-B-05
    A 92.53/6:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Colorado) (P) (EL),0015-B-06
    A 92.53/7:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Connecticut) (P) (EL),0015-B-07
    A 92.53/8:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Delaware) (P) (EL),0015-B-08
    A 92.53/9:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Florida) (P) (EL),0015-B-09
    A 92.53/10:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Georgia) (P) (EL),0015-B-10
    A 92.53/11:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Hawaii) (P) (EL),0015-B-11
    A 92.53/12:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Idaho) (P) (EL),0015-B-12
    A 92.53/13:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Illinois) (P) (EL),0015-B-13
    A 92.53/14:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Indiana) (P) (EL),0015-B-14
    A 92.53/15:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Iowa) (P) (EL),0015-B-15
    A 92.53/16:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Kansas) (P) (EL),0015-B-16
    A 92.53/17:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Kentucky) (P) (EL),0015-B-17
    A 92.53/18:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Louisiana) (P) (EL),0015-B-18
    A 92.53/19:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Maine) (P) (EL),0015-B-19
    A 92.53/20:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Maryland) (P) (EL),0015-B-20
    A 92.53/21:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Massachusetts) (P) (EL),0015-B-21
    A 92.53/22:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Michigan) (P) (EL),0015-B-22
    A 92.53/23:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Minnesota) (P) (EL),0015-B-23
    A 92.53/24:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Mississippi) (P) (EL),0015-B-24
    A 92.53/25:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Missouri) (P) (EL),0015-B-25
    A 92.53/26:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Montana) (P) (EL),0015-B-26
    A 92.53/27:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Nebraska) (P) (EL),0015-B-27
    A 92.53/28:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Nevada) (P) (EL),0015-B-28
    A 92.53/29:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (New Hampshire) (P) (EL),0015-B-29
    A 92.53/30:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (New Jersey) (P) (EL),0015-B-30
    A 92.53/31:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (New Mexico) (P) (EL),0015-B-31
    A 92.53/32:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (New York) (P) (EL),0015-B-32
    A 92.53/33:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (North Carolina) (P) (EL),0015-B-33
    A 92.53/34:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (North Dakota) (P) (EL),0015-B-34
    A 92.53/35:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Ohio) (P) (EL),0015-B-35
    A 92.53/36:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Oklahoma) (P) (EL),0015-B-36
    A 92.53/37:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Oregon) (P) (EL),0015-B-37
    A 92.53/38:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Pennsylvania) (P) (EL),0015-B-38
    A 92.53/39:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Rhode Island) (P) (EL),0015-B-39
    A 92.53/40:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (South Carolina) (P) (EL),0015-B-40
    A 92.53/41:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (South Dakota) (P) (EL),0015-B-41
    A 92.53/42:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Tennessee) (P) (EL),0015-B-42
    A 92.53/43:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Texas) (P) (EL),0015-B-43
    A 92.53/44:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Utah) (P) (EL),0015-B-44
    A 92.53/45:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Vermont) (P) (EL),0015-B-45
    A 92.53/46:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Virginia) (P) (EL),0015-B-46
    A 92.53/47:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Washington) (P) (EL),0015-B-47
    A 92.53/48:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (West Virginia) (P) (EL),0015-B-48
    A 92.53/49:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
     (Wisconsin) (P) (EL),0015-B-49
    A 92.53/50:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Wyoming) (P) (EL),0015-B-50
    A 92.53/51:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (U.S. Summary) (P) (CD-ROM),0015-B-51
    A 92.53/52:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Puerto Rico) (P),0015-B-52
    A 92.53/53:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Guam) (P),0015-B-53
    A 92.53/54:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (Virgin Islands) (P),0015-B-54
    A 92.53/55:,Census of Agriculture, State and County Data, Geographic Area Series, Volume 1
    	 (American Samoa) (P),0015-B-55
    A 92.53/56:,Census of Agriculture, Volume 1, Geographic Area Series (CD-ROM),0015-B-56
    A 92.53/57:,Census of Agriculture, Final Volumes (miscellaneous) (P) (EL),0015-B-58
    A 92.54:,Census of Agriculture (Vol. 2, Subject Series) (P) (EL),0015-B-57
    A 92.55:,NASS Monthly Ag. Newsletter (monthly) (EL),0015-B-60
    A 92.56:,Childhood Agricultural Injuries (irregular) (EL),0122-A-26
    A 92.57:,Hawaii Avocados (Annual) (EL),0122-A-27
    A 92.57/2:,Hawaii Bananas, Annual Summary (annual) (EL),0122-A-29
    A 92.57/3:,Hawaii Fruits, Annual Summary (annual) (EL),0122-A-28
    A 92.57/3-2:,Hawaii Tropical Specialty Fruits (annual) (EL),0122-A-30
    A 92.57/4:,Hawaii Guavas (annual) (EL),0122-A-31
    A 93.2:,General Publications,0042-T
    A 93.9/4-2:,Major Land Uses (EL),0042-T-22
    A 93.9/8:,Agricultural Income and Finance Outlook (semiannual) (EL),0042-D
    A 93.10/2-2:,Agricultural Outlook: Statistical Indicators (EL),0042-M-01
    A 93.11:,Wheat Outlook (monthly) (EL),0021-I
    A 93.11/2:,Feed Outlook (monthly) (EL),0021-E
    A 93.11/2-2:,Feed Yearbook (annual) (EL),0021-E-01
    A 93.11/2-3:,Wheat Situation and Outlook Yearbook (annual) (EL),0021-I-01
    A 93.11/2-4:,Feed Grains Data Delivery System (EL),0021-E-02
    A 93.11/3:,Rice Outlook (RS-nos.) (11 times a year) (EL),0021-P
    A 93.11/4:,Rice Yearbook (RCS-nos.) (annual) (EL),0021-P
    A 93.11/4-2:,Rice Yearbook (annual) (EL),0021-P-01
    A 93.11/5:,Crop Production Practices (annual) (EL),0021-I-02
    A 93.11/6:,Dry Beans (EL),0021-I-03
    A 93.11/6-2:,Dry Peas and Lentils (EL),0021-I-04
    A 93.12/2:,Electronic Outlook Report from the Economic Research Service, Vegetables and Melons
    	 (bimonthly with yearbook) (EL),0021-L
    A 93.12/2-4:,Vegetable Yearbook (EL),0021-L-01
    A 93.12/2-5:,U.S. Sweet Potato Statistics (EL),0021-L-02
    A 93.12/3:,Electronic Outlook Report from the Economic Research Service, Fruit and Tree Nuts
    	 Outlook (bimonthly) (EL),0021-K
    A 93.12/3-2:,Fruit and Tree Nuts Situation and Outlook Yearbook (EL),0021-K-03
    A 93.12/3-3:,Fruit and Tree Nut Yearbook Spreadsheet Files (EL),0021-K-02
    A 93.12/4:,Cabbage Statistics (EL),0021-K-01
    A 93.17/7-3:,FATUS, Agricultural Trade of the United States, Calendar Year Supplement (annual)
    A 93.17/7-5:,U.S. Agricultural Trade Update (monthly) (EL),0042-E
    A 93.17/9:,Agricultural Exchange Rate Data Set (bimonthly) (EL),0042-E-01
    A 93.17/10:,State Export Data (annual) (EL),0042-E-02
    A 93.17/11:,U.S. Fertilizer Imports/Exports (annual) (EL),0042-E-03
    A 93.17/12:,WTO Export Subsidy Notifications (EL),0042-E-04
    A 93.17/12-2:,WTO Domestic Support Notifications (EL),0042-E-05
    A 93.17/12-3:,WTO Tariff Levels (EL),0042-E-06
    A 93.23/2:,Oil Crops Outlook (monthly) (EL),0021-D
    A 93.23/2-2:,Oil Crops Situation and Outlook Yearbook (annual) (EL),0021-D-01
    A 93.24/2:,Cotton and Wool Outlook (EL),0021-M
    A 93.24/2-2:,Cotton and Wool Yearbook (annual) (EL),0021-A-01
    A 93.25:,Tobacco Situation and Outlook (semiannual) (EL),0024-D-01
    A 93.25/3:,Tobacco Situation and Outlook Yearbook (annual) (EL),0024-D-04
    A 93.27:,Foreign Agricultural Economic Reports (MF),0042-B
    A 93.27/2:,International Baseline Data (annual) (EL),0042-B-02
    A 93.27/2-2:,International Macroeconomic Data Set (annual) (EL),0042-B-03
    A 93.29/2-3:,Outlook and Situation Reports (various areas) (MF),0078-A
    A 93.29/2-7:,Newly Independent States and the Baltics, International Agriculture and Trade Reports,
    	 Situation and Outlook Series (annual) (MF) (EL),0078-A
    A 93.29/2-9:,Europe, Situation and Outlook Series, International Agriculture and Trade Reports (annual)
    A 93.29/2-11:,China International Agriculture and Trade Reports, Situation and Outlook Series (annual)
    	 (MF) (EL),0078-A
    A 93.29/2-19:,APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Situation and Outlook Series, International
    	 and Trade Reports (annual) (MF) (EL),0078-A
    A 93.29/2-20:,NAFTA, Situation and Outlook Series, International Agriculture and Trade Reports (annual)
    A 93.29/2-22:,Floriculture and Nursery Crops Situation and Outlook Yearbook (annual) (EL),0078-A-04
    A 93.29/3:,World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (EL),0011-F
    A 93.29/4:,Food Security Assessment (annual) (EL),0011-F-01
    A 93.31/3:,Sugar and Sweetener Situation and Outlook (3 times a year) (EL),0024-R
    A 93.31/4:,Sugar and Sweetener Situation and Outlook Yearbook (annual) (EL),0024-R-01
    A 93.31/4-2:,Sugar and Sweetener Yearbook (annual) (EL),0024-R-03
    A 93.31/5:,Sugar and Sweeteners Outlook (3 times a year) (EL),0024-R-02
    A 93.39:,Publications (EL),0021-N-02
    A 93.41:,Rural Development Research Reports (MF) (EL),0024-G-02
    A 93.41/4:,Briefing Room, Farm Labor (EL),0021-N-12
    A 93.41/4-2:,Farm and Farm-Related Employment (annual) (EL),0021-N-17
    A 93.41/5:,Rural Indicators Map Machine (EL),0021-N-14
    A 93.41/6:,Rural-Urban Commuting Area Codes (EL),0021-N-15
    A 93.41/6-2:,Rural-Urban Continuum Codes (EL),0021-N-16
    A 93.41/7:,Rural Poverty At A Glance (EL),0021-N-18
    A 93.43:,Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade (EL),0006-C
    A 93.44:,ERS Staff Reports (numbered) (irregular) (MF) (EL),0042-W-01
    A 93.44/6:,USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections to (annual) (EL),0042-W-03
    A 93.44/6-2:,Agricultural Baseline Projections Tables (annual) (EL),0042-W-04
    A 93.44/6-3:,Agricultural Baseline Database (annual) (EL),0042-W-05
    A 93.45/7-2:,Briefing Room, Farm Financial Management (EL),0042-F-03
    A 93.45/8:,Farm Balance Sheet Data (annual) (EL),0042-F-04
    A 93.45/8-2:,Farm Income Data (annual) (EL),0042-F-05
    A 93.46/3:,Livestock, Dairy and Poultry (EL),0024-C
    A 93.46/3-6:,Aquaculture Outlook (semiannual) (EL),0024-C-07
    A 93.46/3-7:,Red Meat Yearbook (EL),0024-C-21
    A 93.46/3-8:,Dairy Yearbook (annual) (EL),0024-C-24
    A 93.46/3-9:,Poultry Yearbook (EL),0024-C-25
    A 93.46/4:,Confined Animal and Manure Nutrient Data System (EL),0024-C-23
    A 93.47/3:,AREI Updates (EL),0024-C
    A 93.47/4:,Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators (AREI) Databases and Mapping Tools
    A 93.47/5:,Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators (irregular) (EL),0024-C-26
    A 93.54:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0042-B
    A 93.60:,Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Report (series) (EL),0042-T-08
    A 93.60/2:,Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Small Grants Program. Executive Summary ...
    	 Research Grants
    	 (annual) (EL),0042-T-13
    A 93.60/3:,Food Assistance Landscape (semiannual) (EL),0042-T-15
    A 93.60/4:,Household Food Security in the United States (annual) (EL),0042-T-16
    A 93.61:,Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program (various titles) (MF) (EL),0042-T-09
    A 93.61/2:,Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, Final Report, Economic Research for a
    	 Healthy, Well-Nourished America (annual) (EL),0042-T-10
    A 93.61/3:,Competitive Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program: Description and Application
    	 Process (annual) (EL),0042-T-14
    A 93.61/4:,Food Stamp Program Machine (EL),0042-T-27
    A 93.61/5:,E-FAN: Electronic Publications from the Food Assistance & Nutrition Research Program
    	 (series) (EL),0042-T-28
    A 93.62:,Amber Waves (5 issues a year) (EL),0042-D-02
    A 93.63:,DatelinERS (monthly) (EL),0042-T-11
    A 93.64:,Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System (updated irregularly) (EL),0042-T-12
    A 93.65:,Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops in the U.S. (annual) (EL),0042-T-17
    A 93.65/2:,Organic Production (EL),0042-T-25
    A 93.65/2-2:,Organic Wholesale Prices (EL),0042-T-24
    A 93.66:,Commodity Costs and Returns (annual) (EL),0042-T-18
    A 93.66/2:,Normalized Prices (EL),0042-T-23
    A 93.66/3:,State Total Factor Productivity in Agriculture (EL),0042-T-26
    A 93.67:,Environmental Quality Incentives Program Data (EL),0042-T-19
    A 93.68:,Food Security in the United States: CPS Food Security Supplement (annual) (EL),0042-T-20
    A 93.68/2:,Foodborne Illness Cost Calculator (EL),0042-T-21
    A 93.69:,State Facts Database (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U
    A 93.69/1:,Alabama State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-01
    A 93.69/2:,Alaska State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-02
    A 93.69/3:,Arizona State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-03
    A 93.69/4:,Arkansas State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-04
    A 93.69/5:,California State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-05
    A 93.69/6:,Colorado State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-06
    A 93.69/7:,Connecticut State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-07
    A 93.69/8:,Delaware State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-08
    A 93.69/9:,Florida State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-09
    A 93.69/10:,Georgia State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-10
    A 93.69/11:,Hawaii State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-11
    A 93.69/12:,Idaho State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-12
    A 93.69/13:,Illinois State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-13
    A 93.69/14:,Indiana State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-14
    A 93.69/15:,Iowa State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-15
    A 93.69/16:,Kansas State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-16
    A 93.69/17:,Kentucky State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-17
    A 93.69/18:,Louisiana State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-18
    A 93.69/19:,Maine State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-19
    A 93.69/20:,Maryland State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-20
    A 93.69/21:,Massachusetts State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-21
    A 93.69/22:,Michigan State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-22
    A 93.69/23:,Minnesota State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-23
    A 93.69/24:,Mississippi State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-24
    A 93.69/25:,Missouri State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-25
    A 93.69/26:,Montana State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-26
    A 93.69/27:,Nebraska State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-27
    A 93.69/28:,Nevada State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-28
    A 93.69/29:,New Hampshire State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-29
    A 93.69/30:,New Jersey State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-30
    A 93.69/31:,New Mexico State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-31
    A 93.69/32:,New York State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-32
    A 93.69/33:,North Carolina State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-33
    A 93.69/34:,North Dakota State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-34
    A 93.69/35:,Ohio State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-35
    A 93.69/36:,Oklahoma State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-36
    A 93.69/37:,Oregon State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-37
    A 93.69/38:,Pennsylvania State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-38
    A 93.69/39:,Rhode Island State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-39
    A 93.69/40:,South Carolina State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-40
    A 93.69/41:,South Dakota State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-41
    A 93.69/42:,Tennessee State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-42
    A 93.69/43:,Texas State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-43
    A 93.69/44:,Utah State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-44
    A 93.69/45:,Vermont State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-45
    A 93.69/46:,Virginia State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-46
    A 93.69/47:,Washington State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-47
    A 93.69/48:,West Virginia State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-48
    A 93.69/49:,Wisconsin State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-49
    A 93.69/50:,Wyoming State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-50
    A 93.69/51:,District of Columbia State Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-51
    A 93.69/52:,United States Fact Sheet (6 times a year) (EL),0042-U-52
    A 93.70/1:,County-Level Population Data for Alabama (annual) (EL),0042-V-01
    A 93.70/2:,County-Level Population Data for Alaska (annual) (EL),0042-V-02
    A 93.70/3:,County-Level Population Data for Arizona (annual) (EL),0042-V-03
    A 93.70/4:,County-Level Population Data for Arkansas (annual) (EL),0042-V-04
    A 93.70/5:,County-Level Population Data for California (annual) (EL),0042-V-05
    A 93.70/6:,County-Level Population Data for Colorado (annual) (EL),0042-V-06
    A 93.70/7:,County-Level Population Data for Connecticut (annual) (EL),0042-V-07
    A 93.70/8:,County-Level Population Data for Delaware (annual) (EL),0042-V-08
    A 93.70/9:,County-Level Population Data for Florida (annual) (EL),0042-V-09
    A 93.70/10:,County-Level Population Data for Georgia (annual) (EL),0042-V-10
    A 93.70/11:,County-Level Population Data for Hawaii (annual) (EL),0042-V-11
    A 93.70/12:,County-Level Population Data for Idaho (annual) (EL),0042-V-12
    A 93.70/13:,County-Level Population Data for Illinois (annual) (EL),0042-V-13
    A 93.70/14:,County-Level Population Data for Indiana (annual) (EL),0042-V-14
    A 93.70/15:,County-Level Population Data for Iowa (annual) (EL),0042-V-15
    A 93.70/16:,County-Level Population Data for Kansas (annual) (EL),0042-V-16
    A 93.70/17:,County-Level Population Data for Kentucky (annual) (EL),0042-V-17
    A 93.70/18:,County-Level Population Data for Louisiana (annual) (EL),0042-V-18
    A 93.70/19:,County-Level Population Data for Maine (annual) (EL),0042-V-19
    A 93.70/20:,County-Level Population Data for Maryland (annual) (EL),0042-V-20
    A 93.70/21:,County-Level Population Data for Massachusetts (annual) (EL),0042-V-21
    A 93.70/22:,County-Level Population Data for Michigan (annual) (EL),0042-V-22
    A 93.70/23:,County-Level Population Data for Minnesota (annual) (EL),0042-V-23
    A 93.70/24:,County-Level Population Data for Mississippi (annual) (EL),0042-V-24
    A 93.70/25:,County-Level Population Data for Missouri (annual) (EL),0042-V-25
    A 93.70/26:,County-Level Population Data for Montana (annual) (EL),0042-V-26
    A 93.70/27:,County-Level Population Data for Nebraska (annual) (EL),0042-V-27
    A 93.70/28:,County-Level Population Data for Nevada (annual) (EL),0042-V-28
    A 93.70/29:,County-Level Population Data for New Hampshire (annual) (EL),0042-V-29
    A 93.70/30:,County-Level Population Data for New Jersey (annual) (EL),0042-V-30
    A 93.70/31:,County-Level Population Data for New Mexico (annual) (EL),0042-V-31
    A 93.70/32:,County-Level Population Data for New York (annual) (EL),0042-V-32
    A 93.70/33:,County-Level Population Data for North Carolina (annual) (EL),0042-V-33
    A 93.70/34:,County-Level Population Data for North Dakota (annual) (EL),0042-V-34
    A 93.70/35:,County-Level Population Data for Ohio (annual) (EL),0042-V-35
    A 93.70/36:,County-Level Population Data for Oklahoma (annual) (EL),0042-V-36
    A 93.70/37:,County-Level Population Data for Oregon (annual) (EL),0042-V-37
    A 93.70/38:,County-Level Population Data for Pennsylvania (annual) (EL),0042-V-38
    A 93.70/39:,County-Level Population Data for Rhode Island (annual) (EL),0042-V-39
    A 93.70/40:,County-Level Population Data for South Carolina (annual) (EL),0042-V-40
    A 93.70/41:,County-Level Population Data for South Dakota (annual) (EL),0042-V-41
    A 93.70/42:,County-Level Population Data for Tennessee (annual) (EL),0042-V-42
    A 93.70/43:,County-Level Population Data for Texas (annual) (EL),0042-V-43
    A 93.70/44:,County-Level Population Data for Utah (annual) (EL),0042-V-44
    A 93.70/45:,County-Level Population Data for Vermont (annual) (EL),0042-V-45
    A 93.70/46:,County-Level Population Data for Virginia (annual) (EL),0042-V-46
    A 93.70/47:,County-Level Population Data for Washington (annual) (EL),0042-V-47
    A 93.70/48:,County-Level Population Data for West Virginia (annual) (EL),0042-V-48
    A 93.70/49:,County-Level Population Data for Wisconsin (annual) (EL),0042-V-49
    A 93.70/50:,County-Level Population Data for Wyoming (annual) (EL),0042-V-50
    A 93.70/51:,County-Level Population Data for the District of Columbia (annual) (EL),0042-V-51
    A 93.70/52:,Population Data for States (annual) (EL),0042-V-52
    A 93.71/1:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Alabama (annual)
    A 93.71/2:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Alaska (annual)
    A 93.71/3:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Arizona (annual)
    A 93.71/4:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Arkansas (annual)
    A 93.71/5:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for California (annual)
    A 93.71/6:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Colorado (annual)
    A 93.71/7:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Connecticut (annual)
    A 93.71/8:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Delaware (annual)
    A 93.71/9:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Florida (annual)
    A 93.71/10:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Georgia (annual)
    A 93.71/11:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Hawaii (annual)
    A 93.71/12:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Idaho (annual)
    A 93.71/13:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Illinois (annual)
    A 93.71/14:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Indiana (annual)
    A 93.71/15:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Iowa (annual)
    A 93.71/16:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Kansas (annual)
    A 93.71/17:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Kentucky (annual)
    A 93.71/18:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Louisiana (annual)
    A 93.71/19:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Maine (annual)
    A 93.71/20:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Maryland (annual)
    A 93.71/21:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Massachusetts (annual)
    A 93.71/22:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Michigan (annual)
    A 93.71/23:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Minnesota (annual)
    A 93.71/24:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Mississippi (annual)
    A 93.71/25:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Missouri (annual)
    A 93.71/26:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Montana (annual)
    A 93.71/27:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Nebraska (annual)
    A 93.71/28:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Nevada (annual)
    A 93.71/29:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for New Hampshire (annual)
    A 93.71/30:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for New Jersey (annual)
    A 93.71/31:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for New Mexico (annual)
    A 93.71/32:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for New York (annual)
    A 93.71/33:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for North Carolina (annual)
    A 93.71/34:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for North Dakota (annual)
    A 93.71/35:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Ohio (annual)
    A 93.71/36:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Oklahoma (annual)
    A 93.71/37:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Oregon (annual)
    A 93.71/38:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Pennsylvania (annual)
    A 93.71/39:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Rhode Island (annual)
    A 93.71/40:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for South Carolina (annual)
    A 93.71/41:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for South Dakota (annual)
    A 93.71/42:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Tennessee (annual)
    A 93.71/43:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Texas (annual)
    A 93.71/44:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Utah (annual)
    A 93.71/45:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Vermont (annual)
    A 93.71/46:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Virginia (annual)
    A 93.71/47:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Washington (annual)
    A 93.71/48:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for West Virginia (annual)
    A 93.71/49:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Wisconsin (annual)
    A 93.71/50:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for Wyoming (annual)
    A 93.71/51:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for the District of Columbia
    	 (annual) (EL),0042-X-51
    A 93.71/52:,County-Level Unemployment and Median Household Income for United States (annual)
    A 93.72:,County-Level Poverty Rates (various states) (EL),0042-W-06
    A 93.73:,Economic Research Reports (series) (EL),0042-V
    A 93.73/2:,Economic Information Bulletin (series) (EL),0042-X
    A 93.73/2-2:,Rural America at a Glance (annual) (EL),0021-X-53
    A 93.73/2-3:,Rural Children at a Glance (annual) (EL),0021-X-54
    A 93.73/2-4:,Rural Hispanics at a Glance (annual) (EL),0021-X-55
    A 93.73/3:,Economic Brief (series) (EL),0042-V-53
    A 93.74:,Contractor and Cooperator Report (CCR) (series) (EL),0042-Y
    A 93.75:,ARMS Update (irregular) (EL),0042-Y-01
    A 94.2:,General Publications,0040-A-02
    A 94.6:,Rules, Regulations, Instructions (P),0040-A-10
    A 94.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0040-A-03
    A 94.16:,Program Solicitation, Small Business Innovation Research Program (annual) (MF),0040-A-06
    A 94.18/2:,NRI Annual Report (EL),0040-A-06
    A 94.20:,CSREES - Update (EL),0040-A-08
    A 94.21:,Connex Newsletter (EL),0040-A-08
    A 94.22:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0040-A-08
    A 94.23:,Small Farm Digest (EL),0040-A-09
    A 94.24:,National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program (annual) (EL),0040-A-11
    A 94.25:,Annual 4-H Youth Development Enrollment Report (annual) (EL),0040-A-12
    A 94.26:,Program Information (updated irregularly) (EL),0040-A-13
    A 94.27:,Plant Sciences Update (irregular) (EL),0040-A-14
    A 94.28:,Family Economics News (monthly) (EL),0040-A-15
    A 94.29:,Western Regional Research Project W-1133 (aka W-133), proceedings from annual meetings
    A 98.2:,General Publications,0074-A-01
    A 98.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0074-A-04
    A 98.8/2:,FNS (FS) Handbooks (numbered) (P),0074-A-04
    A 98.8/2-2:,Food Stamp Program Quality Review Handbook (irregular) (EL),0074-A-14
    A 98.9:,FNS or FCS (series) (MF) (EL),0074-A-02
    A 98.16:,Posters (P),0074-A-06
    A 98.17:,Study of WIC Participant and Program Characteristics (biennial) (MF) (EL),0074-A-05
    A 98.18:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions,0074-A-01
    A 98.19:,School Programs Commodity Update (quarterly) (EL),0074-A-07
    A 98.19/2:,Official USDA Food Plans: Cost of Food at Home at Four Levels, U.S. Average (monthly)
    A 98.21:,Characteristics of Food Stamp Households (annual) (EL),0074-A-10
    A 98.21/2:,Characteristics of Food Stamp Households Advance Report (annual) (EL),0074-A-11
    A 98.22:,Trends in Food Stamp Program Participation Rates (annual) (EL),0074-A-12
    A 98.23:,Expenditures on Children by Families (annual) (EL),0074-A-13
    A 98.24:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0074-A-15
    A 98.25:,Research and Evaluation Plan / Food and Nutrition Service (EL) (annual),0074-A-16
    A 98.26:,Annual Report / Food Safety Staff (EL) (annual),0074-A-17
    A 101.2:,General Publications,0030-A-05
    A 101.2/10:,Veterinary Biological Products: Licensees and Permittees (semiannual) (MF),0030-A-13
    A 101.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0030-A-07
    A 101.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0030-A-03
    A 101.10/2:,APHIS (series) (EL) (MF),0030-A-01
    A 101.19:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0032-A-04
    A 101.22/2:,Animal Welfare Report Fiscal Year (annual) (EL),0024-V
    A 101.22/3:,APHIS Animal Care Report (annual) (EL),0024-V-01
    A 101.25:,Posters (P),0030-A-14
    A 101.28:,Wildlife Services Program Highlights (MF) (EL),0030-A-08
    A 101.29:,NWRC Research Update (annual) (P) (EL),0030-A-17
    A 101.29/2:,DWRC Research Report (series) (MF),0030-A-17
    A 101.29/3:,NWRC Annual Publications List (annual) (EL),0030-A-21
    A 101.29/4:,Innovative Solutions to Human-Wildlife Conflicts: National Wildlife Research Center
    	 Accomplishments	 (annual) (EL),0030-A-22
    A 101.30:,Technical Reports (EL),0030-A-18
    A 101.31:,Fact Sheets (EL),0030-A-18
    A 101.32:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0030-A-18
    A 101.34:,List of Laboratories Approved to Receive Soil (quarterly) (EL),0030-A-20
    A 101.35:,National Poultry Improvement Plan (directory) (daily) (EL),0030-A-23
    A 101.46:,Living with Wildlife (series) (EL),0030-A-24
    A 101.47:,APHIS Veterinary Services Info Sheet (series) (EL),0030-A-25
    A 101.48:,Industry Alert (series) (EL),0030-A-26
    A 104.12/2-3:,U.S. Grain Export Quality Report (annual) (EL),0024-P-03
    A 104.12/2-4:,U.S. Crop Quality (annual) (MF),0024-P-03
    A 104.12/2-5:,U.S. Wheat Quality (annual) (P),0024-P-03
    A 107.2:,General Publications,0090
    A 107.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0090-C
    A 109.1/2:,Business Programs Annual Report (annual) (EL),0065-C-02
    A 109.2:,General Publications,0065-B
    A 109.9:,Service Report (series) (MF),0064-C
    A 109.9/2:,Directory of Farmer Cooperatives (three years) (EL),0064-C-02
    A 109.10:,Research Report (EL),0064-A
    A 109.10/2:,Cooperative Information Reports (EL),0065-B
    A 109.10/3:,Financial Profile, the 100 Largest Agricultural Cooperatives (annual) (EL),0064-C-01
    A 109.11:,Rural Cooperatives (EL),0066
    A 109.11/2:,Farmer Cooperative Statistics (annual) (EL),0064-C
    A 110.2:,General Publications,0031-C
    A 110.6/2:,Meat and Poultry Inspection Regulations (P),0021-T
    A 110.6/2-2:,Meat and Poultry Inspection Regulations (Reprint) (P),0021-T
    A 110.6/3:,Quarterly Regulatory and Enforcement Report (EL),0021-T-07
    A 110.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0032-A-03
    A 110.9:,Compilation of Meat and Poultry Inspection Issuances (MF),0031-C-01
    A 110.11:,Meat and Poultry Inspection Directory (semiannual) (MF),0032-A
    A 110.11/2:,Meat, Poultry, and Egg Products Inspection, Report of the Secretary of Agriculture to
    	 the United States Congress (annual) (EL),0011-D
    A 110.13:,FSIS (series) (MF),0021-T-02
    A 110.13/2:,FSIS Background (various titles) (MF),0021-T-02
    A 110.13/3:,FSIS Directives (series) (EL),0021-T-08
    A 110.14/2-2:,Foreign Meat and Poultry Establishments with Date of Certification and Date of
    	 Delistment/Relistment (EL),0031-C-04
    A 110.16:,Directories,0032-C
    A 110.18:,Food Standards and Labeling Policy Book (EL),0031-C-01
    A 110.19:,Be Foodsafe, the FSIS magazine (quarterly) (EL),0031-C-03
    A 110.20:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0031-C-03
    A 110.21:,Posters (P),0032-C-04
    A 110.22:,FSIS Constituent Update (weekly) (EL),0032-C-05
    A 110.23:,FSIS National Residue Program Data (annual) (EL),0032-C-06
    A 110.23/2:,National Residue Program (annual) (EL),0032-C-07
    A 110.24:,Progress Report on Salmonella Testing of Raw Meat and Poultry Products (annual)
    A 110.25:,Small Plant News (monthly) (EL),0032-C-09
    A 112.1/2:,Emergency Conservation Program, Fiscal Year Statistical Summary (EL),0031-H-01
    A 112.2:,General Publications,0068-E
    A 112.5:,Laws,0068-G-01
    A 112.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions,0068-G
    A 112.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0068-F
    A 112.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications,0068-F-01
    A 112.15:,CFSA Commodity Fact Sheet (P) (EL),0068-E-01
    A 112.18:,Posters (P),0068-E-03
    A 112.19:,Forms (P),0068-E-04
    A 112.20:,Crop Insurance Manager's Bulletins (series) (EL),0068-E-05
    A 112.21:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0068-E-05
    A 112.22:,U.S. Warehouse Act Licensed Warehouses (EL),0068-E-06
    A 112.24:,Monthly Summary (monthly) (EL),0086-E-01
    A 113.1:,Annual Report (EL),0031-H
    A 113.2:,General Publications,0031-F
    A 113.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0031-G
    A 113.10:,Official United States Standards for Grain (MF) (EL),0031-J
    A 113.10/2:,Official United States Standards for Rice (EL),0031-J
    A 113.10/3:,Official United States Standards for Beans (EL),0031-J
    A 113.10/4:,Official United States Standards for Peas & Lentils (EL),0031-J
    A 113.11:,Directories,0031-J-01
    A 113.12:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0031-J-02
    A 113.14:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0031-J-03
    A 113.15:,Packers and Stockyards Statistical Report (annual) (EL),0031-J-04
    A 114.1:,Annual Program Performance Report (annual) (EL),0034-A-03
    A 114.1/1:,Alabama Program Summary (annual) (EL),0034-B-01
    A 114.1/2:,Alaska Annual Report (EL),0034-B-02
    A 114.1/3:,Annual Report (Arizona) (EL),0034-B-03
    A 114.1/5:,Annual Report (California) (EL),0034-B-05
    A 114.1/6:,USDA Rural Development ... accomplishments, Colorado (annual) (EL),0034-B-06
    A 114.1/8:,Our Year's Work ... Across Delaware and Maryland (annual) (EL),0034-B-08
    A 114.1/9:,USDA Rural Development, Florida/U.S. Virgin Islands (annual) (EL),0034-B-09
    A 114.1/10:,Accomplishments (Georgia) (annual) (EL),0034-B-10
    A 114.1/12:,Idaho, Rural Development Annual Report (annual) (EL),0034-B-12
    A 114.1/13:,Illinois Annual Report (EL),0034-B-13
    A 114.1/15:,Reaching new levels to advance rural Iowa ... annual report (annual) (EL),0034-B-15
    A 114.1/17:,Annual Report (Kentucky) (EL),0034-B-17
    A 114.1/18:,Annual Report (Louisiana) (EL),0034-B-18
    A 114.1/21:,Annual Report (Southern New England) (EL),0034-B-21
    A 114.1/27:,Annual Report (Nebraska) (EL),0034-B-27
    A 114.1/28:,Nevada Annual Report (EL),0034-B-28
    A 114.1/30:,New Jersey Annual Report (MF),0034-B-30
    A 114.1/32:,New York Rural Development Progress Report (annual) (EL),0034-B-32
    A 114.1/34:,North Dakota Rural Development ... Progress Report (EL),0034-B-34
    A 114.1/37:,Oregon Annual Report (EL),0034-B-37
    A 114.1/38:,Pennsylvania Annual Report (EL),0034-B-38
    A 114.1/40:,Rural development South Carolina (annual) (EL),0034-B-40
    A 114.1/43:,USDA Rural Development ... annual report, Texas (annual) (EL),0034-B-43
    A 114.1/44:,Annual report ... rural development, Utah (annual) (EL),0034-B-44
    A 114.1/45:,Annual report, Vermont/New Hampshire (annual) (EL),0034-B-45
    A 114.1/46:,Virginia Annual Report (EL),0034-B-46
    A 114.1/47:,Washington State Annual Report (EL),0034-B-47
    A 114.1/48:,West Virginia annual report fiscal year ... (annual) (EL),0034-B-48
    A 114.1/49:,Wisconsin Annual Report (EL),0034-B-49
    A 114.1/54:,Annual Performance Plans (annual) (EL),0034-A-04
    A 114.2:,General Publications,0034-A-01
    A 114.10:,Directories,0034-A-02
    A 115.2:,General Publications,0035-A-01
    AE 1.101:,Annual Report (EL),0569-G
    AE 1.101/2:,Office of Inspector General, Semiannual Report to Congress (EL),0569-G-01
    AE 1.101/3:,ISOO (Information Security Oversight Office) Annual Report (EL),0569-G-02
    AE 1.101/4:,Strategic plan of the National Archives and Records Administration (EL),0569-G-03
    AE 1.102:,General Publications,0569-B-02
    AE 1.103:,NARA Bulletin (EL),0569-C-03
    AE 1.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0569-B
    AE 1.110:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0569-C-03
    AE 1.110/3:,Posters (P),0569-E
    AE 1.113:,General Information Leaflet Series (P),0569
    AE 1.114/2:,Annotation, The Newsletter of the National Historical Publications and Records
    	 Commission (3 times a year) (EL),0569-A-02
    AE 1.114/3:,National Historical Publications and Records Commission
    	 (General Publications),0569-A-03
    AE 1.115:,Special Lists (numbered) (MF),0570-A
    AE 1.119:,National Archives Microfilm Publications Pamphlet Describing ... (P) (EL),0569-C-06
    AE 1.124:,Reference Information Paper (series) (P),0569
    AE 1.127:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0569-I
    AE 1.128:,Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature Reflecting the Use of Records in the
    	 National Archives (quarterly) (EL),0569-I
    AE 1.129:,National Archives, Calendar of Events (bimonthly) (P) (EL),0569-I-01
    AE 1.130:,Access to Archival Databases (database) (EL),0569-I-02
    AE 1.130/2:,Archival Research Catalog (ARC) (EL),0569-I-03
    AE 1.131:,Disclosure, Newsletter of the Nazi War Crime ... (annual) (EL),0569-B-09
    AE 1.133:,Microfilm Publications Catalog (EL),0569-B-11
    AE 2.102:,General Publications,0574
    AE 2.106:,Federal Register (FR) (updated daily) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0573-F
    AE 2.106:,Federal Register (daily) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0573-D
    AE 2.106:,Federal Register (daily) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0573-C
    AE 2.106/2:,LSA, List of CFR Sections Affected (monthly) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0573-C
    AE 2.106/2:,LSA, List of CFR Sections Affected (monthly) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0573-D
    AE 2.106/2:,LSA, List of CFR Sections Affected (monthly) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0573-C-01
    AE 2.106/2-2:,List of CFR Sections Affected (cumulative) (P) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0573-C
    AE 2.106/3:,Code of Federal Regulations (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0572-C
    AE 2.106/3:,Code of Federal Regulations (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0572-B-01
    AE 2.106/3:,Code of Federal Regulations (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0572-B
    AE 2.106/3-2:,CFR Index and Finding Aids (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0572
    AE 2.106/3-2:,CFR Index and Finding Aids (annual) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0572-C
    AE 2.106/4-2:,Privacy Act Issuances Compilation (EL),0574-C-01
    AE 2.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0574-B
    AE 2.108/2:,United States Government Manual (annual) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0577-A-01
    AE 2.108/2:,United States Government Manual (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0577
    AE 2.109:,Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (EL),0577-A
    AE 2.110:,Slip Laws (public) (P) (EL),0575
    AE 2.110/2:,Private Laws (P),0575-A
    AE 2.110/3:,Public and Private Laws: Main Page (EL),0575-A-01
    AE 2.111:,United States Statutes at Large (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0576-A
    AE 2.111:,United States Statutes at Large (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0576
    AE 2.114:,Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL
    AE 2.114:,Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States (annual) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0574-A-02
    AE 2.115:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0574-C
    B 1.1:,Annual Report (EL),1100-B
    B 1.2:,General Publications,1100-B-01
    B 1.15:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),1100-B-02
    B 2.1:,General Publications,1100-C
    B 2.10:,VOA Program Guide (semiannual) (EL),1100-C-01
    C 1.1:,FY ... Performance & Accountability Report (EL),0126
    C 1.1/2:,Semi-Annual Report of the Inspector General to the Congress (EL),0126-D-11
    C 1.1/3:,Annual Performance Report, Minority Business Development Agency (annual) (MF),0126-C-05
    C 1.1/6:,National Export Strategy (annual) (EL),0126-A-01
    C 1.1/8:,Budget and Annual Performance Plan of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce (annual) (EL),0126-A-03
    C 1.2:,General Publications,0128
    C 1.8/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0128-A
    C 1.32/8:,United States Department of Commerce News (irregular) (P),0128-E
    C 1.39:,Commerce Budget in Brief (annual) (MF),0126
    C 1.54:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0126-A
    C 1.63:,Posters (P),0126-C-02
    C 1.82:,Small Business Innovation Research for Fiscal Year (EL),0128-H
    C 1.88/4:,USA Trade Online (online service available on Internet) (EL),0128-L-02
    C 1.89:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0128-M
    C 1.91:,STAT-USA (online service available on Internet) (EL),0128-P
    C 1.91/2:,STAT-USA: The Newsletter (EL),0128-P
    C 1.91/3:,STAT News (Irregular) (EL),0128-P-01
    C 1.95:,Recent Trends in Federal Lab Technology Transfer, FY ... Biennial Report (EL),0128-O
    C 1.96:,Emerging Digital Economy (EL),0128-T
    C 1.97:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0128-A-03
    C 1.102:,General Publications,0231-B-04
    C 1.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0231-B-04
    C 1.108/2:,Franchise Opportunities Handbook (P),0231-B-04
    C 1.202:,General Publications,0129-B
    C 1.208/2:,National Medal of Technology, Nomination guidelines (EL),0129-B-01
    C 1.215:,Dynamics of Technology-Based Economic Development: State Science & Technology Indicators
    	 (annual) (EL),0129-B-02
    C 3.2:,General Publications,0146
    C 3.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0146-A
    C 3.24/3-52:,Census of Manufactures: Geographic Area Series, Summary (P),0137-A-52
    C 3.24/3-53:,Economic Census - Manufacturing (Geographic Area Series) (various states) (EL),0137-A-53
    C 3.24/4:,Census of Manufactures:  Industry Series (P),0136
    C 3.24/9:,Annual Survey of Manufactures:  Preprint Series M(AS) (MF),0134-A
    C 3.24/9-7:,Annual Survey of Manufactures, Statistics for Industry Groups and Industries (annual)
    C 3.24/9-9:,Annual Survey of Manufactures, Geographic Area Statistics (annual) (EL),0134-A
    C 3.24/12:,Economic Census Manufactures: Subject Series (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0135-A-01
    C 3.24/12:,Census of Manufactures:  Subject Series (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0135
    C 3.62/2:,Maps (P) (EL),0146-K-01
    C 3.62/4:,United States Maps (GE-50 series) (P),0146-K
    C 3.62/6:,State County Subdivision Maps (EL),0140-B-02
    C 3.62/8:,United States Maps (GE-70 series) (P),0146-K
    C 3.62/10:,United States Maps (GE-90 series) (P),0146-K
    C 3.133/5:,Annual Benchmark Report for Wholesale Trade (EL),0147-C-01
    C 3.134:,Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0150
    C 3.134:,Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (annual) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0150-A-02
    C 3.134/2:,County and City Data Book (Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Supplement) (P)
    C 3.134/2:,County and City Data Book (Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Supplement) (EL)
    	 ESSENTIAL TITLE,0151-A-02
    C 3.134/2-1:,County and City Data Book (irregular) (CD-ROM) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0151-D-01
    C 3.134/2-2:,USA Statistics in Brief (annual) (EL),0151-A-03
    C 3.134/5:,State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, Statistical Abstract Supplement (P)
    C 3.134/5:,State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, Statistical Supplement (EL) ESSENTIAL
    C 3.134/5-2:,State and Metropolitan Area Data Book, A Statistical Supplement (CD-ROM)
    C 3.134/7:,Statistical Abstract of the United States (annual) (CD-ROM) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0150-B
    C 3.134/8:,State & County QuickFacts (EL),0150-B-02
    C 3.138/3-4:,Current Business Reports, Service Annual Survey (annual) (EL),0147-B
    C 3.138/3-8:,Annual Benchmark Report for Retail Trade and Food Services (EL),0147-B-02
    C 3.140/2:,Government Employment (GE series) (P) (EL),0148-A
    C 3.140/2-7:,Local Government Employment and Payroll Data (annual) (EL),0148-A-02
    C 3.145/4:,Census of Governments (EL),0148-A
    C 3.145/6:,Federal, State and Local Governments Summary of Federal, State, and Local Tax
    	 Revenue (EL),0146-E
    C 3.150:,U.S. Foreign Trade:  Schedules (P),0148
    C 3.158:,Current Industrial Reports (monthly) (EL),0142-A
    C 3.158/2:M 3-1,Advance Report on Durable Goods, Manufacturers; Shipments and Orders, M 3-1
    	 (series) (EL),0142-A
    C 3.158/2-2:,Current Industrial Reports. M3-1, Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders
    	 (monthly) (EL),0142-A-03
    C 3.158/2-3:,Current Industrial Reports. M3-1, Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders
    	 (annual, cumulative) (EL),0142-A-02
    C 3.158/4:,Current Industrial Reports, Manufacturing Profiles (annual) (P) (EL),0142-A-01
    C 3.158/5:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ-C1, Manufacturers' Utilization of Plant Capacity (annual)
    C 3.158/6:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ-C1, Survey of Plant Capacity (annual) (EL),0142-A-05
    C 3.158/7:,Current Industrial Reports. M311J, Fats and Oils, Oilseed Crushings (monthly) (EL),0142-A-06
    C 3.158/7-2:,Current Industrial Reports. M20J, Fats and Oils, Oilseed Crushings, Summary (annual)
    C 3.158/8:,Current Industrial Reports. M311K, Fats and Oils Production Consumption and Stocks
    	 (monthly) (EL),0142-A-10
    C 3.158/8-2:,Current Industrial Reports. M20K, Fats and Oils Production Consumption and Stocks
    	 Summary (annual) (EL),0142-A-09
    C 3.158/10:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ20A, Flour Milling (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-12
    C 3.158/10-2:,Current Industrial Reports. M20A, Flour Milling, Summary for ... (annual) (EL),0142-A-13
    C 3.158/11:,Current Industrial Reports. M313P, Consumption on the Cotton System and Stocks
    	 (monthly) (EL),0142-A-14
    C 3.158/11-2:,Current Industrial Reports. M22P, Consumption on the Cotton System and Stocks,
    	 Summary (annual) (EL),0142-A-15
    C 3.158/12:,Current Industrial Reports. MA22F, Yarn Production (annual) (EL),0142-A-16
    C 3.158/13:,Current Industrial Reports. MA22K, Knit Fabric Production (annual) (EL),0142-A-17
    C 3.158/14:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ22T, Broadwoven Fabrics (Gray) (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-18
    C 3.158/14-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ22T, Broadwoven Fabrics (Gray), Summary (annual)
    C 3.158/15:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ313D, Consumption on the Woolen System and Worsted
    	 Combing (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-20
    C 3.158/15-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ22D, Consumption on the Woolen System and Worsted
    	 Combing ... Summary (annual) (EL),0142-A-30
    C 3.158/16:,Current Industrial Reports. MA22Q, Carpets and Rugs (annual) (EL),0142-A-21
    C 3.158/17:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ23X, Bed and Bath Furnishings (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-22
    C 3.158/17-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ23X, Bed and Bath Furnishings, Summary (annual)
    C 3.158/18:,Current Industrial Reports. MA23D, Gloves and Mittens (annual) (EL),0142-A-24
    C 3.158/19:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ315A, Apparel (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-25
    C 3.158/19-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ23A, Apparel, Summary (annual) (EL),0142-A-26
    C 3.158/21:,Current Industrial Reports. MA31A, Footwear Production (annual) (EL),0142-A-27
    C 3.158/22:,Current Industrial Reports. MA24T, Lumber Production and Mill Stocks (annual)
    C 3.158/23:,Current Industrial Reports. M325AT, Production and Stocks of Titanium Dioxide (monthly)
    C 3.158/24:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ325A, Inorganic Chemicals (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-31
    C 3.158/24-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MA28A, Inorganic Chemicals (annual) (EL),0142-A-32
    C 3.158/24-3:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ325A, Inorganic Chemicals, Summary (annual)
    C 3.158/27:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ28B, Fertilizer Materials (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-34
    C 3.158/27-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MA28B, Fertilizer Materials (annual) (EL),0142-A-35
    C 3.158/27-3:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ325B, Inorganic Fertilizer Materials and Related Products,
    	 Summary (annual) (EL),0142-A-36
    C 3.158/29:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ325C, Industrial Gases (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-37
    C 3.158/29-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MA28C, Industrial Gases (annual) (EL),0142-A-38
    C 3.158/29-3:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ325C, Industrial Gases, Summary (annual) (EL),0142-A-45
    C 3.158/30:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ28F, Paint and Allied Products (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-39
    C 3.158/30-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MA28F, Paint and Allied Products, Annual Report (annual)
    C 3.158/32:,Current Industrial Reports. MA28G, Pharmaceuticals, Except Biologicals (annual)
    C 3.158/33:,Current Industrial Reports, M32G, Glass Containers (monthly) (EL),0142-A-42
    C 3.158/33-2:,Current Industrial Reports. M32G, Glass Containers ... Summary (annual) (EL),0142-A-43
    C 3.158/34:,Current Industrial Reports. MA32A, Flat Glass (annual) (EL),0142-A-44
    C 3.158/35:,Current Industrial Reports. MA32C, Refractories (annual) (EL),0142-A-60
    C 3.158/36:,Current Industrial Reports. MA32E, Consumer, Scientific, Technical and Industrial
    	 Glassware (annual) (EL),0142-A-46
    C 3.158/37:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ32D, Clay Construction Products (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-47
    C 3.158/37-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ32D, Clay Construction Products, Summary (annual)
    C 3.158/38:,Current Industrial Reports. M33D, Aluminum Ingot and Mill Products, Summary (annual)
    C 3.158/39:,Current Industrial Reports. M331J, Inventories of Steel Producing Mills (monthly)
    C 3.158/39-2:,Current Industrial Reports. M331J, Inventories of Steel Producing Mills, Summary
    	 (annual) (EL),0142-A-51
    C 3.158/40:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ34E, Plumbing Fixtures, Summary (annual) (EL),0142-A-52
    C 3.158/41:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35Q, Antifriction Bearings (annual) (EL),0142-A-53
    C 3.158/42:,Current Industrial Reports. MA34K, Steel Shipping Drums, and Pails (annual)
    C 3.158/43:,Current Industrial Reports. MA33E, Nonferrous Castings (annual) (EL),0142-A-55
    C 3.158/44:,Current Industrial Reports. MA33B, Steel Mill Products (annual) (EL),0142-A-56
    C 3.158/45:,Current Industrial Reports. MA33A, Iron and Steel Castings (annual) (EL),0142-A-57
    C 3.158/46:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35M, Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, and Warm Air Heating
    	 Equipment (annual) (EL),0142-A-58
    C 3.158/47:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35L, Internal Combustion Engines (annual) (EL),0142-A-59
    C 3.158/48:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35J, Selected Air Pollution Control Equipment (annual)
    C 3.158/49:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35F, Mining machinery, Mineral Processing Equipment
    	 (annual) (EL),0142-A-61
    C 3.158/50:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35D, Construction Machinery (annual) (EL),0142-A-62
    C 3.158/51:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35A, Farm Machinery and Lawn and Garden Equipment
    	 (annual) (EL),0142-A-63
    C 3.158/52:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35N, Fluid Power Products, Including Aerospace (annual)
    C 3.158/53:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35P, Pumps and Compressors (annual) (EL),0142-A-65
    C 3.158/54:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35U, Vending Machines, Coin Operated (annual)
    C 3.158/55:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ35W, Metalworking Machinery (quarterly) (EL),0142-A-67
    C 3.158/55-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ35W, Metalworking Machinery, Summary (annual)
    C 3.158/56:,Current Industrial Reports. MA38B, Selected Instruments and Related Products
    	 (annual) (EL),0142-A-69
    C 3.158/57:,Current Industrial Reports. MA36M, Consumer Electronics (annual) (EL),0142-A-70
    C 3.158/58:,Current Industrial Reports. MA36F, Major Household Appliances (annual) (EL),0142-A-71
    C 3.158/59:,Current Industrial Reports. MA36E, Electric Housewares and Fans (annual) (EL),0142-A-72
    C 3.158/60:,Current Industrial Reports. MA36A, Switchgear, Switchboard Apparatus, Relays, Industrial
    	 Controls (annual) (EL),0142-A-73
    C 3.158/61:,Current Industrial Reports. MA38R, Electromedical Equipment and Irradiation Equipment
    	 (including X-ray) (annual) (EL),0142-A-74
    C 3.158/62:,Current Industrial Reports. MA35R, Computers and Office and Accounting Machines
    	 (annual) (EL),0142-A-75
    C 3.158/63:,Current Industrial Reports. MA36Q, Semiconductors, Printed Circuit Boards, and
    	 Other Electronic Components (annual) (EL),0142-A-76
    C 3.158/64:,Current Industrial Reports. MA36P, Communication Equipment, Including Telephone,
    	 Telegraph, and Other Electronic Systems and Equipment (annual) (EL),0142-A-77
    C 3.158/65:,Current Industrial Reports. M37G, Civil Aircraft and Aircraft Engines (monthly)
    C 3.158/65-2:,Current Industrial Reports. M37G, Civil Aircraft and Aircraft Engines (annual)
    C 3.158/66:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ335C, Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts (quarterly)
    C 3.158/66-2:,Current Industrial Reports. MQ335C, Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts, Summary (annual)
    C 3.158/67:,Current Industrial Reports. MA36L, Electric Lighting Fixtures (annual) (EL),0142-A-82
    C 3.158/68:,Current Industrial Reports. MA36K, Wiring Devices and Supplies (annual) (EL),0142-A-83
    C 3.158/69:,Current Industrial Reports. MA33L, Insulated Wire and Cable (annual) (EL),0142-A-84
    C 3.158/70:,Current Industrial Reports. MA36H, Motors and Generators (annual) (EL),0142-A-85
    C 3.158/71:,Current Industrial Reports. M37L, Truck Trailers, Summary (annual) (EL),0142-A-86
    C 3.163/4:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (MF),0138-A-01
    C 3.163/7-2:,Census Product Update (biweekly) (EL),0138-A-05
    C 3.164:895/,U.S. Trade with Puerto Rico and U.S. Possessions, FT-895 (monthly, annual issue)
    C 3.164:900/,U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services, FT-900 (monthly) (EL),0144-A-06
    C 3.164:900-A/,Imports of Steel Products (monthly) (EL),0144-A-21
    C 3.164:920/,U.S. Merchandise Trade: Selected Highlights, FT-920 (monthly) (EL),0144-A-06
    C 3.164:927/,U.S. Merchandise Trade: Exports and General Imports by Country, (MF),0144-A-06
    C 3.186:,Current Population Reports (P),0142-C
    C 3.186:P-20/,Current Population Reports, Population Characteristics, Series P-20 (numbered)
    C 3.186:P-23/,Current Population Reports, Special Studies, Series P-23 (numbered) (EL),0142-C-02
    C 3.186:P-25/,Current Population Reports, Population Estimates and Projections, Series P-25
    	 (numbered) (P),0142-C-03
    C 3.186:P-26/,Current Population Reports, Federal-State Cooperative Programs for Population
    	 Estimates, Series P-26 (numbered) (P),0142-C-04
    C 3.186:P-28/,Current Population Reports, Special Censuses (numbered) (P),0142-C-06
    C 3.186:P-60/,Current Population Reports, Consumer Income, Series P-60 (numbered)
    C 3.186:P-70/2/,Current Population Reports, Household Economic Studies, Series P-70 (quarterly)
    C 3.186:P-95/,International Population Reports, Series P-95 (P),0142-C-08
    C 3.186/3-2:,Voting and Registration in the Election of ... (EL),0142-C-01
    C 3.186/7:,Estimate of the Population of the United States to ... (P),0142-C-03
    C 3.186/7-2:,U.S. Population Estimates by Age, Sex, and Race, and Hispanic Origin (P),0142-C-03
    C 3.186/7-3:,U.S. Population Estimates and Components of Change (annual) (P),0142-C-03
    C 3.186/8:,Population Profile of the United States (biennial) (EL),0142-C-02
    C 3.186/10:,Fertility of American Women: Current Population Reports (annual) (P),0142-C-01
    C 3.186/12:,School Enrollment in the United States, Social and Economic Characteristics of Students
    	 (annual) (EL),0142-C-01
    C 3.186/14:,The Hispanic Population in the United States (Advance Report) (annual) (P),0142-C-01
    C 3.186/14-2:,The Hispanic Population in the United States (annual) (EL),0142-C-01
    C 3.186/15:,Projection of the Number of Households and Families in the United States (irregular)
    C 3.186/17-2:,America's Families and Living Arrangements (annual) (EL),0142-C-16
    C 3.186/17-3:,Children's Living Arrangements and Characteristics (biennial) (EL),0142-C-26
    C 3.186/18:,Geographical Mobility (irregular) (EL),0142-C-01
    C 3.186/23:,Educational Attainment in the United States (annual) (EL),0142-C-10
    C 3.186/26:,Projections of the Population of Voting Age, for States (biennial) (P),0142-C-03
    C 3.186/28:,The Asian and Pacific Islander Population in the U.S. (biennial) (EL),0142-C-19
    C 3.186/29:,Foreign-Born Population in the United States (annual) (EL),0142-C-18
    C 3.186/30:,Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support (biennial) (EL),0142-C-17
    C 3.186/33:,How We're Changing: Demographic State of the Nation (irregular) (EL),0142-C-25
    C 3.186/36:,Black Population in the United States (irregular) (EL),0142-C-24
    C 3.186/37:,Income, Poverty, and Valuation of Noncash Benefits (EL),0142-C-32
    C 3.186/38:,Population Projections of the United States, by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin
    	 (unknown) (EL),0142-C-28
    C 3.186/38-2:,Population Estimates (online database) (EL),0142-C-34
    C 3.186/39:,Profile of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States (irregular) (EL),0142-C-29
    C 3.186/40:,Child's Play: Home, School, and Play: Selected Indicators of Child Wellbeing
    C 3.186/41:,Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States (annual)
    C 3.191/2-8:,State Government Tax Collection Data by State (annual) (EL),0146-E
    C 3.191/2-10:,Public Elementary-Secondary Education Finances (annual) (P) (EL),0146-E
    C 3.204/3-53:,County Business Patterns - Outlying Areas (P),0133-A-53
    C 3.204/4:,County Business Patterns (annual) (CD-ROM),0133-E
    C 3.204/5:,County Business Patterns (various states) (EL),0133-A-54
    C 3.204/6:,MSA Business Patterns (NAICS) (EL),0133-F
    C 3.205/3:,World Population Reports (Series WP) (P),0146-F
    C 3.205/3-2:,Global Population Profile (biennial) (EL),0146-F-07
    C 3.205/8:,Census Brief (CENBR nos. series) (P) (EL),0146-F-02
    C 3.205/8-2:,Census Brief (C2K nos. series) (P) (EL),0146-F-05
    C 3.205/8-3:,Census Special Reports (CENSR nos. series) (irregular) (EL),0146-F-08
    C 3.205/9:,International Briefs (IB nos. series) (P) (EL),0146-F-03
    C 3.215:,Current Housing Reports (EL),0141-A
    C 3.215/3:,Current Construction Reports, Value of Construction Put in Place C30- (series)
    C 3.215/8:,Current Construction Reports:  Expenditures for Residential Improvements and
    	 Repairs C50-(series) (EL),0140-A-05
    C 3.215/9:,Current Construction Reports: New One-Family Houses Sold (C25 series)
    C 3.215/9-3:,Current Construction Reports. C25, Characteristics of New Housing (annual)
    C 3.215/13:,Construction Reports:  Housing Completions, C22-(series) (EL),0140-A-08
    C 3.215/16-2:,Current Housing Reports. H-151, Supplement to the American Housing Survey
    	 for the United States in ... (unknown) (EL),0141-A-05
    C 3.215/16-3:,Current Housing Reports. H-151, American Housing Survey. Components of
    	 Inventory Change ... United States and Regions (unknown) (EL),0141-A-06
    C 3.215/19:,American Housing Survey (biennial) (DVD),0156-P
    C 3.215/19-3:,Current Housing Reports. H-150, American Housing Survey for the United States in ...
    	 (biennial) (EL),0156-P-02
    C 3.215/20:,American Housing Brief (AHB) from the American Housing Survey (P) (EL),0156-B-52
    C 3.215/22:,Current Housing Reports. H130, Market Absorption of Apartments (quarterly)
    C 3.215/22-2:,Current Housing Reports. H130, Market Absorption of Apartments (annual)
    C 3.216/4:,Census of Mineral Industries:  Subject Series (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0158
    C 3.216/4:,Economic Census Mining: Subject Series (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0158-A
    C 3.223:,Census of Population:  General Publications,0154
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Alabama) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-01
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Arizona) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-03
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Alaska) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-02
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (District of Columbia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-51
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Wyoming) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-50
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Wisconsin) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-49
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (West Virginia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-48
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Washington) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-47
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Virginia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-46
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Vermont) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-45
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Utah) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-44
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Texas) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-43
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Tennessee) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-42
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (South Dakota) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-41
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (South Carolina) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-40
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Rhode Island) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-39
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Pennsylvania) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-38
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Oregon) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-37
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Oklahoma) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-36
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Ohio) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-35
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (North Dakota) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-34
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (North Carolina) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-33
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (New York) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-32
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (New Mexico) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-31
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (New Jersey) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-30
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (New Hampshire) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-29
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Nevada) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-28
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Nebraska) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-27
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Montana) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-26
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Missouri) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-25
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Mississippi) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-24
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Minnesota) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-23
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Michigan) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-22
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Massachusetts) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-21
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Maryland) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-20
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Maine) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-19
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Louisiana) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-18
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Kentucky) (EL)  ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-17
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Kansas) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-16
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Iowa) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-15
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Indiana) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-14
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Illinois) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-13
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Idaho) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-12
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Hawaii) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-11
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Georgia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-10
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Florida) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-09
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Delaware) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-08
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Connecticut) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-07
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Colorado) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-06
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (California) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-05
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Arkansas) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-04
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Arizona) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-03
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Alaska) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-02
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Alabama) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-01
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Puerto Rico) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-53
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (U.S. Summary) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-52
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Oregon)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-37
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Oklahoma)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-36
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Ohio)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-35
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (South Carolina)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-40
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Rhode Island)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-39
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Pennsylvania)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-38
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Montana)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-26
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Missouri)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-25
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (South Dakota)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-41
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Tennessee)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-42
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Utah)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-44
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Texas)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-43
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (North Dakota)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-34
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (North Carolina)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-33
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (New Mexico) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-31
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (New York)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-32
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Nebraska)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-27
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Nevada)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-28
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (New Jersey)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-30
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (New Hampshire)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-29
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Illinois)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-13
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Indiana)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-14
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Idaho)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-12
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Hawaii)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-11
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Delaware)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-08
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Connecticut) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-07
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Florida) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-09
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Georgia) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-10
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Kansas)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-16
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Iowa)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-15
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Kentucky)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-17
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Louisiana)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-18
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Massachusetts)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-21
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Michigan)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-22
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Maryland)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-20
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Maine)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-19
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Colorado) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-06
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (California) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-05
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Mississippi)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-24
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Minnesota)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-23
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Arkansas) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-04
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Virginia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-46
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Vermont)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-45
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Washington)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-47
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (West Virginia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-48
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Puerto Rico) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-53
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (U.S. Summary)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-52
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (District of Columbia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-51
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Wyoming)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-50
    C 3.223/5:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Series PHC-3)
    	 (Wisconsin)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-49
    C 3.223/5-2:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Selected
    	 Appendixes) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-C-54
    C 3.223/5-2:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Unit Counts (Selected
    	 Appendixes) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-G-54
    C 3.223/7-6:,Census 2000 Profile (numbered) (P) (EL),0154-A-10
    C 3.223/10:,Census of Population: Population Subject Reports (Series 90-CP-3)  (P),0159-G
    C 3.223/12:,Census of Population:  Supplementary Reports, CP-90-S1 (series) (MF),0154
    C 3.223/16:,Census of Population:  Evaluation and Research Reports, CPH-90-E (series) (P),0154
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Alabama)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-01
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Alaska)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-02
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Arizona)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-03
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (California)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-05
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Arkansas)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-04
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Connecticut)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-07
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Colorado)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-06
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Florida)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-09
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Delaware)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-08
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Outlying Areas)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-53
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (U.S. Summary)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-52
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (District of Columbia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-51
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Wyoming)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-50
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Vermont)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-45
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Utah)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-44
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Texas)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-43
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Tennessee)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-42
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Washington)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-47
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Virginia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-46
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Wisconsin)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-49
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (West Virginia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-48
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (New Hampshire)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-29
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Nevada)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-28
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Nebraska)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-27
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Montana)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-26
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (New Mexico)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-31
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (New Jersey)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-30
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (North Carolina)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-33
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (New York)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-32
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Rhode Island)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-39
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Pennsylvania)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-38
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (South Dakota)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-41
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (South Carolina)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-40
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Oregon)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-37
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Oklahoma)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-36
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Ohio)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-35
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (North Dakota)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-34
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Minnesota)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-23
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Michigan)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-22
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Missouri)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-25
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Mississippi)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-24
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Massachusetts)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-21
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Maryland)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-20
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Maine)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-19
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Louisiana)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-18
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Illinois)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-13
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Idaho)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-12
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Hawaii)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-11
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Georgia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-10
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Iowa)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-15
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Indiana)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-14
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Kentucky)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-17
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Kansas)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-B-16
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Outlying Areas) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-53
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (U.S. Summary) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-52
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (District of Columbia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-51
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Wyoming) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-50
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Wisconsin) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-49
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (West Virginia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-48
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Washington) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-47
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Virginia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-46
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Vermont) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-45
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Utah) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-44
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Texas) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-43
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Tennessee) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-42
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (South Dakota) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-41
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (South Carolina) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-40
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Rhode Island) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-39
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Pennsylvania) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-38
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Oregon) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-37
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Oklahoma) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-36
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Ohio) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-35
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (North Dakota) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-34
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (North Carolina) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-33
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (New York) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-32
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (New Mexico) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-31
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (New Jersey) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-30
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (New Hampshire) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-29
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Nevada) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-28
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Nebraska) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-27
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Montana) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-26
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Missouri) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-25
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Mississippi) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-24
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Minnesota) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-23
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Michigan) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-22
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Massachusetts) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-21
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Maryland) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-20
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Maine) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-19
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Louisiana) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-18
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Kentucky) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-17
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Kansas) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-16
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Iowa) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-15
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Indiana) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-14
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Illinois) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-13
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Idaho) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-12
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Hawaii) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-11
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Georgia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-10
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Florida) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-09
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Delaware) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-08
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Connecticut) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-07
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Colorado) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-06
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (California) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-05
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Arkansas) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-04
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Arizona) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-03
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Alaska) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-02
    C 3.223/18:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-1) (Alabama) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0159-H-01
    C 3.223/20:,Census of Population and Housing: Population and Housing Characteristics for Congressional
    	 Districts of the 103rd Congress (Series 90-CPH-4) (Rhode Island)  (P),0159-C-39
    C 3.223/22:,Census of Population and Housing: Geographic Identification Code Scheme (Series CPH-R5)
    C 3.223/22:,Census of Population and Housing:  Classified Index of Industries and Occupations
    	 (Series CPH-R4)  (P),0154-A-08
    C 3.223/22:,Census of Population and Housing:  Alphabetical Index of Industries and Occupations
    	 (Series CPH-R3)  (P),0154-A-07
    C 3.223/22:,Census of Population and Housing:  History (Series CPH-R2)  (P),0154-A-06
    C 3.223/22:,Census of Population and Housing, Guide Part B Glossary, CPH-R-1B  (P),0154-A-05
    C 3.223/22:,Census of Population and Housing: Reference Reports (Series CPH-R) (P),0154-A-04
    C 3.223/22-2:,Census of Population and Housing: Users Guide (Series PHC 90-R) (P) ALL
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (New York)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-32
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (North Carolina)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-33
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (New Jersey)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-30
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (New Mexico)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-31
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Montana)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-26
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Nebraska)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-27
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Nevada)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-28
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (New Hampshire)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-29
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Louisiana)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-18
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Maine)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-19
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Maryland)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-20
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Massachusetts)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-21
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Mississippi)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-24
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Missouri)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-25
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Michigan)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-22
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Minnesota)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-23
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Kentucky)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-17
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Iowa)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-15
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Kansas)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-16
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Illinois)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-13
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Indiana)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-14
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Hawaii)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-11
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Idaho)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-12
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (California)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-05
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Colorado)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-06
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Arizona)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-03
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Arkansas)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-04
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Connecticut)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-07
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Delaware)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-08
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Georgia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-10
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Florida)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-09
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (North Dakota)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-34
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Ohio)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-35
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Oklahoma)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-36
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Oregon)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-37
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (South Carolina)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-40
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (South Dakota)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-41
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Pennsylvania)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-38
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Rhode Island)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-39
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Tennessee)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-42
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Texas)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-43
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Vermont)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-45
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Utah)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-44
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (West Virginia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-48
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Wisconsin)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-49
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Virginia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-46
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Washington)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-47
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Alabama)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-01
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Alaska)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-02
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Wyoming)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-50
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (District of Columbia)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-51
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (U.S. Summary)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-52
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Puerto Rico)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-53
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Alabama) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-01
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Alaska) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-02
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Arizona) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-03
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Arkansas) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-04
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (California) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-05
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Colorado) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-06
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Connecticut) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-07
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Delaware) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-08
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Florida) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-09
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Georgia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-10
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Hawaii) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-11
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Idaho) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-12
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Illinois) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-13
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Indiana) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-14
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Iowa) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-15
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Kansas) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-16
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Kentucky) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-17
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Louisiana) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-18
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Maine) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-19
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Maryland) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-20
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Massachusetts) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-21
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Michigan) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-22
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Minnesota) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-23
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Mississippi) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-24
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Missouri) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-25
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Montana) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-26
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Nebraska) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-27
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Nevada) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-28
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (New Hampshire) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-29
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (New Jersey) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-30
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (New Mexico) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-31
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (New York) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-32
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (North Carolina) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-33
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (North Dakota) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-34
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Ohio) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-35
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Oklahoma) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-36
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Oregon) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-37
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Pennsylvania) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-38
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Rhode Island) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-39
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (South Carolina) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-40
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (South Dakota) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-41
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Tennessee) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-42
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Texas) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-43
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Utah) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-44
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Vermont) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-45
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Virginia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-46
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Washington) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-47
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (West Virginia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-48
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Wisconsin) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-49
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Wyoming) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-50
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (District of Columbia) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-51
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (U.S. Summary) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-52
    C 3.223/23:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics
    	 (Series PHC-2) (Puerto Rico) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-53
    C 3.223/23-2:,Census of Population and Housing: Social, Economic and Housing Characteristics (Outlying
    	 Areas) (Series PHC-4) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-54
    C 3.223/23-2:,Census of Population and Housing: Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics (Outlying
    	 Areas) (Series PHC-4) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-54
    C 3.223/23-3:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic, and Housing
    	 Characteristics, Selected Appendixes (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-M-55
    C 3.223/23-3:,Census of Population and Housing: Summary Social, Economic, and Housing
    	 Characteristics, Selected Appendixes (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0156-O-55
    C 3.223/25:,Population Paper Listings (PPL series) (MF),0154-B-54
    C 3.223/25-2:,Older Population in the United States (annual) (EL),0154-B-56
    C 3.223/27:,Population Division Working Paper Series (MF) (EL),0154-B-55
    C 3.223/28:,Characteristics of American Indians and Alaska Natives: by Tribe & Language
    	 (Series PHC-5) (annual) (P) (EL),0156-O-56
    C 3.223/29:,Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census:1790)  (EL),0154-A-11
    C 3.223/29-2:,Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census:1800)  (EL),0154-A-12
    C 3.223/29-3:,Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census:1810)  (EL),0154-A-13
    C 3.223/29-4:,Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census:1820)  (EL),0154-A-14
    C 3.223/29-5:,Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census:1830)  (EL),0154-A-15
    C 3.223/29-6:,Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census:1840)  (EL),0154-A-16
    C 3.223/29-7:,Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census:1850)  (EL),0154-A-17
    C 3.223/29-8:,Census of Population and Housing (Decennial Census:1860)  (EL),0154-A-18
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Outlying Areas)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (U.S. Summary)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1)
    	 (District of Columbia)  (P),0156-B-51
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Wyoming)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Washington)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Virginia)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Wisconsin)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (West Virginia)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Rhode Island)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (South Dakota)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (South Carolina)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Utah)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Vermont)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Texas)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Tennessee)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Massachusetts)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Michigan)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Mississippi)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Minnesota)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Kentucky)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Louisiana)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Maine)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Maryland)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Ohio)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Oklahoma)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (North Carolina)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (North Dakota)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Oregon)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Pennsylvania)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Kansas)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (New York)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (New Mexico)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (New Jersey)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (New Hampshire)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Nevada)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Nebraska)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Montana)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Missouri)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Indiana)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Iowa)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Alabama)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (California)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Arkansas)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Alaska)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Arizona)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Florida)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Delaware)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Connecticut)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Colorado)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Idaho)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Illinois)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Hawaii)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-1,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-1) (Georgia)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Georgia)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Hawaii)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Illinois)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Idaho)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Colorado)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Connecticut)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Delaware)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Florida)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Arizona)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Alaska)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Arkansas)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (California)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Alabama)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Iowa)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Indiana)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Missouri)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Montana)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Nebraska)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Nevada)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (New Hampshire)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (New Jersey)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (New Mexico)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (New York)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Kansas)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Pennsylvania)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2)
    	 (Oregon)  (P),0156-B-37
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (North Dakota)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (North Carolina)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Oklahoma)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Ohio)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Maryland)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Maine)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Louisiana)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Kentucky)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Minnesota)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Mississippi)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Michigan)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Massachusetts)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Tennessee)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Texas)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Vermont)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Utah)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (South Carolina)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (South Dakota)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Rhode Island)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (West Virginia)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Wisconsin)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Virginia)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Washington)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Wyoming)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (U.S. Summary)
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (District of
    	 Columbia)  (P),0156-B-51
    C 3.224/3:90-CH-2,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics (Series 90-CH-2) (Outlying Areas)
    C 3.224/3-2:,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for American Indian and Alaska Native
    	 Areas (Series 90-CH-1-1A)  (P),0155-A-01
    C 3.224/3-3:,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical Areas (Series
    	 90-CH-1-1B)  (P),0155-A-02
    C 3.224/3-4:,Census of Housing: General Housing Characteristics for Urbanized Areas (Series 90-CH-1-1C)
    C 3.224/3-5:,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for American Indian and
    	 Alaska Native Areas	 (Series 90-CH-2-1A)  (P),0155-A-01
    C 3.224/3-6:,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for Metropolitan Statistical
    	 Areas (Series 90-CH-2-1B)   (P),0155-A-02
    C 3.224/3-7:,Census of Housing: Detailed Housing Characteristics for Urbanized Areas
    	 (Series 90-CH-2-1C)  (P),0155-A-03
    C 3.224/3-8:,1990 Housing Highlights (series CH-S-nos.) (P),0140-A-06
    C 3.224/4-2:,Census of Housing: Metropolitan Housing Characteristics  (P),0146-T
    C 3.224/10:,Census of Housing:  Subject Reports (Series 90-CH-3) (P),0155-A
    C 3.224/12:,Current Population Survey (annual)  (CD-ROM),0155-C
    C 3.224/12-2:,Income and Poverty, Current Population Survey (annual) (CD-ROM),0155-C-01
    C 3.233:,Census of Transportation:  General Publications  (P),0160-D
    C 3.233/3:,Census of Transportation:  (by volume numbers)  (P),0160-D
    C 3.233/5:,Census of Transportation:  Final Reports (EL),0160-D
    C 3.233/6:,Truck Inventory and Use Survey (TIUS) (CD-ROM),0154-C-01
    C 3.238/5:,Telephone Contacts for Data Users  (irregular)  (P) (EL),0148-C
    C 3.242:,Quarterly Public Employee Retirement  (EL),0148-E
    C 3.245/3:,Census of Construction Industries:  Industry Series  (P),0133-D-02
    C 3.245/5:,Census of Construction Industries:  Special Reports  (P),0133-D-02
    C 3.245/6:,Census of Construction Industries:  Preliminary Industry Statistics CC-(series)
    C 3.245/7:,Census of Construction Industries:  Geographic Area Series  (P),0133-D-02
    C 3.245/8:,Economic Census Construction:  Subject Series (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0133-D-04
    C 3.245/8:,Census of Construction Industries - Subject Series  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0133-D-03
    C 3.253:,Economic Censuses: Reference Series  (P),0131-H
    C 3.253/2:,Economic Censuses of Outlying Areas OAC (series)  (P),0147-A-01
    C 3.253/3:,History of the Economic Censuses (quinquennial)  (P),0146-P
    C 3.253/4:,Guide to the ... Economic Census (quinquennial) (EL),0131-H-01
    C 3.255:,Census of Retail Trade:  General Publications  (P),0133
    C 3.255/8:,Census of Retail Trade:  Geographic Area - Summary (P),0132-A-54
    C 3.255/8-2:,Economic Census. Retail Trade. Geographic Area Series (various states) (EL),0132-A-56
    C 3.256:,Census of Wholesale Trade:  General Publications  (P),0133-B-01
    C 3.256/7:,Census of Wholesale Trade:  Geographic Area - Summary (P),0132-B-54
    C 3.256/7-2:,Census of Wholesale Trade:  Geographic Area Series (various states) (EL),0132-B-55
    C 3.257:,Census of Service Industries:  General Publications  (P),0133-C-01
    C 3.257/2:,Census of Service Industries: Geographic Area Series (Outlying Areas)  (P),0132-C-53
    C 3.257/3:,Census of Service Industries:  Subject Series  (P),0133-C-01
    C 3.257/3-2:,Census of Service Industries:  Advance Subject Reports  (P),0133-C-01
    C 3.257/3-3:,Census of Service Industries:  Preliminary Report Industry Series  (P),0133-C-01
    C 3.257/3-4:,Census of Service Industries:  Industry Series  (P),0133-C-01
    C 3.257/5:,Census of Service Industries:  Nonemployer Statistics Series  (P),0133-C-01
    C 3.257/6:,Census of Service Industries: Geographic Area - Summary (P),0132-C-54
    C 3.257/6-2:,Census of Service Industries:  Geographic Area Series (various states) (EL),0132-C-55
    C 3.266:,Federal Aid to States for Fiscal Year  (EL),0137-B
    C 3.266/2:,Consolidated Federal Funds Report, Fiscal Year  (P),0137-B
    C 3.266/3:,Consolidated Federal Funds Reports (CD-ROM) (EL),0154-B-02
    C 3.267:,Quarterly Financial Report for Manufacturing, Mining and Trade Corporations (quarterly)
    C 3.270:,Posters  (P) (EL),0144-A-20
    C 3.272:,Forms  (P),0146-M
    C 3.275:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0154-B-01
    C 3.277:,Economic and Agriculture Censuses (irregular) (CD-ROM) (EL),0154-C
    C 3.277/2:,1997 Economic Census (various reports) (EL),0154-C-02
    C 3.277/3:,Company Statistics Series (Economic Census) (P) (EL),0160-E-02
    C 3.277/4:,Nonemployer Statistics (Economic Census) (annual) (EL),0154-C-03
    C 3.278/2-2:,US Imports History (annual) (CD-ROM),0154-D-01
    C 3.278/3-2:,US Exports History (annual) (CD-ROM),0154-D-02
    C 3.279:,TIGER/Line Files - 1990 Census Version (CD-ROM),0154-E
    C 3.279/2:,TIGER/Census Tract Street Index (series) (CD-ROM) (DVD),0154-E-01
    C 3.279/3:,TIGER/Line Redistricting - Census (DVD),0154-E-03
    C 3.281:,Census of Population and Housing, Public Law 94-171 Data (CD-ROM),0154-B-01
    C 3.281/2:,Census of Population and Housing: Special Tabulation on Aging (CD-ROM),0154-B-20
    C 3.282:,Summary Files - SF 1 (irregular) (DVD),0154-F
    C 3.282/2:,Summary Files - SF 3 (irregular) (DVD),0154-F-01
    C 3.282/2-2:,Summary Tape Files - STF 4 (irregular) (CD-ROM),0154-F-01
    C 3.282/2-3:,Summary File 2 (DVD),0154-F-07
    C 3.282/3:,Census of Population and Housing Block Statistics (irregular) (CD-ROM),0154-F
    C 3.282/4:,Congressional Districts Summary Files (DVD) (EL),0154-F-05
    C 3.282/5:,Congressional District Atlas (biennial) (DVD),0154-F-06
    C 3.283:,Census/Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Special File  (CD-ROM),0154-F-02
    C 3.284:,County-to-County Migration File  (CD-ROM),0154-F-03
    C 3.285:,Public Use Microdata Files  (PUMS)  (CD-ROM),0154-F-04
    C 3.285/2:,ACS Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Overview (EL),0154-F-09
    C 3.286:,Subject Reports (CD-ROM),0154-G
    C 3.287:,Product Profile (series)  (P) (EL),0148-F
    C 3.289:,Annual Capital Expenditures (EL),0146-A-02
    C 3.291:,Census of Financial, Insurance, and Real Estate Industries  (P),0135-A
    C 3.292:,Census of Transportation, Communications, and Utilities  (P),0160-D-01
    C 3.293:,ASA/NSF/Census Bureau Research Fellow Program  (P),0146-A-03
    C 3.294:,Housing Vacancies and Homeownership Survey (EL),0154-B-01
    C 3.294/2:,Housing Vacancies and Homeownership (CPS/HVS) (quarterly) (EL),0154-B-18
    C 3.294/2-2:,Housing Vacancies and Homeownership (CPS,HVS), Annual Statistics (annual)
    C 3.295:,News Releases (EL),0154-B-01
    C 3.296:,Road to the United States Census 2000 (series) (P) (EL),0146-A-04
    C 3.297:,American Community Survey (CD-ROM),0154-B-14
    C 3.298:,ZIP Code Business Patterns (EL),0154-B-13
    C 3.299:,IPC Staff Paper (series) (MF),0154-B-15
    C 3.300:,American FactFinder (EL),0154-B-16
    C 3.301:,Landview (DVD-ROM),0154-B-17
    C 3.302:,Rankings and Comparisons, Population and Housing Tables (PHC-T Series) (EL),0154-F-08
    C 3.303:,Technical papers (series) (EL),0154-F-10
    C 3.303/2:,E-Commerce Multi-Sector Report (E-Stats) (annual) (EL),0154-F-11
    C 3.303/2-2:,Quarterly Retail E-Commerce Sales (quarterly) (EL),0154-F-12
    C 13.1/7:,Polymers Division Annual Report  (EL),0238-A
    C 13.1/7-2:,Technical Activities Metallurgy Div, Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory Annual
    C 13.1/7-3:,FY ... Programs and Accomplishments (EL),0247-D-10
    C 13.1/9:,Center for Materials Science Annual Report  (MF),0247-D
    C 13.1/12-1:,Programs, Activities, & Accomplishments, Office of Law Enforcement Standards (annual)
    C 13.1/12-2:,Programs, Activities, & Accomplishments, Office of Microelectronics Programs (annual)
    C 13.1/12-3:,Programs, Activities, & Accomplishments, Electricity Division (annual) (EL),0247-D-03
    C 13.1/12-4:,Programs, Activities, & Accomplishments, Electromagnetic Technology Division (annual)
    C 13.1/12-5:,Programs, Activities, & Accomplishments, Radio-Frequency Technology Division (annual)
    C 13.1/12-6:,Programs, Activities, & Accomplishments, Semiconductor Electronics Division
    	 (annual) (EL),0247-D-06
    C 13.1/12-7:,Programs, Activities, & Accomplishments, Optoelectronics Division (annual)
    C 13.1/12-8:,Programs, Activities, & Accomplishments, Magnetics Technology Division (annual)
    C 13.1/12-9:,Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory Annual Report (EL),0247-D-17
    C 13.1/12-10:,Technical Activities (Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory) (annual)
    C 13.1/13:,Accomplishments and Opportunities (NIST Center for Neutron Research) (annual)
    C 13.2:,General Publications,0244
    C 13.3/4:,NIST Time & Frequency Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0244-G-03
    C 13.3/4:,Time & Frequency Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0244-G
    C 13.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0245-A
    C 13.10:,Special Publications (numbered) (MF) (EL),0247
    C 13.10/3:,Report of the National Conference on Weights and Measures (annual) (MF) (EL),0247
    C 13.10/3-2:,NIST Conference Calendar (monthly) (EL),0247-L
    C 13.10/3-3:,NCWM Publication (series)  (MF),0247-J
    C 13.11:,Handbooks (numbered) (P) (EL),0245
    C 13.11/2:,Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and
    	 Measuring Devices (annual) (EL),0245
    C 13.22:,Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (bimonthly)
    C 13.29/2:,BSS (Building Science Series) (MF) (EL),0241-A
    C 13.36/7:,NIST Update (EL),0247-L
    C 13.37:,NIST List of Publications (numbered) (LP series) (P),0240-A-01
    C 13.37/4:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0240-A
    C 13.46:,Technical Notes (numbered)  (MF),0249-A
    C 13.46/2:,NIST Reactor: Summary of Activities (annual)  (MF),0249-A
    C 13.48:,National Standard Reference Data Series, NSRDS-NBS  (MF),0248-B
    C 13.48/4:,Standard Reference Materials (series) (MF),0248-B
    C 13.48/4-2:,NIST Standard Reference Materials Price List (annual) (EL),0248-B
    C 13.48/4-3:,SRM (Standard Reference Materials) (quarterly) (EL) (P),0248-B
    C 13.48/5:,NIST Standard Reference Database (series) (EL),0248-B-01
    C 13.52:,Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (numbered)  (P),0248-D
    C 13.57/2:,NIST-GCR Grantee/Contractor Report (series)  (MF),0247-H
    C 13.58:,NISTIR (series)  (MF) (EL),0247-D
    C 13.58/7:,Directory of NVLAP Accredited Laboratories (quarterly) (EL),0247-D
    C 13.58/11:,Technical Progress Bulletin (quarterly)  (MF),0247-D
    C 13.58/12:,Systems Integration for Manufacturing Applications (biennial) (EL),0247-D-11
    C 13.58/14:,Annual Report on the Implementation of Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
    	 Circular A-119 and P.L. 104-113 (annual) (EL),0247-D-16
    C 13.58/15:,Silicon Microelectronics Programs at the National Institute of Standards and
    	 Technology (MF),0247-D-13
    C 13.58/16:,NIST Intercomparison Exercise Program for Organic Contaminants in the Marine
    	 Environment, Description and Results of the ... Organic Intercomparison Exercises
    	 (annual) (MF),0247-D-14
    C 13.58/18:,Directory of Accredited North American Quality System Registration Organizations
    	 (annual) (EL),0247-D-18
    C 13.64:,Maps, Charts, Posters (P),0244-A
    C 13.66:,Weights and Measures Directory (EL),0244-B
    C 13.66/3:,Directory of Associate Members, National Conference on Weights and Measures (annual)
    C 13.69:,Directories,0244-C-01
    C 13.69/3:,Directory of DOC Staff Memberships on Outside Standards Committees (annual) (MF),0244-C
    C 13.75:,Technology at a Glance (quarterly)  (EL),0244-F
    C 13.75/6:,TechBeat (biweekly) (EL),0244-F-02
    C 13.76:,ITL Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0244-G
    C 13.76/2:,ITL (Information Technology Laboratory) Technical Accomplishments (annual) (EL),0244-G-02
    C 13.79:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0247-L
    C 13.80:, (quarterly) (EL),0247-L-01
    C 13.81:,Building and Fire Research Laboratory Activities, Accomplishments, and Recognitions (annual)
    C 13.82:,IT (Information Technology): Text Retrieval Conference (annual) (EL),0247-N-01
    C 13.83:,Databases Available in the Research Information Center of the National Institute of Standards
    	 and Technology (annual) (MF),0247-N-02
    C 13.84:,Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program (annual) (EL),0249-B
    C 13.85:,Standard Reference Materials Catalog (annual) (MF),0247-N-03
    C 13.85/2:,Using the SRM Catalog (EL),0247-N-05
    C 13.86:,International and Academic Activities (annual) (MF),0247-N-04
    C 13.89:,National Vulnerability Database (updated hourly) (EL),0244-H
    C 21.1/2:,Patent and Trademark Office Review (annual) (EL),0251
    C 21.1/3:,Trademark Public Advisory Committee Annual Report (EL),0251-A
    C 21.1/4:,Patent Public Advisory Committee Annual Report (EL),0251-A-01
    C 21.1/6:,Strategic Plan (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office) (irregular) (EL),0251-A-02
    C 21.2:,General Publications,0254
    C 21.3/2:,List of Patent Classification Definitions (database) (EL),0252-A
    C 21.5/2:,Index of Patents (annual) (P),0255-A
    C 21.5/2:,Index of Patents (annual) (MF),0255-B
    C 21.5/4:,Official Gazette of United States Patent and Trademark Office: Trademarks (weekly)
    C 21.5/4:,Official Gazette of United States Patent and Trademark Office: Trademarks (weekly)
    C 21.5/4:,Official Gazette of United States Patent and Trademark Office: Trademarks (weekly)
    C 21.5/4 A:,Official Gazette Notices (weekly) (EL),0260
    C 21.5/5:,Consolidated Listing of Official Gazette Notices Re Patent and Trademark Office
    	 Practices and Procedures, Patent Notices (annual) (P) (MF),0260
    C 21.5/6:,Official Gazette of United States Patent and Trademark Office:  Patent (CD-ROM),0260-A-01
    C 21.5/6-2:,Office Gazette of United States Patent and Trademark Office:  Patent (EL),0260-B-01
    C 21.5/7:,Index of Patents Issued from the United States Patent and Trademark Office and The
    	 Consolidated Listing of Official Gazette Notices (annual) (DVD),0255-A-01
    C 21.9/2:,Patent Attorneys/Agents Search (online database) (EL),0262-A
    C 21.12:,Manual of Classification (EL),0258
    C 21.12/2:,Index to the U.S. Patent Classification (EL),0257
    C 21.14:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0262
    C 21.14/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0254-A
    C 21.14/2-3:,A Guide to Filing a Non-Provisional (Utility) Patent Application (irregular) (EL),0254-A-02
    C 21.15:,Manual of Patent Examining Procedures (EL),0259
    C 21.26/2:,General Information Concerning Patents  (P) (EL),0256-A-02
    C 21.28:,Directories (MF),0254-B
    C 21.28/2:,Organizational Telephone Directory Index (updated irregularly) (EL),0254-B-02
    C 21.30:,Products and Services Catalog (annual) (EL),0254-B-01
    C 21.31:,USAPAT, Facsimile Images of U.S. Patents (DVD-ROM),0260-E
    C 21.31/2:,Patents BIB (DVD-ROM),0154-B-04
    C 21.31/3:,Patents CLASS (DVD-ROM),0154-H-04
    C 21.31/5:,Patents ASSIST  (DVD-ROM),0154-H-06
    C 21.31/11:,USAMark: Facsimile Images of Registered United States Trademarks (CD-ROM),0260-E-01
    C 21.31/12:,Cassis Currents Newsletter (EL),0260-E-02
    C 21.31/13:,Patents ASSIGN and Trademarks ASSIGN (DVD-ROM),0154-H-02
    C 21.31/17:,Published Applications (AppFT) (EL),0260-E-06
    C 21.31/17-2:,U.S. Patent Grants (database) (EL),0260-E-05
    C 21.31/18:,Trademarks BIB (bimonthly) (DVD-ROM),0154-H-07
    C 21.32:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0260-E-02
    C 21.33:,PTO Pulse (weekly w/monthly cumm.) (EL),0260-E-02
    C 21.33/2:,USPTO Today (monthly) (EL),0260-E-03
    C 21.33/2-2:,USPTO Today (quarterly) (EL),0260-E-03
    C 21.34:,Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Inquiry System (TABVUE) (EL),0262-A-01
    C 21.35:,USPTO Information Contacts, Alphabetical List of USPTO Organizations (EL),0254-A-03
    C 21.36:,Trilateral Statistical Report (annual) (EL),0254-A-04
    C 46.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0130-F
    C 46.2:,General Publications,0130-D
    C 46.5:,Laws (P),0130-T
    C 46.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0130-C-01
    C 46.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0130-C
    C 46.18:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0130-K
    C 51.1:,Annual Report  (MF),0188-A-07
    C 51.2:,General Publications,0271
    C 51.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0188-A-02
    C 51.11:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0188-A-01
    C 51.11/8:,NTIS Products & Services Catalog  (P),0188-A-01
    C 51.11/10:,NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter (monthly) (EL),0188-A-19
    C 51.19:,Directories  (MF),0188-A-14
    C 51.22:,FirstGov for Science ( (database) (EL),0188-A-17
    C 51.22/2:,The NTIS/GPO FDLP Depository Access to Reports, Technical & Scientific (DARTS)
    	 (online database) (EL),0188-A-18
    C 55.1/4:,NOAA Business Report (annual) (EL),0250-H
    C 55.2:,General Publications,0250-E-02
    C 55.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0250-E-06
    C 55.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0250-E-15
    C 55.8/2:,NOAA Handbooks (numbered)  (P),0250-E-15
    C 55.8/3:,NOAA Manuals  (P),0250-E-15
    C 55.12:,Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (FCM series)
    	 (MF) (EL),0250-E
    C 55.12/3:,National Hurricane Operations Plan (annual) (EL),0250-E-41
    C 55.13:,NOAA Technical Reports: ERL (series) (MF),0208-C-02
    C 55.13:,NOAA Technical Reports: NMFS (series) (MF),0208-C-04
    C 55.13:,NOAA Technical Reports:  NOS (series)  (MF),0208-C-05
    C 55.13:,NOAA Technical Reports:  NWS (series)  (MF),0208-C-06
    C 55.13:,NOAA Technical Reports:  CZ/SP (series)  (MF),0208-C-11
    C 55.13:,NOAA Technical Reports:  NESDIS (series)  (MF),0208-C-12
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandums:  NESDIS (series)  (MF),0208-C-12
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandums:  OMPA (series)  (MF),0208-C-09
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandum: CRCP (series) (EL),0208-C-19
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandums: NOS-NCCOS (series) (P) (EL),0208-C-18
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandums: GLERL (series) (MF) (EL),0208-C-16
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandums: OAR (series) (MF),0208-C-14
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandums:  OAO (series)  (MF),0208-C-13
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandums:  NWS (series)  (MF),0208-C-06
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandums: NMFS (series) (MF) (EL),0208-C-04
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandums:  NOS (series)  (MF),0208-C-05
    C 55.13/2:,NOAA Technical Memorandums: ERL (series) (MF) (EL),0208-C-02
    C 55.13/2-3:,Environmental Quality of Estuaries of the Carolinian Province: Annual Statistical 
    	Summary for the ...EMAP-Estuaries Demonstration Project in the
    	 Carolinian Province (annual) (EL),0208-C-17
    C 55.16/2:,Federal Plan for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (annual) (MF)
    C 55.20:,Natural Disaster Survey Reports (numbered)  (P),0250-E-08
    C 55.22:,Atlases (P),0250-E-09
    C 55.22/2:,Maps  (P),0250-F
    C 55.22/3:,Posters  (P),0250-F
    C 55.25:,NOAA Professional Papers  (MF),0208-B-06
    C 55.26:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0250-E-11
    C 55.32:,Biennial Report to Congress on Administration of the Coastal Zone Management Act
    C 55.32/7:,Coastal Zone Conference Proceedings (biennial) (EL),0128-M-03
    C 55.32/8:,Coastal GeoTools Conference Proceedings (biennial) (EL),0128-M-04
    C 55.34:,Draft Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0250-E-18
    C 55.34/2:,Final Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0250-E-18
    C 55.36:,NOAA Data Reports  (MF) (EL),0250-E-25
    C 55.48:,Directories  (MF),0250-E-30
    C 55.48/2:,NOAA Organization Directory (series)  (MF),0250-E-29
    C 55.49/3:,NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Decisions Analysis Series (EL),0250-E-34
    C 55.49/4:,NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Project News Update (quarterly) (P) (EL),0250-E-35
    C 55.49/5:,Coastal Services (bimonthly) (EL),0250-E-37
    C 55.49/6:,Fellow News (quarterly) (EL),0250-E-39
    C 55.49/7:,Coastal Connections, a Bimonthly Publication Focused on Tools for Coastal Resource
    	 Managers (bimonthly) (EL),0250-E-40
    C 55.52:,Earth System Monitor (quarterly)  (EL),0250-E-03
    C 55.53:,NOAA Report  (EL),0128-M-02
    C 55.54:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0128-M-02
    C 55.55:,ACCP (Atlantic Climate Change Program) Newsletter (EL),0128-M-02
    C 55.57:,NOAA Magazine (monthly) (EL),0250-E-38
    C 55.58:,Sanctuary Watch (quarterly) (EL),0250-E-42
    C 55.59:,Topside (monthly) (EL),0250-E-43
    C 55.102:,General Publications,0275
    C 55.106:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0278-A
    C 55.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0275-E
    C 55.108/2:,Weather Service Observing Handbooks  (P),0275-E
    C 55.108/3:,Forecasters Handbooks  (P),0275-E
    C 55.108/4:,National Weather Service Communications Handbooks (numbered)  (P),0275-G
    C 55.108/6:,AFOS Handbook (series)  (MF),0275-E
    C 55.113/2:,Water Supply Outlook for the Northeastern United States (monthly)  (MF),0275-R
    C 55.119:,Worldwide Marine Weather Broadcasts  (P),0282-A
    C 55.122:,Maps and Charts  (P),0275-P
    C 55.124:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0275-I
    C 55.125:,Audiovisual Materials  (P),0275-M
    C 55.127:,Aware (irregular) (EL),0275-K
    C 55.130:,Posters  (P),0275-T
    C 55.134:,Summary of Natural Hazard Statistics for ... in the United States (annual)
    C 55.135:,Mariners Weather Log (3 times a year) (EL),0275-D
    C 55.136:,Climate Prediction Center Atlas  (P),0275-W
    C 55.136/2:,Northern Hemisphere Winter Summary (EL),0275-W-03
    C 55.136/3:,Southern Hemisphere Winter Summary (EL),0275-W-04
    C 55.137:,Service Assessment (series) (irregular) (EL),0275-W-01
    C 55.138:,Proceedings of the ... Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop (annual) (P)
    C 55.139:,Storm Courier (irregular) (EL),0275-W-02
    C 55.140:,Worldwide Marine Radiofacsimile Broadcast Schedules (EL),0275-A-03
    C 55.141:,Tsunami Newsletter (irregular) (EL),0275-A-04
    C 55.142:,Sterling Reporter (quarterly) (EL),0275-A-05
    C 55.191/2:,Climate Prediction Center, Annual Achievements (MF),0276-B-01
    C 55.194:,Climate Diagnostics Bulletin (monthly)  (EL),0276-A
    C 55.195:,Daily Weather Maps (weekly series)  (P) (EL),0273-D-04
    C 55.195/2:,Daily Weather Maps (daily) (EL),0273-D-28
    C 55.198:,Atlantic Hurricane Season (EL),0276-B-02
    C 55.198/2:,Eastern Pacific Hurricane Season (EL),0276-B-03
    C 55.201:,Annual Report (EL),0273-D-29
    C 55.201/2:,National Geophysical Data Center, Annual Report  (MF),0273-D-25
    C 55.202:,General Publications (P) (EL),0273-D-01
    C 55.203/2:,Geomagnetic Indices Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0273-D-27
    C 55.208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0273-D-06
    C 55.209:,Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin  (EL),0273-D-12
    C 55.211:,Monthly Climatic Data for the World  (EL),0273-D-22
    C 55.212:,Storm Data (monthly)  (EL),0274-B
    C 55.214/51:,Climatological Data (various states) (EL),0277-B
    C 55.215:,Solar-Geophysical Data (monthly)  (EL),0273-D-13
    C 55.216:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Alabama (monthly) (EL),0274-H
    C 55.216/2:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Arizona (monthly) (EL),0274-H-01
    C 55.216/3:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Arkansas (monthly) (EL),0274-H-02
    C 55.216/4:,Hourly Precipitation Data, California (monthly) (EL),0274-H-03
    C 55.216/5:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Colorado (monthly) (EL),0274-H-04
    C 55.216/6:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Florida (monthly) (EL),0274-H-05
    C 55.216/7:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Georgia (monthly) (EL),0274-H-07
    C 55.216/8:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Hawaii and Pacific (monthly) (EL),0274-H-08
    C 55.216/9:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Idaho (monthly) (EL),0274-H-09
    C 55.216/10:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Illinois (monthly) (EL),0274-H-10
    C 55.216/11:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Indiana (monthly) (EL),0274-H-11
    C 55.216/16:,Hourly Precipitation Data, Maryland and Delaware (monthly) (EL),0274-H-06
    C 55.216/45:,Hourly Precipitation Data (various states & countries) (EL),0274-A-57
    C 55.219/3:,Key of Oceanographic Records Documentation (P),0275-C
    C 55.220:,World Data Center A for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, UAG (Upper Atmosphere Geophysics)
    	 (series) (MF),0273-D-17
    C 55.220/2-3:,World Data Center A, Oceanography, Catalogue of Data and Report of Data
    	 Exchange (biennial) (EL),0834-N-02
    C 55.220/4:,World Data Center A, Oceanography:  Publications (unnumbered)  (P),0834-N-02
    C 55.220/5:,World Data Center A for Solid Earth Geophysics Report, SE Series (numbered)
    	 (irregular)  (MF),0273-D-15
    C 55.220/6:,World Data Center A for Glaciology (Snow and Ice), Glaciological Data, Report GD
    	 (series)  (MF),0273-D-18
    C 55.220/7:,World Data Center A, Meteorology: Publications (unnumbered)  (MF),0273-D-19
    C 55.220/10:,World Data Center A for Marine Geology and Geophysics Report  (P),0273-D-21
    C 55.229:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0273-D-08
    C 55.230:,Posters  (P),0273-D-09
    C 55.239:,Data Announcement (series)  (P),0273-D-24
    C 55.241:,NOAA Paleoclimate Publications Series Report (series)  (MF),0193
    C 55.242:,NOAA Atlas NESDIS (series)  (MF),0273-D-26
    C 55.243:,Significant Earthquake Database (updated irregularly) (EL),0273-D-30
    C 55.244:,World Ocean Atlas (irregular) (EL),0273-D-31
    C 55.245:,World Ocean Database (irregular) (EL),0273-D-32
    C 55.281:,General Publications  (P),0274-A
    C 55.281/2:,Global Daily Summary, Temperature and Precipitation (CD-ROM),0128-M-01
    C 55.281/2-2:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0274-F
    C 55.281/2-3:,U.S. Divisional and Station Climatic and Normals (CD-ROM),0274-F-01
    C 55.281/2-4:,Cooperative Summary of the Day (annual)  (CD-ROM),0274-F-02
    C 55.281/2-5:,Chart Series A, B & C (monthly) (CD-ROM),0274-F-03
    C 55.286/6-54:,Local Climatological Data (various states) (EL),0274-G
    C 55.287/58:,Historical Climatology Series, Atlases  (MF),0274-D-03
    C 55.287/60-2:,Monthly State, Regional, and National Heating Degree Days, Weighted by Population
    C 55.287/60-3:,Monthly State, Regional and National Cooling Degree Days, Weighted by Population
    C 55.287/62:,Technical Report Series (Research Customer Service Group) (EL),0274-F-07
    C 55.287/63:,National Climatic Data Center Periodical Publications  (quarterly) (EL),0274-G-01
    C 55.291/2:,Annual Report (MF),0192-B-02
    C 55.292:,General Publications,0192-B-01
    C 55.297:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0192-B-05
    C 55.298:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0192-B-03
    C 55.301:,Annual Report (MF),0609-C-02
    C 55.302:,General Publications,0609-C-01
    C 55.305:,Laws  (P),0609-C-04
    C 55.306:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0609-C-05
    C 55.308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0609-C-03
    C 55.308/2:,Handbooks (numbered)  (P),0609-C-03
    C 55.309/2:,Current Fisheries Statistics  (P),0610-A
    C 55.309/2-2:,Fisheries of the United States (annual)  (EL),0610-A
    C 55.309/2-4:,Frozen Fishery Products, Annual Summary  (P),0610-A
    C 55.309/2-7:,Fish Meal and Oil (quarterly)  (EL),0610-A
    C 55.309/2-8:,Frozen Fishery Products (Preliminary) (monthly)  (P),0610-A
    C 55.309/2-10:,Imports and Exports of Fishery Products, Annual Summary (P) (EL),0610-A-01
    C 55.309/2-11:,NOAA Fisheries ... Report (annual) (EL),0610-A-02
    C 55.309/2-12:,Our Living Oceans (irregular) (EL),0610-A-03
    C 55.310:,Marine Fisheries Review (quarterly) (EL),0609-A
    C 55.313:,Fishery Bulletin  (EL),0611
    C 55.313/2:,MMPA Bulletin (quarterly) (EL),0616-K-07
    C 55.315:,Posters (P),0609-C-07
    C 55.318:,Fishery Market News  (EL),0616-K
    C 55.323:,Grants-in-Aid for Fisheries Programs Activities (annual) (P),0609-C-12
    C 55.327:,Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, Annual Report  (EL),0616-H
    C 55.327/3:,U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock Assessments (annual) (EL),0616-H-01
    C 55.327/3-2:,U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock Assessments (annual)
    C 55.327/3-3:,Alaska Marine Mammal Stock Assessments (annual) (EL),0616-H-03
    C 55.328:,Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0616-I
    C 55.331:,Southwest Fisheries Science Center (quarterly) (EL),0609-C-11
    C 55.331/2:,AFSC (Alaska Fisheries Science Center) Research Activities (quarterly)
    C 55.332:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0616-L
    C 55.338:,USDC Approved List of Fish Establishments and Products (semiannual) (EL),0609-C-09
    C 55.341:,National Systematics Laboratory, Annual Report (annual) (MF),0616-K-04
    C 55.344/2:,Report to Congress, Status of Fisheries of the United States (annual) (EL),0616-K-10
    C 55.345:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0616-K-07
    C 55.346:,Billfish Newsletter (Southwest Fisheries Science  Center) (annual) (EL),0616-K-08
    C 55.347:,Report to Industry on the ... Eastern Bering Sea Crab Survey (annual) (EL),0616-K-09
    C 55.348:,Observer Sampling Manual (North Pacific Groundfish Observer Program) (annual)
    C 55.349:,Salmon Critical Habitat GIS Data (online database),0609-C-14
    C 55.401:,Annual Report (EL),0189-A
    C 55.402:,General Publications,0192
    C 55.408:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0192-B
    C 55.408/2:,NOS Technical Manuals (MF),0192-B
    C 55.409/2:,Dates of Latest Editions, Nautical Charts and Miscellaneous Maps  (quarterly) 
    C 55.413:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0192-A-27
    C 55.413/4:,ESI Metadata (online database) (EL),0192-A-31
    C 55.416:,Supplement Alaska (P),0192-A-03
    C 55.416/3:,Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR) Charts  (P),0192-A-05
    C 55.416/4:,Alaska Terminal Charts  (P),0192-A-06
    C 55.416/5:,Standard Instrument Departure (SID) Charts, Eastern U. S., (also includes Puerto Rico
    	 and the Virgin Islands) (P),0192-A-07
    C 55.416/6:,Standard Instrument Departure (SID) Charts, Western U. S.  (P),0192-A-07
    C 55.416/16:,Enroute High Altitude Charts, U. S.  (P),0192-A-19
    C 55.416/18:,Special Notice (series)  (P),0192-A-05
    C 55.418:1/,Nautical Chart Catalog  1, United States, Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, Including Puerto
    	 Rico and the Virgin Islands  (annual)  (P),0191-B-01
    C 55.418:2/,Nautical Chart Catalog 2, United States, Pacific Coast, Including Hawaii, Guam and
    	 Samoa Islands (annual)  (P),0191-B-02
    C 55.418:3/,Nautical Chart Catalog 3, United States, Alaska, including the Aleutian Islands
    C 55.418:4/,Nautical Chart Catalog 4, United States, Great Lakes and Adjacent Waterways
    	  (annual)  (P),0191-B-04
    C 55.418:5/,Bathymetric Mapping Products (Catalog) 5, United States Bathymetric and Fishing
    	 Maps (annual)  (P),0191-B-18
    C 55.418:6/,Guide to NOAA Nautical Products & Services, (Catalog) 6 (irregular)  (P),0191-B-19
    C 55.418/3:,Defense Mapping Agency Aeronautical Charts and Publications Available from
    	 NOAA'S National Ocean Service (annual) (P),0191-D
    C 55.418/6:,Maps and Charts  (P),0191-B-11
    C 55.418/6-2:,Posters  (P),0191-B-11
    C 55.418/7:,Charts (listed in) Charts and Publications Catalog 1, United States Atlantic and
    	 Gulf Coasts  (P),0191-B-13
    C 55.418/7:,Maps (listed in) Bathymetric Mapping Products Catalog 5, United States Bathymetric
    	 and Fishing Maps  (P),0191-B-17
    C 55.418/7:,Charts (listed in) Charts and Publications Catalog 4, United States Great Lakes
    C 55.418/7:,Charts (listed in) Charts and Publications Catalog 3, United States Alaska  (P),0191-B-15
    C 55.418/7:,Charts (listed in) Charts and Publications Catalog 2, United States Pacific Coast
    C 55.420/2:,Great Lakes Water Levels (annual)  (MF),0199-A
    C 55.422:1/,Coast Pilot 1, Atlantic Coast, Eastport to Cape Cod (annual) (EL),0203
    C 55.422:2/,Coast Pilot 2, Atlantic Coast: Cape Cod to Sandy Hook (annual) (EL),0203-A
    C 55.422:3/,Coast Pilot 3, Atlantic Coast: Sandy Hook to Cape Henry (annual) (EL),0203-A-01
    C 55.422:4/,Coast Pilot 4, Atlantic Coast: Cape Henry to Key West (annual) (EL),0203-A-02
    C 55.422:5/,Coast Pilot 5, Atlantic Coast: Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands (annual)
    C 55.422:6/,Coast Pilot 6, Great Lakes (annual) (EL),0207-A-03
    C 55.422:7/,Coast Pilot 7, Pacific Coast: California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii (annual)
    C 55.422:8/,Coast Pilot 8, Pacific Coast Alaska: Dixon Entrance to Cape Spencer (annual)
    C 55.422:9/,United States Coast Pilots:  9-Pacific and Arctic Coasts, Alaska, Cape Spencer
    	 to Beaufort Sea  (annual) (EL),0202
    C 55.425/4:,Tides Online (online database) (EL),0190-A
    C 55.432:,Supplemental Tidal Predictions--Anchorage, Nikishka, Seldovia, and Valdez,
    	 Alaska (annual) (P),0199
    C 55.436/2:,The National Status and Trends Program for Marine Environmental Quality
    	 (General Publications)  (MF),0191-B-10
    C 55.442:,Environmental Impact Statement/Management Plans (MF) (EL),0192-D-01
    C 55.443:,Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series (series) (EL),0192-D-02
    C 55.444:,Wavebreaking News (irregular) (EL),0192-A-28
    C 55.445:,National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (General Publications),0192-A-29
    C 55.445/1:,Accomplishment Report FY ... (annual) (EL),0192-A-30
    C 55.445/2:,National Marine Sanctuary Program (General Publications),0192-D-03
    C 55.445/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (National Marine Sanctuary Program),0192-D-04
    C 55.445/4-1:,Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-05
    C 55.445/4-2:,Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-06
    C 55.445/4-3:,Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-07
    C 55.445/4-4:,Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-08
    C 55.445/4-5:,Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-09
    C 55.445/4-6:,Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-10
    C 55.445/4-7:,Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-11
    C 55.445/4-8:,Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary (Maui) (P)
    C 55.445/4-9:,Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary (Honolulu) (P)
    C 55.445/4-10:,Monitor National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-14
    C 55.445/4-11:,Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-15
    C 55.445/4-12:,Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve (P)
    C 55.445/4-13:,Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-17
    C 55.445/4-14:,Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (P) (EL),0192-D-18
    C 55.445/4-15:,Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve  (P)
    C 55.601/2:,Operating Plan for PMEL (Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) (EL),0207-C-03
    C 55.601/2-2:,PMEL FY Accomplishments and Plans Report (annual) (EL),0207-C-09
    C 55.601/5:,Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Activities, Plans  (annual) (EL),0208-E-04
    C 55.601/6:,Hurricane Field Program (annual) (EL),0208-E-05
    C 55.602:,General Publications,0207-C-01
    C 55.608:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0207-C-04
    C 55.618:,Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory, Summary Report (numbered) (biennial)
    C 55.624:,Maps and Charts (P),0273-D-10
    C 55.625:,National Severe Storms Laboratory, Annual Report, Fiscal Year  (MF),0208-E
    C 55.627:,Preliminary Report and Forecast of Solar Geophysical Data (EL),0207-C-05
    C 55.628:,FSL Forum (irregular) (EL),0207-C-08
    C 55.628/2:,FSL in Review (annual) (EL),0207-D-03
    C 55.702:,General Publications,0207-D
    C 55.703:,National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, Report to Congress (biennial)
    C 59.2:,General Publications,0130-D-01
    C 59.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0130-D-02
    C 59.11:,Survey of Current Business (monthly) (P) (EL),0228
    C 59.11/5-3:,National Income and Product Accounts of the United States (monthly) (EL),0228-A-05
    C 59.15:,Maps (P),0142-H
    C 59.18:,Local Area Personal Income (annual)  (P),0130-D-04
    C 59.20:,Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S., Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies
    	 (annual) (P),0130-D-07
    C 59.20/2:,U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, Operations of U.S. Parent Companies and their Foreign
    	 Affiliates (annual) (P),0130-D-06
    C 59.20/3:,Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, Establishment Data for Manufacturing
    C 59.22:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0130-D-09
    C 59.23:,Forms  (P),0130-D-10
    C 59.24:,Regional Economic Information System (REIS) (annual) (DVD-ROM),0130-U
    C 59.25:,State Personal Income (SPI) (CD-ROM) (EL),0130-U-02
    C 59.26:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0130-U-03
    C 59.27:,Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth of the United States  (CD-ROM),0130-U-04
    C 59.28:,Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods in the United States (P),0130-U-05
    C 59.28/2:,Interactive Access to Fixed Assets Tables (EL),0130-U-06
    C 59.29/1:,State Bearfacts ... Alabama (annual) (EL),0130-V-01
    C 59.29/2:,State Bearfacts ... Alaska (annual) (EL),0130-V-02
    C 59.29/3:,State Bearfacts ... Arizona (annual) (EL),0130-V-03
    C 59.29/4:,State Bearfacts, Arkansas (Annual) (EL),0130-V-04
    C 59.29/5:,State Bearfacts ... California (annual) (EL),0130-V-05
    C 59.29/6:,State Bearfacts ... Colorado (annual) (EL),0130-V-06
    C 59.29/7:,State Bearfacts ... Connecticut (annual) (EL),0130-V-07
    C 59.29/8:,State Bearfacts ... Delaware (annual) (EL),0130-V-08
    C 59.29/9:,State Bearfacts ... Florida (annual) (EL),0130-V-09
    C 59.29/10:,State Bearfacts ...Georgia (annual) (EL),0130-V-10
    C 59.29/11:,State Bearfacts ... Hawaii (annual) (EL),0130-V-11
    C 59.29/12:,State Bearfacts ... Idaho (annual) (EL),0130-V-12
    C 59.29/13:,State Bearfacts ... Illinois (annual) (EL),0130-V-13
    C 59.29/14:,State Bearfacts ... Indiana (annual) (EL),0130-V-14
    C 59.29/15:,State Bearfacts ... Iowa (annual) (EL),0130-V-15
    C 59.29/16:,State BEARFACTS ... Kansas (Annual) (EL),0130-V-16
    C 59.29/17:,State BEARFACTS ... Kentucky (annual) (EL),0130-V-17
    C 59.29/18:,State BEARFACTS ... Louisiana (EL) (Annual),0130-V-18
    C 59.29/19:,State BEARFACTS ... Maine (EL) (Annual),0130-V-19
    C 59.29/20:,State BEARFACTS ... Maryland (EL) (Annual),0130-V-20
    C 59.29/21:,State BEARFACTS ... Massachusetts (Annual) (EL),0130-V-21
    C 59.29/22:,State BEARFACTS ... Michigan (Annual) (EL),0130-V-22
    C 59.29/23:,State BEARFACTS ... Minnesota (Annual) (EL),0130-V-23
    C 59.29/24:,State BEARFACTS ... Mississippi (Annual) (EL),0130-V-24
    C 59.29/25:,State BEARFACTS ... Missouri (EL) (Annual),0130-V-25
    C 59.29/26:,State BEARFACTS ... Montana (EL) (Annual),0130-V-26
    C 59.29/27:,State BEARFACTS ... Nebraska (EL) (Annual),0130-V-27
    C 59.29/28:,State BEARFACTS ... Nevada (EL) (Annual),0130-V-28
    C 59.29/29:,State BEARFACTS ... New Hampshire (EL) (Annual),0130-V-29
    C 59.29/30:,State BEARFACTS ... New Jersey (EL) (Annual),0130-V-30
    C 59.29/31:,State BEARFACTS ... New Mexico (EL) (Annual),0130-V-31
    C 59.29/32:,State BEARFACTS ... New York (EL) (Annual),0130-V-32
    C 59.29/33:,State BEARFACTS ... North Carolina (EL) (Annual),0130-V-33
    C 59.29/34:,State BEARFACTS ... North Dakota (Annual) (EL),0130-V-34
    C 59.29/35:,State BEARFACTS ... Ohio (annual) (EL),0130-V-35
    C 59.29/36:,State BEARFACTS ... Oklahoma (EL),0130-V-36
    C 59.29/37:,State BEARFACTS ... Oregon (EL),0130-V-37
    C 59.29/38:,State BEARFACTS ... Pennsylvania (EL),0130-V-38
    C 59.29/39:,State BEARFACTS ... Rhode Island (EL),0130-V-39
    C 59.29/40:,State BEARFACTS ... South Carolina (EL),0130-V-40
    C 59.29/41:,State BEARFACTS ... South Dakota (annual) (EL),0130-V-41
    C 59.29/42:,State BEARFACTS ... Tennessee (annual) (EL),0130-V-42
    C 59.29/43:,State BEARFACTS ... Texas (annual) (EL),0130-V-43
    C 59.29/44:,State BEARFACTS ... Utah (annual) (EL),0130-V-44
    C 59.29/45:,State BEARFACTS ... Vermont (annual) (EL),0130-V-45
    C 59.29/46:,State BEARFACTS ... Virginia (annual) (EL),0130-V-46
    C 59.29/47:,State BEARFACTS ... Washington (annual) (EL),0130-V-47
    C 59.29/48:,State BEARFACTS ... West Virginia (annual) (EL),0130-V-48
    C 59.29/49:,State BEARFACTS ... Wisconsin (annual) (EL),0130-V-49
    C 59.29/50:,State BEARFACTS ... Wyoming (annual) (EL),0130-V-50
    C 59.29/51:,State BEARFACTS ... District of Columbia (annual) (EL),0130-V-51
    C 60.2:,General Publications,0126-E-04
    C 60.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0126-E-02
    C 60.8/2:,Manual of Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency
    	 Management (EL),0126-E-07
    C 60.9:,NTIA-SP  (series)  (MF),0126-D-03
    C 60.10:,NTIA Reports (series)  (MF),0126-D-03
    C 60.11:,NTIA Technical Memorandum Series, NTIA-TM-(nos.)  (MF),0126-D-10
    C 60.12:,NTIA Contractor Reports NTIA-CR-(nos.)  (MF),0126-D-05
    C 60.13:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0126-E-01
    C 60.14:,Institute for Telecommunication Sciences: Annual Technical Progress
    	 Report (MF) (EL),0126-E-03
    C 60.16:,Posters,0126-E-06
    C 61.2:,General Publications,0231-B-01
    C 61.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0231-B-05
    C 61.8/2:,Guidebook, Caribbean Basin Initiative (annual)  (MF),0231-B-05
    C 61.10:,Commercial News USA  (EL),0219-C-01
    C 61.15:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0231-B-03
    C 61.18/2:,Export America (monthly) (EL),0127-A
    C 61.18/4:, (EL),0231-B-31
    C 61.28/2:,U. S. Foreign Trade Highlights (annual) (EL),0231-B-14
    C 61.33:,Posters  (P),0231-B-17
    C 61.39/3:,Trade World Illinois (bimonthly) (P),0231-B-19
    C 61.39/4:,USA Trade World: Delaware and Eastern Pennsylvania (P),0231-B-19
    C 61.39/5:,USA Trade World: Upstate New York (P),0231-B-19
    C 61.39/6:,Trade World Ohio  (P),0231-B-24
    C 61.42:,BISNIS Bulletin (monthly)  (EL),0231-B-20
    C 61.42/3:,SABIT (Special American Business Internship Training program) exchange
    	 (irregular) (EL),0231-B-32
    C 61.43:,Central and Eastern Europe Commercial Update (EL),0231-B-20
    C 61.44:,Directories  (MF),0231-B-22
    C 61.46/2:,International Trade Update (monthly) (EL),0231-B-33
    C 61.47:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0231-B-27
    C 61.50:,U.S. Exports of Textile and Apparel Products (EL),0231-B-27
    C 61.51:,Textile and Apparel Trade Balance Report (EL),0231-B-27
    C 61.52:,U.S. Imports of Textile and Apparel Products (EL),0231-B-27
    C 61.53:,The Major Shippers Report (EL),0231-B-27
    C 61.54:,U.S. Textile and Apparel Category System (EL),0231-B-27
    C 61.56:,Results of Services Conference (biennial) (MF) (EL),0231-B-29
    C 63.1:,Annual Report (EL),0231-S
    C 63.1/2:, Annual Foreign Policy Report to Congress (EL),0231-S-08
    C 63.2:,General Publications,0231-S-01
    C 63.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0231-S-04
    C 63.10:,Directories,0231-S-06
    C 63.13:,Forms  (P),0231-S-05
    C 63.23:,Export Administration Regulations,0231-S-02
    C 63.25/2:,Export Administration Regulations (quarterly) (CD-ROM),0231-S-09
    CC 1.1/4:,Annual Program Performance Report and Annual Performance Plan (annual)
    CC 1.1/5:,Strategic Plan (EL),0283-C-01
    CC 1.1/6:,EB - Progress Report (EL),0283-C-02
    CC 1.1/7:,Broadcast Station Totals as of ... (annual) (EL),0283-C-03
    CC 1.1/8:,Annual CMRS (Commercial Mobile Radio Services) Competition Report (annual)
    CC 1.2:,General Publications,0285
    CC 1.5:,Laws (P),0286
    CC 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0287
    CC 1.7/4:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0285-A
    CC 1.12/3:,FCC Record (biweekly)  (P),0284
    CC 1.35:,Statistics of Communication Common Carriers (annual) (EL),0288
    CC 1.53:,Telephone Directory (EL),0283-A
    CC 1.55/2:,Forms  (P),0283-B
    CC 1.56:,Federal Communication Commission Daily Digest  (EL),0285-D
    CC 1.57:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0285-D
    CC 1.58:,WCB (Wireless Competition Bureau) Reports (EL),0285-D
    CC 1.58/2:,Trends in Telephone Service (annual) (EL),0285-D-01
    CC 1.60/1-2:,Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau: General Publications,0283-A-02
    CC 1.60/1-3:,Report on Informal Consumer Inquiries and Complaints (quarterly)
    CC 1.62:,Connector (quarterly) (EL),0283-A-03
    CC 1.63:,Working Paper Series  (EL),0285-A-01
    CR 1.1:,Annual Report  (MF),0288-A
    CR 1.2:,General Publications,0288-A
    CR 1.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0288-A-02
    CR 1.8:,Hearings and Conferences Before Civil Rights Commission,0288-A-01
    CR 1.8/2:,Civil Rights Commission Briefings (EL),0288-A-11
    CR 1.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (MF),0288-A-04
    CR 1.10:,Clearinghouse Publications,0288-A-05
    CR 1.10:15,Civil Rights Directory (EL),0288-A
    CR 1.18:,Historical Publications of the United States Commission on Civil Rights (EL),0288-A-12
    D 1.1:,Department of Defense Annual Report (EL),0306-A-02
    D 1.1/3:,Annual Report of the Secretary of Defense on Reserve Forces, Fiscal Year (MF),0306-A-01
    D 1.1/3-2:,Reserve Component Programs (MF),0306-A-01
    D 1.1/7:,Annual Report to the Congress, Fiscal Year Executive Summary  (MF),0306-A-18
    D 1.1/7-2:,Annual Report to the Congress Fiscal Year ... Installations (annual) (MF),0306-A-14
    D 1.1/9:,DOD Inspector General Semiannual Report (EL),0306-A-31
    D 1.1/12:,Annual Report on the Military Power of the People's Republic of China (annual)
    D 1.1/14:,Defense Environmental Quality Program Annual Report to Congress (EL),0306-A-30
    D 1.1/15:,Annual Report to Congress (DOD Chemical and Biological Defense) (annual)
    D 1.1/16:,Annual Industrial Capabilities Report to Congress (annual) (EL),0306-A-39
    D 1.1/17:,USTRANSCOM Annual Report (annual) (EL),0306-A-40
    D 1.1/18:,Quadrennial Defense Review Report (EL),0306-A-41
    D 1.1/19:,FOIA program for fiscal year (annual) (EL),0306-A-44
    D 1.2:,General Publications,0306
    D 1.6:,Regulation, Rules, Instructions,0309
    D 1.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0306-A
    D 1.6/2-2:,DS (Dependents Schools) Manuals (numbered)  (MF),0306-A
    D 1.6/2-3:,Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services (biennial)
    D 1.6/2-4:,David L. Boren Graduate Fellowships Guidelines and Forms for Applicants
    D 1.6/2-5:,SOC Consortium Guide (EL),0306-A-33
    D 1.6/4-5:,Joint Federal Travel Regulations/Joint Travel Regulations, (EL),0306-C-01
    D 1.6/7:,Engineered Performance Standards for Real Property Maintenance Activities (handbooks)
    D 1.6/9:,MEPCOM Regulations (numbered)  (EL),0310-E-03
    D 1.6/10:,DCAA (Defense Contract Audit Agency) Regulations (numbered) (P),0310-E
    D 1.6/12:,DoD Directory of Contract Administration Services Components (semiannual)
    D 1.6/15:,Military Careers: A Guide to Military Occupations and Selected Military Career Paths
    D 1.6/16:,Subcontracting Directory (annual) (EL),0306-A-23
    D 1.6/17:,Small Business Specialists (annual) (EL),0306-A-24
    D 1.6/18:,Department of Defense Military Commission Order (EL),0306-A-25
    D 1.6/19:,Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation, DoD 7000.14-R (EL),0309-A
    D 1.7/2:,MAPAD (Military Assistance Program Address Directory) System  (P),0304-H-01
    D 1.15:,Manual for Courts-Martial (P),0349
    D 1.16/4:,Armed Forces Institute of Pathology: Publications  (P),0310-G
    D 1.19:,Annual Report submitted to the Committee on Armed Services of the U.S. Senate and
    	 the Committee on National Security of the U.S. House ... (EL),0311-A
    D 1.33:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0304-D
    D 1.33/4:,Catalog of DIOR Reports, Department of Defense (annual) (EL),0304-D
    D 1.33/4:,Catalog of DIOR Reports (updated irregularly) (EL),0304-D-04
    D 1.33/5-2:,Index of DCAA Memorandums for Regional Directors (irregular) (EL),0304-D
    D 1.33/7:,DANTES External Degree Catalog (annual) (MF) (EL),0304-D-02
    D 1.33/7-2:,DANTES Independent Study Catalog (annual)  (EL),0304-D-03
    D 1.45:,Defense Management Education and Training Catalog  (MF),0310-B
    D 1.45/3:,DISAM Catalog (annual)  (MF),0310-B
    D 1.46:,Defense Contract Audit Agency Pamphlets, (DCAAP series)  (P),0310-E
    D 1.46/2-2:,DCAA Contract Audit Manual (EL),0310-E-26
    D 1.46/4:,Directory of DCAA Offices (2 times a year) (EL),0310-E-01
    D 1.46/5:,Report on Activities Defense Contract Audit Agency  (annual)  (MF),0310-E
    D 1.46/5-2:,Defense Contract Audit Agency and Strategic Plan  (EL),0310-P
    D 1.46/6:,DCAA Bulletin (monthly)  (MF),0310-E-20
    D 1.48/3:,Program Solicitation, DOD SBIR Program Office (EL),0310-E-25
    D 1.48/4:,Program Solicitation Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program (annual)
    D 1.54:,Military Compensation Background Papers  (MF),0310-I
    D 1.56:,Posters, DoD P-(series) (P),0310-K
    D 1.57:,100 Companies Receiving the Largest Dollar Volume of Prime Contract Awards (annual)
    D 1.57/2:,100 Contractors Receiving the Largest Dollar Volume of Prime Contract Awards for
    	 RDT&E, Fiscal Year (EL),0310-E-16
    D 1.57/3-5:,Prime Contract Awards, Size Distribution (annual)  (EL),0310-E-13
    D 1.57/4:,Prime Contract Awards by Service Category and Federal Supply Classification
    	 (annual)  (EL),0310-E-13
    D 1.57/5:,Prime Contract Awards by Region and State (annual)  (EL),0310-E-13
    D 1.57/9:,Companies Participating in the Department of Defense Subcontracting Program
    	 (semiannual) (EL),0310-E-18
    D 1.58/4:,Atlas/State Data Abstract for the United States (annual) (EL),0310-E-22
    D 1.58/5:,Projected Defense Purchases, Detail by Industry and State (EL),0306-A-29
    D 1.59:,Defense Information School Catalog (annual)  (EL),0310-L
    D 1.59/2:,Defense Systems Management College Catalog (annual) (MF),0310-M
    D 1.59/2-2:,DSMC Technical Report  (MF) (EL),0310-M-02
    D 1.59/3:,Defense Acquisition University Catalog (annual)  (MF),0310-M
    D 1.59/4:,DAU Press Publications (EL),0310-M-04
    D 1.60:,Defense AT&L  (bimonthly) (EL),0304-B-01
    D 1.60/3:,AT&L Knowledge Sharing System (integrating resource) (EL),0306-A-35
    D 1.61/2:,Civilian Manpower Statistics (quarterly) (EL),0310-E-06
    D 1.61/3:,World Manpower Distribution by Geographical Area (quarterly)  (EL),0310-E-07
    D 1.61/4:,Selected Manpower Statistics, Fiscal Year  (EL),0310-E-09
    D 1.61/5:,Distribution of Personnel by State and by Selected Locations  (annual)  (EL),0310-E-14
    D 1.61/6:,Worldwide U. S. Active Duty Military Personnel Casualties  (quarterly)  (EL),0310-E-15
    D 1.66:,Foreign Military Sales, Foreign Military Construction Sales, and Military Assistance
    	 Facts  (annual) (EL),0310-E-11
    D 1.67:,Bulletin of the F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine of the Uniformed Services of the
    	 Health Sciences (annual)  (MF),0310-M-01
    D 1.67/2:,Graduate Education Bulletin, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
    	 (annual)  (MF),0310-M-01
    D 1.67/4:,Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (annual)  (MF),0310-M-01
    D 1.67/5:,USU Newsletter (Biweekly) (EL),0310-M-05
    D 1.67/6:,Report (Annual) (EL),0310-M-06
    D 1.69/2:,Information Systems Security Products and Services Catalogue (quarterly)
    D 1.72:,DoD Document Identifiers  (MF),0306-A
    D 1.76:,Index of Specifications and Standards (bimonthly) (EL),0314-G
    D 1.79/2:,National Computer Security Center, NCSC-WA (series)  (MF),0306-A-08
    D 1.79/3:,CSC-STD (series)  (MF),0306-A-11
    D 1.79/4:,NCSC-TG (series)  (MF),0306-A-19
    D 1.80:,The Federal Voting Assistance Program (annual)  (MF),0306-A-07
    D 1.81:,The FY Department of Defense Program for Research and Development (annual)
    D 1.82:,Chartbook of Statistics (TRICARE) (annual) (EL),0306-A-13
    D 1.82/2:,TRICARE Stakeholders' Report (Annual) (EL),0306-A-50
    D 1.83:,Technical Guides (series)  (EL),0306-A-15
    D 1.84:,Federal Radionavigation Plan (biennial)  (EL),0306-A-16
    D 1.86:,The DISAM (Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management) Journal of International
    	 Security Assistance Management (quarterly) (EL),0306-A-20
    D 1.87:,MILSTRIP (Military Standards Requisitioning and Issue Procedures) (irregular)  (P),0306-A-21
    D 1.87/2:,MILSTRIP (Military Standards Requisitioning and Issue Procedures) Routing and
    	 Identifier and Distribution Codes  (EL),0306-A-21
    D 1.87/3:,MILSTRIP - Defense Program for Redistribution of Assets (DEPRA) Procedures
    D 1.88:,Defense Standardization Program Journal (twice a year) (EL),0307-A-42
    D 1.88:,Defense Standardization Program Journal (EL),0307-A
    D 1.89:,Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation (MF),0306-A-01
    D 1.91:,Critical Technologies Plan for the Committees on Armed Services, United States Congress
    	 (annual)  (MF),0310-E-23
    D 1.91/2:,Technology Applications Report (annual)  (MF),0310-E-23
    D 1.92:,IACC (series)  (MF),0306-G
    D 1.95:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0307-A
    D 1.95/2:,Defense Acquisition Deskbook (EL),0307-A-11
    D 1.95/4:,DoD Issuances and Directives (online database) (EL),0307-A-15
    D 1.95/5:,Deployment quarterly (EL),0307-A-16
    D 1.96:,Voting Information News (EL),0307-A
    D 1.97:,Defense Environmental Restoration Program, Annual Report to Congress  (EL),0434-B-01
    D 1.97/2:,Annual Report to Congress (Strategic Environmental Research and Development
    	 Program) (EL),0434-B-02
    D 1.97/3:,Disease Vector Ecology Profiles (various countries) (series) (EL),0434-B-03
    D 1.98:,United States Special Operations Forces Posture Statement (P),0306-F
    D 1.101/2:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0306-A-36
    D 1.103:,Defense AR (Acquisition Review) Journal (EL),0306-F-01
    D 1.104/3:,Careers, military personnel (EL),0307-A
    D 1.105:,Applied Language and Learning (semiannual) (EL),0306-F-02
    D 1.105/2:,DANTES Information Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0306-F-03
    D 1.106:,HPC (High Performance Computing) Modernization Plan (annual) (EL),0307-A
    D 1.107:,Defense Science Board (DSB) General Publications (EL),0307-B
    D 1.107/2:,DSB Newsletter (quarterly) (EL),0307-B-01
    D 1.108:,MDA Update (quarterly) (EL),0307-A-26
    D 1.109:,Journal of Special Operations Medicine (quarterly) (P) (EL),0306-A-28
    D 1.110:,Chem-Bio Defense Quarterly (quarterly) (EL),0306-A-34
    D 1.111:,George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (General Publications),0306-K
    D 1.111/2:,Marshall Center Papers (series) (EL),0306-K-01
    D 1.112:,Command & Control Research Program (CCRP) (General Publications),0306-L
    D 1.113:,Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (General Publications),0306-M
    D 1.113/2:,Asia-Pacific Security Study Series (series) (EL),0306-M-01
    D 1.114:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0306-A-38
    D 1.115:,DCMA Communicator (quarterly) (EL),0306-A-42
    D 1.116:,Asia-Pacific Defense FORUM (quarterly) (EL),0306-A-43
    D 1.117:,Joint Service Chemical and Biological Defense Program Overview (annual) (EL),0306-A-45
    D 1.118:,Report on Activities and Programs for Countering Proliferation and NBC Terrorism Executive
    	 Summary (EL) (annual),0306-A-46
    D 1.119:,WSTIAC (EL) (quarterly),0306-A-47
    D 1.120:,Coalition Chronicle (monthly) (EL),0306-A-48
    D 1.120/2:,Victory Times (weekly) (EL),0306-A-49
    D 2.2:,General Publications,0313
    D 2.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0312-E
    D 2.8/2:,Satellite Handbook: AFRTS Defense Media Center (irregular) (EL),0312-E-01
    D 2.9:,Posters  (P),0312-F
    D 2.14:,DOD Pamphlets (P),0312-A
    D 2.15/3:,Defense Almanac  (irregular) (EL),0312-B
    D 2.15/4:,Defense Viewpoint (irregular) (EL),0312-B-01
    D 2.18:,Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (Fact Sheets) CHAMPUS FS (series)
    D 2.20:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0312-B-02
    D 2.21:,AFPS News (EL),0312-B-02
    D 5.2:,General Publications,0315
    D 5.8/2:,CJCS Guide to the Chairman's Readiness System  (P),0315-A-01
    D 5.12/3:,Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (EL),0315-C-04
    D 5.18:,Addresses (MF),0315-C-01
    D 5.20:,Joint Force Quarterly (EL),0315-A
    D 5.21:,Joint Electronic Library (CD-ROM) (EL),0315-C-03
    D 5.22:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0315-A-02
    D 5.102:,General Publications,0315-D-04
    D 5.104:,Circulars (numbered) (MF),0315-D
    D 5.110:,Technical Memorandums (MF),0315-D
    D 5.202:,General Publications,0315-F-01
    D 5.208/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0315-F-06
    D 5.210:,Academic Catalog (annual)  (MF),0315-F-03
    D 5.211/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0315-F-07
    D 5.213:,Posters  (P),0315-F-04
    D 5.301:,Annual Report  (MF),0379-A-11
    D 5.302:,General Publications,0379-A-10
    D 5.308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0379-A-13
    D 5.312:,Posters (P),0379-A-15
    D 5.315:,Notice to Mariners (weekly) (EL),0379-A-14
    D 5.315/2:,Summary of  Corrections  (annual) (CD-ROM),0379-A
    D 5.317:,Hydrographic/Topographic Center Publications (numbered)  (P),0378-D
    D 5.317/2:,List of Lights, Radio Aids and Fog Signals (annual) (numbered)  (P),0378-D
    D 5.317/3:,List of Lights, Sailing Directions  (P),0378-E
    D 5.317/4:,List of Lights, Loran Tables  (P),0378-F
    D 5.317/5:,List of Lights, Omega Tables  (P),0378-G
    D 5.317/6:,Distances Between Ports (irregular) (EL),0378-G-01
    D 5.319/2:,GEOnet Names Server (database) (EL),0617-B
    D 5.351/3:,Public Sale Catalog - Topographic Maps and Publications (annual)  (P),0378-E-06
    D 5.353:,Maps, Charts, and Atlases  (P),0378-E-37
    D 5.354:,TPC - Tactical Pilotage Charts  (P),0378-E-05
    D 5.354:,ONC - Operational Navigation Charts  (P),0378-E-01
    D 5.354:,GNC - Global Navigation and Planning Charts  (P),0378-E-03
    D 5.354:,JNC - Jet Navigation Charts  (P),0378-E-02
    D 5.355:,Series 1105 - Area Outline Maps  (P),0378-E-04
    D 5.355:,Series 5211 - Arabian Peninsula  (P),0378-E-10
    D 5.355:,Series 1308 - Middle East Briefing Map  (P),0378-E-09
    D 5.355:,Series 5213 - Southeast Asia Briefing Map  (P),0379-F-07
    D 5.355:,Series 2201 - Africa  (P),0379-F-04
    D 5.356:,Display Plotting Charts  (P),0378-E-34
    D 5.356:,Great Circle Sailing, Polar and Tracking Charts  (P),0378-E-31
    D 5.356:,General Nautical and International Nautical Charts  (P),0378-E-30
    D 5.356:,Charts (listed in) Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 2, Hydrographic
    	 Products; Region 9, East Asia (P),0378-E-29
    D 5.356:,Charts (listed in) Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 2, Hydrographic
    	 Products; Region 8, Oceania (P),0378-E-28
    D 5.356:,Charts (listed in) Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 2, Hydrographic
    	 Products; Region 7, Australia, Indonesia, and New Zealand (P),0378-E-27
    D 5.356:,Charts (listed in) Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 2, Hydrographic
    	 Products; Region 6, Indian Ocean (P),0378-E-26
    D 5.356:,Charts (listed in) Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 2, Hydrographic
    	 Products; Region 5, Western Africa, and the Mediterranean (P),0378-E-25
    D 5.356:,Charts (listed in) Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 2, Hydrographic
    	 Products; Region 4, Scandinavia, Baltic, and USSR (P),0378-E-24
    D 5.356:,Charts (listed in) Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 2, Hydrographic
    	 Products; Region 3, Western Europe, Iceland, Greenland, and the Arctic (P),0378-E-23
    D 5.356:,Charts (listed in) Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 2, Hydrographic
    	 Products; Region 2, Central and South America, and Antarctica (P),0378-E-22
    D 5.356:,Charts (listed in) Catalog of Maps, Charts, and Related Products, Part 2, Hydrographic
    	 Products; Region 1, United States and Canada (P),0378-E-21
    D 5.358:,Digital Chart of the World (DCW) (CD-ROM),0378-E-36
    D 5.360:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0378-E-38
    D 5.360/2:,Digital Nautical Publications, Quarterly Update (CD-ROM),0378-E-39
    D 5.361:,Fact Sheets (EL),0378-E-38
    D 5.401:,Annual Report  (MF),0378-H-08
    D 5.402:,General Publications,0378-H-01
    D 5.406:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0378-H-10
    D 5.408:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0378-H-07
    D 5.408/2:,Joint Staff Officer's Guide (annual)  (EL),0378-H-07
    D 5.409:,National Security Affairs Monographs  (MF),0378-H
    D 5.409/2:,National Affairs Issue Papers (series)  (MF),0378-H
    D 5.410:,National Security Management (Publications)  (MF),0378-H-04
    D 5.411:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications,0378-H-02
    D 5.413/2:,Armed Forces Staff College Essays on Command Issues (series)  (P),0378-H-05
    D 5.413/3:,Essays (EL),0378-H-16
    D 5.414:,Catalog, National Defense University (EL),0378-H-19
    D 5.414/2:,Information Resources Management College Catalog (annual) (EL),0378-H-06
    D 5.415:,National War College Strategic Study  (series)  (MF),0378-H-09
    D 5.415/9:,Elective Course Readings (series)  (MF),0378-H-11
    D 5.416:,McNair Papers (series) (EL),0378-H-05
    D 5.417:,Strategic Forum, Institute for National Strategic Studies (EL),0378-H-12
    D 5.417/2:,Institute for National Strategic Studies: General Publications,0378-H-14
    D 5.417/3:,Occasional Papers (series) (EL),0378-H-21
    D 5.419:,Security and Defense Studies Review: Interdisciplinary Journal of the Center for
    	 Hemispheric Defense Studies (semiannual) (EL),0378-H-15
    D 5.420:,Defense Horizons (series) (irregular) (EL),0378-H-17
    D 5.422:,ICAF Industry Studies (annual) (EL),0378-H-20
    D 5.423:,Defense & Technology Papers (Center for Technology and National Security Policy) (series)
    D 7.1:,Annual Report  (MF),0314-M
    D 7.1/6-2:,Fact Book, Defense Energy Support Center (EL),0314-M
    D 7.1/14:,Year in Review (Defense Logistics Information Service) (MF) (EL),0314-M-01
    D 7.1/15:,Annual Financial Statements (Defense Logistics Agency)  (EL),0314-M-02
    D 7.2:,General Publications,0314-A
    D 7.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0314-A
    D 7.6/2-2:,Handbooks H (series) (annual) (MF),0314-A-01
    D 7.6/3:,Manuals M (series) (MF),0314-A
    D 7.6/4:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0314-A
    D 7.6/4-3:,DGSCM (series) (MF),0314-A
    D 7.6/5:,Defense Logistics Procurement Regulations  (P),0314-A-06
    D 7.6/6:,Defense Logistics Agency Regulations, DLAR (P),0314-A
    D 7.6/7:,Defense Logistics Agency Handbooks, DLAH  (MF),0314-A
    D 7.6/7-2:,DFSCH (Defense Fuel Supply Center Handbook) (series) (P),0314-A
    D 7.6/8:,Defense Logistics Agency Manuals, DLAM  (P),0314-A
    D 7.6/12:,DOD Activity Address Directory (DoDAAD) (MF),0314-A-02
    D 7.6/14:,Defense Administrative Support Center Handbooks, DASCH (series) (MF),0314-A-05
    D 7.6/18:,TM-DPSC (series) (MF),0314-A
    D 7.6/19:,Federal Logistics Information System Procedures Manual (EL),0314-A
    D 7.6/20:,Customer Assistance Handbook (biennial)  (P),0314-A-13
    D 7.9/2:,Federal Supply Catalog for Civil Agencies, Descriptive & Management Data List
    D 7.10:,Military Standards,0314-J
    D 7.11/2:,Register of Planned Emergency Producers (MF),0314-A
    D 7.15/2:,DTIC/TR (Defense Technical Information Center, Technical Report) (series)  (MF),0314-A-09
    D 7.16:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0314-A-07
    D 7.19/2:,Posters  (P),0314-A-10
    D 7.24:,Fuel Line (quarterly) (EL),0314-P
    D 7.25:,Identification List (IL) (MF),0314-A
    D 7.32/3:,HTIS Bulletin (EL),0314-A-20
    D 7.34:,Exchange or Sale (EL),0314-A-20
    D 7.35:,Environmental Impact Statements,0314-A-11
    D 7.38:,Food Service Equipment Catalog (annual)  (MF),0314-A-15
    D 7.41:,DLAPS Publications  (EL),0314-V
    D 7.41/2:,Form Flow (EL),0314-V-01
    D 7.43:,Log Lines, DLA News Customers Can Use (quarterly)  (EL),0314-A-18
    D 7.45:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0314-A-20
    D 7.47:,Affirmative Employment Program Plan for Minorities and Women (annual) (EL),0314-A-21
    D 7.48:,Central Contractor Registration (CCR) (updated daily) (EL),0314-A-22
    D 10.2:,General Publications,0314-E
    D 10.11:,DTIC Digest (quarterly)  (EL),0314-E-01
    D 10.11/2:,The DTIC Review  (MF),0314-E-03
    D 10.12:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0314-E-02
    D 10.13:,Militarily Critical Technologies (online database) (EL),0314-E-04
    D 10.14:,DoD/IT Acronym Listing (EL),0314-E-05
    D 10.15:,AMMTIAC Quarterly (quarterly) (EL),0314-E-06
    D 10.16:,DTIC (Defense Technical Information Center) Thesaurus (EL),0314-E-07
    D 12.1:,Annual Report  (MF),0355
    D 12.1/2:,District of Columbia National Guard, Annual Report  (MF),0355
    D 12.1/3:,Utah National Guard, Annual Report  (EL),0355-A
    D 12.2:,General Publications,0356
    D 12.6:,Regulations  (P),0358
    D 12.8:,Pamphlets  (MF),0358
    D 12.9/2:,Air National Guard Register  (MF),0358-A
    D 12.10:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0358
    D 12.10/2:,National Guard Bureau Manual  (MF),0358
    D 12.11:,ANG (Air National Guard) (series)  (P),0358-B
    D 12.12:,ARNG (Army National Guard) (series)  (P),0358-B-01
    D 12.14:,Posters  (P),0358-C
    D 12.15:,Fact Sheet (series)  (P),0358-D
    D 12.17:,The National Guard Update (Air) (semiannual)  (P),0358-B
    D 12.17/2:,The National Guard Update (Army) (semiannual)  (P),0358-B-01
    D 12.22:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0356-A-02
    D 12.23:,Guard ME (quarterly) (EL),0356-A-03
    D 12.23/2:,Ocean State Guardian (quarterly) (EL),0356-A-04
    D 12.23/3:,Jet Letter (monthly) (EL),0356-A-05
    D 12.23/4:,Battle Born (quarterly) (EL),0356-A-06
    D 15.1/2:,Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute: Annual Research Report  (MF),0379-B-10
    D 15.2:,General Publications,0379-B-11
    D 15.9:,Fact Sheet (MF),0379-B
    D 15.9/2:,DTRA Threat Reduction Literature (quarterly) (EL),0379-B-13
    D 15.12:,Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute: Scientific Reports, AFRRI SR (series)
    D 15.12/2:,Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute: Technical Reports, AFRRI TR (series)
    D 15.12/4:,AFRRI (Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute) CR  (series)  (MF),0379-B-10
    D 15.15:,Posters (P),0379-B-14
    D 101.1/4:,Army Materiel Command, Technical Accomplishments  (MF),0325-B-10
    D 101.1/4-2:,U.S. Army Materiel Command, Annual Command History  (EL),0325-B-20
    D 101.1/7:,Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences Fiscal Year ... Program
    	 (annual) (EL),0330-E-03
    D 101.1/7-2:,Basic Research in Behavioral and Social Sciences, U.S. Army Research Institute
    	 Annual Report  (MF),0330-E
    D 101.1/9:,Headquarters, First United States Army, Deputy Chief of Staff, Information Management,
    	 Organization, Mission, and Functions (biennial)  (MF),0325-B-17
    D 101.1/11:,Army Research Laboratory, Annual Review  (MF),0325-B-21
    D 101.1/12:,Army Reserve Forces Policy Committee, Annual Report  (MF),0325-B-23
    D 101.1/13:,Annual Report of the Secretary of the Army on Civil Works Activities  (MF),0325-B-24
    D 101.1/15:,Progress Report USAISC (annual)  (MF),0325-B-22
    D 101.1/16:,Army Technology  (P),0325-B-28
    D 101.1/17:,Department of the Army, Annual Financial Report (annual) (EL),0307-A-08
    D 101.1/18:,U.S. Army SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research Commercialization) (annual)
    D 101.1/19:,Army Science and Technology Master Plan (annual)  (MF),0325-A-04
    D 101.1/20:,Office of Administrative Assistant Annual Report (annual) (MF),0307-A-34
    D 101.1/21:,Army Posture Statement (annual) (EL),0325-A-05
    D 101.1/22:,Army Modernization Plan (annual) (EL),0325-A-06
    D 101.2:,General Publications,0325
    D 101.3/6-2:,Manprint (quarterly)  (EL),0323-A
    D 101.4:,Department of the Army Circulars  (MF),0324-B-01
    D 101.4/3:,Second Army, 2A Circular (series)  (MF),0324-B
    D 101.4/4:,IA Circular (series)  (MF),0324-B-01
    D 101.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0323
    D 101.6/5:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0325-B
    D 101.6/7:,TEC Lesson  (series)  (MF),0325-B-07
    D 101.6/11:,U.S. Army Pocket Recruiting Guide (annual)  (P),0325-B
    D 101.9:,Army Regulations  (P),0323
    D 101.9/3:,Supply and Maintenance Command Regulations  (P),0323
    D 101.9/4:,Headquarters Fort McCoy Regulations  (P),0323
    D 101.9/5:,United States Army Recruiting Command, USAREC Regulations  (P),0323
    D 101.9/6:,First Army, 1A Regulations  (P),0323
    D 101.9/7:,ARL Regulations  (P),0323
    D 101.11:,Technical Manuals (MF) (CD-ROM),0329
    D 101.12:,Soldiers (monthly) (EL),0322
    D 101.15:,SB (Supply Bulletins) (series)  (MF) (CD-ROM),0322-A
    D 101.16:,SC (Supply Catalog) (series)  (MF),0322-A
    D 101.16/3:,Consolidated Publication of Component Lists (semiannual) (CD-ROM),0322-A-15
    D 101.20:,FM (Field Manuals) (series) (EL),0324-A-02
    D 101.20/2:,Army Training and Evaluation Program, ARTEP (series)  (MF),0324-A
    D 101.22:,Pamphlets: Electronic Products  (E),0327-P
    D 101.22:,Pamphlets:  550-nos. Country Studies, Bibliographies, etc.  (P) (EL),0327-J
    D 101.22:,Pamphlets (numbered, except Army Lawyer, Military Law Review, Military Chaplains'
    	 Review, and Area Handbooks)  (MF),0327-E
    D 101.22:27-100-,Pamphlets:  27-100-nos. Military Law Review (quarterly)  (EL),0327-G
    D 101.22/3:,DARCOM Pamphlets (numbered)  (MF),0322-A
    D 101.22/5:,Supply and Maintenance Command SMC Pamphlets  (MF),0322-A
    D 101.22/6:,Military Traffic Management Command:  MTMC Pamphlets  (MF),0327-K
    D 101.22/7:,USAREC (U.S. Army Recruiting Command) Pamphlets (numbered)  (MF),0322-A-01
    D 101.22/9:,2A (Second Army) Pamphlets  (MF),0322-A
    D 101.22/9-2:,1A (First Army) Pamphlets, Fort George G. Meade (series)  (MF),0322-A
    D 101.22/10:,Headquarters Fort George G. Meade Pamphlets  (MF),0322-A
    D 101.22/13:,FH Pam (series)  (MF),0322-A
    D 101.22/14:,USAADASCH PAM (US Army Air Defense Artillery School Pamphlets) (series)
    D 101.22/15:,CASCOM&FL Pamphlets (EL),0322-A-02
    D 101.22/16:,U.S. Army Military Personnel Center Pamphlet series  (MF),0322-A-01
    D 101.22/17:,U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command, CID Pamphlet (series)  (MF),0327-M
    D 101.22/18:,Fort Jackson Pamphlets (series)  (MF),0327-E
    D 101.22/19:,AHS (Academy of Health Sciences) Pamphlets  (P),0322-A-03
    D 101.22/20:,USAARMC Pam (U.S. Army Armor Center and Fort Knox Pamphlet) (series)
    D 101.22/21:,USAFAC Pamphlet (series)  (P),0322-A-05
    D 101.22/22:,TRADOC (Training and Doctrine Command) Pamphlet (series)  (MF),0322-A-06
    D 101.22/24:,LABCOM-P (Laboratory Command Pamphlet) (series)  (P),0322-B-02
    D 101.22/25:,Center for Army Lessons Learned (series) (P) (EL),0322-A-08
    D 101.22/25-2:,News from the Front! (EL),0307-A-08
    D 101.22/27:,CTC Trends, NTC, (quarterly)  (EL),0322-A-10
    D 101.22/28:,CTC Trends, Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC)  (EL),0322-A-11
    D 101.22/29:,CTC Trends Battle Command Training Program (BCTP)  (P),0322-A-12
    D 101.22/29-2:,BCBST, Perceptions II, FY 96 (annual)  (P),0322-A-14
    D 101.22/31:,Army ROTC (pamphlets)  (P),0325-B-30
    D 101.22/32:,Army Lawyer (monthly) (EL),0322-A-16
    D 101.22/33:,Consolidated Army Publications and Forms Index (EL),0327-P-02
    D 101.24:,Training Circulars  (MF),0324-B
    D 101.25:,Technical Bulletins  (P),0329
    D 101.35:,Posters  (P),0322-H
    D 101.35/3:,AMC Posters (series)  (P),0322-H
    D 101.42/3:,U.S. Army Medical Department Journal (bimonthly) (EL),0325-B-04
    D 101.43:,Warrior Citizen (EL),0323-A-03
    D 101.43/2:,RPI (series)  (P),0323-A
    D 101.43/2-2:,APA series (numbered) (P),0323-A-02
    D 101.48:,ROTC Manuals (numbered)  (P),0327-D
    D 101.52/3:,Army AL & T Bulletin (bimonthly) (EL),0323-B
    D 101.56:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0327-L
    D 101.56/2:,Army Newspapers (updated irregularly) (EL),0327-L-01
    D 101.60:,Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Technical Papers (numbered)
    D 101.60/2:,Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Research Reports
    D 101.60/4:,Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Technical Reports (numbered)
    D 101.60/5:,Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences:  Research Product (series)
    D 101.60/6:,Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences:  Special Reports
    D 101.60/7:,ARI newsletter (quarterly) (EL),0329-B-01
    D 101.60/8:,Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Study Report (series)
    D 101.66/2-2:,Translog, Transportation Magazine of the Military Traffic Management Command
    D 101.69:,Army Logistician (bimonthly)  (EL),0322-C
    D 101.72:,Parameters, Journal of the US Army War College (quarterly) (EL),0325-K
    D 101.72/2:,Banner Online (weekly update) (EL),0325-K-01
    D 101.77:,ADA Magazine on Line (EL),0330-C-01
    D 101.77/2:,Field Artillery (bimonthly)  (EL),0330-C-02
    D 101.78/2:,Armor, The Magazine of Mobile Warfare  (bimonthly) (P),0322-M
    D 101.82:,Environmental Impact Statement  (MF),0325-F-07
    D 101.84:,Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin (quarterly) (EL),0325-F-09
    D 101.84/2:,Military Police (quarterly) (EL),0325-F-04
    D 101.85:,INSCOM Journal (irregular) (MF),0325-F
    D 101.85/2:,INSCOM Insight (biweekly) (EL),0325-F-08
    D 101.87:,PS, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly  (EL),0325-F
    D 101.89:,Resource Management Magazine (quarterly) (EL),0323-E
    D 101.95:,Weapon Systems  (annual)  (P),0322-N
    D 101.96/3:,All Points Bulletin Autovon Directory (annual)  (MF),0325-B-18
    D 101.98:,Historical Review, U.S. Army Belvoir Research and Development Center (annual)  (P),0323-F
    D 101.106/3:,Recruiter Journal (monthly)  (P),0321-B-01
    D 101.108:,Training and Doctrine Command: TRADOC Historical Monograph Series  (MF),0325-B-06
    D 101.108/2:,TRADOC Historical Study Series  (P),0325-B-06
    D 101.114:,Army Chaplaincy (irregular) (EL),0327-H
    D 101.117:,The AFIP (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) Letter (bimonthly)  (EL),0325-B-15
    D 101.117/5:,AFIP (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) Annual Report  (MF),0310-D-01
    D 101.117/7:,Legal Medicine Open File (annual)  (EL),0325-B-26
    D 101.120:,Directories  (P),0325-M
    D 101.120/4:,Garrison Command Directory (annual)  (P),0325-M-02
    D 101.121:,The Army Budget, Fiscal Year  (EL),0325-B-16
    D 101.121/2:,Fiscal Year Budget Estimates (Multiple Volumes)  (P),0325-B-29
    D 101.123:,Army Families (quarterly) (EL),0307-A-08
    D 101.124:,Special Warfare (The Professional Bulletin of the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center
    	 & School)  (P),0325-F-03
    D 101.125:,Countermeasure (EL),0307-A-08
    D 101.127:,The NCO Journal (quarterly)  (EL),0327-E
    D 101.129/4:,Electronic Forms (annual) (CD-ROM),0327-P-01
    D 101.129/6:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0307-A-08
    D 101.131:,USAAVSCOM TM (series)  (MF),0325-F-05
    D 101.132:,USAAVSCOM TR (series)  (MF),0325-F-06
    D 101.133:,ARL-TR (series)  (MF),0324-A-01
    D 101.137:,TAPES Newsletter  (EL),0307-A-08
    D 101.138:,Civilian Personnel Bulletins (CPBs)  (EL),0307-A-08
    D 101.139:,Publications Bulletin  (EL),0307-A-08
    D 101.141:,Army Echoes  (EL),0307-A-08
    D 101.142/2:,U.S. Army Journal of Installation Management (semiannual) (EL),0307-A-55
    D 101.143:,Economic Bulletins (monthly) (EL),0307-A-08
    D 101.144:,Talon (every three weeks) (EL),0307-A-36
    D 101.144/2:,Command Post (6 issues a year) (EL),0307-A-38
    D 101.144/3:,Freedom Watch (weekly) (EL),0307-A-39
    D 101.144/4:,Herald Union (biweekly) (EL),0307-A-40
    D 101.144/5:,Kwajalein Hourglass (twice a week) (EL),0307-A-41
    D 101.144/6:,Fort Huachuca Scout (weekly) (EL),0307-A-43
    D 101.144/7:,Voice Online (biweekly) (EL),0307-A-44
    D 101.144/8:,Coalition Bulletin (ten times a year) (EL),0307-A-46
    D 101.144/9:,The Wire (weekly) (EL),0307-A-49
    D 101.144/10:,Blackjack Provider (EL) (quarterly),0307-A-56
    D 101.144/11:,Vanguard Point (EL),0307-A-57
    D 101.144/12:,Alaska Post (weekly) (EL),0307-A-59
    D 101.144/13:,Daily Charge (daily) (EL),0307-A-60
    D 101.144/13-2:,Crossed Sabers (semimonthly) (EL),0307-A-61
    D 101.146:,Strategic Studies Institute (General Publications),0307-A-31
    D 101.146/2:,Strategic Studies Institute: Conference Report (series) (EL),0307-A-17
    D 101.146/2-2:,Conference Briefs - Strategic Studies Institute (series) (irregular) (EL),0307-A-27
    D 101.146/3:,Letort Papers (series) (EL),0307-A-18
    D 101.146/4:,Army issue paper (series) (EL),0307-A-19
    D 101.146/5:,Implementing Plan Colombia (special series) (EL),0307-A-22
    D 101.146/6:,Strategy Conference Series (EL),0307-A-23
    D 101.146/7:,Strategic Studies Institute, Special Report,0307-A-24
    D 101.146/8:,Studies in Asymmetry (series) (EL),0307-A-25
    D 101.146/9:,Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in the 21st Century (series) (EL),0307-A-47
    D 101.146/10:,Carlisle Papers in Security Strategy (EL),0307-A-48
    D 101.146/11:,Shaping the Regional Security Environment in Latin America: Special Series
    D 101.146/12:,Security Issues in the Western Hemisphere (series) (EL),0307-A-51
    D 101.146/13:,Demystifying North Korea (series) (EL),0307-A-52
    D 101.146/14:,Advancing Strategic Thought Series (EL),0307-A-53
    D 101.146/15:,Colloquium Brief (series) (EL),0307-A-54
    D 101.146/16:,U.S. and Russia, Regional Security Issues and Interests (series) (EL),0307-A-58
    D 101.148:,Reach (by area) (MF) (EL),0307-A-32
    D 101.149:,Army Space Journal (quarterly) (EL),0307-A-33
    D 101.149/2:,Eagle (monthly) (EL),0307-A-37
    D 101.151:,Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Turning Vision Into Action (EL),0325-B-31
    D 101.151/2:,Milestones (Rocky Mountain Arsenal) (quarterly) (EL),0307-A-35
    D 101.153:,APG News (weekly) (EL),0325-S-01
    D 102.2:,General Publications,0331
    D 102.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0331-A
    D 102.82:,Army Club System, Annual Report  (MF),0332-G
    D 102.82/2:,Army Moral, Welfare and Recreation Fiscal Year Annual Report  (MF),0332-G
    D 102.83:,Infantry, A Professional Journal for the Combined Arms Team (quarterly)  (P),0332-H
    D 102.84:,Wolverine Guard (monthly)  (MF),0332-J
    D 103.1:,Annual Report (MF),0334
    D 103.1/2:,Waterborne Commerce of the United States (EL),0334-A-33
    D 103.1/4:,Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers on Civil Works Activities, Extract Reports of
    	 the Lower Mississippi Valley Division and Mississippi River Commission  (MF),0334
    D 103.2:,General Publications,0337
    D 103.4:,Circulars  (EC series)  (MF),0337-B-02
    D 103.6/3:,Manuals  (EM Series)  (P),0338-A
    D 103.6/4:,Engineer Regulations  (ER series) (MF),0341
    D 103.6/5:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0337-B
    D 103.6/6:,DG (Design Guide) (series)  (P),0337-B
    D 103.6/7:,Lessons (series)  (P),0337-B-15
    D 103.8:,Port Series (P),0340
    D 103.10/2:,Waterborne Transportation Lines of the United States (annual) (MF) (EL),0334-A-32
    D 103.20/8:,Digital Data Digest (quarterly)  (MF),0334-A-31
    D 103.24/2:,Waterways Experiment Station: Technical Reports  (MF),0334-A-16
    D 103.24/4:,Waterways Experiment Station: Miscellaneous Papers (numbered)  (MF),0334-A-07
    D 103.24/5:,Research Reports of the Waterways Experiment Station  (MF),0334-A-19
    D 103.24/7:,Waterways Experiment Station: Instruction Reports (numbered)  (MF),0334-A-07
    D 103.24/9:,Waterways Experiment Station: Contract Reports (numbered)  (MF),0334-A-07
    D 103.24/14:,Waterways Experiment Station: WIS (Wave Information Study) Reports  (EL),0334-A-16
    D 103.24/15:,Water Operations Technical Support: WOTS (irregular)  (MF),0334-A-27
    D 103.33/2:,Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory:  Special Reports (MF),0335-B
    D 103.33/7:,CRREL Monograph (series)  (MF),0335-B
    D 103.33/12:,Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory: CRREL Reports  (MF),0335-B
    D 103.33/13:,Cold Regions Technical Digest  (MF),0335-B-01
    D 103.39:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0334-A-22
    D 103.42/5:,Coastal Engineering Research Center: Technical Reports  (MF),0334-A-23
    D 103.42/6:,Coastal Engineering Research Center: Special Reports (numbered)  (MF),0334-A-09
    D 103.42/8:,Coastal Engineering Research Center: Miscellaneous Reports (series) (MF),0334-A-20
    D 103.42/10:,Coastal Engineering Research Center, Technical Papers (MF),0334-A-24
    D 103.42/11:,The CERCular  (EL),0337-B-20
    D 103.42/13:,Preliminary Data Summary (monthly)  (MF),0334-A-20
    D 103.43:,Pamphlets, EP series (numbered)  (P) (EL),0338-B
    D 103.43/2:,Engineer Historical Studies (series)  (MF),0338-B-01
    D 103.43/2-2:,Environmental History Series  (MF),0338-B-01
    D 103.43/3:,DP (District Pamphlet) (series)  (MF),0338-B
    D 103.45/2:,Stages and Discharges of the Mississippi River and Tributaries in the Memphis District
    D 103.45/3:,Stages and Discharges of the Mississippi River and Tributaries in the St. Louis District
    D 103.45/4:,Stages and Discharges of the Mississippi River and Tributaries and Other Watersheds in
    	 the New Orleans District (annual)  (MF),0334-A-26
    D 103.49/3:,Maps and Posters  (P),0334-C-01
    D 103.49/3-2:,Atlases  (P),0334-C-01
    D 103.53:,Construction Engineering Research Laboratory: Technical Reports  (includes FEAP-TR &
    	 User Guides) (MF) (EL),0335-A
    D 103.53/2:,Construction Engineering Research Laboratory: Technical Manuscript  (MF),0335-A
    D 103.53/5:,Construction Engineering Research Laboratory: Interim Reports  (MF),0335-A
    D 103.53/7:,Construction Engineering Research Laboratory: Special Reports  (MF),0335-A
    D 103.53/11:,The Cutting Edge, Research & Development for Sustainable Army Installations
    	 (quarterly)  (MF),0335-D-01
    D 103.57:,IWR Contract Reports (numbered)  (MF),0337-B-03
    D 103.57/5:,Institute for Water Resources:  Research Reports (numbered)  (MF),0337-B-03
    D 103.57/6:,Miscellaneous Paper (series)  (MF),0337-B-03
    D 103.57/8:,Policy Study (series)  (MF),0337-B-03
    D 103.57/9:,Working Paper (series)  (MF),0337-B-03
    D 103.57/10:,IWR Proceedings (series)  (MF),0337-B-03
    D 103.57/13:,Alternative Dispute Resolution Series  (MF),0337-B-03
    D 103.62:,Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0334-A-13
    D 103.66:,Navigation Charts (various rivers)  (P),0337-B-05
    D 103.66/7:,Navigation Conditions for ... (annual)  (MF),0337-B-14
    D 103.67:,Distinguished Design Awards  (MF),0337-B-01
    D 103.69:,Engineers Update (monthly) (EL),0334-A-21
    D 103.71:,U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Officer Directory (annual)  (MF),0334-D
    D 103.108/2:,U.S. Army Engineer School, Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0337-B-12
    D 103.109:,U.S. Army Engineer School:  Special Text (series)  (MF),0337-B-06
    D 103.109/2:,Engineer School Program[m]ed Text (MF),0337-B-07
    D 103.115:,The Engineer (quarterly) (P) (EL),0334-A-02
    D 103.116:,Monthly Bulletin of Lake Levels for the Great Lakes  (P) (EL),0334-B-01
    D 103.116/2:,Great Lakes Update (monthly)  (P) (EL),0334-B-01
    D 103.120:,U.S. Army Engineer School:  Student Handbook (series)  (MF),0337-B-06
    D 103.120/2:,U.S. Army Engineer School:  Student Handout (series)  (MF),0337-B-06
    D 103.120/3:,Student Pamphlet (series)  (P),0337-B-06
    D 103.122/3:,Public Works Digest (monthly)  (EL),0337-B-18
    D 103.123:,Education Services Brochure (annual)  (P),0337-B-17
    D 103.126:,The Environmental Update (quarterly)  (EL),0334-A-31
    D 103.128:,NEPA/BRAC (annual)  (CD-ROM),0337-B-19
    D 103.130:,NDC Report (series)  (MF),0337-A-01
    D 103.130/2:,Dredging Contracts Awarded (annual) (EL),0337-A-02
    D 103.135:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0337-B-20
    D 103.136:,Constellation (monthly) (EL),0337-B-22
    D 103.136/2:,New York District Times (6 issues a year) (EL),0337-B-23
    D 103.136/3:,Pacesetter (irregular) (EL),0337-B-24
    D 103.136/4:,Yankee Engineer (monthly) (EL),0337-B-25
    D 103.136/5:,Engineering in Europe (quarterly) (EL),0337-B-26
    D 103.136/6:,Pacific Connection (quarterly) (EL),0337-B-27
    D 103.136/7:,Essayons Forward (monthly) (EL),0337-B-29
    D 103.137:,Upper Mississippi River-Illinois Waterway System Navigation Study (irregular)
    D 104.2:,General Publications,0351-A
    D 104.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0351-C
    D 104.10/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0351-B
    D 104.11/2:,Medical Department, United States Army in Vietnam  (MF),0352-A-01
    D 104.15/3:,Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Annual Progress Report (MF),0352-E
    D 104.27:,United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases: Annual Progress
    	 Report (MF),0352-F
    D 104.32:,WRAMC (Walter Reed Army Medical Center) Pamphlets (numbered)
    D 104.34:,Posters  (P),0351-D
    D 104.35:,Textbook of Military Medicine (series) (P (MF),0352-F
    D 104.36:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0352-J-03
    D 104.37:,The Mercury (EL) (MF),0352-J-04
    D 104.38:,Online Mosquito Literature (online database) (EL),0352-J-05
    D 105.2:,General Publications,0359
    D 105.6/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0325-L
    D 105.14:,Harry Diamond Laboratories: Technical Reports, TR (series)  (MF),0325-J
    D 105.14/5:,Harry Diamond Laboratories: Special Reports SR (series)  (MF),0325-J
    D 105.32:,Posters  (P),0325-S
    D 106.2:,General Publications,0363
    D 106.3/4:,Quartermaster Professional Bulletin (quarterly) (EL),0363-D
    D 108.2:,General Publications,0348
    D 108.10:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0348-C
    D 108.10/2:,Operational Law Handbook (EL),0348-C-01
    D 108.12:,Posters  (P),0348-F
    D 109.2:,General Publications,0354
    D 109.11:,Maps and Atlases  (P),0354-A
    D 109.12:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0354-B
    D 109.15:,USCC Pamphlet  (MF),0354-C
    D 110.2:,General Publications,0359-C
    D 110.7:,Military Review (bimonthly) (P) (EL),0359-C-04
    D 110.7/2:,Military Review (Spanish) (monthly)  (EL),0359-C-01
    D 110.7/3:,Military Review (Portuguese) (bimonthly)  (EL),0359-C-02
    D 110.9:,Leavenworth Papers  (EL),0359-C
    D 110.11:,Combat Studies Institute Research Survey (series)  (MF),0359-C
    D 110.12:,Historical Bibliography (series)  (EL),0359-C
    D 110.13:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0359-C-03
    D 110.14:,CSI Reports (EL),0359-C-05
    D 110.15:,Long War Occasional Paper (series) (EL),0359-C-06
    D 110.16:,Proceedings of the Combat Studies Institute ... Military History Symposium
    	 (annual) (EL),0359-C-07
    D 111.11:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0343-C-01
    D 111.14:,Army Communicator, Voice of the Signal Corps (quarterly)  (EL),0343-C-02
    D 114.2:,General Publications,0344
    D 114.7:,U.S. Army in World War II  (P),0345
    D 114.7/2:,United States Army in World War II, Reader's Guide  (P),0345
    D 114.7/3:,United States Army in Vietnam  (P),0345
    D 114.7/4:,U.S. Army in Action (series) (P),0344-G
    D 114.7/5:,The U.S. Army Campaigns of World War II (P),0344-G
    D 114.7/5-2:,U.S. Army Campaigns of the Mexican War (series) (EL),0344-G-01
    D 114.8:,World War I (1917-19) Publications  (P),0345
    D 114.9:,American Forces in Action Series,0344-G
    D 114.10:,Publications of Office, Chief of Military History (list) (MF),0344-B
    D 114.10/2:,Army Historical Program (annual) (MF),0344-B
    D 114.10/3:,Publications of the U.S. Army Center of Military History (quarterly)
    D 114.11:,Army Lineage Series (P),0344-G
    D 114.12:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0344-F
    D 114.13:,Posters of the Center of Military History  (P),0344-B-01
    D 114.14:,U.S. Army Military History Institute, Special Bibliography Series  (MF),0344-D
    D 114.15:,Department of the Army Historical Summary  (EL),0344-C
    D 114.19:,Army Historical Series (P),0344-G
    D 114.19/2:,Historical Analysis Series (MF),0344-G
    D 114.19/3:,Historical Study (series) (P),0344-G
    D 114.20:,Army History: The Professional Bulletin of Army History (quarterly) (P),0345-B
    D 114.21:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0344-J
    D 116.2:,General Publications,0346-A-01
    D 116.17:,CML Army Chemical Review (semiannual) (EL),0346-A
    D 117.8/2:,Applied Technology Laboratory, U.S. Army Research and Technology
    	 Laboratories (AVRADCOM)  (MF),0322-B-01
    D 117.8/4:,USARTL-TN, Technical Notes  (MF),0322-B-01
    D 201.1:,SECNAV/CNO Report  (MF),0399-E
    D 201.1/1:,Budget of the Department of the Navy (annual) (EL),0307-A-20
    D 201.1/1-2:,Highlights of the Department of the Navy FY ... Budget (annual) (EL),0307-A-21
    D 201.2:,General Publications,0370
    D 201.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0373
    D 201.6/2:,Navy Comptroller Manual  (P),0370-A
    D 201.6/12:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0370-A
    D 201.6/12-2:,Sea Power for a New Era (annual) (EL),0370-A-07
    D 201.11:,Navy Regulations  (EL),0372
    D 201.15/3:,Monograph (series)  (MF),0373-A
    D 201.19:,Posters  (P),0370-G
    D 201.21/8:,Technical Digest, Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (annual)
    D 201.29:,Naval Training Equipment Center, Technical Reports NAVTRAEQUIPCEN
    	 (series)  (MF),0370-E
    D 201.31:,CNTT (Chief, Naval Technical Training) (series)  (MF),0370-A-01
    D 201.31/2:,CNATT (series)  (MF),0370-A-01
    D 201.31/3:,CNAT (Chief of Naval Air Training) (series)  (MF),0370-A-01
    D 201.33:,History of the Chaplain Corps, U.S. Navy  (MF),0370-H
    D 201.35:,Long Range Acquisition Estimates (annual)  (P),0370-K
    D 201.38:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0370-H
    D 201.40:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0307-A-02
    D 201.43:,InfoDomain (quarterly) (EL),0370-A-03
    D 201.44:,ABM (Acquisition & Business Management) Online (weekly) (EL),0307-A-02
    D 201.46:,Marine Environmental Update (quarterly) (EL),0370-A-04
    D 201.47:,Strategic Insights (monthly) (EL),0370-A-05
    D 201.48:,Homeland Security Affairs (EL) (annual),0370-A-06
    D 202.2:,General Publications,0374
    D 202.6/7:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0374-E
    D 202.9:,Naval Aviation News (monthly)  (EL),0375
    D 202.13:,Approach (monthly) (EL),0374-A-02
    D 202.19:,Mech (quarterly)  (EL),0374-A-03
    D 202.24:,Ground Warrior (semiannual) (EL),0374-A-04
    D 204.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0378-A
    D 204.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0378-B
    D 205.2:,General Publications,0380
    D 205.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0382-A
    D 205.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0380-A
    D 205.7:,Naval Law Review (semiannual) (EL),0381
    D 206.1/2:,Summaries of Research, Naval Dental Research Institute (FY)  (MF),0388
    D 206.1/3:,Command Historical Report (annual)  (MF),0388
    D 206.2:,General Publications,0385
    D 206.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0387
    D 206.6/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0385-B
    D 206.7:,Navy Medicine (bimonthly) (P) (EL),0385-D
    D 206.8/2:,Manual of Medical Department  (MF),0385-B
    D 206.10:,Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory Reports  (MF),0385-C
    D 206.22:,Naval Health Research Center: Publications (P),0388-B
    D 206.23:,Posters  (P),0385-E
    D 206.24:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0385-A-01
    D 207.2:,General Publications,0399
    D 207.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0400
    D 207.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0399-C
    D 207.10:,Dictionary of American Fighting Ships  (P),0399-A
    D 207.10/3:,United States Navy and the Vietnam Conflict (series)  (P),0399-A-01
    D 207.11:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0399-B
    D 207.12:,Naval Documents of the American Revolution  (P),0399-D
    D 207.15/2:,Ashore (bimonthly)  (EL),0403-D
    D 207.15/3:,Sea & Shore (quarterly) (EL),0403-D-01
    D 207.17:,All Hands (monthly) (EL),0401
    D 207.18:,Surface Warfare (bimonthly) (EL),0400-D
    D 207.18/2:,Undersea Warfare (quarterly) (EL),0400-D-01
    D 207.19/2:,The Navy Chaplain (quarterly)  (EL),0403-D
    D 207.20:,Combat Narratives (series)  (P),0399-A-03
    D 207.202:,General Publications,0404-A-03
    D 207.208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0404-A-02
    D 207.208/2:,Training Manuals  (P),0404
    D 207.208/4:,Naval Training Text Material  (MF),0404
    D 207.208/5:,Officer Correspondence Course (series)  (MF),0404
    D 207.208/6:,Officer Text (series)  (MF),0404
    D 207.208/7:,Catalog of Nonresident Training Courses (annual)  (P),0404
    D 207.215:,Useful Information for Newly Commissioned Officers (annual)
    D 207.217:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0404-A-06
    D 207.309:,Naval Reservist (EL),0404-P-02
    D 207.310:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0404-P-01
    D 207.402:,General Publications,0404-R
    D 207.415:,Electronic Products (E),0404-R-01
    D 208.2:,General Publications,0403
    D 208.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0406
    D 208.6/2:,Naval Military Personnel Manual  (EL),0403-A
    D 208.6/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0403-A
    D 208.6/3-2:,Division Officer's Planning Guide (annual)  (MF),0403-A
    D 208.6/3-4:,Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and
    	 Occupational Standards, Section 2, Navy Enlisted Classifications (quarterly)
    	  (MF) (EL),0403-A
    D 208.12:,Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers:  U.S. Navy and Reserve
    	 Officers on Active Duty  (MF),0405
    D 208.12/2:,Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers:  U.S. Navy Reserve
    D 208.12/3:,Register of Commissioned and Warrant Officers:  Regular and Reserve
    	 of U.S. Navy  (MF),0405
    D 208.12/3-2:,Shift Colors, The Newsletter for Navy Retirees (3 times a year)
    D 208.15:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0401-A
    D 208.19/2:,Link-Perspective (quarterly) (EL),0403-C-01
    D 208.20:,Final Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0401-B
    D 208.23:,Monograph Series  (P),0403-A-03
    D 208.24:,Biennial Officer Billet Summary (Junior Officer Edition)  (MF),0405-B
    D 208.24/2:,Biennial Officer Billet Summary (Senior Officer Edition)  (MF),0405-B-01
    D 208.26:,Navy Guide for Retired Personnel and Their Families (quinquennial)  (MF),0403-A
    D 208.28:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0405-B-02
    D 208.102:,General Publications,0391
    D 208.107:,Annual Register  (MF),0389
    D 208.109:,Catalog (United States Naval Academy) (annual) (MF),0390-A
    D 208.115:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0390-D
    D 208.202:,General Publications,0408-A-01
    D 208.207:,International Law Studies  (P),0408-A
    D 208.207/2:,International Law Studies:  Indexes  (P),0408-A
    D 208.209:,Naval War College Review (quarterly) (EL),0408-A-03
    D 208.210:,Historical Monograph Series (numbered)  (P),0408-A-02
    D 208.211:,Logistics Leadership Series (P),0408-A-04
    D 208.212:,Newport Papers (EL),0408-A-05
    D 209.2:,General Publications,0418
    D 209.12/4:,NCEL Contract Report (series)  (MF),0418-D
    D 209.14:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0418-A
    D 209.14/2:,Design Manuals  (P),0418-A
    D 209.17/2:,NAVFAC-P (series)  (P),0418-A-01
    D 209.20:,Seabee Magazine (quarterly) (EL),0418-A-03
    D 210.2:,General Publications,0407
    D 210.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0407-F
    D 210.8:,NRL Reports (numbered)  (MF),0407-H
    D 210.8/2:,NRL Memorandum Reports  (MF),0407-H-01
    D 210.16/3:,Scientific Monograph  (MF),0407-C-01
    D 210.17/2:,Review, Naval Research Laboratory (annual)  (MF),0407-C-02
    D 210.17/3:,NRL Fact Book (annual)  (MF),0407-C-02
    D 210.17/4:,Materials Science & Engineering Research, Research Programs and
    	 Publications (annual)  (MF),0407-C-02
    D 210.17/5:,Torpedo Ultra (updated irregularly) (EL),0407-C-06
    D 211.1:,Annual Report  (MF),0412-F
    D 211.2:,General Publications,0412
    D 211.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0414
    D 211.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0412-B
    D 211.22/2:,FACEPLATE (EL),0412-E-02
    D 211.22/2:,Faceplate (semiannual) (EL),0412-E-03
    D 211.25:,The Commodore (biweekly)  (MF),0412-E
    D 211.26:,Explosives Safety (quarterly)  (P),0412-E
    D 211.29:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0412-E-02
    D 211.30:,Financial Policy and Procedures Update (quarterly) (EL),0412-E-02
    D 211.31:,Naval Vessel Register (online database) (EL),0412-E-04
    D 212.2:,General Publications,0415
    D 212.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0417
    D 212.6/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0415-B
    D 212.14:,The Navy Supply Corps Newsletter (bimonthly) (EL),0417-A
    D 212.16:,Hazardous Material Control & Management/Hazardous Materials Information
    	 System (quarterly)  (CD-ROM),0307-A-01
    D 212.16/2:,ERAF (Environmental Reporting Assist File) (quarterly) (CD-ROM),0307-A-01
    D 213.2:,General Publications,0397
    D 213.4:,Circulars  (P),0393-A-01
    D 213.7:,Air Almanac  (CD-ROM),0393
    D 213.8:,Astronomical Almanac (annual bound volumes)  (P),0394
    D 213.8/3:,Astronomical Phenomena (annual)  (P),0396-A
    D 213.8/4:,Astronomical Almanac Online (updated annually) (EL),0394-A
    D 213.9:,Astronomical Papers  (MF),0396
    D 213.11:,Nautical Almanac  (P),0395
    D 213.16:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0397
    D 214.2:,General Publications,0383
    D 214.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0384-C
    D 214.9:,Marine Corps Manual  (MF),0384
    D 214.9/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0384
    D 214.9/3:,Technical Manuals  (MF),0384
    D 214.9/4:,Fleet Marine Force Manuals, FMFM (series)  (P),0384
    D 214.9/6:,Fleet Marine Force Reference Publications (FMFRP) (series)  (P),0384-A-08
    D 214.9/9:,Marine Corps Doctrine Manuals  (MCRP, MCWP, and MCRP series)
    D 214.11:,Officers on Active Duty in the Marine Corps (annual)  (MF),0383-D
    D 214.11/3:,Officers in the Marine Corps Reserve (annual)  (MF),0383-D
    D 214.13:,Historical Publications  (P),0383-B
    D 214.14/3:,Occasional Papers  (P),0383-C
    D 214.14/4:,Marines in World War II Commemorative Series  (P),0383-C
    D 214.16/4:,Posters  (P),0384-F
    D 214.20:,Fortitudine, Newsletter of the Marine Corps Historical Program (quarterly)
    D 214.23:,Continental Marine (10 times a year)  (P) (EL),0384-A-06
    D 214.24:,Marines (3 issues a year) (EL),0384-A-01
    D 214.25:,MCI (Marine Corps Institute) (series)  (MF),0384-G
    D 214.26:,Crescent City Marine (quarterly)  (P),0384-A-05
    D 214.26/2:,Four the Corps (irregular)  (P),0384-A-05
    D 214.27:,Concepts and Programs (annual) (EL),0384-A-02
    D 214.28:,U.S. Marine Corps, Catalog of Publications (quarterly) (P),0384-A-03
    D 214.29:,MCO (Marine Corps Order) (series)  (P),0384
    D 214.30:,Notes (bimonthly)  (P),0384-A-06
    D 214.31:,Outreach (quarterly)  (P),0384-A-09
    D 214.32:,Marine Corps Administrative Publications and Forms Electronic Library (quarterly)
    D 214.34:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0384-A-11
    D 214.35:,Semper Fidelis (EL),0384-A-11
    D 214.36:,Marine Forces Reserve News (monthly) (EL),0384-A-14
    D 214.37:,Marine Corps University Command and Staff College Catalog (annual)
    D 215.15:,Focus (Joint Center for Integrated Product Data Environment)  (MF),0410-B
    D 216.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0388-B-03
    D 216.2:,General Publications,0388-B-02
    D 216.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0388-B-04
    D 216.8:,Sealift (monthly) (EL),0388-B-06
    D 216.10:,Posters  (P),0388-B-05
    D 216.11:,Electronic Products  (misc.)  (E),0307-A-12
    D 218.2:,General Publications,0377
    D 218.9:,Pamphlets (series)  (MF),0377-G
    D 218.15:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0377-G-01
    D 219.2:,General Publications,0414-A-01
    D 219.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0414-A
    D 219.15:,CHIPS Magazine (quarterly) (EL),0414-A-02
    D 221.2:,General Publications,0415-D-04
    D 221.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0415-D-07
    D 221.16:,The U. S. Navy in the Modern World Series (P),0415-D-03
    D 221.17:,Naval History Bibliographies, (series)  (MF),0415-D-05
    D 221.18:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0415-D-06
    D 221.19:,Contributions to Naval History (series)  (P),0399-A-04
    D 301.1:,Air Force Report, Report to the Congress  (MF),0421-G
    D 301.1/3:,Air Force Posture Statement (annual) (P),0421-G-01
    D 301.2:,General Publications,0424
    D 301.6:,Air Force Regulations  (P),0425
    D 301.6:0-8/,Numerical Index of Specialty Training Standards (quarterly)  (P),0425
    D 301.6/2:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0425
    D 301.6/2-3:,AFAC (series)  (P),0425-C
    D 301.6/5:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0424-F
    D 301.6/8:,Air Force Handbook (series)  (P),0424-F-06
    D 301.7:,Air Force Manuals  (P),0421
    D 301.7/8:,Airman's Manual (Irregular) (EL),0421-A-03
    D 301.8:,Citizen Airman (bimonthly) (P) (EL),0422
    D 301.26/2:,AUL Index to Military Periodicals (database) (EL),0424-I-01
    D 301.26/6:,Air University Publications  (P) (EL),0422-K
    D 301.26/6-8:,Air University, Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0424-F-02
    D 301.26/6-9:,School of Advanced Airpower Studies (series) (MF),0422-K-02
    D 301.26/6-10:,Walker Papers (series) (EL),0422-K-06
    D 301.26/16:,Air University Catalog (annual) (EL),0422-R-04
    D 301.26/24:,Air & Space Power Journal (quarterly) (EL),0422-A
    D 301.26/24-2:,Air & Space Power Journal Em Portugues (quarterly) (EL),0422-A-01
    D 301.26/24-3:,Air & Space Power Journal Espanol (quarterly) (EL),0422-A-02
    D 301.26/24-4:,Air and Space Journal (French) (quarterly) (EL),0422-A-03
    D 301.26/24-5:,Air and Space Journal (Arabic) (quarterly) (EL),0422-A-04
    D 301.26/24-6:,Air and Space Journal (Chinese) (quarterly) (EL),0422-A-05
    D 301.26/25:,Air War College Studies in National Security (series)  (MF) (EL),0422-K-01
    D 301.26/26:,Air War College Occasional Papers (various titles) (irregular) (EL),0422-K-03
    D 301.26/27:,Counterproliferation Center Publications (EL),0422-K-04
    D 301.26/27-2:,Counterproliferation Papers, Future Warfare Series (EL),0422-K-05
    D 301.26/28:,Strategic Studies Quarterly (EL) (quarterly),0424-I-02
    D 301.35:,Air Force Pamphlets (numbered)  (MF),0421-A
    D 301.35/5:,Air Force Reserve Pamphlets, AFRESP (series)  (MF),0421-A
    D 301.35/6:,F.E. Warren AFB Pamphlet, FEWP (nos.) (series)  (MF),0421-A
    D 301.35/7:,Malmstrom Air Force Base Pamphlet (series)  (MF),0421-A
    D 301.35/9:,ARPC (Air Reserve Personnel Center) Pamphlet (series)  (MF),0424-F-04
    D 301.44:,Flying Safety (monthly) (EL),0423-A
    D 301.44/2:,The Combat Edge (monthly) (EL),0422-T
    D 301.44/3:,Torch, Safety Magazine of AETC (monthly) (EL),0422-T-01
    D 301.45:,Air Force Materiel Command: Publications (MF)(EL),0422-B
    D 301.45/4:,Air Force Geophysics Laboratory: Technical Reports, AFGL-TR (series)
    D 301.45/14-2:,Air Force Systems Command: Regulations AFSCR (series)  (MF),0421
    D 301.45/19:,Air Force Office of Scientific Research: Technical Reports (numbered)
    D 301.45/19-6:,Air Force Office of Scientific Research: Technical Report Summaries
    	 (quarterly) (MF),0422-B
    D 301.45/19-8:,Chemistry and Materials Science Review (annual) (MF),0422-B
    D 301.45/19-12:,AFOSR Pamphlet  (MF),0421-A-02
    D 301.45/19-13:,Research Highlights (bimonthly) (EL),0422-B-04
    D 301.45/21-2:,SD-TR (Technical Report) (series)  (MF),0421-A
    D 301.45/27:,Armstrong Laboratory Technical Report (series)  (MF),0421-E-03
    D 301.45/27-4:,Armstrong Laboratory Technical Paper (series)  (MF),0421-E-03
    D 301.45/27-5:,Air Force Human Resources Laboratory Annual Report  (MF),0421-E-03
    D 301.45/27-7:,AFHRL-SR (series)  (MF),0421-E-03
    D 301.45/27-8:,AFHRL Newsletter (quarterly)  (P),0421-E-03
    D 301.45/27-11:,Armstrong Laboratory AL/HR-CR (series)  (MF),0421-E-13
    D 301.45/27-12:,Air Force Research Laboratory, Technology Horizons (quarterly)
    D 301.45/32-3:,Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory: Technical Reports, AMRL-TR
    	 (series)  (MF),0422-B-01
    D 301.45/46-2:,Air Vehicles Directorate: AFRL-VAWP-TR (series) (MF),0422-B
    D 301.45/57:,AFWAL-TR (Air Force Wright Aeronautics Laboratory-Technical Report)
    	 (series) (MF),0422-B
    D 301.55:,Air Force Visual Aid Series  (P),0421-E-05
    D 301.56/7:,The Mobility Forum (bimonthly)  (P) (EL),0424-B
    D 301.60:,Airman (quarterly) (EL),0422-D
    D 301.62/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0424-I
    D 301.65:,Civil Engineer (Air Force) (quarterly) (EL),0421-B-01
    D 301.72/2:,Wingman (quarterly) (EL),0421-C-03
    D 301.76:,Lithograph Series (posters 21 x 16)  (P),0421-E-01
    D 301.76/3:,Lithograph Series Catalog  (P),0421-E
    D 301.76/4:,U.S. Air Force Fine Arts Series  (P),0421-E-01
    D 301.76/5:,Posters and or Charts (P),0421-E-05
    D 301.76/7:,Maps  (P),0421-E-09
    D 301.78:,Proceedings of Military History Symposium (biennial)  (MF),0421-D
    D 301.80:,Community College of the Air Force Catalog  (EL),0424
    D 301.80/2:,General Catalog, MAC NCO (Military Airlift Command Noncommissioned Officer)
    	 Academy (annual)  (P),0424-B-18
    D 301.82:,The Army Air Forces in World War II  (P),0422-M
    D 301.82/2:,U.S Air Service in World War I  (P),0422-M
    D 301.82/3:,The United States Air Force General Histories  (P),0422-M
    D 301.82/4:,United States Air Force Special Studies (series)  (P),0422-M-01
    D 301.82/5:,United States Air Force Reference Series  (P),0422-M-01
    D 301.82/7:,Air Force History and Museums Program Publications  (P),0422-M-01
    D 301.83/3:,The USAF Statistical Digest  (EL),0422-G-01
    D 301.86:,USAF Southeast Asia Monograph Series  (P),0422-J
    D 301.86/2:,United States Air Force in Southeast Asia (series)  (P),0422-J
    D 301.90:,Encyclopedia of U.S. Air Force Aircraft and Missile Systems (P),0422-L
    D 301.91:,Air Force Journal of Logistics (quarterly) (EL),0422-N
    D 301.92:,Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0424-C-02
    D 301.95:,Air Force ROTC Four Year College Scholarship Program  (MF),0424
    D 301.96:,USAF Warrior Studies (series)  (P),0422-M-01
    D 301.98:,Thunderbird Publicity Book (annual)  (P),0424-B-11
    D 301.100:,Unpublished Comptroller General Decisions with Index  (MF),0421-C-02
    D 301.101:,Intercom (monthly) (EL),0307-A-30
    D 301.104:,Directories,0424-B-16
    D 301.104/2:,Air Force Logistics Command, Hill Air Force Base, Telephone Directory (annual)
    D 301.104/3:,Los Angeles Air Force Station, Telephone Directory (annual)  (MF),0424-B-19
    D 301.104/9:,Air Force Address Directory (EL),0424-B-16
    D 301.116:,Air Force Electronic Publishing Library of Departmental Publications and Forms
    	 (monthly) (EL),0307-A-07
    D 301.116/3:,Air Education and Training Command Electronic Publishing Library (AETCEPL)
    D 301.118:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0307-A-05
    D 301.118/2:,Interactive Courseware (CD-ROM),0307-A-09
    D 301.119:,TIG Brief  (EL),0307-A-05
    D 301.120:,U.S. Air Force Policy Letter Digest  (EL),0307-A-05
    D 301.121:,ASC MSRC Journal (semiannual) (EL),0424-J-01
    D 301.122:,Air Force News  (EL),0307-A-05
    D 301.123:,Aviano Vigileer (weekly) (EL),0307-A-05
    D 301.124:,Cyberspokesman (monthly) (EL),0307-A-05
    D 301.125:,Leading Edge (monthly) (EL),0307-A-05
    D 301.126:,Ecotone (monthly) (EL),0307-A-05
    D 301.127:,IMA Update Issues (bimonthly) (EL),0307-A-05
    D 301.128:,United States Air Force Fact Sheets (EL),0307-A-05
    D 301.128:,Fact Sheet (irregular) (EL),0307-A-45
    D 301.129:,Crosstalk, the Journal of Defense Software Engineering (monthly) (EL),0424-J-02
    D 301.130:,High Frontier (quarterly) (EL),0424-J-03
    D 301.131:,Rock Slate (weekly) (EL),0424-J-04
    D 301.131/2:,Ali Times (weekly) (EL),0424-J-05
    D 301.131/3:,Patriot (monthly) (EL),0424-J-06
    D 301.132:,Addresses,0424-L
    D 301.132/2:,Speeches (Air Force) (irregular),0424-L-01
    D 301.134:,Air Force Doctrine Document (series) (EL),0424-J-08
    D 302.2:,General Publications,0428
    D 302.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0427-A
    D 302.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0427-D
    D 302.9:,Air Force Law Review (semiannual)  (EL),0427-B
    D 302.11:,The Reporter (quarterly) (EL),0427-C
    D 302.12:,Civil Law Opinions of the Judge Advocate General, United States Air Force  (MF),0427-A-01
    D 304.2:,General Publications,0428-B
    D 304.9:,Air Force Medical Logistics Letters (EL),0428-B-01
    D 304.10:,MCP (series)  (P),0428-F
    D 304.11:,Advanced Education Program in General Dentistry  (MF),0428-E
    D 304.12:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0428-B-01
    D 305.2:,General Publications,0425-A-01
    D 305.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0425-A-01
    D 305.6/3:,Curriculum Handbook  (P),0425-A-01
    D 305.6/4:,Academic Majors Handbook (annual)  (P),0425-A-01
    D 305.6/5:,Cadet Handbook USAFA (annual) (P),0425-A-16
    D 305.8:,U.S. Air Force Academy Catalog (annual)  (EL),0425-A
    D 305.8/3:,Instructions to Applicants, Class of ... (annual) (P),0425-A-11
    D 305.8/4:,Instructions to Candidates, Class of ... (annual) (P),0425-A-11
    D 305.10:,The Harmon Memorial Lectures in Military History (annual)  (MF),0425-A-04
    D 305.10/2:,The Ira C. Eaker Distinguished Lecture on National Defense Policy  (series)  (MF),0425-A-04
    D 305.11:,Proceedings of the Air Force Academy Assembly (annual)  (MF),0425-A-07
    D 305.12:,Special Bibliography Series  (EL),0425-A-03
    D 305.12/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (EL),0425-A-03
    D 305.15:,USAFA-TR (series)  (MF),0425-A-01
    D 305.16:,Contrails, Air Force Cadet Handbook (annual)  (P),0425-A-02
    D 305.17:,Formulary, USAF Academy Hospital (annual)  (MF),0425-A-05
    D 305.18:,Discovery  (MF),0425-A-03
    D 305.18:,USAFA Discovery (3 times a year) (EL),0425-A-17
    D 305.19:,Textbook/Coursebook (series)  (MF),0425-A-06
    D 305.20:,Directories  (P),0425-A-09
    D 305.22:,ICARUS: The Cadet Creative Writing Magazine (annual)  (MF),0425-A-08
    D 305.22/2:,Mindflights  (MF),0425-A-08
    D 305.22/3:,War, Literature, and the Arts (semiannual)  (EL),0425-A-12
    D 305.23:,Airman-Scholar, A Journal of Contemporary Military Thought (irregular) (EL),0425-A-13
    D 305.24:,INSS Occasional Paper (EL),0425-A-14
    D 305.24/1:,USAFA Institute for National Security Studies: General Publications (EL),0425-A-15
    E 1.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0429-A-01
    E 1.1/2:,Semiannual Report to Congress on Inspector General Audit Reports  (EL),0429-T-36
    E 1.1/7:,Annual Report to Congress, Department of Energy Activities Relating to the Defense Nuclear
    	 Facilities Safety Board (annual) (MF),0429-A-48
    E 1.2:,General Publications,0429-A
    E 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P) (EL),0429-A-09
    E 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0429-B
    E 1.8/5:,Fuel Economy Guide (annual) (EL),0429-A-42
    E 1.12:,Headquarters DOE Telephone Directory (semiannual)  (MF),0429-F
    E 1.12/2:,Laboratory Directory (Brookhaven National Laboratory) (updated irregularly) (EL),0429-F-01
    E 1.12/2-2:,Discover Brookhaven (quarterly) (EL),0429-F-02
    E 1.12/2-3:,The Bulletin (weekly) (EL),0429-F-03
    E 1.12/3:,National Telephone Directory (EL),0429-F
    E 1.13:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0429-G
    E 1.19:,Energy Research, DOE/ER (series) (MF) (EL),0429-N
    E 1.20:,Environmental Impact Statements, DOE/EIS (series) (EL),0429-R
    E 1.20/2:,Environmental Assessment, DOE/EA (series)  (MF),0429-R
    E 1.20/3:,DOE/EH (series)  (MF),0429-R
    E 1.20/3-2:,DOE Occupational Radiation Exposure Report (annual) (EL),0429-R-02
    E 1.20/5:,Sandia Technology (quarterly) (EL),0429-X-26
    E 1.23:,Materials and Components in Fossil Energy Applications  (EL),0474-A-04
    E 1.28:,Contractor Research and Development Reports  (MF)(EL),0429-T-04
    E 1.28/17:,Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review (quarterly)  (EL),0474-B-08
    E 1.28/19:,Activity Report/National Synchrotron Light Source (annual) (EL),0429-T-72
    E 1.34:,Congressional Budget Request (fiscal year)  (CD-ROM),0429-T-46
    E 1.35:,Controller, DOE/CR (series)  (MF) (EL),0429-T-14
    E 1.35/2:,DOE/MA (series) (EL),0429-T-14
    E 1.35/2-2:,Budget Highlights (annual)  (MF) (EL),0429-T-14
    E 1.35/2-7:,Directory of Awardee Names (annual)  (MF),0429-N-02
    E 1.35/4:,PADS FY ... Annual Reports (EL),0429-A-26
    E 1.38/5:,Wind Energy Program Highlights (MF) (EL),0429-P-09
    E 1.42:,Annual Report of Radiation Exposures for DOE & DOE Contractor Employees  
    E 1.45/2:,Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Program Annual Report to Congress  (P),0429-T-19
    E 1.48:,Office of Inspector General DOE/IG (series)  (MF) (EL),0429-T-36
    E 1.53:,Science and Technology Review: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (monthly)  
    E 1.53/5:,Breakthroughs (3 times a year) (EL),0429-E-04
    E 1.60:,Office of the Secretary DOE/S (series)  (MF),0429-T-39
    E 1.68/2:,DOE/RW (Radioactive Waste) (series)  (MF),0474-B-07
    E 1.68/2-6:,Quarterly Report on Program Cost and Schedule (quarterly)  (MF),0474-B-07
    E 1.68/2-7:,Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM), Annual Report to
    	 Congress (annual) (EL),0474-B-10
    E 1.68/2-8:,Site Characterization Progress Report. Yucca Mountain, Nevada (EL),0474-B-17
    E 1.68/2-9:,Acceptance Priority Ranking (MF),0474-B-18
    E 1.68/2-10:,Annual Capacity Report (MF),0474-B-19
    E 1.68/2-11:,OCRWM Bulletin Compilation and Index (MF),0474-B-20
    E 1.68/2-12:,Information Services Directory (MF),0474-B-21
    E 1.68/2-13:,Annual Report (EL),0474-B-22
    E 1.68/2-14:,Annual Report (EL),0474-B-23
    E 1.70:,Posters  (P),0474-B-02
    E 1.84:,DOE/FE (series)  (MF),0429-H-03
    E 1.84/2:,Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves, Annual Report of Operations (MF),0474-B-05
    E 1.84/4:,Clean Coal Today (quarterly) (EL),0429-H-03
    E 1.84/5:,Clean Coal Technology Compendium (Topical Reports) (EL),0429-H-12
    E 1.84/6:,Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program, Program Update (annual) 
    E 1.84/7:,Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program, Project Fact Sheets (EL),0429-H-14
    E 1.84/8:,Natural Gas Imports and Exports (quarterly) (EL),0429-H-15
    E 1.86/2:,Argonne News (irregular) (EL),0429-X
    E 1.86/3:,Logos (3 issues a year)  (EL),0429-A-20
    E 1.86/4:,Frontiers, Argonne National Laboratory, Research Highlights (annual) (EL),0429-A-22
    E 1.86/6:,Faculty and Student Programs (annual)  (MF) (EL),0429-A-22
    E 1.86/8:,Future Drive (quarterly) (EL),0429-X-22
    E 1.86/10:,Tech Transfer Highlights (EL),0429-A-41
    E 1.86/11:,University Currents (quarterly) (EL),0429-A-45
    E 1.86/12:,FERMI News (biweekly) (EL),0429-X-30
    E 1.86/13:,DOE Pulse (biweekly) (EL),0429-X-31
    E 1.86/14:,TransTech (EL),0429-A-51
    E 1.86/15:,TransForum (EL),0429-A-52
    E 1.86/16:,APS Science the Annual Report of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne 
    	National Laboratory (annual) (EL),0429-A-53
    E 1.86/17:,ArgonneNow (EL),0429-A-58
    E 1.89/4:,FEMP Focus (bimonthly) (EL),0429-H-04
    E 1.89/5:,FEMP Monthly Update (EL),0429-H-16
    E 1.90:,DOE/EP (series) (MF),0474-B-05
    E 1.90/2:,Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Annual Report for Calendar Year ... (EL),0474-B-06
    E 1.90/4:,Full Circle (EL),0429-X
    E 1.90/5:,Subsistence and Environmental Health (EL),0429-X
    E 1.90/6:,EM Progress (EL),0429-X
    E 1.90/7:,EM State Fact Sheets (EL),0429-X
    E 1.90/8:,NETL Project Fact Sheets (EL),0474-B-13
    E 1.90/9:,Fact Sheets on Fossil Energy Project (EL),0474-B-14
    E 1.90/10:,Technology Fact Sheet (series) (EL),0474-B-15
    E 1.92:,Fermilab Research Program Workbook (annual)  (MF),0429-A-06
    E 1.92/3:,Symmetry Dimensions of Particle Physics (EL),0429-A-54
    E 1.96:,Los Alamos Science (irregular) (EL),0429-A-12
    E 1.96/3:,Los Alamos News Letter (biweekly) (EL),0429-A-56
    E 1.96/4:,Actinide Research Quarterly (EL),0429-A-57
    E 1.96/5:,1663 (EL),0429-A-68
    E 1.99/4:,Combustion Research Facility News, CRFnews (Bimonthly) (EL),0429-A-74
    E 1.99/7-2:,Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Annual Report (EL),0429-H-11
    E 1.99/13:,Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy ClearingHouse ... (Fact Sheets)
    E 1.102:,Office of the Executive Secretary, DOE/ES (series)  (MF),0429-T-39
    E 1.103:,PPL (Plasma Physics Laboratory) Digest  (irregular)  (P),0429-A-18
    E 1.103/2:,PPPL News (irregular) (EL),0429-A-46
    E 1.108:,National Photovoltaics Program Review (annual)  (P),0430-N-01
    E 1.111:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0429-X
    E 1.114/4:,Clean Cities Now (quarterly) (EL),0429-X
    E 1.114/5:,Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report (quarterly) (EL),0429-X-39
    E 1.115:,Inquiry (annual) (EL),0429-H-09
    E 1.120:,DOE/EE (series)  (EL),0429-A-33
    E 1.120/2:,Partner Update (bimonthly) (EL),0429-A-43
    E 1.121:,DOE/HR (series)  (MF),0429-A-32
    E 1.122/2:,Forecast Contracting and Subcontracting Opportunities (annual) (MF) (EL),0429-A-39
    E 1.136:,Office of Inspector General Public Reports (various series)  (EL),0429-X
    E 1.137:,DOE Information Bridge (EL),0429-X-19
    E 1.137/3:,GrayLit Network (EL),0429-X-23
    E 1.137/4:,Energy Citations Database (online database) (EL),0429-X-28
    E 1.137/5:,Science Accelerator (online database) (EL),0429-X-40
    E 1.140/2:,E-Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0429-X-38
    E 1.141:,State Renewable Energy News (three times a year) (EL),0429-W-02
    E 1.142:,Federal R&D Project Summaries (EL),0429-X-24
    E 1.143:,Report on Inadvertent Releases of Restricted Data ... That Occurred Before October 17,
    	 1998 (quarterly) (EL),0429-X-27
    E 1.144:,Protecting Human Subjects (quarterly) (EL),0429-A-44
    E 1.145:,BWX TYmes (monthly) (EL),0429-X-29
    E 1.146/2:,ORNL Reporter (monthly) (EL),0429-X-33
    E 1.146/4:,Stellarator News (bimonthly) (EL),0429-X-34
    E 1.147:,Strategic plan (triennial) (EL),0429-A-47
    E 1.148:,SECA workshop proceedings (annual)  (EL),0429-X-35
    E 1.149:,CDIAC Communications (annual) (EL),0429-X-37
    E 1.150:,DOE Procurement and Assistance Data System (PADS) on-line (updated daily)
    E 1.151:,Research Programs, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering (updating website)
    E 1.152:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0429-A-50
    E 1.153:,Annual Site Environmental Report (EL),0429-A-55
    E 1.154:,Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Report (DOE Hydrogen Program)  (EL),0429-A-60
    E 1.154/2:,Annual Merit Review Proceedings (EL),0429-A-61
    E 1.155:,Annual Report (EL),0429-A-62
    E 1.155/2:,Employee Concerns Program ... Annual Activity Report (EL),0429-A-63
    E 1.155/3:,Report to the Secretary of Energy on the U.S. Department of Energy's Small Business
    	 Programs (EL) (Annual),0429-A-64
    E 1.155/4:,U.S. Department of Energy Strategic Plan for Small Business (EL) (annual),0429-A-65
    E 1.156:,Pacific Northwest Technology Today (monthly) (EL),0429-A-66
    E 1.157:,Science & Technology Highlights (semiannual) (EL),0429-A-67
    E 1.158:,SciDAC Review (Quarterly) (EL),0429-A-70
    E 1.159:,Energy Assurance Daily (EL),0429-A-69
    E 1.160:,GasTIPS (Quarterly) (EL),0429-A-71
    E 1.161:,Report on the Effect the Low Enriched Uranium Delivered under the Russian HEU
    	 Agreement has on the Domestic Uranium Mining, Conversion and Enrichment Industries
    	, and the Operation ... (Annual) (EL),0429-A-72
    E 1.162:,Argonne Update (irregular) (EL),0429-A-73
    E 1.163:,Jefferson Lab Site Environmental Report (Annual) (EL),0429-A-75
    E 1.164:,Fact Sheets/Idaho National Laboratory (Irreg),0429-A-76
    E 1.165:,NAWIG News: The Quarterly Newsletter of the Native American Wind Interest Group
    	 (quarterly (EL),0429-A-77
    E 1.166:,New England Wind Forum (newsletter) (irregular) (EL),0429-A-78
    E 1.167:,DOE Solar Energy Technologies Program Annual Report (annual) (EL),0429-A-79
    E 1.168:,Solar Energy Technologies Program Newsletter (quarterly) (EL),0429-A-80
    E 2.1:,Annual Reports  (EL),0429-V-10
    E 2.1/2:,FY ... Performance and accountability report (EL),0429-V-13
    E 2.1/3:,Annual Freedom of Information Act Report FY... (annual) (EL),0429-V-14
    E 2.1/4:,FY ... Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0429-V-15
    E 2.2:,General Publications,0429-V-04
    E 2.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0429-V-07
    E 2.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0429-L-04
    E 2.9/2:,FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) News
    	 (quarterly) (EL),0436-A-01
    E 2.11:,Environmental Impact Statements, FERC/EIS (series) (MF)(EL),0429-V-03
    E 2.11/2:,Draft Environmental Impact Statements, FERC/DEIS (series)  (MF),0429-V-03
    E 2.11/3:,Environmental Impact Statements, FERC/FEIS (series) (MF),0429-V-03
    E 2.12:,DOE/FERC-(series)  (MF),0429-V-01
    E 2.12/2:,Telephone Directory (quarterly)  (MF) (EL),0429-L-05
    E 2.12/3:,The Qualifying Facilities Report (annual)  (MF),0429-W
    E 2.15:,Maps and Charts  (P),0429-V-05
    E 2.22:,Notices of Determinations by Jurisdictional Agencies Under the Natural Gas Policy
    	 Act of 1978 (irregular)  (MF),0438-C-02
    E 2.23:,Staff Discussion Paper (series)  (MF),0429-L-06
    E 2.23/2:,Paper No. DPR (series)  (MF),0429-L-07
    E 2.24:,Forms  (P),0429-W-01
    E 3.1/2:,Annual Energy Review (EL),0429-J-01
    E 3.1/4:,Annual Energy Outlook, With Projection to ... (EL),0429-J-01
    E 3.2:,General Publications,0429-T-11
    E 3.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0429-T-24
    E 3.9:,Monthly Energy Review (EL),0434-A-02
    E 3.11:,Natural Gas Monthly  (EL),0435-E-10
    E 3.11/2-2:,Natural Gas Annual  (EL),0429-K-03
    E 3.11/2-12:,Natural Gas Weekly  Update  (EL),0434-A-20
    E 3.11/2-13:,U.S. Natural Gas Imports and Exports, Issues and Trends (EL) (Annual),0435-E-46
    E 3.11/4:,Weekly U.S. Coal Production Overview (EL),0435-E-40
    E 3.11/5:,Petroleum Supply (monthly) (EL),0435-J-01
    E 3.11/5-5:,Petroleum Supply (annual) (EL),0435-J-01
    E 3.11/5-6:,International Petroleum Monthly (monthly) (EL),0435-J-01
    E 3.11/7-3:,Annual Coal Report (EL),0435-E-02
    E 3.11/7-13:,U.S. Coal Supply and Demand, ... Review (EL) (Annual),0435-E-47
    E 3.11/9:,Quarterly Coal Report  (EL),0435-G
    E 3.11/9-3:,Coal news and markets (weekly) (EL),0435-G-02
    E 3.11/11-3:,Fuel Oil and Kerosene Sales (annual)  (EL),0434-A-20
    E 3.11/17-8:,Electric Power Monthly  (EL),0435-E-18
    E 3.11/17-10:,Electric Power Annual  (EL),0435-E-18
    E 3.11/17-15:,Electricity Infocard (annual) (EL),0435-E-48
    E 3.11/20:,International Energy Annual  (EL),0435-H
    E 3.11/20-3:,International Energy Outlook, With Projections to... (annual)  (EL),0435-H
    E 3.13/4:,Petroleum Marketing Monthly  (EL),0434-A-20
    E 3.13/4-2:,Petroleum Marketing Annual  (EL),0434-A-20
    E 3.13/8:,On-Highway Diesel Prices (weekly)  (EL),0434-A-20
    E 3.13/9:,Retail Gasoline Prices (weekly)  (EL),0434-A-20
    E 3.19/2:,Renewable Energy Annual (annual) (EL),0429-T-20
    E 3.21:,Maps and Charts (P),0438-B
    E 3.22:,Electric Sales, Revenue, and Average Price (annual) (EL),0429-J-04
    E 3.26/5:,Service Reports (series) (EL),0429-T-75
    E 3.27/4:,EIA New Releases (EL),0429-T-49
    E 3.27/6:,Energy Education Resources, Kindergarten through 12th Grade (annual)  (EL),0429-T-49
    E 3.27/8:,Current EIA Publications (EL),0429-T-70
    E 3.31:,Short-Term Energy Outlook (EL),0429-K-01
    E 3.32:,Weekly Petroleum Status Report (EL),0429-T-58
    E 3.32/5:,This Week in Petroleum  (EL),0434-A-24
    E 3.33:,Energy Information Directory (frequently updated) (EL),0435-E-08
    E 3.34:,U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves (MF) (EL),0429-X-01
    E 3.34:,U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Reserves, Annual Report (EL),0429-K-02
    E 3.34/2:,Oil and Gas Field Code Master List, DOE/EIA-0370  (annual)  (EL),0429-K-04
    E 3.37:,Performance Profiles of Major Energy Producers (annual) (EL),0435-K
    E 3.42/3:,State Energy Data ... Price and Expenditure Data (annual) (EL),0435-E-24
    E 3.42/6:,State Energy Consumption, Price and Expenditure Estimates (EL),0435-E-43
    E 3.43/6:,Energy Consumption Series  (MF),0435-M-01
    E 3.44/2:,Costs and Indices for Domestic Oil and Gas Field Equipment and Production Operations,
    	 DOE/EIA-0185  (annual)  (EL),0435-E-29
    E 3.46/5:,Uranium Industry (annual)  (EL),0435-E-31
    E 3.46/5-3:,Uranium Marketing Annual Report (EL) (Annual),0435-E-44
    E 3.46/5-4:,Domestic Uranium Production Report (EL) (Annual),0435-E-45
    E 3.57:,Technical Report (TR) (series)  (MF),0429-K-06
    E 3.59:,Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in the United States (annual)  (EL),0429-K-07
    E 3.59/2:,Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Annual Report  (EL),0429-K-10
    E 3.59/3:,Greenhouse Gas Volunteer (newsletter) (EL),0429-K-11
    E 3.61:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0429-K-09
    E 3.62:,Energy Information Administration (EIA) Survey Forms (EL),0435-E-42
    E 3.63:,Financial News for Major Energy Companies (Quarterly) (EL),0429-T-73
    E 3.63/2:,Financial News for Independent Energy Companies (quarterly) (EL),0429-T-74
    E 5.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0606-A-03
    E 5.1/2:,Quarterly Financial Report (EL),0606-A-03
    E 5.1/3:,Kalispel Resident Fish Project Annual Report (annual) (EL),0606-A-10
    E 5.1/4:,Kalispel Resident Fish Project Kalispel Tribal Hatchery Operations and Maintenance
    	 Annual Report (annual) (EL),0606-A-11
    E 5.2:,General Publications,0606-A-01
    E 5.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0606-A-02
    E 5.23:,Journal, Bonneville Power Administration  (EL),0606-A-09
    E 5.24:,Electronic Products  (misc.)  (E),0606-A-09
    E 5.25:,Pacific Northwest Loads and Resources Study (annual) (EL),0606-A-12
    E 5.26:,General Publications (Federal Caucus),0606-A-13
    E 5.26/2:,Citizen Update (Newsletter) (EL),0606-A-14
    E 5.27:,Keeping Current (EL),0606-A-15
    E 6.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0430-K-04
    E 6.1/3:,Statistical Appendix (annual) (EL),0430-K-08
    E 6.1/4:,Annual Performance Plan (EL),0430-K-09
    E 6.1/5:,Annual Performance Report (Annual) (EL),0430-K-15
    E 6.2:,General Publications,0430-K-01
    E 6.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0430-K-02
    E 6.8/2:,Power System Safety Manual (annual) (EL),0430-K-10
    E 6.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0430-K
    E 6.10:,Maps and Charts  (P),0430-K-03
    E 6.15:,Green Power and Market Research News (biweekly) (EL),0430-K-11
    E 6.16:,Energy Services Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0430-K-12
    E 6.16:,Energy Services Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0432-K-12
    E 6.17:,Closed Circuit (Biweekly) (EL),0430-K-13
    E 6.18:,Annual Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year ... (Annual) (EL),0430-K-14
    E 8.1:,Southeastern Power Administration Annual Report  (EL),0430-K-07
    E 8.2:,General Publications,0430-K-05
    E 8.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0430-K-06
    E 9.2:,General Publications (EL),0430-P
    E 9.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (EL),0430-P-01
    E 9.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0430-P-12
    E 9.9/2:,Energy Epubs Update (semiannual) (EL),0430-P-13
    E 9.15:,Energy Matters (quarterly) (EL),0430-P-02
    E 9.16:,NREL/TP (series) (EL),0430-P-03
    E 9.17:,Conference Papers (EL),0430-P-04
    E 9.18:,Subcontractor Reports (EL),0430-P-05
    E 9.19:,NREL/FS (series) (EL),0430-P-06
    E 9.20:,Environmental Report (EL),0430-P-07
    E 9.21:,Quarterly update  (quarterly) (EL),0430-P-08
    E 9.22:,Presentation Reports (NREL/PR) (EL),0430-P-09
    E 9.23:,NREL/BK (series) (EL),0430-P-10
    E 9.24:,NREL/GO (series) (EL),0430-P-11
    E 9.25:,Annual Report on U.S. Wind Power Installation, Cost, and Performance Trends
    E 9.26:,NREL/BR (series) (EL),0430-P-15
    E 9.27:,Projected benefits of Federal Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy programs (annual)
    E 9.28:,NREL/PO (series) (EL),0430-P-17
    E 9.29:,NREL/MP (series) EL,0430-P-18
    E 10.1:,Annual Report (P),0430-Q-01
    E 10.1/2:,Budget-In-Brief (annual) (EL),0430-Q-02
    E 10.2:,General Publications,0430-Q
    E 10.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0430-Q-20
    E 10.16:,EREN network news (weekly) (EL),0430-Q-03
    E 10.17:,Progress Report for Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and Infrastructure Technologies Program (annual)
    E 10.18:,Wind Powering America Fact Sheet Series (EL),0430-Q-05
    E 10.19:, (online database) (EL),0430-Q-06
    E 10.20:,National Idling Reduction Network News (EL),0430-Q-07
    E 10.21:,Industrial Technologies Program (various technologies) (annual) (EL),0430-Q-08
    E 10.22:,Annual Report to Congress on Federal Government Energy Management and Conservation
    	 Progress (EL),0430-Q-09
    E 10.23:,Year in Review (EL) (Annual),0430-Q-10
    E 10.24:,FY ... Progress Report for Advanced Combustion Engine Technologies (annual) (EL),0430-Q-11
    E 10.25:,Progress Report for High Strength Weight Reduction Materials (Annual) (EL),0430-Q-12
    E 10.26:,Progress Report for Heavy Vehicle Propulsion Materials Program (Annual) (EL),0430-Q-13
    E 10.28:,Progress Report for Automotive Lightweighting Materials (Annual) (EL),0430-Q-15
    E 10.29:,Progress Report for Automotive Propulsion Materials Program (Annual) (EL),0430-Q-16
    E 10.32:,Progress Report for Energy Storage Research and Development (Annual) (EL),0430-Q-19
    E 11.2:,General Publications,0430-R
    E 11.15:,Fact Sheets (EL),0430-R-01
    E 11.16:,General Publications (Nevada Site Office),0430-R-02
    E 11.16/2:,DOE/NV (series) (EL),0430-R-03
    E 11.16/2-2:,Nevada Test Site Annual Site Environmental Report (EL),0430-R-04
    E 11.16/2-3:,Environmental Management Update Newsletter (EL),0430-R-06
    E 11.16/2-4:,Annual Report ... Radioactive Waste Shipments to and from the Nevada Test Site
    	 (NTS) (EL),0430-R-07
    E 11.16/2-5:,Environmental Monitoring Report for the Nevada Test Site (EL),0430-R-08
    E 11.16/3:,SiteLines (monthly) (EL),0430-R-05
    E 11.16/4:,Strategic Plan (Nevada Site Office) (EL),0430-R-09
    E 11.17:,Annual Report / Sandia National Laboratories (EL),0430-R-10
    E 12.1:,National Energy Technology Laboratory Accomplishments FY ... (annual) (EL),0430-S-06
    E 12.2:,General Publications,0430-S
    E 12.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0430-S-01
    E 12.8/2:,NETL Publication Standards Manual (irregular) (EL),0430-S-07
    E 12.15:,Netlog (quarterly) (EL),0430-S-02
    E 12.16:,Fire in the Ice (quarterly) (EL),0430-S-03
    E 12.17:,Eye on Environment (quarterly) (EL),0430-S-04
    E 12.18:,Carbon Sequestration Newsletter (monthly) (EL),0430-S-05
    E 12.18/2:,Carbon sequestration: technology roadmap and program plan (annual) (EL),0430-S-08
    ED 1.1/5:,Financial Management Status Report and 5-Year Plan (annual) (MF) (EL),0455-B-25
    ED 1.1/6:,Annual Accountability Report (EL),0455-N
    ED 1.1/8:,Annual Plan and Program Performance Reports (annual) (EL),0455-B-30
    ED 1.1/9:,Strategic Plan (EL),0455-B-31
    ED 1.1/10:,Annual Report to Congress (EL),0455-N-10
    ED 1.2:,General Publications,0455-B-02
    ED 1.2/15:,Braille Publications  (P),0766-C-25
    ED 1.2/17:,Catalyst (quarterly)  (EL),0455-P
    ED 1.2/18:,ED Review (Biweekly) (EL),0455-B-39
    ED 1.3/3:,Federal Student Loan Program Bulletin  (EL),0455-B-26
    ED 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0461-B-01
    ED 1.8/2:,The Student Guide, Five Financial Aid Programs (annual)  (EL),0461-B-01
    ED 1.8/5:,Guide to SARs & ISIRs (annual) (EL),0461-B-18
    ED 1.8/6:,OCR Case Resolution and Investigation Manual (online database) (EL),0461-B-20
    ED 1.9/2:,What's Noteworthy on ... (series)  (P),0455-B-19
    ED 1.10/2:,Guide to Department of Education Programs (annual)  (EL),0455-B-18
    ED 1.11/2:,Innovations in Education (series) (EL),0466-A-09
    ED 1.14:,Campus Based Programs Report (series)  (MF),0460-C
    ED 1.17:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0455-D
    ED 1.23:,FIPSE (publications) (rev. 1965) (P),0461
    ED 1.23/2:,FIPSE, Application for Grants Under the Comprehensive Program, (fiscal year) (P),0461
    ED 1.23/10:,FIPSE, European Union: United States Program for Cooperation in Higher Education
    	 and Training (annual) (P),0461
    ED 1.23/11:,FIPSE, Disseminating Proven Reforms (P),0461-A-25
    ED 1.24:,Employee Locator System (EL),0455-K
    ED 1.26:,Office of Inspector General Semi-Annual Report to Congress  (EL),0455-L
    ED 1.26/2:,Semiannual Reports to Congress on Audit Follow-Up  (MF),0455-L-01
    ED 1.30/2:,Directories,0461-B-10
    ED 1.32:,Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of Individuals with Disabilities
    	 Education Act (annual) (EL),0461-B
    ED 1.33:,National Center for Research in Vocational Education, Publications  (MF),0461-D-06
    ED 1.34:,Federal Assistance for Programs Serving the Handicapped  (P),0461-B-03
    ED 1.37:,Posters and Charts  (P),0455-M
    ED 1.38:,Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs  (P),0455-F
    ED 1.40/2:,National Direct Student Loan and Federal Perkins Loan Programs Directory of
    	 Designated Low-Income Schools for Teacher Cancellation Benefits (annual) (EL),0455-B-05
    ED 1.40/4:,Status of Perkins Loan Default as of ... (EL),0455-B-04
    ED 1.40/6:,Direct Loans Bulletin (EL),0455-N
    ED 1.40/7:,Repaying Your Student Loans (annual) (EL),0461-B-17
    ED 1.40/8:,Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP) (EL),0455-B-32
    ED 1.42:,Higher Education Opportunities for Minorities and Women, Annotated Selection (annual)
    ED 1.45:,Counselors and Mentors Handbook on Federal Student Aid (EL),0461-B-01
    ED 1.45/3:,P (Pell) Series (numbered)  (P),0455-B-06
    ED 1.45/4:,Student Financial Aid Handbook (annual) (EL),0461-B-04
    ED 1.45/5:,EFC Formula Book: Expected Family Contribution for Federal Student Aid (annual)
    ED 1.45/7:,Funding Education Beyond High School, the Guide to Federal Student Aid (annual)
    ED 1.45/8:,FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (online database) (EL),0461-B-21
    ED 1.47:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0455-B-08
    ED 1.47/2:,Education Department General Administrative Regulations, EDGAR (EL),0455-B-38
    ED 1.72:,Request for Proposal (series)  (P),0455-B-14
    ED 1.73:,Forms  (P),0455-B-15
    ED 1.74/2:,CB (series) (MF),0455-B-04
    ED 1.75:,Announcements (irregular)  (P),0461-B-06
    ED 1.76:,GEN (series) (EL),0455-B-16
    ED 1.76/2:,ANN (series) (EL),0455-B-16
    ED 1.76/2-2:,P (series) (EL),0455-B-16
    ED 1.76/2-3:,SSIG and SG (series) (MF),0455-B-16
    ED 1.76/2-4:,L (series) (EL),0455-B-16
    ED 1.77:,The Challenge (bimonthly)  (EL),0455-B-20
    ED 1.80:,Working Paper (series)  (P),0455-B-21
    ED 1.83:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0455-N
    ED 1.85/2:,Achiever (irregular) (EL),0455-J-03
    ED 1.86:,NIDRR Consensus Statement,  (P),0455-B-21
    ED 1.89/2:,Annual Report, Presidents Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities
    	 in federal programs (EL),0455-D-02
    ED 1.90/2:,Education Innovator (weekly) (EL),0455-B-34
    ED 1.92:,Federal School Code List (annual) (P),0455-D-04
    ED 1.92/2:,Federal School Code (database) (EL),0455-D-05
    ED 1.94:,Application for Grants Under the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program
    	 (annual) (EL),0455-D-07
    ED 1.94/2:,Grant Application for the Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program
    	 (annual) (EL),0455-D-08
    ED 1.94/3:,Application for New Fellowship (annual) (EL),0455-D-11
    ED 1.95:,Request for Fiscal Year Designation as an Eligible Institution for the Strengthening Institutions
    	 Program, American Indian Tribally-Controlled ... (EL),0455-D-09
    ED 1.96:,National Center for ESL Literacy Education: General Publications,0455-D-10
    ED 1.97:,OVAE review (biweekly) (EL),0455-B-35
    ED 1.98:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0455-B-36
    ED 1.99:,Currents (EL),0455-B-37
    ED 1.102:,General Publications,0461-A-01
    ED 1.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0461-A-03
    ED 1.109:,The Condition of Education (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0461-A-30
    ED 1.109:,The Condition of Education (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0461-A-12
    ED 1.109/3:,The Condition of Education in Brief (annual) (EL),0461-A-31
    ED 1.111:,Education Directory:  Colleges and Universities (annual)  (MF),0461-A-16
    ED 1.111/2:,Directory of Public Elementary and Secondary Education Agencies (annual)
    ED 1.111/4:,Directory of Postsecondary Institutions (annual) (P) (EL),0461-A-21
    ED 1.112/4-2:,Characteristics of the 25 Most Populous Cities' School Systems and the 25
    	 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts (annual) (EL),0461-A-32
    ED 1.114:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0461-A-17
    ED 1.115:,Contractor Reports (series)  (MF),0455-F-01
    ED 1.117:,Postsecondary Institutions in the United States and Degrees and Other Awards
    	 Conferred (annual) (EL),0460-A-54
    ED 1.120:,Projections of Education Statistics (EL),0460-A-10
    ED 1.120/3:,Pocket Projections (annual) (EL),0460-A-59
    ED 1.121/3:,College Costs, Basic Student Charges, 2-Year and 4-Year Institutions (annual)
    ED 1.123:,Participation in Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (triennial) (P),0461-A-18
    ED 1.130:,Directories  (MF),0461-A-20
    ED 1.134:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0461-A-27
    ED 1.135:,Public Libraries in the United States (annual) (EL),0461-A-29
    ED 1.136:,General Publications (NAEP),0455-Q
    ED 1.136/2:,The Nation's Report Card: Reading (irregular) (EL),0455-Q-01
    ED 1.136/3:,Nation's Report Card: Science (irregular) (EL),0455-Q-02
    ED 1.136/4:,Nation's Report Card: Writing (irregular) (EL),0455-Q-03
    ED 1.136/5:,Nation's Report Card: U.S. History (irregular) (EL),0455-Q-04
    ED 1.136/6:,Nation's Report Card: Geography (irregular) (EL),0455-Q-05
    ED 1.136/7:,Nation's Report Card: Mathematics (irregular) (EL),0455-Q-06
    ED 1.136/8:,Nation's Report Card: Civics (irregular) (EL),0455-Q-07
    ED 1.136/9:,Nation's Report Card: The Arts (irregular) (EL),0455-Q-08
    ED 1.136/10:,NAEP Year-At-A-Glance (annual) (P) (EL),0455-Q-09
    ED 1.137:,Public School Student, Staff, and Graduate Counts by State--School Year ...
    	 (annual) (EL),0455-G-21
    ED 1.139:,Developments in School Finance (annual) (EL),0461-D-28
    ED 1.140:,Digest of Education Statistics (annual) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0461-D-30
    ED 1.140:,Digest of Education Statistics (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0461-D-29
    ED 1.140/2:,Mini-Digest of Education Statistics (annual) (EL),0461-D-31
    ED 1.141:,Data File: State Library Agencies Survey: Fiscal Year ... (annual) (EL),0461-A-33
    ED 1.154:,Forms (P),0461-A-34
    ED 1.202:,General Publications,0529
    ED 1.208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0529-B
    ED 1.209:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0506-C-05
    ED 1.209/2:,Catalog of Captioned General Interest Videos and Films  (MF),0506-C-05
    ED 1.209/2-2:,Catalog of Captioned Educational Films/Videos  (annual) (MF),0506-C-05
    ED 1.210:,Annual Report (Rehabilitation Services Administration) (EL),0529-D
    ED 1.215:,NIDRR Program Directory (annual)  (MF) (EL),0529-D-02
    ED 1.215/2:,Disability Statistics Report (series)  (P),0529-D-03
    ED 1.215/3:,Disability Forum Report (series)  (P),0529-D-04
    ED 1.215/4:,Disability Statistics Abstract (EL),0529-D-03
    ED 1.216:,Discretionary Grants and Projects (integrating resource) (EL),0529-D-05
    ED 1.301/2:,ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Annual Report (EL),0461-D-21
    ED 1.302:,General Publications,0461-D-05
    ED 1.303/4:,The Link  (P) (EL),0455-G-11
    ED 1.308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0455-G-04
    ED 1.308/2:,Educational Research Consumer Guide (series)  (P),0455-G-04
    ED 1.317:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0455-G-06
    ED 1.322:,Research in Brief  (P),0455-G-11
    ED 1.322/2:,Issue Brief (series)  (P),0455-G-11
    ED 1.324:,Request for Proposal (P),0461-D-05
    ED 1.327:,Youth Indicators, Trends in the Well-Being of American Youth (triennial) (EL),0461-D-05
    ED 1.328:,Survey Report (series)  (MF),0455-G-09
    ED 1.328/2:,Analysis Report (series)  (MF) (EL),0455-G-09
    ED 1.328/3:,E.D. Tabs (series)  (MF) (EL),0455-G-09
    ED 1.328/3-2:,Private School Universe Survey (annual) (EL),0455-G-22
    ED 1.328/4:,Statistics in Brief (series)  (P),0455-G-11
    ED 1.328/5:,Statistical Analysis Report (series) (MF) (EL),0455-G-09
    ED 1.328/6:,Research and Development Report (series)  (MF),0455-G-09
    ED 1.328/7:,Technical Report (series)  (P),0455-G-11
    ED 1.328/8:,Federal Support for Education (fiscal year)  (EL),0455-G-11
    ED 1.328/9:,Methodology Report (series)  (MF),0455-G-14
    ED 1.328/10:,Technical/Methodology Report (series)  (P),0455-G-17
    ED 1.328/11:,Descriptive Report  (MF),0455-G-18
    ED 1.328/13:,Education Statistics Quarterly (EL),0455-G-20
    ED 1.329:,Dropout Rates in the United States (annual) (EL),0461-D-05
    ED 1.329/2:,NCES Common Core of Data State-Level Public-Use Data File on Public School Dropouts
    	 (annual) (EL),0461-D-35
    ED 1.330:,Directories,0461-G
    ED 1.330/2:,Directory of ERIC Resource Collections (annual)  (EL),0461-G-01
    ED 1.332:,Schools and Staffing Survey  (CD-ROM),0455-N-01
    ED 1.334/2:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0455-N-04
    ED 1.334/3:,Public Library Data (Diskettes),0455-N-05
    ED 1.334/4:,Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (annual) (CD-ROM),0455-N-06
    ED 1.334/4-2:,Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (Annual data collection schedule)
    ED 1.334/5:,National Household Education Survey (biennial) (CD-ROM),0455-N-07
    ED 1.334/6:,School District Data Book (CD-ROM),0455-N-08
    ED 1.335:,NAEPfacts  (P) (EL),0455-G-11
    ED 1.335/2:,Focus on NAEP  (P),0455-G-11
    ED 1.335/4:,NAEP Trends in Academic Progress (EL),0461-G-02
    ED 1.336/2:,Perspectives on Education Policy Research (P),0461-D-22
    ED 1.338:,Library Career Training Program, Abstracts of Funded Projects Title 2-B (annual)
    ED 1.340/3:,ENC, Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (CD-ROM),0461-D-16
    ED 1.341:,Indicator of the Month (series)  (P) (EL),0461-D-12
    ED 1.344:,Posters  (P),0461-D-15
    ED 1.346/2:,Fact Sheet (National Center for Early Development & Learning) (P),0461-D-19
    ED 1.347:,Indicators of School Crime and Safety (annual) (EL),0461-A-26
    ED 1.348:,The Vision (The Newsletter of SERVE) (irregular) (EL),0461-D-23
    ED 1.348/2:,A SERVE Special Report (various topics) (P),0461-D-24
    ED 1.348/3:,SERVE - General Publications,0461-D-25
    ED 1.348/4:,SERVE Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0461-D-26
    ED 1.349:,Early Developments (quarterly) (EL),0461-D-32
    ED 1.350:,College Navigator (online database) (EL),0461-D-34
    ED 1.402:,General Publications,0461-H
    ED 1.408:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0461-B-02
    ED 1.410:,Application for Grants, Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies (annual)
    ED 1.502:,The Presidential Scholars Program,0466-B
    ED 1.601/2:,ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Annual Report (EL),0455-R-01
    ED 1.602:,General Publications,0455-R
    ED 1.608:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0455-R-05
    ED 1.610:,Directory of ERIC Resource Collections (annual) (EL),0455-R-03
    ED 1.615:,ERIC Database (online database) (EL),0455-R-02
    ED 1.616:,ERIC Digest (EL),0455-R-04
    ED 1.617:,Issues & Answers (series) (EL),0455-R-06
    ED 1.702:,General Publications,0455-S
    EP 1.1:,Annual Report (EL),0431-I-04
    EP 1.1/4:,Summary of the Budget (annual) (EL),0431-J-03
    EP 1.1/6:,ORD Annual Report  (MF),0431-I-70
    EP 1.1/7:,ROD Annual Report FY (Record of Decision)  (MF),0431-I-82
    EP 1.1/9:,Report of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board to the President and Congress of
    	 the United States (annual) (EL),0431-K-16
    EP 1.1/10:,WasteWise Annual Report (EL),0431-I-90
    EP 1.1/11:,NATO/CCMS Pilot Study: Evaluation of Demonstrated and Emerging Technologies
    	 for Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Phase III) Annual Report (EL),
    EP 1.1/12:,Annual Report NATO/CCMS Pilot Study: Clean Products and Processes (EL),0431-J-22
    EP 1.1/13:,Progress Report (annual) (EL),0431-J-27
    EP 1.1/14:,Annual Freedom of Information Report (EL),0431-J-42
    EP 1.1/15:,EPA progress report ... Pacific Southwest Region (annual) (EL),0431-J-48
    EP 1.1/16:,EPA Strategic Plan (every 3 years) (EL),0431-J-54
    EP 1.2:,General Publications,0431-I-01
    EP 1.3/3:,Engineering Bulletin (series)  (MF),0431-I-11
    EP 1.3/4:,SITE, Emerging Technology Bulletin,  (P),0431-I-81
    EP 1.3/5:,EPA Intermittent Bulletin  (MF),0431-I-11
    EP 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0431-I-56
    EP 1.6/2:,Background Documents for (various products), Noise Emissions Regulations (or standards)
    EP 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0431-K
    EP 1.8/2:,Assistance Administration Manual  (P),0431-J-07
    EP 1.8/3:,Development Documents for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and New Source Performance
    	 Standards  (MF),0431-K-01
    EP 1.8/6:,OAQPS Guidelines Series  (MF),0431-I-50
    EP 1.8/9:,ORD Extramural Program Guide  (P),0431-I-70
    EP 1.10:,Addresses  (MF),0431-I-06
    EP 1.12:,Telephone Directory (quarterly)  (MF),0431-I-22
    EP 1.17:,Solid Waste Management Series SW (numbered)  (MF),0431-I-07
    EP 1.17/6:,Innovative Treatment Technologies: (annual)  (MF),0431-I-83
    EP 1.17/7:,Recycling Update (quarterly)  (P),0431-J-17
    EP 1.17/8:,Buy-Recycled Series (MF),0431-J-20
    EP 1.21:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0431-I-09
    EP 1.21/6-2:,ORD Publications Announcements (irregular)  (P),0431-I-39
    EP 1.21/11:,National Publications Catalog (annual) (P),0431-J-28
    EP 1.21/11-2:,National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS),0431-J-29
    EP 1.23/2:,Environmental Protection Technology series (numbered)  (MF),0431-I-12
    EP 1.23/5:,Environmental Monitoring Series (numbered)  (MF),0431-I-24
    EP 1.23/6:,Miscellaneous Series (numbered) (MF) (EL),0431-J
    EP 1.23/8:,Interagency Energy-Environment Research and Development Reports (numbered)
    EP 1.23/9:,EPA Special Reports (numbered)  (MF),0431-K-12
    EP 1.23/10-4:,ETVoice (EL),0431-J-25
    EP 1.42/2:,Environmental Fact Sheet  (MF) (EL),0431-J-14
    EP 1.43/2:,Ground Water Issue (series) (MF) (EL),0431-I-33
    EP 1.48:,Posters  (P),0431-J-12
    EP 1.53/2:,Air Quality Criteria (various subjects)  (MF),0431-I-76
    EP 1.57/3:,Final Environmental Impact Statement  (MF) (EL) (CD-ROM),0431-I-55
    EP 1.57/4:,Draft Environmental Impact Statements (MF),0431-I-55
    EP 1.57/6:,Draft Environmental Status Report  (MF),0431-I-55
    EP 1.74:,Decision Series  (P),0431-I-71
    EP 1.78:,Technical Reports (MF),0431-L-03
    EP 1.88:,Chesapeake Bay Program (series)  (MF),0431-L-10
    EP 1.88/2:,Chesapeake Bay... Health and Restoration Assessment (annual) (EL),0431-L-20
    EP 1.89:,Research Summary (series)  (MF),0431-L-11
    EP 1.89/2:,Project Summary (series)  (MF),0431-L-12
    EP 1.89/4:,SITE (Technology Capsule & Innovative Technology Evaluation Reports)  (MF)(EL),0431-L-16
    EP 1.89/4-2:,SITE (Superfund Innovation Technology Evaluation) Demonstration Bulletin (series) (MF)
    EP 1.89/4-3:,SITE (Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation) Technology Demonstration Summary
    EP 1.96:,Environmental Research Brief (series)  (P),0431-I-81
    EP 1.99:,Maps and Atlases  (P),0431-J-10
    EP 1.101:,Forms  (P),0431-J-06
    EP 1.102:,Directories,0431-J-13
    EP 1.103:,OSWER Training Course Catalog (annual)  (P),0431-I-09
    EP 1.104:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0431-R
    EP 1.104/4:,LandView II Mapping of Selected EPA-Regulated Sites TIGER/Line (CD-ROM),0431-R-03
    EP 1.104/5:,CERCLIS (Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation, and Liability Information
    	 System) (quarterly) (CD-ROM),0431-R-05
    EP 1.105:,Bioremediation (irregular)  (P),0431-I-07
    EP 1.107:,National Priorities List Sites:  (MF),0431-L-05
    EP 1.107/3:,National Priorities List (frequently updated) (EL),0431-L-19
    EP 1.109:,Air CHIEF (ClearingHouse for Inventory and Emission Factors)  (CD-ROM),0431-T
    EP 1.111:,Monthly Call Center Report (EL),0431-R-06
    EP 1.113:,Sector Notebook Project (series) (various industries)  (P) (EL),0431-I-85
    EP 1.115:,Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (annual) (EL),0431-I-87
    EP 1.116:,The State of Federal Facilities (biennial) (EL),0431-I-88
    EP 1.117:,Small Business Ombudsman Update (semiannual) (EL),0431-I-38
    EP 1.117/2:,Publications for Small Business (irregular) (EL),0431-I-96
    EP 1.118:,WasteWise Updates (irregular) (EL),0431-I-91
    EP 1.119:,Cleanup News (quarterly) (EL),0431-I-92
    EP 1.119/2:,Fox River Currents (bimonthly) (EL),0431-J-34
    EP 1.121:,Oil Spill Program Update (quarterly) (EL),0431-I-93
    EP 1.122:,Oil Drop (twice a year) (EL),0431-I-94
    EP 1.123:,Superfund Today (irregular) (EL),0431-I-98
    EP 1.124:,Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Accomplishments Report (annual) (EL),0431-I-97
    EP 1.124/2:,FedFacs (numbered) (semiannual) (EL),0431-I-99
    EP 1.124/3:,Enforcement Alert Newsletter (bimonthly) (EL),0431-J-26
    EP 1.125:,Science Inventory (irregular) (EL),0431-R-07
    EP 1.126:,Toxics Release Inventory. Public Release Data (annual) (EL),0431-K-18
    EP 1.126/2:,Toxics Release Inventory. State Fact Sheets (annual) (EL),0431-K-19
    EP 1.127:,Providing Safe Drinking Water in America (annual) (EL),0431-J-30
    EP 1.128:,CBEP News Online (irregular) (EL),0431-J-32
    EP 1.129:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0431-J-35
    EP 1.130:,Environmental Administrative Decisions (irregular) (P),0431-J-31
    EP 1.131:,Energizing EPA (quarterly) (EL),0431-J-38
    EP 1.132:,Registry Update (quarterly) (EL),0431-J-37
    EP 1.133:,CA (Compliance Assistance) Compass (EL),0431-I-45
    EP 1.134:,BWC Network News (Irregular) (EL),0431-J-41
    EP 1.134/2:,Pipeline (semiannual) (EL),0431-J-40
    EP 1.135:,Information  Quality ... Annual Report (EL),0431-J-43
    EP 1.136:,FY ... Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards (STAA) Program (Annual)
    EP 1.137:,Envirofacts data warehouse (EL),0431-J-45
    EP 1.138:,Enviromapper (irregular) (EL),0431-J-46
    EP 1.139:,Tribal Program Newsletter (EL),0431-J-47
    EP 1.140:,Small Flows Magazine (semiannual) (EL),0431-J-49
    EP 1.141:,Go Green! (Monthly) (EL),0431-J-51
    EP 1.142:,Linking Girls to the Land (Resource Guide) (irregular) (EL),0431-J-52
    EP 1.143:,National Award for Smart Growth Achievement (annual) (EL),0431-J-53
    EP 1.334:,Interagency monitoring of protected visual environments: IMPROVE (quarterly)
    EP 1.335:,Performance track annual progress report  (annual)  (EL),0431-J-50
    EP 2.2:,General Publications,0473-A-01
    EP 2.3/2:,Technical Bulletins  (MF),0473-A-07
    EP 2.3/4:,Labcert Bulletin  (irregular) (EL),0473-A-11
    EP 2.5:,Laws  (P),0607-D
    EP 2.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0473-A-13
    EP 2.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0607-C
    EP 2.17/2:,National Water Quality Inventory Report to Congress  (P) (EL),0473-A-09
    EP 2.33:,National Information Management System Reports (updated irregularly) (EL),0473-A-16
    EP 2.33/2:,Annual Report (Clean Water State Revolving Fund) (EL),0473-A-23
    EP 2.33/3:,Drinking water state revolving fund program (annual) (EL),0473-A-24
    EP 2.34:,WaterTalk, Region 10 Bulletin (quarterly) (EL),0473-A-17
    EP 2.34/2:,Information Management Branch Update (monthly) (EL),0473-A-21
    EP 2.35:,Factoids: Drinking Water and Ground Water Statistics for ... (annual)  (EL),0473-A-18
    EP 2.36:,Nonpoint Source News-Notes (irregular) (EL),0473-A-19
    EP 2.37:,Waternews (weekly) (EL),0473-A-20
    EP 2.38:,Fact Sheets (MF) (EL),0473-A-22
    EP 2.39:,Source Water Protection Practices Bulletin (series) (EL),0473-A-25
    EP 2.40:,Section 319 Nonpoint Source Success Stories (online database) (EL),0473-A-26
    EP 4.1:,Annual Report (EL),0483-E-25
    EP 4.1/2:,Acid Rain Program Annual Progress Report (EL),0483-E-29
    EP 4.2:,General Publications,0483-E-01
    EP 4.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0483-E-02
    EP 4.9:,Air Programs Office Publication: (AP) (series)  (MF),0483-E
    EP 4.18:,Draft Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0483-E-11
    EP 4.18/2:,Final Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0483-E-11
    EP 4.24:,National Air Pollutant Emission Trends (annual)  (MF),0483-E-16
    EP 4.25:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0483-E
    EP 4.26:,Directories  (MF),0483-E-18
    EP 4.27:,Fact Sheets (MF) (EL),0483-E-24
    EP 4.28:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0483-E-19
    EP 4.29:,Energy Star Homes Update (irregular) (EL),0483-E-19
    EP 4.29/2:,Energy STAR and Other Climate Protection Partnerships Report (EL) (annual),0483-E-36
    EP 4.31:,The Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act (biennial) (EL),0483-E-23
    EP 4.32:,Ambient Air Precision and Accuracy Program (annual) (EL),0483-E-30
    EP 4.33:,Carbon copy (quarterly) (EL),0483-E-33
    EP 4.34:,SunWise Monitor (irregular) (EL),0483-E-34
    EP 4.35:,Coalbed Methane Extra (quarterly) (EL),0483-E-35
    EP 4.52:,General Publications,0483-E-22
    EP 4.58:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0483-E-21
    EP 4.64:,National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report (irregular) (EL),0483-E-27
    EP 4.64/2:,Latest Findings on National Air Quality (Status and Trends) (Summary) (annual)
    EP 4.65:,Quality Assurance Report, Calendar Year ... (annual) (EL),0483-E-26
    EP 4.66:,8-Hour Ground-Level Ozone Designations (EL),0483-E-31
    EP 4.67:,Tribal Air Newsletter (quarterly) (EL),0483-E-32
    EP 4.68:,RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC) Clean Air Technology Center Annual Report
    EP 5.1:,Office of Pesticide Programs Annual Report  (EL),0431-R-04
    EP 5.2:,General Publications,0473-B-01
    EP 5.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0473-B-02
    EP 5.8/2:,Apply Pesticides Correctly, Guide for Commercial Applicators (series)  (P),0473-B-02
    EP 5.11:,EPA Compendium of Registered Pesticides, Volumes 1 to 5  (P),0473-B-03
    EP 5.12:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0473-B-11
    EP 5.14:,Environmental Impact Statement  (MF),0473-B-05
    EP 5.15:,Chemicals in Our Community (EL),0473-B-06
    EP 5.17:,Pesticide Registration Standard (series) (MF),0473-B-12
    EP 5.18/2:,The Toxics-Release Inventory:  Public Data Release (annual) (EL),0473-B-14
    EP 5.21:,Posters  (P),0473-B-16
    EP 5.22/2:,Toxic Release Inventory (annual) (CD-ROM) (EL),0473-H
    EP 5.22/3:,Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Form R Instructions (annual) (Diskette)
    	 (P) (EL),0473-H-01
    EP 5.24:,Directories,0473-B-18
    EP 5.24/2:,Contacts and Organization (freq. updates) (EL),0473-B-22
    EP 5.25:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0473-B-19
    EP 5.26:,P2 News2 (monthly) (EL),0473-B-19
    EP 5.27:,Pesticide Reregistration Eligibility Decisions (REDs) (EL),0473-B-19
    EP 5.27/2:,Registration Activities in the Office of Pesticide Programs (annual) (EL),0473-B-23
    EP 5.28:,EPP (Environmentally Preferable Purchasing) Update (irregular) (EL),0473-B-19
    EP 5.29:,Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage: Market Estimates (annual) (EL),0473-B-20
    EP 5.30:,OPPT Tribal News (semiannual) (EL),0473-B-21
    EP 5.31:,High Production Volume (HPV) Challenge Program: Robust Summaries and Test Plans
    EP 5.32:,Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards Program: Summary of ... Award Entries
    	 and Recipients (annual) (EL),0473-B-25
    EP 6.2:,General Publications,0431-I-18
    EP 6.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0498-C-03
    EP 6.13:,Technical Reports (MF),0431-I-78
    EP 6.14:,Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0431-K-11
    EP 6.15:,Natural Gas Star Partner Update (EL),0431-K-15
    EP 7.2:,General Publications,0473-C-01
    EP 7.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0473-C-03
    EP 7.8/2:,Process Design Manual for (various titles)  (MF),0473-C-03
    EP 7.9:,Technology Transfer (P),0473-C-02
    EP 7.11:,EPA Technology Transfer Capsule Reports  (MF),0473-C-04
    EP 8.2:,General Publications,0473-E
    EP 8.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0473-F
    EP 8.15:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0473-E-01
    EP 8.16:,Coastlines (EL),0473-E-02
    EP 8.18:,Volunteer Monitor (semiannual) (EL),0473-E-03
    EP 9.2:,General Publications,0431-W
    EP 9.15:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0431-W-01
    EP 9.16:,CEPPO Alerts (EL),0431-W-01
    EP 9.17:,Fact Sheets and Technical Assistance Bulletins (EL),0431-W-01
    EP 10.2:,General Publications,0431-X
    EP 10.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P) (EL),0431-X-14
    EP 10.15:,Streaming Videos (EL),0431-X-04
    EP 10.16:,National RCRA Hazardous Waste Biennial Report (EL),0431-X-05
    EP 10.16/2:,National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on ... Data). Executive 
    	Summary (EL),0431-X-06
    EP 10.16/3:,National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on ... Data). National 
    EP 10.16/4:,National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on ... Data). State Summary
    	 Analysis (biennial) (EL),0431-X-08
    EP 10.16/5:,National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on ... Data). State Detail
    	 Analysis (biennial) (EL),0431-X-09
    EP 10.16/6:,National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on ... Data). List of Large
    	 Quantity Generators (biennial) (EL),0431-X-10
    EP 10.16/7:,National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on ... Data). List of Treatment,
    	 Storage & Disposal Facilities (EL),0431-X-11
    EP 10.16/8:,National Biennial RCRA Hazardous Waste Report (Based on ... Data). List of Reported
    	 RCRA Sites in the United States (Biennial),0431-X-17
    EP 10.17:,Partners in Progress (EPA Update on Federal Facility Cleanup and Reuse) (irregular)
    EP 10.18:,Municipal Solid Waste in the United States (annual) (EL),0431-X-15
    EP 10.102:,General Publications,0431-X-01
    EP 10.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0431-X-02
    EP 10.115:,Electronic Products (E),0431-X-03
    EP 10.116:,Technology News and Trends (bimonthly) (EL),0431-X-12
    EP 11.1:,Annual Report (EL),0431-Y-05
    EP 11.1/2:,Annual Report to Congress (EL),0431-Y-06
    EP 11.2:,General Publications,0431-Y
    EP 11.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P) (EL),0431-Y-07
    EP 11.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0431-Y-01
    EP 11.15:,Project Summary (series) (MF) (EL),0431-Y-02
    EP 11.16:,Environmental Research Brief (series) (P) (EL),0431-Y-03
    EP 11.17:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0431-Y-04
    EP 11.18:,Forum (biennial) (EL),0431-Y-09
    EP 11.19:,Technical Support Times (irregular) (EL),0431-Y-10
    EP 11.20:,Office of Research and Development Superfund and Technology Liaison Region 9
    	 Newsletter (quarterly) (EL),0431-Y-11
    EP 12.1:,Annual Performance Report Fiscal Year (EL),0431-Z-01
    EP 12.1/2:,Annual Superfund Report to the Congress for FY (EL),0431-Z-02
    EP 12.1/2-2:,Office of Inspector General Annual Plan (EL),0431-K-21
    EP 12.1/3:,Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress (EL),0431-Z-03
    EP 12.1/5:,Multi-Year Plan (EL),0431-K-22
    EP 12.2:,General Publication,0431-Z
    EP 12.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0431-Z-04
    EP 13.2:,General Publications,0431-M
    EP 13.15:,Environmental Justice Quarterly (quarterly) (EL),0431-M-01
    EP 13.16:,National Program Managers Guidance (annual) (EL),0431-M-02
    FA 1.2:,General Publications,0432
    FCA 1.1:,Annual Report (EL),0430-J-16
    FCA 1.1/3:,FCA Annual Performance Plan (annual) (EL),0430-J-01
    FCA 1.1/4:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0430-J-01
    FCA 1.1/5:,FCA Strategic Plan FY ... (irregular) (EL),0430-J-01
    FCA 1.2:,General Publications,0430-J-02
    FCA 1.23/2-2:,Risk Analysis of Farm Credit System Operations (quarterly) (EL),0430-J-10
    FCA 1.27:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0430-J-12
    FCA 1.28:,Financial Performance Indicators (quarterly) (EL),0430-J-14
    FCA 1.29:,FCA Semiannual Report to Congress (semiannual) (EL),0430-J-15
    FHF 1.1:,Annual Performance and Accountability Report (EL),0595-C
    FHF 1.1/2:,Annual Performance Budget (EL),0595-C-01
    FHF 1.1/3:,Strategic Plan (triennial) (EL),0595-C-02
    FHF 1.1/4:,Semiannual Report of the Inspector General (EL),0595-C-03
    FHF 1.1/5:,FHLB Atlanta ... Annual Report (EL),0595-C-04
    FHF 1.1/6:,Annual Report (Boston) (EL),0595-C-06
    FHF 1.1/7:,Annual Report (Chicago) (EL),0595-C-08
    FHF 1.1/8:,Annual Report (Cincinnati) (EL),0595-C-09
    FHF 1.1/9:,Annual Report (Des Moines) (EL),0595-C-10
    FHF 1.1/10:,Annual Report (Pittsburgh) (EL),0595-C-11
    FHF 1.1/11:,Annual Report (San Francisco) (EL),0595-C-12
    FHF 1.1/12:,Annual Report (Seattle) (EL),0595-C-13
    FHF 1.2:,General Publications,0595-B-01
    FHF 1.15:,Monthly Interest Rate Survey and Annual Summary (EL),0595-B
    FM 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0433
    FM 1.2:,General Publications,0434
    FMC 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0233-A-01
    FMC 1.1/2:,Freedom of Information Act Annual Report (EL),0233-A-04
    FMC 1.1/3:,Semiannual Report to the Congress (EL),0233-A-11
    FMC 1.1/4:,Management Discussion and Analysis (EL),0233-A-12
    FMC 1.1/5:,Annual Program Performance Report for FY ... (EL),0233-A-13
    FMC 1.1/6:,Final Annual Performance Plan (EL),0233-A-14
    FMC 1.1/7:,Strategic Plan (EL),0233-A-15
    FMC 1.2:,General Publications,0432-L-01
    FMC 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0237
    FMC 1.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0233-A-10
    FMC 1.7:,News Releases (Federal Maritime Commission) (EL),0233-A-09
    FMC 1.9/3:,Speeches and Remarks (EL),0233-A-05
    FMC 1.10/2:,Formal Docket Decisions (EL),0233-A-06
    FMC 1.10/3:,Small Claims Decisions (Informal Dockets) (EL),0233-A-07
    FMC 1.13:,Forms (EL),0233-A-08
    FMC 1.15:,Telephone Directory (EL),0233-A-03
    FR 1.1:,Annual Report (EL),0443-F
    FR 1.2:,General Publications,0443-E-59
    FR 1.3:,Federal Reserve Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0443-E-56
    FR 1.63/55:,HMDA Disclosure Reports (EL),0443-E-55
    FR 1.63/56:,CRA/HMDA (Community Reinvestment Act/Home Mortgage Disclosure Act) Reporter
    	 (annual) (EL),0443-E-57
    FR 1.64:,FRASER: Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research (online database)
    FT 1.1:,FTC in ... (Annual) (EL),0533-A-04
    FT 1.1/2:,Annual Report (Fair Debt Collection Practices) (EL),0533-A-01
    FT 1.1/3:,HSR (Hart-Scott Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976) Annual Report to Congress
    FT 1.1/4:,Freedom of Information Act Annual Report  (EL),0533-A-03
    FT 1.1/5:,Performance & Accountability Report (Annual) (EL),0533-A-05
    FT 1.1/6:,Strategic Plan (triennial) (EL),0533-A-06
    FT 1.1/7:,Performance Plan, Fiscal Year ... Through Fiscal Year ..., and President's Management
    	 Agenda (Annual) (EL),0533-A-07
    FT 1.1/8:,FY ... Congressional Justification Budget Summary (Annual) (EL),0533-A-08
    FT 1.1/9:,Semiannual Report to Congress (semiannual) (EL),0533-A-09
    FT 1.1/10:,Audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year ... (Annual) (EL),0533-A-10
    FT 1.2:,General Publications (includes economic reports),0535
    FT 1.5:,Laws (P),0539-A
    FT 1.8:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0537
    FT 1.8/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0535-A
    FT 1.11:,Federal Trade Commission Decisions (semiannual) (EL),0534
    FT 1.22/3:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0535-A-01
    FT 1.31:,Posters  (P),0535-A-02
    FT 1.32:,Facts for Consumers (series)  (EL),0535-A-03
    FT 1.32/4:,FTC Consumer Alert! (EL),0535-A-05
    FT 1.32/4-2:,FTC Business Alert (series) (EL),0535-A-11
    FT 1.33:,Facts for Business (series) (irregular)  (EL),0535-B
    FT 1.34:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0535-C
    FT 1.36:,Tar, Nicotine, and Carbon Monoxide of the Smoke of ... Varieties of Domestic Cigarettes
    	 for the Year (annual) (EL),0535-A-07
    FT 1.36/2:,Federal Trade Commission Cigarette Report for ... (annual) (EL),0535-A-13
    FT 1.37:,Bureau of Economics Staff Report (series) (MF) (EL),0535-A-08
    FT 1.37/2:,Bureau of Economics Working Papers (series) (EL),0535-A-10
    FT 1.38:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0535-A-09
    FT 1.39:,Welcome to the FTC's Identity Theft Site (online database) (EL),0535-A-12
    FT 1.40:,Kidz Privacy (online database) (EL),0535-A-14
    FT 1.41:,Antitrust Enforcement Activities (Annual) (EL),0535-A-15
    FT 1.42:,Summary of Assignments Filed in ... (Annual) (EL),0535-A-16
    FT 1.43:,Marketing Violent Entertainment to Children, a ... Follow-Up Review of Industry Practices
    	 in the Motion Picture, Music Recording & Electronic Game Industries (irregular)
    FT 1.44:,Annual Report to Congress for FY ... Pursuant to to the Do Not Call Implementation Act on
    	 Implementation of the National Do Not Call (annual) (EL),0535-A-18
    FT 1.45:,Report on Ethanol Market Concentration (Annual) (EL),0535-A-19
    FTZ 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0542
    FTZ 1.2:,General Publications,0542
    GA 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0543
    GA 1.1/3:,GAO Strategic Plan (biennial) (EL),0543-A-03
    GA 1.1/4:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0534-A-04
    GA 1.2:,General Publications,0545
    GA 1.5/A-2:,Decisions (irregular) (MF) (EL),0546-D-01
    GA 1.5/2:,Comptroller General of the United States (Testimonies) (EL),0546-D-01
    GA 1.12/2:,Directory of Federal Financial Managers (continually updated) (EL),0546-B
    GA 1.13:,Reports to Congress ... (EL),0546-D
    GA 1.13/14:,Aging, GAO Activities in Fiscal Year (annual) (EL),0546-D
    GA 1.13/18-3:,Status of Open Recommendations (annual) (EL),0546-D-05
    GA 1.14:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0545-A
    GA 1.16:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0545
    GA 1.16/3:,Month in Review (EL),0546-E-03
    GA 1.16/3-3:,Abstracts of Reports and Testimony, FY (EL),0546-E
    GA 1.16/7:,Today's Reports (daily) (EL),0546-E-02
    GA 1.18:,Addresses  (MF),0545-C
    GA 1.27/2:,Organizational Telephone Directory (irregular) (EL),0545-G-09
    GA 1.28:,Directories  (P),0544-D
    GA 1.33:,Transition Series  (P),0545
    GA 1.38:,International Journal of Government Auditing (English, French, German, and Spanish)
    	 (quarterly) (EL),0545-A-01
    GA 1.39:,GAO Document (series) (MF),0545-A-02
    GA 1.40:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0545-A-03
    GA 1.41:,'R' Series (Letters) (EL),0545-A-04
    GA 2.1:,Annual Report (MF) (EL),0543-A-01
    GA 2.2:,General Publications,0543-A-02
    GP 1.1:,Annual Report (EL),0548-A-03
    GP 1.2:,General Publications,0548
    GP 1.11:,Posters,0556-C
    GP 1.23/4:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0548
    GP 1.39:,Telephone Directory (P),0556-C
    GP 1.40:,ePUB Illustrated (bimonthly) (EL),0548-A-02
    GP 3.1/3:,FY ... Year in Review (annual) (P) (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.2:,General Publications,0551
    GP 3.8/8-9:,Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (online) (EL),0557-F
    GP 3.9:,U. S. Government Subscriptions (quarterly)  (P) (EL),0554
    GP 3.16/3:,Daily Depository Shipping List (P) (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.16/3-2:,Administrative Notes (monthly) (P) (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.16/3-3:,Administrative Notes Technical Supplement (monthly) (P) (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.21/2:,Posters  (P),0551-A
    GP 3.22:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0552-A-01
    GP 3.22/2:,Subject Bibliographies, SB (series) (EL),0552-A
    GP 3.22/7:,Sales Product Catalog (online) (EL),0552-B-01
    GP 3.24:,List of Classes of United States Government Publications Available for Selection by
    	 Depository Libraries (semiannual) (P) (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.24/2:,Inactive or Discontinued Items from the 1950 Revision of the Classified List (monthly)
    GP 3.26:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0556-C
    GP 3.29:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0556-C
    GP 3.29/2:,GPO Access Training Manual (P) (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.29/3:,Federal Depository Library Handbook (updated irregularly) (EL),0556-C-01
    GP 3.30/3:,Proceedings of the Annual Federal Depository Library Conference (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.31:,Needs and Offers List (irregular) (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.32/2:,File Libraries, Listing of Files in UNIONL (database) (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.33/4:,Biennial Survey of Depository Libraries: Results (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.34:,United States Congressional Serial Set Catalog: Numerical Lists and Schedule of Volumes
    GP 3.34:,United States Congressional Serial Set Catalog: Numerical Lists and Schedule of Volumes
    GP 3.36:,Directories  (P),0551-A-01
    GP 3.36/2:,Federal Depository Library Directory (annual) (P),0556-C
    GP 3.36/2-2:,Federal Depository Library Directory (online) (EL),0552-D
    GP 3.38:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0552-D
    GP 3.38/3:,Federal Tax Products (annual) (CD-ROM),0552-D-02
    GP 3.39:,Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids (EL),0556-C
    GP 3.42:,GPO Access (updated irregularly) (EL),0551-A-02
    GS 1.1:,Annual Accountability Report (EL),0558
    GS 1.1/3:,Office of Inspector General, Semiannual Report to Congress  (EL),0558-A-06
    GS 1.1/4:,General Services Administration Annual Performance Plan (EL),0558-A-07
    GS 1.2:,General Publications,0559
    GS 1.5:,Laws  (P),0560
    GS 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0558-A-05
    GS 1.6/6:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0559-B
    GS 1.6/8-2:,Federal Travel Regulations, GSA Bulletins FPMR (EL),0558-A-05
    GS 1.6/8-3:,Federal Property Management Regulations Amendments  (P),0558-A-05
    GS 1.6/9:,GSA Handbooks (numbered)  (P),0559-D
    GS 1.6/10:,Federal Acquisition Regulation (includes Federal Acquisition Circulars) (online database)
    GS 1.6/11:,Regulatory Information Service Center: General Publications,0559-L
    GS 1.6/11-2:,Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions (semiannual) (EL),0559-L-01
    GS 1.6/12:,Federal Acquisition Institute: General Publications (P) (EL),0558-B
    GS 1.13:,Forms  (EL),0559-J
    GS 1.15/5:,Office of Property Disposal Resource Center (EL),0559-A-01
    GS 1.15/6:,Federal Real Property Profile (annual) (EL),0559-A-02
    GS 1.17:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0559
    GS 1.25:,Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0559-C
    GS 1.28:,Excluded Parties Listing System: EPLS (database) (EL),0559-F
    GS 1.31:,GSA Subcontracting Directory (database) (EL),0559-E-02
    GS 1.32:,Posters (P),0559-E-03
    GS 1.34:,Geographic Locator Codes (database) (EL),0559-E-04
    GS 1.35:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0559-J
    GS 1.36:,U.S. Per Diem Rates (CONUS)  (EL),0559-J
    GS 1.37:,ICA Newsletter  (EL),0559-J
    GS 1.37/2:,Information Technology Newsletter  (EL),0559-J
    GS 1.38:,OIS Newsletter (irregular) (EL),0559-J
    GS 1.39:,FEDWARE Magazine (EL),0559-J
    GS 1.40:, (EL),0559-J-02
    GS 1.41:,FedBizOpps (Federal Business Opportunities) (online database) (EL),0559-J-03
    GS 1.43:,GSA Acquisition Workforce Forum (Irregular) (EL),0559-J-05
    GS 2.2:,General Publications,0564
    GS 2.6/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0564-A
    GS 2.6/3-2:,Customer Assistance Guide (annual) (EL),0564-A-02
    GS 2.7/4:,Federal Supply Schedule (by group) (EL),0564-B
    GS 2.7/5:,Federal Supply Schedule Program Guide  (MF),0564-B
    GS 2.7/6:,Multiple Award Federal Supply Schedule  (MF),0564-B
    GS 2.8:,Federal Specifications  (P),0563
    GS 2.8/2:,Index of Federal Specifications and Standards (P),0565
    GS 2.8/3:,Federal Standards  (P),0563
    GS 2.8/3-2:,Military Specification  (P),0563-A
    GS 2.8/7:,Federal Test Method Standards,0563
    GS 2.9/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P) (EL),0564-A-01
    GS 2.10/6:,GSA Supply Catalog  (P),0565-B
    GS 2.10/6-3:,GSA Supply Catalog Change Bulletin  (P),0565-B
    GS 2.10/6-4:,Supply Catalog Price List (semiannual)  (P),0565-B
    GS 2.17:,Marketips (irregular) (EL),0558-A-03
    GS 2.18:,Federal Fleet Report (EL),0558-A-04
    GS 2.22:,New Item Introductory  (P),0564-B
    GS 2.24/2:,FSS P (Federal Supply Service Property) (series)  (P),0564-C
    GS 2.26:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0564-C-01
    GS 2.27:,Vehicle Views (EL),0558-A-08
    GS 6.2:,General Publications,0579
    GS 6.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0580
    GS 6.9:,Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0579-B
    GS 11.2:,General Publications,0580-B-03
    GS 11.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0580-B-02
    GS 11.9:,Consumer Information Catalog (quarterly) (EL),0580-B
    GS 11.9/3:,Consumer Action Handbook (EL),0580-B-05
    GS 11.9/3-2:,Consumer Focus (irregular) (EL),0580-B-05
    GS 12.2:,General Publications,0580-C-02
    GS 12.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0580-C-02
    GS 12.12:,Telephone Directory, Central Office and Regions  (MF),0580-C-03
    GS 12.12/2:,FTS (Directories for Various Areas)  (MF),0580-C-03
    GS 12.15:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (MF),0580-C-06
    GS 12.18:,Standard and Optional Forms Facsimile Handbook  (P),0569-B-01
    GS 14.2:,General Publications,0580-D
    GS 14.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0580-D-06
    GS 14.15:,Core Competencies (EL),0580-D-03
    GS 14.16:,Exposure Drafts (EL),0580-D-04
    GS 14.17:,System Requirements (EL),0580-D-05
    HE 1.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0444-A-06
    HE 1.1/2:,Semiannual Report, Office of Inspector General, HHS (semiannual) (EL),0444-A-05
    HE 1.1/2-2:,Digest of Semiannual Reports and Fiscal Year  (MF),0444-A-03
    HE 1.1/2-3:,Work Plan Fiscal Year (annual) (EL),0444-A-07
    HE 1.1/3:,Justifications of Appropriations Estimates for Committee on Appropriations, Fiscal Year
    HE 1.1/4:,Indicators of Welfare Dependence (Annual Report to Congress) (EL),0444-A-04
    HE 1.2:,General Publications,0445
    HE 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0445-A
    HE 1.6/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0445-A
    HE 1.6/7:,Grants Administration Manual (EL),0445-A-01
    HE 1.6/7-2:,Grants Administration Manual Circulars  (P),0445-A-01
    HE 1.6/7-3:,PHS Grants Policy Memo  (P),0445-A
    HE 1.6/8:,Acquisition Regulation Staff Manual  (P),0445-A
    HE 1.7:,Addresses  (MF),0445-I
    HE 1.18:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0444-B
    HE 1.28:,Telephone Directory (annual)  (MF),0444-H
    HE 1.28/2:,Directories  (P),0444-H-01
    HE 1.43:,Posters  (P),0444-K-05
    HE 1.57:,Financial Assistance by Geographic Area (annual) (EL),0444-M-11
    HE 1.60:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0444-P
    HE 1.62:,PIC Highlights (quarterly)  (EL),0445-M
    HE 1.63:,Trends in the Well-Being of America's Children and Youth (EL),0445-M-01
    HE 1.64:,Medical Supply Catalog (annual) (P),0445-P
    HE 1.66:, (EL),0445-M-03
    HE 1.67:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0445-A-02
    HE 1.68:,ORI Newsletter (EL),0445-A-03
    HE 1.69:,AIDSinfo (General Publications) (EL),0445-Q
    HE 1.69/2:,AIDSinfo Fact Sheets (series) (EL),0445-Q-01
    HE 1.70:,Healthier Minorities, Healthier America (EL),0445-M-04
    HE 1.1001:,Annual Report  (EL),0447-A-09
    HE 1.1002:,General Publications,0447-A-01
    HE 1.1005:,Laws  (P),0447-A-08
    HE 1.1008:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0447-A-03
    HE 1.1011:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0447-A-06
    HE 1.1013:,Information Memorandums  (EL),0447-A-18
    HE 1.1014:,Directories  (MF),0447-A-20
    HE 1.1017:,AOA Update (EL),0447-A-27
    HE 1.1018:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0447-A-27
    HE 1.1019:,A Profile of Older Americans (EL),0447-A-28
    HE 1.1020:,Older Americans: Key Indicators of Well-Being (biennial) (EL),0447-A-31
    HE 20.1/2:,Report to Congress, Fiscal Year, Administration of Public Health Service (annual)
    HE 20.1/3:,Office of Research Integrity, Annual Report  (MF) (EL),0485-A-01
    HE 20.2:,General Publications,0485
    HE 20.3/2:,Commissioned Corps Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0483-I
    HE 20.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0499
    HE 20.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0496-A
    HE 20.8/2:,PHS Grants Administration Manual  (P),0496-A
    HE 20.8/3:,PHS Grants Policy Memorandum  (P),0496-A
    HE 20.11/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0481-A
    HE 20.11/3:,ODPHP (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion) Publications List (annual)
    HE 20.12:,Posters  (P),0485-C
    HE 20.13:,CCPM Pamphlets  (P),0483-I
    HE 20.13/2:,CC (Commissioned Corps) Pamphlets  (P),0483-I
    HE 20.25:,Directory of On-Going Research in Smoking and Health  (MF),0483-L-04
    HE 20.29/2:,Prevention Report (three times a year) (EL),0485-A-06
    HE 20.30:,Public Health Reports  (P),0497
    HE 20.30/A:,Public Health Reports (separates)  (P),0497
    HE 20.31:,Parklawn Computer Center Technical News (quarterly)  (MF),0483-A-15
    HE 20.32:,Parklawn Training Center Training Catalog (annual)  (MF),0483-A-16
    HE 20.34/2:,Healthfinder (EL),0485-B-01
    HE 20.35:,Forms  (P),0485-D
    HE 20.35/2:,Application for a Public Health Service Grant, PHS 398 (database) (EL),0485-D-01
    HE 20.38:,Fact Sheet (series)  (P),0485-G
    HE 20.38/2:,National Action Plan on Breast Cancer Fact Sheet(s) (series)  (P),0485-H
    HE 20.39:,Directories  (P),0483-L-04
    HE 20.40/2:,HIV Impact (quarterly) (EL),0485-A-03
    HE 20.41:2,Office on Women's Health - General Publications,0485-A-04
    HE 20.41:15/,Healthy Women Today (monthly) (EL),0485-A-05
    HE 20.42:,Office of Minority Health (General Publications),0485-I
    HE 20.102:,General Publications,0484-D-03
    HE 20.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0484-D-03
    HE 20.112:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0484-D-04
    HE 20.113:,Posters  (P),0484-D-05
    HE 20.114:,President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports:  Research Digests (EL),0484-D-06
    HE 20.302:,General Publications,0486-I-02
    HE 20.308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0486-K-01
    HE 20.309:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0486-S-02
    HE 20.310:,Directories (P),0486-S-03
    HE 20.310/2:,Indian Health Service Directory (semiannual)  (MF) (EL),0486-M-01
    HE 20.310/3:,Navajo Nation & Regional Areas Resource Directory (biennial) (P),0486-S-07
    HE 20.311:,Maps (P),0486-S-05
    HE 20.312:,Posters (P),0486-S-04
    HE 20.313:,Forms (P),0486-S-06
    HE 20.315:,Monograph Series  (MF),0486-M-02
    HE 20.316:,Trends in Indian Health (annual) (EL),0486-I-03
    HE 20.317:,Scholarship Program, Applicant Information Instruction Booklet (annual)  (P),0486-S-01
    HE 20.317/2:,Tribal Management Grants for American Indians and Alaska Natives, Application Kit
    	 (annual)  (EL),0486-I-08
    HE 20.319:,Regional Differences in Indian Health (EL),0486-T-01
    HE 20.320:,The IHS Primary Care Provider (monthly)  (EL),0486-S-01
    HE 20.321:,Health for Native Life (annual) (P),0486-T-02
    HE 20.402:,General Publications,0497-D-01
    HE 20.408:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0497-D-03
    HE 20.409:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0497-D-05
    HE 20.409/2:,CSAP Substance Abuse Resource Guide (series) (various topics) (P),0497-D-25
    HE 20.410:,Directories,0497-D-30
    HE 20.410/2:,Mental Health Directory (online database) (EL),0497-D-20
    HE 20.410/3:,Substance Abuse Treatment Facility Locator (online database) (EL),0498-C-15
    HE 20.414:,Posters (P) (EL),0497-D-31
    HE 20.415:,Technical Assistance Publication Series (MF) (EL),0497-D-16
    HE 20.415/2:,Technical Assistance Bulletin (various titles) (P),0497-D-27
    HE 20.416/2:,Annual Emergency Room Data Series  (MF),0497-D-21
    HE 20.416/3:,Drug Abuse Warning Network Series D-(nos.) (MF) (EL),0497-D-33
    HE 20.416/3-4:,Drug Abuse Warning Network: National Estimates of Drug-Related Emergency
    	 Department Visits (annual) (EL),0497-D-64
    HE 20.416/4:,Drug Abuse Warning Network: Area Profiles of Drug-Related Mortality (annual)
    HE 20.416/5:,Detailed Emergency Department Tables from the Drug Abuse Warning Network
    	 (annual) (EL),0467-A-39
    HE 20.416/6:,New DAWN Report (series) (EL),0497-D-57
    HE 20.417/5:,Results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings
    	 (annual) (EL),0497-D-39
    HE 20.417/5-2:,Overview of Findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (annual)
    HE 20.417/5-3:,Results from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Detailed Tables
    	 (annual) (EL),0497-D-62
    HE 20.417/6:,State Estimates of Substance Use from the National Survey on Drug Use and
    	 Health (annual) (EL),0497-D-43
    HE 20.417/7:,NSDUH Report (irregular) (EL),0497-D-60
    HE 20.418:,Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) (series) (MF) (EL),0497-D-18
    HE 20.419:,NCADI Publications Catalog (twice a year) (MF),0497-D-19
    HE 20.419/2:,Publications Catalog (National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
    	 (U.S.)) (EL),0497-D-56
    HE 20.421:,Advance Report Number ... (series) (P),0497-D-23
    HE 20.422:,Methodological Series (nos.) (P),0497-D-28
    HE 20.423:,National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS) (annual)
    HE 20.423/2:,Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) (annual) (EL),0497-D-35
    HE 20.423/3:,Drug & Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS) Reports (irregular)
    HE 20.424:,Analytic Series: A  (P),0497-D-34
    HE 20.425:,SAMHSA News (bimonthly) (EL),0497-D-37
    HE 20.427:,Center For Mental Health Services (General Publications),0497-D-40
    HE 20.427/2:,Consumer Information Series (various topics) (numbered) (EL),0497-D-41
    HE 20.427/4:,Mental Health United States (biennial) (EL),0497-D-44
    HE 20.427/5:,Mental Health AIDS (quarterly) (EL),0497-D-58
    HE 20.427/6:,National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (online database) (EL),0497-D-59
    HE 20.427/7:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0497-D-65
    HE 20.428:,Prevention Pipeline (bimonthly) (EL) (P),0497-D-06
    HE 20.429:,Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (General Publications),0497-D-46
    HE 20.429/2:,Substance Abuse in Brief (newsletter) (irregular) (P),0497-D-47
    HE 20.429/3:,Directories (Center for Mental Health Services),0497-E-01
    HE 20.429/4:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0497-D-49
    HE 20.429/5:,Substance Abuse Treatment Advisory (irregular) (EL),0497-E-02
    HE 20.430:,SAMHSA Hispanic/Latino Initiative (General Publications),0497-D-52
    HE 20.430/2:,Hablemos en Confianza (EL),0497-D-53
    HE 20.430/3:,Soy Unica! Soy Latina! (EL),0497-D-54
    HE 20.430/4:,Posters (SAMHSA Hispanic/Latino Initiative) (P) (EL),0497-D-55
    HE 20.431:,OAS Report (series) (EL),0497-D-63
    HE 20.501/2:,ATSDR FY ... Profile and Annual Report (annual) (EL),0504-R-03
    HE 20.501/3:,Final FY Performance Report, Final FY Performance Plan, Draft FY
    	 Performance Plan (annual) (EL),0504-R-06
    HE 20.502:,General Publications,0504-R-01
    HE 20.508:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0504-R-02
    HE 20.516:,Public Health and the Environment (semiannual) (EL),0504-S-01
    HE 20.517:,ATSDR, CD-ROM Series  (CD-ROM),0444-P-05
    HE 20.518:,Toxicological Profiles (Drafts, Updates and Finals) (MF) (EL),0504-R-04
    HE 20.519:,Case Studies in Environmental Medicine (MF) (EL),0504-R-05
    HE 20.3001:,Annual Report  (MF),0506-G
    HE 20.3001/2:,Annual Reports of Committees, Councils, etc.  (MF),0506-G
    HE 20.3001/3:,Biennial Report of the National Institutes of Health  (MF),0506-G
    HE 20.3002:,General Publications,0507
    HE 20.3006:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0507-A-21
    HE 20.3007/2:,NIH News & Features  (irregular) (P),0507-A-27
    HE 20.3007/3:,The NIH Record (biweekly) (EL),0507-A-27
    HE 20.3008:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-H
    HE 20.3008/2:,NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts (EL),0507-A-29
    HE 20.3008/2-3:,NIH Grants Policy Statement (irregular) (EL),0507-A-60
    HE 20.3008/4:,Referral Guidelines for Funding Components of PHS (biennial) (P),0507-A-56
    HE 20.3009:,NIH Publications List  (P),0506-A
    HE 20.3012:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0506-A
    HE 20.3013/2-4:,CRISP (database) (EL),0500-E-04
    HE 20.3013/6:,NCRR Reporter  (EL),0507-A-30
    HE 20.3015/2-3:,Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research (EL),0507-A-71
    HE 20.3015/3-2:,NIH Student Job Opportunities (EL),0506-A-31
    HE 20.3015/4:,NIH Postdoctoral Training (EL),0507-A-62
    HE 20.3016:,NIH Almanac (annual) (EL),0507-A-23
    HE 20.3019:,Addresses  (MF),0507-A-17
    HE 20.3020:,Posters  (P),0506-J
    HE 20.3023:,CRISP Thesaurus (database) (EL),0506-F-01
    HE 20.3027/3:,Annual Report, National Cancer Advisory Board  (MF),0507-A-46
    HE 20.3027/4:,Annual Report, National Digestive Diseases Advisory Board  (MF),0507-A-49
    HE 20.3030:,National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Summaries
    	 (annual) (MF),0507-A-36
    HE 20.3030/A:,National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Summaries
    	 (separates) (MF) (EL),0507-A-36
    HE 20.3031:,Medicine for the Public (series) (P),0506-A-13
    HE 20.3036/3:,Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation Branch, Division of Research
    	 Services, Annual Report  (MF),0506-G
    HE 20.3037:,Telephone and Service Directory  (EL),0506-A-16
    HE 20.3037/2:,Directories  (MF),0506-A-19
    HE 20.3037/5:,Directory, Extramural Associates (annual)  (MF),0506-A-22
    HE 20.3037/6:,Biomedical Technology Resources: A Research Resources Directory
    	 (biennial) (EL),0506-A-23
    HE 20.3038/2:,NIH News in Health (monthly) (EL),0506-H-02
    HE 20.3043/2:,Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee, Minutes of Meeting (annual) 
    HE 20.3044:,Medical Staff Handbook (irregular) (EL),0507-H
    HE 20.3045:,NIH Peer Review Notes (3 nos. a year) (EL),0507-A-59
    HE 20.3046:,NIH (National Institutes of Health) Consensus and State-of-the-Science Statements
    HE 20.3047:,Abstracts of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I and Phase II
    	 Projects (annual) (MF),0506-K
    HE 20.3047/2:,Omnibus Solicitation of the NIH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
    	 and Food and Drug Administration for Small Business Innovation Research Grant
    	 Applications (annual) (MF),0506-K
    HE 20.3052:,Annual Report of Clinical Research Activities  (EL),0506-G-04
    HE 20.3052/2:,The Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center (annual brochure)  (MF),0506-G-04
    HE 20.3052/3:,Operating Plan (EL),0506-G-05
    HE 20.3052/4:,Clinical Center Profile (EL),0506-G-06
    HE 20.3054:,Pharmacy Update (EL),0506-M
    HE 20.3054/2:,Participating in NIH Research (EL),0506-M-04
    HE 20.3055/2:,NIH Extramural Data and Trends (annual) (EL),0507-A-52
    HE 20.3057:,The Bear Essentials (irregular)  (P),0506-A-24
    HE 20.3058:,National Institutes of Health Disease Prevention Report (annual)  (MF),0507-A-38
    HE 20.3059:,Forms  (P),0506-L
    HE 20.3060:,NIH Training Center Catalog and Calendar (annual)  (P),0506-A-19
    HE 20.3061:,The NIH Catalyst (monthly) (P),0506-A-19
    HE 20.3062:,Fact Sheet, National Institutes of Health  (P),0507-A-54
    HE 20.3064:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0506-M
    HE 20.3065:,NIH Curriculum Supplement Series (EL),0507-A-58
    HE 20.3066:,The OLAO Acquisition Newsletter (EL),0506-M-01
    HE 20.3067:,National Human Genome Research Institute: General Publications,0506-M-02
    HE 20.3067/15:,Fact Sheets (NHGRI) (various topics) (EL),0506-M-03
    HE 20.3068:,Office of Dietary Supplements Update (monthly) (EL),0506-O
    HE 20.3068/2:,Annual Bibliography of Significant Advances in Dietary Supplement Research
    	 (annual) (EL),0506-O-01
    HE 20.3069:,Career Development FY ... (EL),0507-A-66
    HE 20.3070:,ORWH FY ... Supported Special Projects (EL),0507-A-67
    HE 20.3070/2:,FY ... ORWH-Supported Research Initiatives (EL),0507-A-68
    HE 20.3070/3:,ORWH FY ... Supported Conferences (EL),0507-A-69
    HE 20.3071:,Monitoring Adherence to the NIH Policy on the Inclusion of Women and Minorities
    	 as Subjects of Clinical Research, Comprehensive Report (EL),0507-A-70
    HE 20.3074:,History Highlights (EL),0507-A-64
    HE 20.3151:,Annual Report  (MF),0507-G-18
    HE 20.3151/7:,Annual Report, Division of Extramural Affairs (EL),0507-G-74
    HE 20.3151/10:,Director's Consumer Liaison Group Annual Report (EL),0507-G-72
    HE 20.3152:,General Publications,0507-G-02
    HE 20.3152/15:,The Nealon Report (series) (biannual) (EL),0507-G-62
    HE 20.3153/4:,NCI Cancer Bulletin (weekly) (EL),0507-G-71
    HE 20.3158:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-G-06
    HE 20.3158/2:,AIDS-Oncology Resources Handbook (annual) (EL),0507-G-68
    HE 20.3158/3:,SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual (irregular) (EL),0507-G-77
    HE 20.3161/3:,News from the National 5 A Day Program (semiannual) (P),0507-G-56
    HE 20.3161/4:,PreventionPOST: Newsletter of the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention (semiannual)
    HE 20.3161/5:,BBRB Newsletter (semiannual) (EL),0507-G-69
    HE 20.3162/2:,Cancer Research Safety Monograph Series  (P),0507-G-11
    HE 20.3162/4:,Native American Monograph (series)  (P),0507-L-15
    HE 20.3162/5:,Seer Monograph (various topics) (P),0507-L-16
    HE 20.3165:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (MF),0507-G-03
    HE 20.3168/5:,President's Cancer Panel: Report of the Chairman (annual) (EL),0507-G-09
    HE 20.3168/5-2:,President's Cancer Panel Meeting, Transcript of Proceedings (irregular)
    HE 20.3172/3:,Cancer Progress Report  (P) (EL),0507-G-61
    HE 20.3174:,National Cancer Institute (NCI) Factbook (annual) (EL),0507-G-25
    HE 20.3175:,Posters  (P),0507-G-24
    HE 20.3176:,NCI Grants Awarded, Fiscal Year by State, City, Institution and Grant Number
    HE 20.3176/3:,Extramural Grant and Contract Awards By Principal Investigator/Contractor
    	 (annual)  (MF),0507-G-30
    HE 20.3180/2-2:,NCI Investigational Drugs, Chemical Information (database) (EL),0507-G-34
    HE 20.3182:,Fact Sheet/Cancer Facts (series)  (P),0507-G-37
    HE 20.3182/5:,NIH Almanac Update (annual)  (P),0507-G-37
    HE 20.3182/6:,Datos Sobre Tipos de Cancer (series) (Facts on Cancer Sites)  (P),0507-G-45
    HE 20.3182/6-2:,Datos Sobre el Cancer (Cancer Facts) (P),0507-G-37
    HE 20.3182/7:,Fact Sheet (P),0507-G-37
    HE 20.3182/9-2:,SCLD (State Cancer Legislative Database) Update (quarterly) (EL),0507-G-55
    HE 20.3182/9-3:,SCLD Fact Sheets (EL),0507-G-50
    HE 20.3182/10:,BenchMarks (EL),0507-G-75
    HE 20.3183/3:,Publication Catalogue and Order Form  (annual) (P),0507-G-03
    HE 20.3184:,Smoking, Tobacco, and Cancer Program, Annual Report  (MF),0507-G-40
    HE 20.3184/2:,Tobacco Control Monographs (series) (EL),0507-G-40
    HE 20.3185:,Forms  (P),0507-G-41
    HE 20.3186:,SEER Cancer Statistics Review  (MF) (EL),0507-G-42
    HE 20.3187:,Survey of Compounds Which Have Been Tested For Carcinogenic Activity (irregular)
    HE 20.3188:,Directories  (MF),0507-G-43
    HE 20.3188/2:,Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics Annual Research Directory
    HE 20.3188/3:,DCEG (Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics) Linkage (quarterly)
    	 (numbered) (EL),0507-G-63
    HE 20.3188/4:,Center for Cancer Research Annual Research Directory (MF),0507-G-65
    HE 20.3190:,The Nation's Investment in Cancer Research, A Budget Proposal for FY ...
    	 (annual) (P) (EL),0507-G-44
    HE 20.3193:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0507-G-50
    HE 20.3193/2:,CCR Connections (semiannual) (EL),0507-G-76
    HE 20.3194:,PLCO News (semiannual) (EL),0507-G-53
    HE 20.3196:,DCEG (Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics) Linkage (quarterly)
    HE 20.3196/2:,Familial Melanoma Study News (annual) (MF),0507-G-70
    HE 20.3197:,Conversion of Neoplasms by Topography and Morphology ICD-0-2 to ICD-10
    HE 20.3197/2:,Conversion of Neoplasms by Topography and Morphology ICD-0-2 to ICD-9
    HE 20.3197/3:,Conversion of Neoplasms by Topography and Morphology ICD-0-1 to ICD-0-2
    HE 20.3197/4:,Conversion of Neoplasms by Topography and Morphology ICD-0-2 to ICD-0-1
    HE 20.3198:,Protocall (EL),0507-G-50
    HE 20.3199:,Cancer Consortium: Periodic Update (annual) (EL),0507-G-57
    HE 20.3199/2:,USRT Newsletter (irregular) (EL),0507-G-59
    HE 20.3199/3:,Ireland-Northern Ireland-National Cancer Institute Cancer Consortium Activities Report
    	 (annual) (EL),0507-G-60
    HE 20.3199/4:,Equal Access (quarterly) (EL),0507-G-73
    HE 20.3202:,General Publications,0507-E-01
    HE 20.3208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-E-02
    HE 20.3215:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0507-E-08
    HE 20.3216:,National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Fact Book for Fiscal Year  (EL),0507-E-09
    HE 20.3217:,Posters  (P),0507-E-10
    HE 20.3218:,Fact Sheets (various subjects)  (P),0507-E-01
    HE 20.3220:,Request for Grant Applications (series)  (P),0505-A-21
    HE 20.3222/2:,NHLBI Research and Policy Update (monthly) (EL),0507-E-20
    HE 20.3223:,Directories  (MF),0507-E-08
    HE 20.3226:,Morbidity and Mortality: Chartbook on Cardiovascular Lung and Blood Diseases
    	 (biennial) (EL),0507-E-18
    HE 20.3227:,FYI From the NHLBI (EL),0507-E-19
    HE 20.3251/2:,Profile (EL),0505-A-34
    HE 20.3252:,General Publications,0505-A-01
    HE 20.3258:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0505-A-02
    HE 20.3259:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0505-A-04
    HE 20.3260:,Addresses  (MF),0505-A-03
    HE 20.3267:,Annual Report of Intramural Activities  (MF),0505-A-22
    HE 20.3268:,HIV Sequence Compendium (annual) (EL),0505-A-30
    HE 20.3269:,HIV Molecular Immunology (annual) (EL),0505-A-29
    HE 20.3270:,NIAID Funding News (EL),0505-A-32
    HE 20.3271:,NIAID Discovery NEWS (EL),0505-A-33
    HE 20.3301:,NIDDK Recent Advances & Emerging Opportunities (annual) (EL),0506-A-17
    HE 20.3301/2:,Diabetes Mellitus Interagency Coordinating Committee Annual Report
    HE 20.3302:,General Publications,0507-A-25
    HE 20.3308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-A-26
    HE 20.3308/2:,Your Guide to Diabetes. Type 1 and Type 2 (updated irregularly) (EL),0507-A-61
    HE 20.3310/3:,Diabetes Dateline, the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse Bulletin
    	 (irregular)  (EL),0506-A-15
    HE 20.3316:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0506-A-08
    HE 20.3322/2:,Directories  (MF),0506-A-18
    HE 20.3323:,Digestive Diseases Clearinghouse Fact Sheets  (P),0505-B
    HE 20.3323/2:,National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (fact sheets) (various topics) (P)
    HE 20.3323/3:,National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (Fact Sheets)
    	 (P) (EL),0505-B-02
    HE 20.3324:,KU (Kidney/Urologic) Notes (series) (P),0506-A-25
    HE 20.3324/2-2:,Kidney Disease Research Updates (semiannual) (EL),0506-A-29
    HE 20.3324/2-3:,Urologic Diseases Research Updates (semiannual) (EL),0506-A-30
    HE 20.3325:,United States Renal Data System, Annual Data Report  (EL),0506-A-11
    HE 20.3325/2:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0506-A-26
    HE 20.3326:,Prevent Diabetes Problems (EL),0506-A-28
    HE 20.3327:,WIN Notes (irregular) (EL),0506-A-32
    HE 20.3352:,General Publications,0506-D-02
    HE 20.3358:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0506-D-10
    HE 20.3361:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0506-D-03
    HE 20.3365:,Annual Report of the Division of Intramural Research (EL),0506-D-11
    HE 20.3366:,Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch, NICHD, Report to the NACHHD
    	 Council (irregular) (EL),0506-D-13
    HE 20.3401:,Annual Report  (MF),0507-N-02
    HE 20.3402:,General Publications,0507-O-01
    HE 20.3408:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-O-02
    HE 20.3413:,NIDCR Research Digest (irregular) (EL),0507-N-04
    HE 20.3414:,Posters  (P),0497-C-11
    HE 20.3415:,Fact Sheet (series)  (P),0497-C-12
    HE 20.3416:,Minutes of the National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council ...
    	 meeting (three times a year) (EL),0507-N-05
    HE 20.3417:,Spectrum Series (various topics) (P) (EL),0507-O-04
    HE 20.3418:,E-Newsletter (EL),0507-N-08
    HE 20.3418/2:,NIDCR Grants to U.S. Academic Institutions, FY ...(EL),0507-N-09
    HE 20.3418/3:,NIDCR Grants to U.S. Dental Institutions (EL),0507-N-10
    HE 20.3452:,General Publications,0497-C-01
    HE 20.3465:,NIGMS Research Grants (annual)  (MF),0497-C-10
    HE 20.3465/2:,NIGMS Research Reports (irregular)  (MF),0497-C-13
    HE 20.3467:,Posters  (P),0497-C-14
    HE 20.3468:,NIGMS Training Grants (annual)  (MF),0497-C-10
    HE 20.3469:,NIGMS Minority Programs Update (annual) (EL),0497-C-16
    HE 20.3470:,Findings (semiannual) (EL),0497-C-17
    HE 20.3471:,Biomedical Beat (monthly) (EL),0497-C-18
    HE 20.3472:,NIGMS Feedback Loop (three times a year) (EL),0497-C-19
    HE 20.3502:,General Publications,0507-L-02
    HE 20.3508:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-L-07
    HE 20.3513:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (MF),0507-L-04
    HE 20.3518:,Profile (P),0507-L-11
    HE 20.3520:,Brochures and Fact Sheets (various topics) (P) (EL),0507-L-13
    HE 20.3521:,NINDS Notes (EL),0507-L-17
    HE 20.3551/2:,National Toxicology Program, Annual Report for Fiscal Year (biennial)
    HE 20.3551/3:,NTP, Current Directions and Evolving Strategies (EL),0507-P-12
    HE 20.3552:,General Publications,0507-P-01
    HE 20.3559:,Environmental Health Perspectives (monthly) (EL),0507-P-02
    HE 20.3559/2:,Environmental Health Perspectives, Chinese Edition (quarterly) (EL),0507-P-10
    HE 20.3560:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (MF),0507-P-03
    HE 20.3562:,Report on Carcinogens (triennial) (EL),0507-P-05
    HE 20.3564:,National Toxicology Program, Technical Report Series (MF) (EL),0507-P-08
    HE 20.3564/2:,National Toxicology Program, Toxicity Report Series (MF) (EL),0507-P-09
    HE 20.3564/3:,Update / National Toxicology Program (EL),0507-P-11
    HE 20.3601:,National Library of Medicine Programs and Services, FY,0508-L
    HE 20.3602:,General Publications,0508-D
    HE 20.3603/2:,NLM Technical Bulletin (monthly)  (EL),0508-H-08
    HE 20.3608:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0508-K
    HE 20.3608/5:,Genetics Home Reference (online database) (EL),0508-K-01
    HE 20.3612/3-8:,Medical Subject Headings (EL),0508-E-07
    HE 20.3612/4:,List of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE (EL),0508-E-03
    HE 20.3614:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0508-F
    HE 20.3615/2:,Current Bibliographies in Medicine (series)  (EL),0508-H-01
    HE 20.3618/2:,List of Serials Indexed for Online Users (annual)  (EL),0508-J
    HE 20.3619:,NLM Newsline (quarterly) (EL),0508-F-01
    HE 20.3619/2:,A Catalog of Publications, Audiovisuals, & Software (irregular)  (MF),0508-F-01
    HE 20.3619/3:,National Library of Medicine Staff Directory (annual)  (MF),0508-F-01
    HE 20.3620/2:,Tox Town (online database) (EL),0508-H-10
    HE 20.3621:,National Library of Medicine Fact Sheet  (EL),0508-L
    HE 20.3622:,Posters  (P),0508-S
    HE 20.3623:,Directories,0508-H-09
    HE 20.3624:,Entrez Sequences database  (EL),0508-V
    HE 20.3624/2:,NCBI Newsletter  (EL),0508-D-02
    HE 20.3624/3:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0508-D-03
    HE 20.3624/4:,PubChem (online database) (EL),0508-V-01
    HE 20.3624/5:,Bookshelf (EL),0508-V-02
    HE 20.3626:,NLM LOCATORplus (EL),0508-F-03
    HE 20.3627:,PubMed (EL),0508-F-04
    HE 20.3627/2:,PubMed Central (EL),0508-F-06
    HE 20.3628:,Household Products Database (irregular) (EL),0508-F-05
    HE 20.3629:,MedlinePlus (EL),0508-D-04
    HE 20.3629/2:,NIH MedlinePlus Magazine (quarterly) (EL),0508-D-05
    HE 20.3630:,DailyMed (EL),0508-D-06
    HE 20.3631:,Dietary Supplements Labels Database (EL),0508-D-07
    HE 20.3632:,Drug Information Portal (EL),0508-D-08
    HE 20.3652:,General Publications,0507-D-15
    HE 20.3658:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-D-17
    HE 20.3659/2:,Publications List (semiannual) (P),0507-D-16
    HE 20.3660:,Directories,0507-D-20
    HE 20.3660/2:,Resource Directory (EL),0507-D-18
    HE 20.3666:,Inside (newsletter) (semiannual) (EL),0507-D-21
    HE 20.3667:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0507-D-18
    HE 20.3701/2:,National Institutes of Health Annual Report of International Activities
    HE 20.3701/3:,International Training and Research Program in Population and Health Progress
    	 Report (annual) (MF),0507-C-13
    HE 20.3702:,General Publications,0507-C-01
    HE 20.3708:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-C-11
    HE 20.3709/2:,National Institutes of Health International Awards for Biomedical Research and
    	 Research Training (annual) (MF),0507-C-05
    HE 20.3711:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0507-C-07
    HE 20.3713:,Fogarty International Center Series on Preventive Medicine  (P),0507-C-08
    HE 20.3715:,Posters  (P),0507-C-12
    HE 20.3717:,Directory of International Grants and Fellowships in the Health Sciences (annual)
    HE 20.3718:,Global Health Matters (EL),0507-C-14
    HE 20.3751:,Annual Report  (MF),0507-Y-03
    HE 20.3752:,General Publications,0507-Y-01
    HE 20.3758:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-Y-02
    HE 20.3760:,Directories,0507-Y-05
    HE 20.3766:,Outlook (annual/irreg.) (EL),0507-Y-04
    HE 20.3852:,General Publications,0447-A-26
    HE 20.3858:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0447-B-04
    HE 20.3861:,Age Page (series)  (P) (EL),0447-A-12
    HE 20.3863:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0447-B-05
    HE 20.3867:,Posters  (P),0447-A-22
    HE 20.3869:,Progress Report on Alzheimer's Disease (annual) (EL),0447-A-25
    HE 20.3870:,Connections (ADEAR Center's Quarterly Newsletter) (EL),0447-A-29
    HE 20.3871:,Links, Minority Research and Training (semiannual) (EL),0447-A-30
    HE 20.3902:,General Publications,0508-T
    HE 20.3908:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0508-T-03
    HE 20.3915:,Memo (irregular)  (P),0508-T-01
    HE 20.3916:,Handout on Health (series) (various topics) (P) (EL),0508-T-02
    HE 20.3917:,Questions & Answers About ... (various topics) (P) (EL),0508-T-04
    HE 20.3918:,NIAMS IRPartners (irregular) (EL),0508-T-05
    HE 20.3919:,NIAMShorttakes (EL),0508-T-06
    HE 20.3952:,General Publications,0467-A-01
    HE 20.3958:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0467-A-02
    HE 20.3958/2:,Therapy Manuals for Drug Addiction  (series) (various titles)  (P),0467-A-31
    HE 20.3959:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0467-A-03
    HE 20.3959/2:,Publications Catalog (semiannual) (EL),0467-A-37
    HE 20.3960:,Directories,0467-A-28
    HE 20.3961:,Posters (P) (EL),0467-A-22
    HE 20.3962:,Addresses (MF),0467-A-16
    HE 20.3965:,Research Monograph Series (numbered) (P) (EL),0831-C-12
    HE 20.3965/2:,NIDA Research Report Series  (EL),0467-A-30
    HE 20.3965/3:,Mind Over Matter (series) (irregular) (EL),0467-A-34
    HE 20.3966:,Problems of Drug Dependence (annual)  (MF),0831-C-13
    HE 20.3967:,NIDA Notes  (bimonthly) (P) (EL),0467-A-10
    HE 20.3967/2:,NIDA InfoFax (English/Spanish) (EL),0467-A-10
    HE 20.3968:,Monitoring the Future, National Survey Results on Drug Use (annual)
    HE 20.3968/2:,Monitoring the Future, National Results on Adolescent Drug Use. Overview of Key
    	 Findings (EL),0467-A-36
    HE 20.3969:,Epidemiologic Trends in Drug Abuse (semiannual) (P) (EL),0467-A-33
    HE 20.3970:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0467-A-34
    HE 20.3971:,Community Drug Alert Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0467-A-35
    HE 20.3971/2:,E-News Letter (bimonthly) (EL),0467-A-40
    HE 20.3972:,Addiction Science & Clinical Practice (twice a year) (EL),0467-A-38
    HE 20.4001:,FDA's Annual Financial Report (EL),0474
    HE 20.4001/2:,PMS (Program Management System) Blue Book (annual)  (MF),0474
    HE 20.4001/3:,Office of Management and Systems Annual Performance Report (annual)
    HE 20.4001/4:,NCTR Research Accomplishments and Plans (annual) (EL),0474-A-21
    HE 20.4001/5:,Performance Report to Congress for the Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992
    	 (annual) (EL),0474-A-22
    HE 20.4001/6:,PDUFA Financial Report (annual) (EL),0474-A-23
    HE 20.4001/7:,Annual Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Report Fiscal Year (FY) ...
    HE 20.4002:,General Publications,0475
    HE 20.4003/4:,Laboratory Information Bulletin (series) (P),0475-Q-01
    HE 20.4005:,Laws  (P),0475-B
    HE 20.4006:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0478
    HE 20.4008:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0475-G
    HE 20.4010/2:,FDA Consumer Memo  (P),0475-W
    HE 20.4010/4:,FDA Consumer Special Report (various topics)  (P),0475-H-02
    HE 20.4010/6:,FDA Consumer Health Information (EL),0475-H-09
    HE 20.4012:,National Drug Code Directory (EL),0475-N
    HE 20.4014:,Interstate Certified Shellfish Shippers List (monthly) (EL),0478-E
    HE 20.4014/2:,IMS List Sanitation Compliance & Enforcement Ratings of Interstate Milk
    	 Shippers (semiannual) (EL),0478-E-01
    HE 20.4016:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0475-F
    HE 20.4016/2:,Catalog of Courses and Training Materials (annual)  (MF),0478-G
    HE 20.4021:,Posters  (P),0478-D
    HE 20.4036:,Parklawn Computer Center, Annual Report  (MF),0494-B-07
    HE 20.4036/2:,Parklawn Computer Center, Computer Training Courses (annual)
    HE 20.4037:,Food and Drug Administration Location Directory (MF),0494-B-08
    HE 20.4037/3:,Directories,0494-B-12
    HE 20.4039:,FDA Enforcement Reports (weekly) (EL),0494-B-10
    HE 20.4039/2:,The Enforcement Story (annual) (EL),0494-B-13
    HE 20.4040:,FDA Technical Bulletins (irregular)  (MF),0478-B
    HE 20.4044:,Forms  (P),0478-F
    HE 20.4048:,Annual Affirmative Employment Accomplishment Report and Update for Fiscal
    	 Year  (MF),0474-D
    HE 20.4050:,An Easy Reader for Your Health (series) (P),0494-B-14
    HE 20.4051:,Regulatory Research Perspectives (irregular) (EL),0494-B-35
    HE 20.4051/2:,NCTR Quarter Page (irregular) (EL),0494-B-36
    HE 20.4052:,Just the Facts (series) (EL),0475-A-01
    HE 20.4053:,OWH (Office of Women's Health) eUpdate (EL),0475-H-04
    HE 20.4054:,Performance Report to Congress for the Medical Device User Fee and Modernization
    	 Act of 2002 (annual) (EL),0475-H-05
    HE 20.4054/2:,FY ... MDUFMA Financial Report Required by the Medical Device User Fee and
    	 Modernization Act of 2002 Financial Report (annual) (EL),0475-H-06
    HE 20.4054/3:,Performance Report to Congress for the Office of Combination Products as
    	 Required by the Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act of 2002 (EL),0475-H-08
    HE 20.4055:,FY ... ADUFA Financial Report Required by the Animal Drug User Fee Act of 2003
    HE 20.4056:,Annual Report of the Medical Devices Annex to the U.S./EU Mutual Recognition
    	 Agreement (annual) (EL),0494-B-37
    HE 20.4057:,Mammography Facility Adverse Event and Action Report (EL),0494-B-38
    HE 20.4057/2:,Performance Valuation of Accreditation Bodies under the Mammography Quality
    	 Standards Act of 1992 as Amended by the Mammography Quality Standards
    	 Reauthorization Act of 1998, ... (EL) (Annual),0494-B-39
    HE 20.4058:,MedWatch (EL),0475-A-02
    HE 20.4401:,Annual Report (EL),0499-D-06
    HE 20.4401/2:,Performance Report to Congress for the Animal Drug User Fee Act
    HE 20.4402:,General Publications,0499-D-02
    HE 20.4408:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0499-D-03
    HE 20.4409:,Draft Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0499-D-01
    HE 20.4410:,FDA Veterinarian (bimonthly) (EL),0499-D-04
    HE 20.4411:,Green Book (FDA Approved Animal Drug Products) (EL),0499-D-05
    HE 20.4412:,NARMS Retail Meat Annual Report (EL) (Annual),0499-D-09
    HE 20.4502:,General Publications,0495-B-01
    HE 20.4508:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0495-B-02
    HE 20.4509:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0495-B-03
    HE 20.4516:,Report on the Certification of Color Additives, Foreign and Domestic
    	 Manufacturers	 (EL),0495-B-05
    HE 20.4517:,Residue Monitoring (EL),0495-B-06
    HE 20.4518:,Ednet Update (monthly) (EL),0495-B-07
    HE 20.4601:,CDRH FY ... Highlights (EL),0499-L-16
    HE 20.4601/2:,CDRH Ombudsman Annual Report (EL),0499-L-17
    HE 20.4602:,General Publications,0499-L-07
    HE 20.4606:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0499-L-04
    HE 20.4606/2:,Regulations for the Administration and Enforcement of the Radiation Control
    	 for Health and Safety Act of 1968 (irregular)  (P),0499-L-12
    HE 20.4608:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0499-L-08
    HE 20.4609:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0499-L-06
    HE 20.4609/2:,Center for Devices and Radiological Health Publications Index (biennial) 
    HE 20.4616:,FDA Safety Alerts (various topics) (irregular)  (P),0499-L-10
    HE 20.4618:,Office of Science and Technology Annual Report  (EL),0499-L-13
    HE 20.4618/2:,Office of Device Evaluation (ODE), Annual Report (annual) (EL),0499-L-15
    HE 20.4618/3:,Annual Report / Office of In Vitro Diagnostic Device Evaluation and Safety
    HE 20.4620:,FDA & You (EL),0499-L-18
    HE 20.4621:,Public Health Notifications (online database) (EL),0499-L-20
    HE 20.4701:,CDER Report to the Nation (annual) (EL),0499-T-03
    HE 20.4702:,General Publications,0499-T
    HE 20.4708:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0499-P
    HE 20.4708/2:,CDER Reference Guide (EL),0499-P-03
    HE 20.4709:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications,0499-P-01
    HE 20.4715:,Electronic Orange Book, Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence
    	 Evaluations (EL),0499-K-03
    HE 20.4716:,Drugs@FDA (online database) (EL),0499-P-02
    HE 20.4717:,News Along the Pike (EL),0499-T-04
    HE 20.4718:,Annual Report / Office of Drug Safety (EL),0499-T-05
    HE 20.4801:,Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research Annual Report (MF) (EL),0499-T-01
    HE 20.4802:,General Publications,0499-T-02
    HE 20.6201:,Annual Report  (MF),0508-A-01
    HE 20.6202:,General Publications,0508
    HE 20.6208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0509
    HE 20.6208/3:,Instruction Manual Part 8, Vital Records Geographic Classification (irregular)
    HE 20.6208/3-2:,Instruction Manual Part 8a, Vital Records Geographic Classification, Federal
    	Information Processing Standards (irregular) (EL),0509-D-01
    HE 20.6208/4-2:,Instruction Manual Part 2c, ICD-9 ACME Decision Tables for Classifying
    	 Underlying Causes of Death (annual)  (MF),0509
    HE 20.6208/4-3:,Instruction Manual Part 2b, Instructions for Classifying Multiple Causes of
    	 Death (annual)  (EL),0509
    HE 20.6208/4-4:,Instruction Manual Part 2a, Instructions for Classifying the Underlying Cause
    	 of Death (irregular) (EL),0509-D
    HE 20.6208/4-5:,Instruction Manual Part 2a, ICDA Eighth Revision Decision Tables for Classifying
    	 Underlying Causes of Death (annual) (MF),0509-D
    HE 20.6208/4-6:,Instruction Manual Part 2d, NCHS Procedures for Mortality Medical Data
    	 System File Preparation and Maintenance (annual) (MF),0509-D
    HE 20.6208/4-7:,Instruction Manual Part 2g, Data Entry Instructions for the Mortality Medical
    	 Indexing, Classification, and Retrieval System (MICAR) (MF),0509-D
    HE 20.6208/4-8:,Instruction Manual Part 2h, Dictionary of Valid Terms for the Mortality Medical
    	 Indexing, Classification, and Retrieval System (MICAR) (annual) (MF),0509-D
    HE 20.6208/5:,Death Edit Specifications for the 2003 Revision of the U.S. Standard Certificate of
    	 Death (EL),0509
    HE 20.6208/6:,Birth Edit Specifications for the 2003 Revision of the U.S. Standard Certificate of
    	 Birth (EL),0509
    HE 20.6208/6-2:,Fetal Death Edit Specifications for the 2003 Revision of the U.S. Standard
    	 Certificate of Fetal Death (EL),0509
    HE 20.6208/7:,Instruction Manual Part 6, Classification and Coding Instructions for Marriage
    	 Records (annual)  (MF),0509
    HE 20.6208/8:,Instruction Manual Part 10, Classification and Coding Instructions for Induced
    	 Termination	 of Pregnancy Records (annual)  (MF),0509
    HE 20.6208/9:,Instruction Manual Part 5, Data Preparation of the Current Mortality Sample (annual)
    HE 20.6208/10:,Instruction Manual Part 7, Classification and Coding Instructions for Divorce Records
    	 (annual) (MF),0509-D
    HE 20.6208/11:,Instruction Manual Part 1, Source Records and Control Specifications (annual)
    HE 20.6208/13:,International Health Data Reference Guide (biennial) (EL),0509-E
    HE 20.6208/14:,Instruction Manual Part 11, Computer Edits for Mortality Data (annual)  (EL),0509-D
    HE 20.6208/15:,Instruction Manual Part 12, Computer Edits for Natality Data (annual) (MF),0509-D
    HE 20.6208/16:,Instruction Manual Part 18, Guidelines for Implementing Field and  Query Programs
    	 for Registration of Births and Deaths  (MF),0509-D
    HE 20.6209:,Vital and Health Statistics series (EL),0500-E
    HE 20.6209/3:,Advance Data from the Vital and Health Statistics (numbered) (EL),0500-E
    HE 20.6209/3-2:,National Health Statistics Reports (series) (EL),0500-E-18
    HE 20.6209/4-3:,National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) (annual) (CD-ROM) (EL),0500-E-01
    HE 20.6209/4-5:,NCHS CD-ROM Series 13 (CD-ROM),0500-E-05
    HE 20.6209/4-7:,NCHS CD-ROM Series 20 (CD-ROM),0500-E-07
    HE 20.6209/4-8:,National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Series 11 (CD-ROM),0500-E-12
    HE 20.6209/4-9:,National Immunization Survey (annual) (CD-ROM) (EL),0500-E-13
    HE 20.6209/7:,National Hospital Discharge Survey: Annual Summary  (EL),0500-E
    HE 20.6209/7-2:,National Hospital Discharge Survey  (CD-ROM),0500-E-03
    HE 20.6209/9:,Detailed Diagnoses and Procedures, National Hospital Discharge Survey
    	 (annual)  (P),0500-E
    HE 20.6209/10:,NCHS CD-ROM Series 23 (CD-ROM),0500-E-08
    HE 20.6209/11:,NCHS CD-ROM Series 21 (CD-ROM),0500-E-09
    HE 20.6209/12:,NCHS Atlas CD-ROM (series) (CD-ROM),0508-W
    HE 20.6209/13:,Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Adults (annual) (EL),0500-E-14
    HE 20.6209/13-2:,Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Children (annual) (EL),0500-E-15
    HE 20.6209/13-3:,Summary Health Statistics for the U.S. Population (Annual)
    HE 20.6210:,Vital Statistics of U.S. (EL),0510
    HE 20.6210/2:,Where to Write for Vital Records (irregular) (EL),0510-A-01
    HE 20.6210/3:,VitalStats (EL),0510-A-02
    HE 20.6211:,National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) Accomplishments in ...
    	 (annual) (EL),0492-A
    HE 20.6214:,Joint Meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and the
    	 Data Users Conference (annual) (P) (EL),0509-A
    HE 20.6215:,Life Tables (EL),0500-E
    HE 20.6216:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0508-G
    HE 20.6216/4:,Catalog of Publications of the National Center for Health Statistics (annual)
    HE 20.6216/5:,NCHS Health Interview Statistics, Publications From the National Health Interview
    	 Survey, Advance Data Reports (annual)  (P),0508-G
    HE 20.6217:,National Vital Statistics Report (monthly) (EL),0508-B
    HE 20.6220:,NCHS Publications on (various titles)  (P),0508-G-05
    HE 20.6225:,NCHS Catalog of University Presentations (annual)  (MF) (EL),0508-R
    HE 20.6226:,Public Use Data Tape Documentation, Natality State Summary (annual)
    HE 20.6226/2:,Public Use Data Tape Documentation, Detail Natality (annual)  (MF),0508-G-07
    HE 20.6226/3:,Public Use Data Tape Documentation, Natality Local Area Summary (annual)
    HE 20.6228:,Directories  (P),0508-G-03
    HE 20.6230:,Healthy People (2000/2010) Statistical Notes (nos.) (EL),0508-G-05
    HE 20.6231:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0500-E-11
    HE 20.6233:,Aging Trends (series) (EL),0508-G-11
    HE 20.6234:,Data Brief (series)(EL),0500-E-17
    HE 20.6501/2:,CERTS Annual Report (annual) (EL),0507-I-03
    HE 20.6502:,General Publications,0507-I-01
    HE 20.6508:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0491-B-05
    HE 20.6509:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0491-B-10
    HE 20.6509/3:,AHRQ Publications Catalog (semiannual)  (EL),0491-B-27
    HE 20.6512:,AHRQ Research Report Series  (MF),0491-B-13
    HE 20.6512/2:,AHCPR Research Summary Series  (MF),0491-B-13
    HE 20.6512/5:,AHRQ Research Activities (monthly)  (EL),0491-B-13
    HE 20.6512/6:,Program Notes  (irregular)  (P),0491-B-13
    HE 20.6512/7:,Health Technology Assessment (MF),0491-B-18
    HE 20.6512/10:,Research in Action (irregular) (EL),0491-B-35
    HE 20.6514/3:,HCUP-3 (Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project) Research Note (series)  (P),0491-B-26
    HE 20.6514/4:,HCUP Fact Book (semiannual) (EL),0491-B-33
    HE 20.6515:,Forms  (P),0491-B-21
    HE 20.6517/5:,MEDTEP (Medical Treatment Effectiveness Program) Update (semiannual) (EL),0491-B-25
    HE 20.6517/6:,MEPS (Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) Highlights (nos.) (EL),0491-B-28
    HE 20.6517/7:,MEPS (Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) Chartbook (series) (EL),0491-B-29
    HE 20.6517/8:,Methodology Report (series) (EL),0491-B-31
    HE 20.6517/9:,MEPS (Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) Research Findings (series) (EL),0491-B-34
    HE 20.6517/10:,Statistical Brief (Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) (series) (EL),0491-B-41
    HE 20.6517/11:,Dental expenditures in the 10 largest states (annual) (EL),0491-B-42
    HE 20.6517/12:,Employer-sponsored Health Insurance for Small Employers in the Private Sector,
    	 by Industry Classification (annual) (EL),0491-B-43
    HE 20.6517/13:,Health insurance status of children in America (annual) (EL),0491-B-44
    HE 20.6517/14:,The Long-term Uninsured in America ... : Estimates for the U.S. Civilian
    	 Noninstitutionalized Population Under Age 65 (irregular) (EL),0491-B-45
    HE 20.6518:,Conference Summary Report (series)  (MF),0491-B-13
    HE 20.6519/2:,AHCPR Grant Announcement  (P),0491-B-17
    HE 20.6520:,Clinical Practice Guideline (series)  (P) (EL),0491-B-17
    HE 20.6520/2:,Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians  (series)  (MF),0491-B-17
    HE 20.6520/3:,Clinical Practice Guidelines (CD-ROM),0491-B-24
    HE 20.6520/4:,Guideline Technical Report (series) (MF) (EL),0491-B-30
    HE 20.6520/5:,Guide to Clinical Preventive Services (irregular) (EL),0491-B-36
    HE 20.6520/5-2:,Recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (EL),0491-B-38
    HE 20.6520/5-3:,Electronic Preventive Services Selector: ePSS for PDA (EL),0491-B-39
    HE 20.6520/6:,National Guideline Clearinghouse: NGC (EL),0491-B-40
    HE 20.6522:,Health Technology Review (irregular)  (P),0507-I-02
    HE 20.6523:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0491-B-31
    HE 20.6524:,Evidence Report/Technology Assessment (series) (EL),0491-B-31
    HE 20.6524/2:,Technical Review (series) (EL),0491-B-37
    HE 20.6525:,National Healthcare Disparities Report (annual) (EL),0507-I-04
    HE 20.6525/2:,National Healthcare Quality Report (annual) (EL),0507-I-05
    HE 20.6526:,Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Working Paper (series) (EL),0507-I-06
    HE 20.7000:,Forms  (P),0504-J
    HE 20.7002:,General Publications,0504
    HE 20.7008:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0505-A
    HE 20.7008/2:,CDC Lab. Manuals  (irregular)  (P),0505-A
    HE 20.7009:,Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (EL),0508-A
    HE 20.7009/2:,MMWR Surveillance Summaries (irregular) (EL),0508-A
    HE 20.7009/2-2:,MMWR Recommendation and Reports (irregular) (EL),0508-A
    HE 20.7009/2-3:,MMWR Surveillance Summaries from the Center for Infectious Diseases  (P),0508-A-05
    HE 20.7009/2-6:,Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Summary of Notifiable Diseases, United States
    HE 20.7009/4:,MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) Injury Prevention Reprints (annual)
    HE 20.7014:,Posters  (P),0504-E
    HE 20.7018/3:,Trends in Reportable Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the United States (annual)
    HE 20.7019:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0483-L-05
    HE 20.7026:,Memorandum Series  (MF),0504-F
    HE 20.7035:,Dear Colleague (letter)  (P),0504-L
    HE 20.7039/2:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0504-W
    HE 20.7041:,LSOA (Longitudinal Study of Aging) (CD-ROM),0505-C
    HE 20.7042:,Health United States and Healthy People 2000 Review (annual)  (P),0483-A-18
    HE 20.7042/4:,Health United States and Healthy People 2000 Review, Statistical Tables on Lotus
    	 Spreadsheets (Diskettes),0483-A-18
    HE 20.7042/6:,Health United States, (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0483-A-19
    HE 20.7042/6:,Health United States, (annual) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0483-A-21
    HE 20.7042/6-2:,Health, United States, Special Excerpt, Trend Tables on 65 and Older Population
    	 (annual) (EL),0483-A-24
    HE 20.7042/7-2:,Health, United States with Chartbook on Trends in the Health of Americans
    	 (annual) (CD-ROM),0483-A-22
    HE 20.7042/7-3:,Publications from the National Center for Health Statistics for the Period ...
    	 (biennial) (DVD),0483-A-23
    HE 20.7044:,CDC Wonder (online database) (EL),0504-W-02
    HE 20.7045:,United States Cancer Statistics, Incidence and Mortality (annual) (EL),0504-W-03
    HE 20.7046:,Genomics and Population Health (irregular) (EL),0504-W-04
    HE 20.7048:,Meeting Minutes (National Task Force on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol
    	 Effect) (irregular) (EL),0504-W-06
    HE 20.7049:,Public Health Image Library (PHIL) (EL),0504-W-07
    HE 20.7050:,National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System--Enteric Bacteria (U.S.).
    	 Human isolates final report (Annual) (EL),0504-W-08
    HE 20.7051:,Needle Tips and the Hepatitis B Coalition News (semiannual) (EL),0504-W-09
    HE 20.7052:,Vaccinate Women (Annual) (EL),0504-W-10
    HE 20.7052/2:,Vaccinate Adults (EL),0504-W-11
    HE 20.7053:,State of Aging and Health in America (EL),0504-W-12
    HE 20.7101:,Annual Report (MF),0499-F-13
    HE 20.7102:,General Publications,0499-F-02
    HE 20.7108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0499-F-03
    HE 20.7108/2:,NIOSH Health and Safety Guides for (various businesses)  (P),0499-F-05
    HE 20.7110:,Criteria for Recommended Standard Occupational Exposure to (various subjects)
    HE 20.7110/2:,Recommended Standards  (P),0494-D-04
    HE 20.7111:,NIOSH Research Reports (MF),0499-F-04
    HE 20.7111/2:,NIOSH Technical Reports (MF),0499-F-06
    HE 20.7111/3:,NIOSH Surveillance Reports  (series)  (MF),0499-F-12
    HE 20.7113:,Special Hazard Review (MF),0494-D-05
    HE 20.7114:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0499-F-07
    HE 20.7114/2-2:,NIOSH Publications and Products (EL),0499-F-25
    HE 20.7115:,Current Intelligence Bulletin (irregular)  (EL),0499-F-08
    HE 20.7123:,NIOSH Alert (series)  (P),0499-F-14
    HE 20.7124:,NIOSH Certified Equipment List (EL),0499-F-15
    HE 20.7125/2:,NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation Report (series)  (P),0499-F-16
    HE 20.7126:,NIOSH Research and Demonstration Grants (annual)  (MF),0499-F-16
    HE 20.7127:,National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Projects for FY (annual)
    HE 20.7128:,NIOSH Schedule of Courses (annual)  (P),0499-F-17
    HE 20.7129:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0499-F-19
    HE 20.7130:,Information Circulars (MF) (EL),0499-F-20
    HE 20.7131:,Report of Investigations (numbered) (EL),0499-F-22
    HE 20.7132:,Compendium of NIOSH Mining Research (annual) (EL),0499-F-23
    HE 20.7132/2:,Technology News (series) (EL),0499-F-27
    HE 20.7133:,AgConnections: Agricultural Safety and Health (quarterly) (EL),0499-F-24
    HE 20.7134:,NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) eNews (monthly)
    HE 20.7135:,Workplace Solutions (series) (EL),0499-F-28
    HE 20.7252:,General Publications,0507-R-01
    HE 20.7252/2:,Get the Facts (series) (P) (EL),0507-R-02
    HE 20.7252/3:,Consumer Advisory (series) (P) (EL),0507-R-03
    HE 20.7265:,CAMbasics (series) (EL),0507-R-04
    HE 20.7266:,CAM at the NIH (EL),0507-R-05
    HE 20.7302:,General Publications,0494-K-01
    HE 20.7308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0494-K-04
    HE 20.7309/2:,Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance (annual)  (EL),0494-K-02
    HE 20.7309/2-2:,Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, Supplement: Chlamydia ...
    	 (annual) (EL),0494-K-14
    HE 20.7309/2-3:,Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, Supplement: Gonococcal
    	 Isolate Surveillance Project ... (annual) (EL),0494-K-15
    HE 20.7309/2-4:,Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance, Supplement: Syphilis
    	 Surveillance Report ... (annual) (EL),0494-K-16
    HE 20.7310:,Reported Tuberculosis in the United States (annual) (EL),0494-K-03
    HE 20.7310/2:,TB Notes (EL),0494-K-13
    HE 20.7312:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0494-K-07
    HE 20.7317:,My Water's Fluoride (irregular) (EL),0494-K-03
    HE 20.7318:,CDC HIV/STD/TB Prevention News Update (EL),0494-K-10
    HE 20.7319:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0494-K-10
    HE 20.7320:,HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report (annual) (EL),0494-K-11
    HE 20.7320/2:,NCHSTP News & Notes (quarterly) (EL),0494-K-11
    HE 20.7320/3:,Fact Sheets (NCHSTP-HIV/AIDS Prevention Division) (EL),0494-K-12
    HE 20.7320/4:,HIV/AIDS Surveillance Supplemental Report (irregular) (EL),0494-K-17
    HE 20.7320/4-2:,HIV/AIDS Special Surveillance Report (irregular) (EL),0494-K-18
    HE 20.7502:,General Publications,0494-L-06
    HE 20.7509:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (MF),0494-L-05
    HE 20.7511:,Summary of Sanitation Inspection of International Cruise Ships (P) (EL),0494-L-05
    HE 20.7511/2:,Sanitation Inspections of International Cruise Ships (database) (EL),0494-L-12
    HE 20.7512:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0494-L-10
    HE 20.7513:,Brochures (P) (EL),0494-L-10
    HE 20.7515:,National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals (annual) (EL),0494-L-11
    HE 20.7602:,General Publications,0494-H-04
    HE 20.7608:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0494-H-02
    HE 20.7610:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0494-H-01
    HE 20.7611:,Suicide Surveillance Summary (biennial)  (MF),0505-A-19
    HE 20.7611/2:,Homicide Surveillance  (MF),0505-A-23
    HE 20.7611/3:,Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System  (biennial)  (CD-ROM),0505-A-24
    HE 20.7613:,Tobacco-Control Activities in the United States (biennial) (MF),0494-H-07
    HE 20.7615:,Reports of the Surgeon General on the Health Consequences of Smoking (various topics)
    HE 20.7617:,Chronic Disease Notes & Reports (irregular) (EL),0494-H-09
    HE 20.7618:,Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates (annual) (EL),0494-H-10
    HE 20.7620:,Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice, and Policy (quarterly)
    HE 20.7621:,PRAMS ... Surveillance Report, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (annual)
    HE 20.7622:,Fact Sheet (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Office
    	 on Smoking and Health) (series) (EL),0494-H-14
    HE 20.7802:,General Publications,0494-L-07
    HE 20.7808:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0504-K
    HE 20.7816:,Advisory Memo (series) (P) (EL),0504-K-01
    HE 20.7817:,Emerging Infectious Diseases (monthly) (EL),0504-K-02
    HE 20.7818:,Health Information for International Travel (biennial) (EL),0504-K-03
    HE 20.7818/2:,Summary of Health Information for International Travel (EL),0504-K-04
    HE 20.7952:,General Publications,0494-N
    HE 20.7957:,Violence Surveillance Summary (series) (MF),0494-N-02
    HE 20.7958:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0494-N-01
    HE 20.7959:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0494-N-03
    HE 20.7962:,General Publications,0494-P
    HE 20.7968:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0494-P-01
    HE 20.7970:,Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (annual) (EL),0494-P-02
    HE 20.8102:,General Publications,0507-B-05
    HE 20.8108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-B-10
    HE 20.8113:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0507-B-09
    HE 20.8113/3:,Publications of the National Institute of Mental Health  (annual)  (P),0507-B-09
    HE 20.8113/6:,New Publications From the National Institute of Mental Health  (P),0507-B-09
    HE 20.8121:,Posters  (P),0507-B-39
    HE 20.8123/2:,Directories  (MF),0506-C-06
    HE 20.8125:,Primary Prevention Publications Series (irregular)  (P),0507-B-35
    HE 20.8128:,Plain Talk About (various subjects),0507-B-30
    HE 20.8131:,Science Reports (series)  (P),0507-B-32
    HE 20.8131/2:,Science Monograph (series)  (P),0507-B-32
    HE 20.8138:,Forms  (P),0507-B-38
    HE 20.8139:,Research Fact Sheets (various topics) (series)  (EL),0507-B-40
    HE 20.8216/2-2:,Services Research Monograph Series  (P),0831-C-11
    HE 20.8216/3:,Services Research Reports  (P),0831-C-10
    HE 20.8217:,Treatment Program Monograph Series  (P),0467-A-07
    HE 20.8217/2:,Treatment Research Monograph Series  (P),0467-A-07
    HE 20.8217/3:,Treatment Research Report (series)  (P),0467-A-07
    HE 20.8230/2:,Clinical Report Series  (MF),0467-A-23
    HE 20.8301:,Annual Report to Congress  (MF),0483-G-03
    HE 20.8302:,General Publications,0498-C-01
    HE 20.8308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0483-G-02
    HE 20.8308/2:,NIAAA Treatment Handbook Series  (P),0483-G-02
    HE 20.8308/3:,U.S. Alcohol Epidemologic Data Reference Manual (series) (P),0483-G-05
    HE 20.8309:,Alcohol Research & Health (quarterly) (EL),0507-B-19
    HE 20.8310:,Posters  (P),0498-C-09
    HE 20.8311:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0498-C-02
    HE 20.8315:,Research Monographs (MF),0498-C-10
    HE 20.8318:,Announcement, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism  (P),0498-C-13
    HE 20.8318/2:,Special Announcement  (P),0498-C-13
    HE 20.8321:,Annual Report of Intramural Research Program Activities FY (P),0483-G-04
    HE 20.8322:,Alcohol Alert (series)  (EL),0483-G-02
    HE 20.8323:,Project Match Monograph (series)  (P),0483-G-02
    HE 20.8324:,Surveillance Reports (irregular) (EL),0498-D
    HE 20.8325:,Directories,0498-D-02
    HE 20.8325/2:,Alcohol Epidemiologic Data Directory (annual) (EL),0498-D-03
    HE 20.8326:,Alcohol Policy Information System (online database) (EL),0498-C-16
    HE 20.8327:,NIAAA (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) Newsletter (3 times a year)
    HE 20.8328:,NIAAA Director's Report on Institute Activities to the National Advisory Council (three
    	 times a year) (EL),0498-C-18
    HE 20.8329:,FrontLines: Linking Alcohol Services Research and Practice (2 nos. a year)
    HE 20.9002:,General Publications,0507-H-17
    HE 20.9008:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-H-15
    HE 20.9009:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0507-H-16
    HE 20.9012:,Posters  (P),0507-H-19
    HE 20.9015:,HSRA (Health Resources and Services Administration) Key Staff Directory (EL),0507-H-20
    HE 20.9015/2:,Directories,0507-H-24
    HE 20.9018:,Preview (quarterly) (P) (EL),0507-H-22
    HE 20.9019:,Council on Graduate Medical Education (General Publications) (P),0507-H-23
    HE 20.9019/2:,Council of Graduate Medical Education (COGME) Reports (irregular) (EL),0507-H-26
    HE 20.9019/3:,Council of Graduate Medical Education (COGME) Resource Papers (irregular)
    HE 20.9020:,Annual Report of the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network and the
    	 Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (EL),0507-H-25
    HE 20.9021:,Biennial Report of the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry (EL),0507-H-28
    HE 20.9102:,General Publications,0532-E-10
    HE 20.9108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0532-E-12
    HE 20.9109:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0532-E-11
    HE 20.9110:,National Health Service Corps Information Bulletin (series)  (MF),0532-E-13
    HE 20.9110/2:,National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program Applicant Information Bulletin
    	  (annual)  (MF),0532-E-13
    HE 20.9110/5:,NHSC Fact Sheet (semiannual)  (P),0532-E-13
    HE 20.9110/6:,National Health Service Corps Information Bulletin, Private Practice Option (annual)
    HE 20.9110/7:,National Health Service Corps Information Bulletin, Private Practice Startup Loan
    	 Program (annual)  (MF),0532-E-13
    HE 20.9110/9:,NHSC in Touch (quarterly)  (EL),0532-F
    HE 20.9112:,Directories  (MF),0532-E-15
    HE 20.9112/4:,Health Care for the Homeless Grantee Profiles (annual) (P) (EL),0532-E-27
    HE 20.9115:,Memorandum (series)  (MF),0532-E-20
    HE 20.9116:,InFOHmation, The Federal Occupational Health Memo Series (quarterly) (P)
    HE 20.9118:,Policy Information Notice (series)  (P),0532-E-24
    HE 20.9120:,Opening Doors (quarterly) (EL),0532-G
    HE 20.9202:,General Publications,0486-A-06
    HE 20.9208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0486-A-07
    HE 20.9210:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0486-A-09
    HE 20.9212:,EMSC (Emergency Medical Services for Children) News (quarterly) (EL),0486-A-12
    HE 20.9213:,Child Health USA (annual) (P),0486-A-13
    HE 20.9214:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0486-A-14
    HE 20.9215:,Title V Today (EL),0486-A-14
    HE 20.9216:,Women's Health USA (annual) (EL),0486-A-15
    HE 20.9302:,General Publications,0507-J-01
    HE 20.9308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-J-05
    HE 20.9309:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0507-J-02
    HE 20.9310:,Report to Congress: Health Personnel in the United States (biennial)  (MF),0507-J-12
    HE 20.9317:,HRSA State Health Workforce Profiles (EL),0507-J-19
    HE 20.9317/2:,HRSA State Health Workforce Profiles (database w/50 states) (EL),0507-J-20
    HE 20.9318:,NHSC SiteLink (monthly) (EL),0507-J-21
    HE 20.9502:,General Publications,0507-K-01
    HE 20.9508:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0507-K-03
    HE 20.9515:,HIV/AIDS Evaluation Monograph Series (P),0507-K-02
    HE 20.9516:,HRSA Care Action (monthly) (EL),0507-K-04
    HE 22.2:,General Publications,0512-A-01
    HE 22.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions,0512-A-63
    HE 22.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0512-A-03
    HE 22.8/16:,Medicare and You (annual) (EL),0512-A-39
    HE 22.8/17:,Choosing a Medigap Policy (annual) (EL),0512-A-03
    HE 22.8/23:,CMS Online Manual System (EL),0444-P-03
    HE 22.8/24:,Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home (semiannual) (EL),0512-A-65
    HE 22.9/4:,End-Stage Renal Disease Program Instruction Manual for Renal Providers (biennial)
    HE 22.9/5:,Dialysis Facility Compare (EL),0512-A-67
    HE 22.13/2:,Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Report (annual) (EL),0512-A-62
    HE 22.21/4:,Influenza Immunizations Paid for by Medicare (annual)  (MF),0512-A-58
    HE 22.21/5:,Medicare Hospice Benefits (annual) (EL),0512-A-60
    HE 22.22:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF) (EL),0512-A-19
    HE 22.27:,Posters  (P),0512-A-30
    HE 22.29/2:,Directories  (P),0512-A-31
    HE 22.32:,Forms  (P),0512-A-32
    HE 22.32/2:,HCFA Forms Information Catalog (annual)  (MF),0512-A-32
    HE 22.33:,Justifications of Appropriation Estimates for Committee on Appropriations (annual)
    HE 22.34:,Medicare Hospital Information Report (annual)  (MF),0512-A-41
    HE 22.37:,HCFA Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) (alpha-numeric portion) (annual)
    	 (MF) (EL),0512-A-24
    HE 22.38:,CMS Rulings (irregular) (EL),0512-A-24
    HE 22.40:,HCFA Fact Sheet (series)  (P),0512-A-24
    HE 22.41:,The International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (annual)
    HE 22.41/2:,ICD.9.CM International Classification of Diseases (annual) (CD-ROM) (EL),0444-P-04
    HE 22.42:,CMS Financial Report (annual) (EL),0512-A-49
    HE 22.44:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0512-A-60
    HE 22.45:,Braille Publications (P),0512-E
    HE 22.46:,Health Care Consumer Initiatives (online database) (EL),0512-A-66
    HE 22.47:,Quarterly Provider Updates (quarterly) (EL),0512-A-68
    HE 22.48:,Hospital Compare (EL),0512-A-69
    HE 22.102:,General Publications,0512-C
    HE 22.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0512-C-01
    HE 22.114:,Directories (MF),0512-C-02
    HE 22.115:,Medicaid Statistics, Program and Financial Statistics, Fiscal Year (MF),0512-C-02
    HE 22.116:,National Summary of State Medicaid Managed Care Programs (annual) (EL),0512-C-03
    HE 22.202:,General Publications,0499-J-01
    HE 22.208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0512-A-07
    HE 22.211:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0499-J-02
    HE 22.402:,General Publications,0499-N-02
    HE 22.408:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0499-N-01
    HE 22.412:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0499-A-01
    HE 22.414/2:,HCFA Medicare Unique Physician Identification Number (directory) (CD-ROM)
    HE 22.509:,CMS Statistics (annual) (EL),0499-R-03
    HE 22.511:,Data Compendium (EL),0499-R-01
    HE 22.512:,Health Care Financing Review (quarterly) (P),0512-A-10
    HE 22.512/2:,Health Care Financing Review, Medicare & Medicaid Statistical Supplement
    	  (annual) (P),0512-A-10
    HE 22.513:,Active Projects Report (annual) (P) (EL),0512-A-61
    HE 22.602:,General Publications,0512-H-02
    HE 22.615:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0512-H-01
    HE 22.616:,Public Use Files Catalog (annual) (P) (EL),0512-H
    HE 23.101:,Annual Report (MF),0528-B-01
    HE 23.102:,General Publications,0529-B-08
    HE 23.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0528-B-02
    HE 23.1002:,General Publications,0530-B-01
    HE 23.1005:,Laws  (P),0530-B-06
    HE 23.1008:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0530-B-03
    HE 23.1011:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0499-M
    HE 23.1016:,Forms  (P),0530-B-08
    HE 23.1018:,Child Maltreatment: Reports from the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect
    	 Data System (annual) (EL),0530-B-10
    HE 23.1102:,General Publications,0499-G-02
    HE 23.1103:,Head Start Bulletin: Enhancing Head Start Communication (six times a year)
    HE 23.1108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0499-G-01
    HE 23.1108/2:,Head Start Program Performance Standards and Other Regulations (EL),0499-G-08
    HE 23.1111:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0499-G-04
    HE 23.1113:,Directories  (MF),0499-G-06
    HE 23.1115:,Head Start Program Data (annual)  (MF),0499-G-04
    HE 23.1116:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0499-G-09
    HE 23.1202:,General Publications,0452
    HE 23.1208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0452-C
    HE 23.1210:,National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect: Publications  (MF),0445-L-01
    HE 23.1210/4:,National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect: User Manual Series (EL),0445-L-04
    HE 23.1215:,Directories  (MF),0445-L-06
    HE 23.1216:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0445-L-07
    HE 23.1216/2:,National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information Catalog (annual)
    	 (P) (EL),0445-L-08
    HE 23.1217:,Child Welfare Outcomes (annual) (EL),0445-L-09
    HE 23.1301:,Report to Congress on the Youth Programs of the Family and Youth Services Bureau
    	 for Fiscal Years ... (biennial) (EL),0498-D-01
    HE 23.1302:,General Publications,0532-C-02
    HE 23.1308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0532-D-01
    HE 23.1315:,The Exchange (irregular) (EL),0532-C-05
    HE 23.1402:,General Publications,0530-C
    HE 23.1415:,Child Care Bulletin  (EL),0530-B-09
    HE 23.1415/2:,Tribal Child Care Bulletin (semiannual) (P),0530-C-01
    HE 23.5002:,General Publications,0529-B-10
    HE 23.5015:,ANA Messenger (quarterly) (EL),0529-B-11
    HE 23.6001:,The American Dream Belongs to Everyone:  Report to Congress, the President,
    	 and the National Council on Disability (annual) (EL),0529-F
    HE 23.6015:,ADD's Update (bimonthly) (EL),0529-F-01
    HE 24.1:,Annual Report (EL),0524-A-05
    HE 24.1/2:,Child Support Enforcement FY ... preliminary data report (annual) (EL),0524-A-14
    HE 24.2:,General Publications,0524-A-01
    HE 24.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0524-A
    HE 24.9:,Child Support Report (monthly) (EL),0524-A-06
    HE 24.13:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (MF),0524-A-07
    HE 24.14:,OCSE Action Transmittal (series) (EL),0524-A-09
    HE 24.15:,OCSE Information Memorandum (series) (EL),0524-A-10
    HE 25.2:,General Publications,0524-A-12
    HE 25.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0516-V
    HE 25.11:,Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program, Annual Report to
    	 Congress (annual) (EL),0516-V-01
    HE 25.16:,Office of Refugee Resettlement Annual Report to Congress (EL),0524-A-13
    HH 1.1:,Performance and Accountability Report  (EL),0581
    HH 1.1/2:,Semiannual Report to the Congress as of ... (Office of Inspector General)  (EL),0581-H
    HH 1.1/4-2:,FY Budget, Summary (annual)  (MF),0581-J
    HH 1.1/5:,Annual Audit Plan  (MF),0581-J
    HH 1.1/9:,Consolidated Annual Report to Congress on Fair Housing Programs  (MF),0581-A-03
    HH 1.1/10:,Consolidated Annual Report for the Office of Community Planning and Development
    HH 1.1/11:,Consolidated Financial Report FY  (MF),0581-J-01
    HH 1.1/12:,FY ... Annual Performance Plan (annual) (EL),0581-J-02
    HH 1.1/13:,Report to Congress (annual) (EL),0581-J-03
    HH 1.2:,General Publications,0582
    HH 1.5:,Laws  (P),0583
    HH 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0584
    HH 1.6/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0582-E
    HH 1.6/6:,HUD Handbooks (numbered) (P),0582-E
    HH 1.6/7:,HUD Guides (numbered) (P),0582-E
    HH 1.6/9:,HUD Minimum Property Standards (P),0582-E
    HH 1.7:,Addresses  (MF),0581-C
    HH 1.23:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0581-D
    HH 1.23/8:,Urban Research Monitor (bimonthly) (EL),0581-D-03
    HH 1.37:,Annual Report (Government National Mortgage Association)  (EL),0582-A-01
    HH 1.37/3:,All Participants Memoranda (EL),0581-L-02
    HH 1.37/4:,All Participants Memoranda (Ginnie Mae) (EL) (P),0581-L-03
    HH 1.43/2:,Fact Sheets  (P),0582-S
    HH 1.55:,Final Environmental Impact Statements (MF),0581-E-21
    HH 1.75/2:,Cityscape - A Journal of Policy Development and Research (3 times a year)
    HH 1.75/3:,FieldWorks: Ideas for Housing and Community Development Practitioners (bimonthly)
    HH 1.75/4:,Research Works (monthly) (EL),0581-D-05
    HH 1.80/2:,Public and Indian Housing FY ... Program Funding Plan (annual) (MF),0581-G-01
    HH 1.80/3:,Dream Catcher (quarterly) (EL),0581-G-02
    HH 1.84:,Recent Research Results  (EL),0581-D
    HH 1.86:,Legal Opinions of the Office of General Counsel (annual)  (EL),0581-E-30
    HH 1.92:,Telephone Directory (irregular)  (MF),0581-E-33
    HH 1.92/2:,National Directory of Tribes and TDHEs by ONAP Region (online database) (EL),0581-E-39
    HH 1.98:,Posters  (P),0581-E-35
    HH 1.99/3:,Secondary Market Prices and Yields and Interest Rates for Home Loans (monthly)
    HH 1.99/4:,HUD...Survey of Pension Fund Investment in Mortgage Instruments (quarterly) (P),0582-T
    HH 1.99/4-2:,Survey of Mortgage-Related Security Holdings of Major Institutions (quarterly) (P),0582-T
    HH 1.99/6:,News Release (series) (EL),0582-T
    HH 1.100:,Programs of HUD (EL),0582-N-03
    HH 1.105:,Congressional Justification for Estimates (annual)  (MF),0581-E-36
    HH 1.108/2:,Community Connections, News Releases (P),0582-E-04
    HH 1.108/4:,Tax Incentive Guide for Businesses in the Renewal Communities ... (annual) (P)
    HH 1.114:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0581-L
    HH 1.114/2:,Pathways (series) (EL),0581-L-04
    HH 1.114/3:,HOMEfires: Policy Newsletter of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program
    HH 1.116:,Forecast of Contract Opportunities, Fiscal Year (annual)  (MF),0581-E-32
    HH 1.117:,Labor Relations Letters  (EL),0581-K
    HH 1.120:,HUD Wellness Newsletter (quarterly)  (P),0582-X
    HH 1.120/2:,U.S. Housing Market Conditions (quarterly)  (EL),0581-K-01
    HH 1.124:,Picture of Subsidized Households (EL),0581-L
    HH 1.126:,FY ... Income Limits and Section 8 Fair Market Rents (FMRs) (EL),0581-L
    HH 1.126/2:,Fair Market Rents (annual) (EL),0581-L-06
    HH 1.128:,Housing today (quarterly) (EL),0581-L
    HH 1.129:,Club Notes (P),0582-T-03
    HH 1.130:,Global Outlook (quarterly) (EL),0582-A-06
    HH 1.131:,Comprehensive Market Analysis Reports (updated irregularly) (EL),0582-A-07
    HH 2.1:,Federal Housing Administration Annual Report (MF),0593-F
    HH 2.2:,General Publications,0589
    HH 2.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0594
    HH 2.6/6:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0589-A
    HH 2.24/4:,FHA Homes, Data for States and Selected Areas on Characteristics of FHA Operations
    	 Under Section 203 (MF),0593-F
    HH 2.24/4-2:,Data for States and Selected Areas on Characteristics of FHA Operations Under
    	 Section 245 (MF),0593-F
    HH 2.24/7:,Characteristics of FHA Single-Family Mortgages, Selected Sections of National
    	 Housing Act (annual)  (MF),0593-F
    HH 2.24/8:,FHA Home Mortgage Insurance Operations, State, County and MSA/PMSA (annual)
    HH 13.2:,General Publications,0599-P-01
    HH 13.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0599-P-02
    HH 13.15:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0599-P-03
    HH 13.16/2:,Neighborhood Networks NNewsline (bimonthly) (EL),0599-P-03
    HH 13.16/3:,Neighborhood Networks News Brief (quarterly) (EL),0599-P-03
    HH 13.16/4:,Neighborhood Networks General Publications (P),0599-P-05
    HH 13.16/5:,Neighborhood Networks Fact Sheet  (EL),0599-P-06
    HH 13.16/6:,Neighborhood Networks Directory (annual) (EL),0599-P-07
    HH 14.2:,General Publications,0599-Q
    HS 1.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (EL),0520-B-05
    HS 1.1/2:,Semiannual Report to the Congress, Office of the Inspector General (EL),0520-B-06
    HS 1.1/2-2:,Fiscal Year ... Annual Performance Plan (Office of Inspector General) (EL),0520-B-07
    HS 1.1/3:,Annual Report (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center) (EL),0520-B-11
    HS 1.1/3-2:,Performance and Accountability Report (EL) (annual),0520-B-17
    HS 1.1/4:,Freedom of Information Act annual report (annual) (EL),0520-B-19
    HS 1.1/5:,Annual Privacy Report to Congress (EL),0520-B-21
    HS 1.1/6:,Highlights Report (EL) (Annual),0520-B-25
    HS 1.1/7:,DHS Annual Financial Report (EL),0520-B-26
    HS 1.1/8:,Annual Performance Report (EL),0520-B-27
    HS 1.2:,General Publications,0520-B
    HS 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0520-B-08
    HS 1.9:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0520-B-12
    HS 1.15:,Office of Immigration Statistics Fact Sheets (EL),0520-B-15
    HS 1.16:,Catalog of Training Programs (annual) (EL),0520-B-18
    HS 1.17:,Federal Law Enforcement Informer (Monthly) (EL),0520-B-22
    HS 1.18:,Homeland Security Digital Library (online database) (EL),0520-B-24
    HS 2.2:,General Publications,0520-K
    HS 2.15:,National Communications System Annual Report (EL),0520-K-01
    HS 2.15/2:,National Communications System (General Publications),0520-K-02
    HS 3.2:,General Publications,0520-I
    HS 3.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0520-I-01
    HS 4.2:,General Publications,0520-B-01
    HS 4.101:,Performance and Accountability Report (Customs and Border Protection) (EL),0520-B-14
    HS 4.101/2:,Strategic Plan (every 3 years) (EL),0520-B-23
    HS 4.102:,General Publications,0520-B-02
    HS 4.103:,Customs Bulletin and Decisions (weekly)  (EL),0520-B-04
    HS 4.106/2:,Regulations of U.S. Customs and Border Protection  (P),0520-B-09
    HS 4.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0520-B-03
    HS 4.108/2:,Importing Into the United States: A Guide for Commercial Importers (annual)
    HS 4.115:,Customs and Border Protection Today (monthly) (EL),0520-C-04
    HS 4.116:,International Mail Imports  (updated irregularly) (EL),0520-B-10
    HS 4.117:,Customs Valuation Encyclopedia (updated irregularly) (EL),0520-B-13
    HS 4.118:,Informed Compliance Publication (series) (EL),0520-B-16
    HS 4.202:,General Publications,0520-D
    HS 4.215:,Inside ICE (EL),0520-D-01
    HS 4.302:,General Publications,0520-J
    HS 4.315:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0520-J-01
    HS 5.2:,General Publications,0520-E
    HS 5.7:,FEMA News Releases (EL),0520-E-13
    HS 5.15:,Fiscal Year ... Homeland Security Grant Program (EL),0520-E-20
    HS 5.102:,General Publications,0520-E-01
    HS 5.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (P) (EL),0520-E-02
    HS 5.108/2:,Mitigation Planning 'How-To' Series (386 series) (EL),0520-E-04
    HS 5.108/3:,Doing Business with FEMA (updated irregularly) (EL),0520-E-07
    HS 5.108/4:,Flood Insurance Manual (online database) (EL),0520-E-12
    HS 5.110:,Directories (EL),0520-E-09
    HS 5.110/2:,FEMA Staff Directory (EL),0520-E-10
    HS 5.115:,Recovery Times (irregular) (EL),0520-E-05
    HS 5.115/2:,Diario Recuperacion (irregular) (EL),0520-E-06
    HS 5.116/1:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Alabama) (EL),0594-C-01
    HS 5.116/2:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Alaska) (EL),0594-C-02
    HS 5.116/3:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Arizona) (EL),0594-C-03
    HS 5.116/4:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Arkansas) (EL),0594-C-04
    HS 5.116/5:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (California) (EL),0594-C-05
    HS 5.116/6:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Colorado) (EL),0594-C-06
    HS 5.116/7:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Connecticut) (EL),0594-C-07
    HS 5.116/8:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Delaware) (EL),0594-C-08
    HS 5.116/9:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Florida) (EL),0594-C-09
    HS 5.116/10:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Georgia) (EL),0594-C-10
    HS 5.116/11:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Hawaii) (EL),0594-C-11
    HS 5.116/12:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Idaho) (EL),0594-C-12
    HS 5.116/13:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Illinois) (EL),0594-C-13
    HS 5.116/14:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Indiana) (EL),0594-C-14
    HS 5.116/15:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Iowa) (EL),0594-C-15
    HS 5.116/16:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Kansas) (EL),0594-C-16
    HS 5.116/17:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Kentucky) (EL),0594-C-17
    HS 5.116/18:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Louisiana) (EL),0594-C-18
    HS 5.116/19:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Maine) (EL),0594-C-19
    HS 5.116/20:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Maryland) (EL),0594-C-20
    HS 5.116/21:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Massachusetts) (EL),0594-C-21
    HS 5.116/22:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Michigan) (EL),0594-C-22
    HS 5.116/23:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Minnesota) (EL),0594-C-23
    HS 5.116/24:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Mississippi) (EL),0594-C-24
    HS 5.116/25:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Missouri) (EL),0594-C-25
    HS 5.116/26:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Montana) (EL),0594-C-26
    HS 5.116/27:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Nebraska) (EL),0594-C-27
    HS 5.116/28:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Nevada) (EL),0594-C-28
    HS 5.116/29:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (New Hampshire) (EL),0594-C-29
    HS 5.116/30:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (New Jersey) (EL),0594-C-30
    HS 5.116/31:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (New Mexico) (EL),0594-C-31
    HS 5.116/32:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (New York) (EL),0594-C-32
    HS 5.116/33:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (North Carolina) (EL),0594-C-33
    HS 5.116/34:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (North Dakota) (EL),0594-C-34
    HS 5.116/35:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Ohio) (EL),0594-C-35
    HS 5.116/36:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Oklahoma) (EL),0594-C-36
    HS 5.116/37:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Oregon) (EL),0594-C-37
    HS 5.116/38:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Pennsylvania) (EL),0594-C-38
    HS 5.116/39:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Rhode Island) (EL),0594-C-39
    HS 5.116/40:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (South Carolina) (EL),0594-C-40
    HS 5.116/41:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (South Dakota) (EL),0594-C-41
    HS 5.116/42:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Tennessee) (EL),0594-C-42
    HS 5.116/43:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Texas) (EL),0594-C-43
    HS 5.116/44:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Utah) (EL),0594-C-44
    HS 5.116/45:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Vermont) (EL),0594-C-45
    HS 5.116/46:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Virginia) (EL),0594-C-46
    HS 5.116/47:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Washington) (EL),0594-C-47
    HS 5.116/48:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (West Virginia) (EL),0594-C-48
    HS 5.116/49:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Wisconsin) (EL),0594-C-49
    HS 5.116/50:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Wyoming) (EL),0594-C-50
    HS 5.116/51:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (District of Columbia) (EL),0594-C-51
    HS 5.116/52:,Flood Insurance Studies (various areas) (Outlying Areas) (EL),0594-C-53
    HS 5.117:,Watermark (3 times a year) (EL),0520-E-11
    HS 5.118:,Annual Report of the National Hazards Reduction Program (annual) (EL),0520-E-14
    HS 5.119:,Courses Conducted in Emergency Management Institute (annual) (EL),0520-E-15
    HS 5.119/2:,EMI Catalog of Activities (annual) (EL),0520-E-16
    HS 5.120:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0520-E-17
    HS 5.121:,Annual Report (Citizen Corps) (EL),0520-E-18
    HS 5.122:,Citizen Corps state profiles (annual) (EL),0520-E-19
    HS 5.202:,General Publications,0520-F
    HS 5.208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0520-F-06
    HS 5.209:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications,0520-F-01
    HS 5.209/2:,USFA Publications Catalog (irregular) (P),0520-F-03
    HS 5.209/2-2:,USFA Publications (updated irregularly) (EL),0520-F-05
    HS 5.215:,Firefighter Fatalities in the United States (annual) (EL),0520-F-02
    HS 5.217:,Resident Courses (annual) (EL),0520-F-07
    HS 5.218:,Technical Report (series) (EL),0520-F-08
    HS 5.219:,Profile of Fire in the United States (annual) (P),0520-F-09
    HS 5.302:,General Publications,0520-H
    HS 5.303/2:,ODP Information Bulletin (series) (EL),0520-H-02
    HS 5.308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0520-H-01
    HS 5.315:,Fiscal Year ... State Domestic Preparedness Equipment Program (EL),0520-H-03
    HS 7.1:,Annual Report,0520-C-05
    HS 7.1/2:,National Pollution Funds Center, Year in Review (biennial) (P),0520-C-06
    HS 7.1/3:,PORT STATE CONTROL in the UNITED STATES: Annual Report (annual) (EL),0520-C-34
    HS 7.2:,General Publications,0520-C
    HS 7.4:,Circulars,0520-C-27
    HS 7.4/2:,Boating Safety Circular (irregular) (EL),0520-C-28
    HS 7.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0520-C-03
    HS 7.15:,Coast Guard: the Official Magazine of the U.S. Coast Guard (monthly) (EL),0520-C-01
    HS 7.16:,Proceedings of the Marine Safety & Security Council (quarterly) (EL),0520-C-02
    HS 7.17:,Reservist (monthly) (EL),0520-C-07
    HS 7.18:,Electronic Products (E),0520-C-08
    HS 7.19:,Local Notice to Mariners, Coastal Waters from Eastport, Maine to Shrewsbury,
    	 New Jersey (monthly) (EL),0520-C-09
    HS 7.19/1:,Local Notice to Mariners, Coastal Waters from Eastport, Maine to Shrewsbury,
    	 New Jersey, Weekly Supplement (weekly) (EL),0520-C-10
    HS 7.19/2:,Local Notice to Mariners, Coastal Waters from Shrewsbury River, New Jersey
    	 to Little River, South Carolina (monthly) (EL),0520-C-11
    HS 7.19/2-2:,Local Notice to Mariners, Coastal Waters from Shrewsbury River, New Jersey
    	 to Little River, South Carolina, Weekly Supplement (weekly) (EL),0520-C-12
    HS 7.19/3:,Local Notice to Mariners, Commander, 7th Coast Guard District (monthly)
    HS 7.19/3-2:,Local Notice to Mariners, Commander, 7th Coast Guard District, Weekly Ed.
    	 (weekly) (EL),0520-C-14
    HS 7.19/4:,9th District Local Notice to Mariners, Guardians of the Great Lakes (monthly)
    HS 7.19/4-2:,9th District Local Notice to Mariners, Guardians of the Great Lakes, Weekly
    	 Ed. (weekly) (EL),0520-C-16
    HS 7.19/5:,8th District Local Notice to Mariners, Mississippi River System (monthly)
    HS 7.19/5-2:,8th District Local Notice to Mariners, Mississippi River System.  Weekly
    	 Supplement (weekly) (EL),0520-C-18
    HS 7.19/6:,Local Notice to Mariners, U.S. Coast Guard, Eleventh District (monthly)
    HS 7.19/6-2:,Local Notice to Mariners, Weekly Supplement (weekly) (EL),0520-C-20
    HS 7.19/7:,Local Notice to Mariners, Commander, 17th Coast Guard District (monthly)
    HS 7.19/7-2:,Local Notice to Mariners, Commander, 17th Coast Guard District (weekly)
    HS 7.19/8:,Local Notice to Mariners (Fourteenth Coast Guard District) (monthly)
    HS 7.19/8-2:,Local Notice to Mariners, Weekly Supplement (Fourteenth Coast Guard
    	 District) (weekly) (EL),0520-C-24
    HS 7.19/9:,Local Notice to Mariners (Thirteenth Coast Guard District) (monthly)
    HS 7.19/9-2:,Local Notice to Mariners, Weekly Supplement (Thirteenth Coast Guard
    	 District) (weekly) (EL),0520-C-26
    HS 7.20:,On Scene, the Journal of U.S. Coast Guard Search and Rescue (semiannual)
    HS 7.21:,The SAR Watch, Office of Search and Rescue Newsletter (EL),0520-C-30
    HS 7.22:V.1/,Light List: Vol. 1, Atlantic Coast from St. Croix River, Maine to Shrewsbury
    	 River, New Jersey (P) (EL),0520-L-01
    HS 7.22:V.2/,Light List: Vol. 2, Atlantic Coast from Shrewsbury River, New Jersey to Little
    	 River, South Carolina (P) (EL),0520-L-02
    HS 7.22:V.3/,Light List: Vol. 3, Atlantic and Gulf Coasts (P) (EL),0520-L-03
    HS 7.22:V.4/,Light List: Vol. 4, Gulf of Mexico (P) (EL),0520-L-04
    HS 7.22:V.5/,Light List: Vol. 5, Mississippi River System (P) (EL),0520-L-05
    HS 7.22:V.6/,Light List: Vol. 6, Pacific Coast and Pacific Islands (P) (EL),0520-L-06
    HS 7.22:V.7/,Light List: Vol. 7, Great Lakes (P) (EL),0520-L-07
    HS 7.23:,Navigator (U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary) (quarterly) (EL),0520-C-31
    HS 7.24:,Leadership News (EL) (Quarterly),0520-C-32
    HS 7.25:,Evening Colors (quarterly) (EL),0520-C-33
    HS 7.26:,Aids to Navigation Bulletin (irregular) (EL),0520-C-35
    HS 7.27:,Recreational Boating Statistics (annual) (EL),0520-C-36
    HS 7.28:,Standard Distribution List (EL),0520-C-37
    HS 7.29:,Register of Officers (annual) (EL),0520-C-38
    HS 7.29/2:,Register of Reserve Officers(annual) (EL),0520-C-39
    HS 8.1:,USCIS Annual Report (EL),0520-G-07
    HS 8.2:,General Publications,0520-G
    HS 8.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0520-G-04
    HS 8.15:,Yearbook of Immigration Statistics (annual) (EL),0520-G-01
    HS 8.16:,Forms and Fees (irregular) (EL),0520-G-02
    HS 8.17:,Fact Sheets (series) (EL),0520-G-03
    HS 8.18:,USCIS Monthly (EL),0520-G-05
    HS 8.19:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0520-G-06
    HS 9.1:,Annual Freedom of Information Act Report to the Attorney General of the United States
    	 (annual) (EL),0520-L-09
    HS 9.2:,General Publications,0520-L
    HS 9.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0520-L-08
    I 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0600-C
    I 1.1/6:,The Interior Budget in Brief, Fiscal Year Highlights (annual) (EL),0600-C-01
    I 1.1/7:,Office of Inspector General, Semiannual Report  (MF),0600-C
    I 1.1/7-2:,OIG Highlights (semiannual)  (MF),0600-C
    I 1.1/8:,DOI Financial Management Status Report and Strategic Plan (annual) (EL),0600-C-02
    I 1.2:,General Publications,0603
    I 1.69/2-3:,Decisions of Department of Interior: Cumulative Index-Digest of Unpublished Decisions
    I 1.72:,Conservation Bulletins  (MF),0601
    I 1.77:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0604
    I 1.77/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0603-B
    I 1.84:,Indian Arts and Crafts Board: Publications  (P),0603-E
    I 1.84/3:,Source Directory of Arts and Crafts Businesses (updated irregularly) (EL),0603-E
    I 1.86:,Telephone Directory  (MF),0601-C
    I 1.89:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0600-A
    I 1.96/3:,Annual Report of Secretary of Interior Under Mining and Minerals Policy Act  (MF),0603-F
    I 1.96/4:,Federal Coal Management Report, Annual Report of the Secretary of Interior Under
    	 Section 8 of Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976  (MF),0603-F
    I 1.98:,Environmental Impact Statements and Related Materials  (MF),0603-G
    I 1.100:,Report to Congress by the Secretary of Interior and the Secretary of the Agriculture on
    	 Administration of the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act  (MF),0601-J
    I 1.109:,Laws  (P),0603-L
    I 1.111:,Posters  (P),0603-G-05
    I 1.114:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0600-D
    I 1.115:,The Department of Everything Else, Highlights of Interior History (MF),0603
    I 1.116:,People, Land & Water (updated irregularly) (EL),0603-B-01
    I 1.117:,National Indian Gaming Commission:  General Publications,0603-B-02
    I 1.117/2:,Annual Report (National Indian Gaming Commission) (EL),0603-B-06
    I 1.118:,Forecast of Interior's Acquisitions (EL),0603-B-03
    I 1.119:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0603-B-04
    I 1.120:,Profile (National Business Center) (irregular) (EL),0603-B-05
    I 1.121:,Office of Inspector General: Reports (series) (EL),0603-B-07
    I 19.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0621-C
    I 19.2:,General Publications,0621
    I 19.3:,Bulletins  (P) (EL),0620
    I 19.3/3:,Water Resources Bulletin (irregular) (MF),0624-B
    I 19.4/2:,Circulars (numbered) (P) (EL),0620-A
    I 19.4/8:,Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey in Alaska (annual) (EL),0620-A
    I 19.4/9:,Estimated Use of Water in the United States in ... (quinquennial) (EL),0620-A
    I 19.8/2:,Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data (updated irregularly) (EL),0621-A-01
    I 19.13:,Water-Supply Papers (P) (EL),0625
    I 19.13/3:,National Water Summary (annual) (P),0625
    I 19.13/4:,National Hydrography Dataset (Irregular) (EL),0625-A-01
    I 19.13/4-2:,National Hydrography Dataset newsletter (Monthly) (EL),0625-A-02
    I 19.14/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0619-B
    I 19.14/8:,Publications Warehouse (online database) (EL),0621-J-05
    I 19.15/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0619-F
    I 19.15/5:,Techniques and Methods (MF) (EL),0624-A
    I 19.16:,Professional Papers  (P)(EL),0624
    I 19.16:,National Gazetteer of the United States  (P),0624-A-01
    I 19.16/2:,Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) (updated daily) (EL),0621-J
    I 19.41/6-2:,Alabama Map List (P),0619-M-01
    I 19.41/6-2:,Alaska Map List (P),0619-M-02
    I 19.41/6-2:,Arkansas Map List (P),0619-M-04
    I 19.41/6-2:,Arizona Map List (P),0619-M-03
    I 19.41/6-2:,California Map List (P),0619-M-05
    I 19.41/6-2:,Illinois Map List (P),0619-M-13
    I 19.41/6-2:,Idaho Map List (P),0619-M-12
    I 19.41/6-2:,Georgia Map List (P),0619-M-10
    I 19.41/6-2:,Hawaii Map List (P),0619-M-11
    I 19.41/6-2:,Colorado Map List (P),0619-M-06
    I 19.41/6-2:,Connecticut Map List (P),0619-M-07
    I 19.41/6-2:,Florida Map List (P),0619-M-09
    I 19.41/6-2:,Delaware Map List (P),0619-M-08
    I 19.41/6-2:,Indiana Map List (P),0619-M-14
    I 19.41/6-2:,Iowa Map List (P),0619-M-15
    I 19.41/6-2:,Kentucky Map List (P),0619-M-17
    I 19.41/6-2:,Kansas Map List (P),0619-M-16
    I 19.41/6-2:,Massachusetts Map List (P),0619-M-21
    I 19.41/6-2:,Maryland Map List (P),0619-M-20
    I 19.41/6-2:,Louisiana Map List (P),0619-M-18
    I 19.41/6-2:,Maine Map List (P),0619-M-19
    I 19.41/6-2:,New Hampshire Map List (P),0619-M-29
    I 19.41/6-2:,Nevada Map List (P),0619-M-28
    I 19.41/6-2:,Montana Map List (P),0619-M-26
    I 19.41/6-2:,Nebraska Map List (P),0619-M-27
    I 19.41/6-2:,Michigan Map List (P),0619-M-22
    I 19.41/6-2:,Minnesota Map List (P),0619-M-23
    I 19.41/6-2:,Missouri Map List (P),0619-M-25
    I 19.41/6-2:,Mississippi Map List (P),0619-M-24
    I 19.41/6-2:,Oregon Map List (P),0619-M-37
    I 19.41/6-2:,Oklahoma Map List (P),0619-M-36
    I 19.41/6-2:,North Dakota Map List (P),0619-M-34
    I 19.41/6-2:,Ohio Map List (P),0619-M-35
    I 19.41/6-2:,New Jersey Map List (P),0619-M-30
    I 19.41/6-2:,New Mexico Map List (P),0619-M-31
    I 19.41/6-2:,North Carolina Map List (P),0619-M-33
    I 19.41/6-2:,New York Map List (P),0619-M-32
    I 19.41/6-2:,Pennsylvania Map List (P),0619-M-38
    I 19.41/6-2:,Rhode Island Map List (P),0619-M-39
    I 19.41/6-2:,South Dakota Map List (P),0619-M-41
    I 19.41/6-2:,South Carolina Map List (P),0619-M-40
    I 19.41/6-2:,Vermont Map List (P),0619-M-45
    I 19.41/6-2:,Utah Map List (P),0619-M-44
    I 19.41/6-2:,Tennessee Map List (P),0619-M-42
    I 19.41/6-2:,Texas Map List (P),0619-M-43
    I 19.41/6-2:,Outlying Areas Map List (P),0619-M-53
    I 19.41/6-2:,U.S. Summary Map List (P),0619-M-52
    I 19.41/6-2:,Wyoming Map List (P),0619-M-50
    I 19.41/6-2:,District of Columbia Map List (P),0619-M-51
    I 19.41/6-2:,Virginia Map List (P),0619-M-46
    I 19.41/6-2:,Washington Map List (P),0619-M-47
    I 19.41/6-2:,Wisconsin Map List (P),0619-M-49
    I 19.41/6-2:,West Virginia Map List (P),0619-M-48
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (West Virginia)  (P),0619-M-48
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Wisconsin) (P),0619-M-49
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Washington)  (P),0619-M-47
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Virginia)  (P),0619-M-46
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (District of Columbia) (P),0619-M-51
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Wyoming)  (P),0619-M-50
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (U.S. Summary)  (P),0619-M-52
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Outlying Areas)  (P),0619-M-53
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Texas)  (P),0619-M-43
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Tennessee)  (P),0619-M-42
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Utah)  (P),0619-M-44
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Vermont) (P),0619-M-45
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (South Carolina)  (P),0619-M-40
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (South Dakota)  (P),0619-M-41
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Rhode Island)  (P),0619-M-39
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Pennsylvania)  (P),0619-M-38
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (New York)  (P),0619-M-32
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (North Carolina)  (P),0619-M-33
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (New Mexico)  (P),0619-M-31
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (New Jersey)  (P),0619-M-30
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Ohio)  (P),0619-M-35
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (North Dakota)  (P),0619-M-34
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Oklahoma)  (P),0619-M-36
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Oregon)  (P),0619-M-37
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Mississippi)  (P),0619-M-24
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Missouri)  (P),0619-M-25
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Minnesota)  (P),0619-M-23
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Michigan)  (P),0619-M-22
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Nebraska)  (P),0619-M-27
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Montana)  (P),0619-M-26
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Nevada)  (P),0619-M-28
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (New Hampshire)  (P),0619-M-29
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Maine)  (P),0619-M-19
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Louisiana)  (P),0619-M-18
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Maryland)  (P),0619-M-20
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Massachusetts)  (P),0619-M-21
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Kansas)  (P),0619-M-16
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Kentucky)  (P),0619-M-17
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Iowa)  (P),0619-M-15
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Indiana)  (P),0619-M-14
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Delaware)  (P),0619-M-08
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Florida)  (P),0619-M-09
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Connecticut)  (P),0619-M-07
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Colorado)  (P),0619-M-06
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Hawaii)  (P),0619-M-11
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Georgia)  (P),0619-M-10
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Idaho)  (P),0619-M-12
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Illinois)  (P),0619-M-13
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (California)  (P),0619-M-05
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Arkansas)  (P),0619-M-04
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Arizona)  (P),0619-M-03
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Alaska)  (P),0619-M-02
    I 19.41/6-3:,Index to Topographic and Other Map Coverage (Alabama)  (P),0619-M-01
    I 19.41/7:,List of Geological Survey Geologic and Water-Supply Reports and Maps for (various
    	 states)  (P),0619-G
    I 19.42:,National Water Conditions, Stream Flow During ... (EL),0624-B
    I 19.42/4:,Water Resources Investigations (numbered) (EL),0624-B
    I 19.42/4-4:,Scientific Investigations Reports (series) (EL),0624-B-02
    I 19.42/7:,Water-Resources Abstracts (database) (EL),0624-B-01
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Outlying Areas  (MF) (EL),0619-E-53
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Wyoming  (EL),0619-E-50
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Wisconsin  (EL),0619-E-49
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for West Virginia  (EL),0619-E-48
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Washington  (EL),0619-E-47
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Virginia  (EL),0619-E-46
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Vermont  (EL),0619-E-45
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Utah  (EL),0619-E-44
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Texas  (EL),0619-E-43
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Tennessee  (EL),0619-E-42
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for South Dakota  (EL),0619-E-41
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for South Carolina  (EL),0619-E-40
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Rhode Island  (MF),0619-E-39
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Pennsylvania  (EL),0619-E-38
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Oregon  (EL),0619-E-37
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Oklahoma  (EL),0619-E-36
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Florida  (EL),0619-E-09
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Delaware  (MF),0619-E-08
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Connecticut  (EL),0619-E-07
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Colorado (EL),0619-E-06
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for California (EL),0619-E-05
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Arkansas  (EL),0619-E-04
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Arizona  (EL),0619-E-03
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Alaska  (EL),0619-E-02
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Alabama  (EL),0619-E-01
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Ohio (annual) (EL),0619-E-35
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for North Dakota  (MF) (EL),0619-E-34
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for North Carolina  (EL),0619-E-33
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for New York  (EL),0619-E-32
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for New Mexico  (EL),0619-E-31
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for New Jersey  (EL),0619-E-30
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for New Hampshire  (EL),0619-E-29
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Nevada  (EL),0619-E-28
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Nebraska  (EL),0619-E-27
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Montana  (EL),0619-E-26
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Missouri  (EL),0619-E-25
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Mississippi  (EL),0619-E-24
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Minnesota  (EL),0619-E-23
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Michigan  (MF),0619-E-22
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Massachusetts and Rhode Island (EL),0619-E-21
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Maryland  (MF),0619-E-20
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Maine  (EL),0619-E-19
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Louisiana  (MF),0619-E-18
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Kentucky  (EL),0619-E-17
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Kansas  (EL),0619-E-16
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Iowa  (EL),0619-E-15
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Indiana  (EL),0619-E-14
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Illinois  (EL),0619-E-13
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Idaho  (EL),0619-E-12
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Hawaii  (MF),0619-E-11
    I 19.53/2:,Water Resources Data for Georgia  (EL),0619-E-10
    I 19.53/5:,Water-Resources Activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in (various states) (P)
    I 19.53/6:,Water Science for Schools (updated irregularly) (EL),0619-E-54
    I 19.55/3:,Activities of the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Status of
    	 Idaho Projects (biennial)  (MF),0619-E-12
    I 19.55/5:,Water Resources Activities in Illinois (annual) (MF),0619-H
    I 19.55/6:,Index of Current Water Resources Activities, Ohio (annual)  (MF),0619-E-35
    I 19.55/7:,Activities of the U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division, Hawaii District
    I 19.55/8:,Water Resources Update. Illinois District Newsletter (semiannual) (EL),0619-H-54
    I 19.55/9:,Water Resources Update. New Hampshire-Vermont District Newsletter (EL),0619-H-55
    I 19.56:,River Basins of the U.S.  (P),0619-C
    I 19.65/3:,US Earthquake Information by State (updated irregularly) (EL),0620-C-03
    I 19.66:,PDE Monthly Listing (EL),0192-C
    I 19.66/2:,Preliminary Determination of Epicenters (weekly) (EL),0192-C-02
    I 19.66/3:,Significant Earthquakes of the World (annual) (EL),0192-C-03
    I 19.74:,Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI) Summary of Meetings (EL),0624-F
    I 19.76:,Open File Reports  (MF) (CD-ROM) (Diskettes) (EL),0624-H
    I 19.76/1:,Results of the U.S. Geological Survey's Analytical Evaluation Program for Standard
    	 Reference Samples Distributed (semiannual) (EL),0624-H-01
    I 19.76/2:,Publications of the Western Earth Surface Processing Team (annual) (EL),0624-H-02
    I 19.76/3:,Water Levels in the Yucca Mountain Area (irregular) (MF),0624-H-03
    I 19.76/4:,Water-Quality and Lake-Stage Data for Wisconsin Lakes (irregular) (MF),0624-H-04
    I 19.79:,Maps and Posters  (P),0619-G-01
    I 19.80:,National Mapping Program (series)  (P),0619-G-02
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Alabama)  (P),0619-M-01
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Alaska)  (P),0619-M-02
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Arizona)  (P),0619-M-03
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Arkansas)  (P),0619-M-04
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (California)  (P),0619-M-05
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Illinois)  (P),0619-M-13
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Idaho)  (P),0619-M-12
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Georgia)  (P),0619-M-10
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Hawaii)  (P),0619-M-11
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Colorado)  (P),0619-M-06
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Connecticut)  (P),0619-M-07
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Florida)  (P),0619-M-09
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Delaware)  (P),0619-M-08
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Indiana)  (P),0619-M-14
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Iowa)  (P),0619-M-15
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Kentucky)  (P),0619-M-17
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Kansas)  (P),0619-M-16
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Massachusetts)  (P),0619-M-21
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Maryland)  (P),0619-M-20
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Louisiana)  (P),0619-M-18
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Maine)  (P),0619-M-19
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (New Hampshire)  (P),0619-M-29
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Nevada)  (P),0619-M-28
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Montana)  (P),0619-M-26
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Nebraska)  (P),0619-M-27
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Michigan)  (P),0619-M-22
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Minnesota)  (P),0619-M-23
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Missouri)  (P),0619-M-25
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Mississippi)  (P),0619-M-24
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Oregon)  (P),0619-M-37
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Oklahoma)  (P),0619-M-36
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (North Dakota)  (P),0619-M-34
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Ohio)  (P),0619-M-35
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (New Jersey)  (P),0619-M-30
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (New Mexico)  (P),0619-M-31
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (North Carolina)  (P),0619-M-33
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (New York)  (P),0619-M-32
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Pennsylvania)  (P),0619-M-38
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Rhode Island)  (P),0619-M-39
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (South Dakota)  (P),0619-M-41
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (South Carolina)  (P),0619-M-40
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Vermont) (P),0619-M-45
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Utah)  (P),0619-M-44
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Tennessee)  (P),0619-M-42
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Texas)  (P),0619-M-43
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Outlying Areas)  (P),0619-M-53
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (U.S. Summary)  (P),0619-M-52
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Wyoming)  (P),0619-M-50
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (District of Columbia)  (P),0619-M-51
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Virginia)  (P),0619-M-46
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Washington)  (P),0619-M-47
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (Wisconsin)  (P),0619-M-49
    I 19.81:,7.5' Series (West Virginia)  (P),0619-M-48
    I 19.81/2:,1:63 360 Series (Alaska)  (P),0619-M-02
    I 19.81/3:,Color Image Maps (Arizona)  (P),0619-M-03
    I 19.84:,Telephone Directory (by region)  (MF),0620-B
    I 19.89:,Hydrologic Investigations Atlases - HA  (P),0619-G-06
    I 19.89/2:,Hydrologic Unit Map  (P),0619-G-06
    I 19.91:,Geologic Investigations - I  (P),0619-G-08
    I 19.91/2:,Circum-Pacific (CP) Map Series  (P),0619-G-08
    I 19.91/3:,Scientific Investigations Maps (series) (P) (EL),0619-G-33
    I 19.95:,Topographic Mapping - Status and Progress of Operations - SO  (P),0619-G-12
    I 19.96:,Index to Intermediate Scale Mapping - IS  (P),0619-G-13
    I 19.97:,Index to Orthophotoquad Mapping - OT (P),0619-G-14
    I 19.97/2:,Index to USGS/DMA 1:50,000 Scale, 15 Minute Quadrangle Mapping - DM
    I 19.97/3:,Index to Land Cover Maps and Digital Data - LU (P),0619-G-14
    I 19.97/4:,Index to National Aerial Photography (Map)  (P),0619-G-31
    I 19.97/5:,Index to Digital Line Graphs (DLG), (Map)  (P),0619-G-32
    I 19.98:,U. S. Series of Topographic Maps, Scale 1:250,000 (P),0619-G-17
    I 19.99:,Alaska 1:250,000 Series (P),0619-G-18
    I 19.100:,Antarctic Topographic Series  (P),0619-G-19
    I 19.100/2:,Antarctic Satellite Image Map  (P),0619-G-19
    I 19.100/3:,Antarctic Geologic Map  (P),0619-G-19
    I 19.100/4:,Antarctic Reconnaissance Series  (P),0619-G-19
    I 19.100/5:,Antarctic Miscellaneous Maps  (P),0619-G-19
    I 19.100/6:,Antarctic Photomap  (P),0619-G-19
    I 19.102/1:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Alabama)  (P),0619-H-01
    I 19.102/2:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Alaska)  (P),0619-H-02
    I 19.102/3:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Arizona)  (P),0619-H-03
    I 19.102/4:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Arkansas)  (P),0619-H-04
    I 19.102/5:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (California)  (P),0619-H-05
    I 19.102/6:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Colorado) (P),0619-H-06
    I 19.102/7:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Connecticut)  (P),0619-H-07
    I 19.102/8:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Delaware)  (P),0619-H-08
    I 19.102/9:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Florida)  (P),0619-H-09
    I 19.102/10:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	  (Georgia)  (P),0619-H-10
    I 19.102/11:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Hawaii)  (P),0619-H-11
    I 19.102/12:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Idaho)  (P),0619-H-12
    I 19.102/13:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Illinois)  (P),0619-H-13
    I 19.102/14:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Indiana)  (P),0619-H-14
    I 19.102/15:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Iowa)  (P),0619-H-15
    I 19.102/16:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Kansas)  (P),0619-H-16
    I 19.102/17:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Kentucky)  (P),0619-H-17
    I 19.102/18:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Louisiana)  (P),0619-H-18
    I 19.102/19:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Maine)  (P),0619-H-19
    I 19.102/20:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Maryland)  (P),0619-H-20
    I 19.102/21:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	  (Massachusetts)  (P),0619-H-21
    I 19.102/22:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Michigan)  (P),0619-H-22
    I 19.102/23:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Minnesota)  (P),0619-H-23
    I 19.102/24:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Mississippi)  (P),0619-H-24
    I 19.102/25:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Missouri) (P),0619-H-25
    I 19.102/26:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Montana)  (P),0619-H-26
    I 19.102/27:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Nebraska)  (P),0619-H-27
    I 19.102/28:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Nevada)  (P),0619-H-28
    I 19.102/29:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (New Hampshire)  (P),0619-H-29
    I 19.102/30:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (New Jersey)  (P),0619-H-30
    I 19.102/31:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (New Mexico)  (P),0619-H-31
    I 19.102/32:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (New York)  (P),0619-H-32
    I 19.102/33:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (North Carolina)  (P),0619-H-33
    I 19.102/34:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (North Dakota)  (P),0619-H-34
    I 19.102/35:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Ohio)  (P),0619-H-35
    I 19.102/36:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Oklahoma) (P),0619-H-36
    I 19.102/37:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Oregon)  (P),0619-H-37
    I 19.102/38:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Pennsylvania) (P),0619-H-38
    I 19.102/39:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Rhode Island)  (P),0619-H-39
    I 19.102/40:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (South Carolina)  (P),0619-H-40
    I 19.102/41:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (South Dakota)  (P),0619-H-41
    I 19.102/42:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Tennessee)  (P),0619-H-42
    I 19.102/43:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Texas)  (P),0619-H-43
    I 19.102/44:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Utah)  (P),0619-H-44
    I 19.102/45:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Vermont)  (P),0619-H-45
    I 19.102/46:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Virginia)  (P),0619-H-46
    I 19.102/47:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Washington)  (P),0619-H-47
    I 19.102/48:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (West Virginia)  (P),0619-H-48
    I 19.102/49:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Wisconsin)  (P),0619-H-49
    I 19.102/50:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Wyoming)  (P),0619-H-50
    I 19.102/51:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (District of Columbia)  (P),0619-H-51
    I 19.102/52:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (U.S. Summary) (P),0619-H-52
    I 19.102/53:,State Map Series: Planimetric, Topographic and Shaded Relief (various scales)
    	 (Outlying Areas)  (P),0619-H-53
    I 19.106:,National Park Series  (P),0619-G-21
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Wyoming  (P),0619-P-50
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Wisconsin  (P),0619-P-49
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - West Virginia  (P),0619-P-48
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Washington  (P),0619-P-47
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Virginia  (P),0619-P-46
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Vermont  (P),0619-P-45
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Utah  (P),0619-P-44
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Texas  (P),0619-P-43
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Tennessee  (P),0619-P-42
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - South Dakota  (P),0619-P-41
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - South Carolina  (P),0619-P-40
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Rhode Island  (P),0619-P-39
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Pennsylvania  (P),0619-P-38
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Oregon  (P),0619-P-37
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Oklahoma  (P),0619-P-36
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Ohio  (P),0619-P-35
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - North Dakota  (P),0619-P-34
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - North Carolina  (P),0619-P-33
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - New York  (P),0619-P-32
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - New Mexico  (P),0619-P-31
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - New Jersey  (P),0619-P-30
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - New Hampshire  (P),0619-P-29
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Nevada  (P),0619-P-28
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Nebraska  (P),0619-P-27
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Montana  (P),0619-P-26
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Missouri  (P),0619-P-25
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Mississippi  (P),0619-P-24
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Minnesota  (P),0619-P-23
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Michigan  (P),0619-P-22
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Massachusetts  (P),0619-P-21
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Maryland  (P),0619-P-20
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Maine  (P),0619-P-19
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Louisiana  (P),0619-P-18
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Kentucky  (P),0619-P-17
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Kansas  (P),0619-P-16
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Iowa  (P),0619-P-15
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Indiana  (P),0619-P-14
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Illinois  (P),0619-P-13
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Idaho  (P),0619-P-12
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Hawaii  (P),0619-P-11
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Georgia  (P),0619-P-10
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Florida  (P),0619-P-09
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Delaware  (P),0619-P-08
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Connecticut  (P),0619-P-07
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Colorado  (P),0619-P-06
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - California  (P),0619-P-05
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Arkansas  (P),0619-P-04
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Arizona  (P),0619-P-03
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Alaska  (P),0619-P-02
    I 19.108:,County Map Series - Alabama  (P),0619-P-01
    I 19.110:,U. S. 1:100,000 Scale Series (Intermediate Scale Maps)  (P),0619-G-25
    I 19.111:,National Atlas of the U.S. (database) (EL),0619-G-26
    I 19.111/A:,Separate Maps of the National Atlas  (P),0619-G-26
    I 19.113:,Miscellaneous Field Studies Maps - MF (P) (EL),0619-G-11
    I 19.115/3:,Mineral Resources Newsletter (quarterly)  (MF),0621-E
    I 19.115/4:,FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) Newsletter (irregular)  (EL),0621-E
    I 19.118:,Water Data Coordination Directory (annual)  (MF),0621-H
    I 19.120:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0621-J
    I 19.120/2:,USGS/NGIC Geomagnetic Observatory Data (annual) (CD-ROM),0621-J-01
    I 19.120/4:,Minerals and Materials Information (CD-ROM),0639-J
    I 19.121:,Digital Data Series (irregular)  (CD-ROM),0621-K
    I 19.123:,United States: Base Maps (various scales),0619-G-30
    I 19.125:,Water Logs (quarterly) (EL),0621-H-01
    I 19.127:,Fact Sheet (series)  (P) (EL),0621-L
    I 19.127/2:,U.S.-Mexico Border Field Coordinating Committee,  Fact Sheet (series) (P),0621-L-01
    I 19.127/3:,USGS NWHC Information Sheet (irregular) (P),0621-L-02
    I 19.128/2:,FDSN, Earthquake Digital Data (CD-ROM),0621-J-04
    I 19.128/3:,Shakemap (Irregular) (EL),0621-J-07
    I 19.129:,Metal Industry Indicators (monthly)  (EL),0639-H-03
    I 19.160:,Mineral Industry Surveys (monthly & quarterly)  (EL),0621-J
    I 19.161:,Mineral Industry Surveys (annual)  (EL),0621-J
    I 19.162:,Mineral Industry Surveys, Mineral Industry of (State) Minerals (annual)  (EL),0621-J
    I 19.163:,Mineral Industry Surveys, Mineral Industry of (Country) Minerals (annual)  (EL),0621-J
    I 19.165:,Minerals Yearbook  (P) (EL),0639
    I 19.166:,Mineral Commodity Summaries (annual)  (EL),0621-J
    I 19.167:,Contaminant Hazard Reviews (series) (P) (EL),0620-C-02
    I 19.168:,National Land Cover Dataset (EL),0621-M
    I 19.170:,Volcano Watch (irregular) (EL),0621-M-01
    I 19.171:,Sound Waves (monthly) (EL),0621-M-02
    I 19.172:,U.S. Geological Survey Activities Related to American Indians and Alaska Natives (annual)
    I 19.173:,Newsletter of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBIII) Access (quarterly)
    I 19.174:,General Information Products (series) (P) (EL),0621-O
    I 19.175:,Annual Report (Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program) (annual) (EL),0621-P
    I 19.176:,Free-living and Parasitic Copepods (Including Branchiurans) of the Laurentian Great Lakes
    	 (updated irregularly) (EL),0621-Q
    I 19.177:,Glacier Studies Project (updated irregularly) (EL),0621-R
    I 19.178:, (U.S. Maps & Data) (database) (EL),0629-E-15
    I 19.178/2:,User Guides (P),0629-E-15
    I 19.202:,General Publications,0626-C
    I 19.208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0626-C-01
    I 19.209:,Biological Science Report (series) (MF) (EL),0626-C-02
    I 19.210:,Information and Technology Report (series) (MF) (EL),0626-C-03
    I 19.211:,NWHC Technical Report (National Wildlife Health Center) (series) (MF),0626-C-04
    I 19.212/1:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Alabama) (CD-ROM),0626-D-01
    I 19.212/2:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Alaska) (CD-ROM),0626-D-02
    I 19.212/3:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Arizona) (CD-ROM),0626-D-03
    I 19.212/4:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Arkansas) (CD-ROM),0626-D-04
    I 19.212/5:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (California) (CD-ROM),0626-D-05
    I 19.212/6:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Colorado) (CD-ROM),0626-D-06
    I 19.212/7:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Connecticut) (CD-ROM),0626-D-07
    I 19.212/8:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Delaware) (CD-ROM),0626-D-08
    I 19.212/9:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Florida) (CD-ROM),0626-D-09
    I 19.212/10:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Georgia) (CD-ROM),0626-D-10
    I 19.212/11:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Hawaii) (CD-ROM),0626-D-11
    I 19.212/12:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Idaho) (CD-ROM),0626-D-12
    I 19.212/13:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Illinois) (CD-ROM),0626-D-13
    I 19.212/14:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Indiana) (CD-ROM),0626-D-14
    I 19.212/15:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Iowa) (CD-ROM),0626-D-15
    I 19.212/16:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Kansas) (CD-ROM),0626-D-16
    I 19.212/17:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Kentucky) (CD-ROM),0626-D-17
    I 19.212/18:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Louisiana) (CD-ROM),0626-D-18
    I 19.212/19:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Maine) (CD-ROM),0626-D-19
    I 19.212/20:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Maryland) (CD-ROM),0626-D-20
    I 19.212/21:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Massachusetts) (CD-ROM),0626-D-21
    I 19.212/22:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Michigan) (CD-ROM),0626-D-22
    I 19.212/23:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Minnesota) (CD-ROM),0626-D-23
    I 19.212/24:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Mississippi) (CD-ROM),0626-D-24
    I 19.212/25:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Missouri) (CD-ROM),0626-D-25
    I 19.212/26:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Montana) (CD-ROM),0626-D-26
    I 19.212/27:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Nebraska) (CD-ROM),0626-D-27
    I 19.212/28:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Nevada) (CD-ROM),0626-D-28
    I 19.212/29:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (New Hampshire) (CD-ROM),0626-D-29
    I 19.212/30:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (New Jersey) (CD-ROM),0626-D-30
    I 19.212/31:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (New Mexico) (CD-ROM),0626-D-31
    I 19.212/32:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (New York) (CD-ROM),0626-D-32
    I 19.212/33:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (North Carolina) (CD-ROM),0626-D-33
    I 19.212/34:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (North Dakota) (CD-ROM),0626-D-34
    I 19.212/35:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Ohio) (CD-ROM),0626-D-35
    I 19.212/36:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Oklahoma) (CD-ROM),0626-D-36
    I 19.212/37:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Oregon) (CD-ROM),0626-D-37
    I 19.212/38:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Pennsylvania) (CD-ROM),0626-D-38
    I 19.212/39:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Rhode Island) (CD-ROM),0626-D-39
    I 19.212/40:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (South Carolina) (CD-ROM),0626-D-40
    I 19.212/41:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (South Dakota) (CD-ROM),0626-D-41
    I 19.212/42:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Tennessee) (CD-ROM),0626-D-42
    I 19.212/43:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Texas) (CD-ROM),0626-D-43
    I 19.212/44:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Utah) (CD-ROM),0626-D-44
    I 19.212/45:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Vermont) (CD-ROM),0626-D-45
    I 19.212/46:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Virginia) (CD-ROM),0626-D-46
    I 19.212/47:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Washington) (CD-ROM),0626-D-47
    I 19.212/48:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (West Virginia) (CD-ROM),0626-D-48
    I 19.212/49:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Wisconsin) (CD-ROM),0626-D-49
    I 19.212/50:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Wyoming) (CD-ROM),0626-D-50
    I 19.212/51:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (District of Columbia) (CD-ROM),0626-D-51
    I 19.212/52:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Outlying Areas) (CD-ROM),0626-D-52
    I 19.212/53:,Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (Puerto Rico) (CD-ROM),0626-D-53
    I 19.213:,National Wildlife Health Center (General Publications) (EL),0626-E
    I 19.213/2:,Quarterly Wildlife Mortality Report (National Wildlife Health Center) (EL),0626-E-01
    I 19.214:,General Publications of the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center,0626-C-06
    I 19.214/2:,Northern Prairie Publications Database (online) (EL),0626-C-07
    I 20.1/4:,Annual Education Report (MF),0627-A-02
    I 20.2:,General Publications,0627
    I 20.9/2:,Laws  (P),0628-C
    I 20.12/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0627-D
    I 20.38/2:,Directories,0627-O
    I 20.38/2-2:,Tribal Leaders Directory (annual) (EL),0627-O-01
    I 20.47:,Maps and Atlases  (P),0627-C
    I 20.48:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0627-F
    I 20.51:,Indians of (various states)  (MF),0627-A
    I 20.51/2:,Indians (various subjects)  (MF),0627-A
    I 20.58:,Tribal and Bureau Law Enforcement Services Automated Data Report  (MF),0627-G
    I 20.61/4:,Mineral Frontiers on Indian Lands (annual)  (MF),0627-N
    I 20.62:,Posters  (P),0627-C
    I 20.65:,BIA Administration Reports  (MF),0627-M
    I 20.66:,Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI)  (P),0627-F
    I 20.68:,Electronic Products (E),0627-A-03
    I 20.69:,Status Report to the Court (Indian Trust Reform) (annual) (EL),0672-A-05
    I 22.9/2:,Bibliography Series (numbered) (P),0600-B
    I 27.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0663-A
    I 27.1/4:,Summary Statistics, Water, Land, and Related Data (annual)  (MF),0663-A
    I 27.1/5:,Bureau of Reclamation FY Annual Performance Plan (EL),0663-A-01
    I 27.1/6:,Highlights (biennial) (EL),0663-A-02
    I 27.2:,General Publications,0660
    I 27.7/3:,Posters (P) (EL),0664-C
    I 27.19:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0664
    I 27.19/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0660-B
    I 27.20/2:,Design Standards  (P),0660-B
    I 27.27:,Laws  (P),0661
    I 27.34:,Engineering Monographs  (MF),0664-B
    I 27.41:,Water Operation and Maintenance Bulletins (numbered) (quarterly) (EL),0660-E
    I 27.54:,Research Reports  (MF),0664-B
    I 27.55/2:,Water and Power Resources Services Projects (by states)  (MF),0660
    I 27.72:,GR (General Research) (series)  (MF),0664-B-01
    I 27.77:,Telephone Directory  (MF),0660-C
    I 27.78/2:,Conservation Connection: Publication of the Bureau of Reclamation, Mid-Pacific Region
    I 27.79:,R (series) (Research and Laboratory Services Division)  (MF),0664-B-01
    I 27.80:,Groundwater Recharge Advisory (quarterly)  (P),0660-E
    I 27.81:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0660-A-01
    I 27.82:,Environmental Impact Statements (MF),0660-I
    I 27.83:,Water Management Workshop ... Session Notes (annual) (MF),0660-A-02
    I 27.100:,Fact Sheet (series) (EL),0660-A-03
    I 27.101:,Status of Irrigation Districts with Respect to Federal Reclamation Law,0660-A-04
    I 28.107:,Peat Producers in the United States (annual)  (MF),0639-E
    I 28.134/2:,Directory of Companies Producing Salt in the United States (annual)  (MF),0639-E
    I 28.156/3:,Mineral in ... (annual) (MF),0639-D
    I 29.1:,Annual Report (MF),0653-A
    I 29.1/3:,National Park Service Annual Science Report  (MF),0653-A
    I 29.1/4:,Natural Resource Year in Review (annual) (EL),0653-A-01
    I 29.1/5:,Funding the Natural Resource Challenge, A Report to Congress (annual) (P) (EL),0653-A-03
    I 29.2:,General Publications,0648
    I 29.3/4:,Park Science (semiannual) (EL),0646-H-01
    I 29.3/4-2:,Park Science (CD-ROM),0646-H-02
    I 29.6:,National Parks, Information Circulars  (P),0651
    I 29.6/2:,National Seashores, Information Circulars  (P),0651-B
    I 29.6/3:,National Lakeshores, Information Circulars  (P),0651-B-01
    I 29.6/4:,National Rivers, Information Circulars  (P),0651-B-02
    I 29.6/5:,National Scenic Trails, Information Circulars  (P),0651-B-03
    I 29.6/6:,National Historic Site Information Circulars  (P),0651-B-04
    I 29.8:,Maps  (P),0651-A
    I 29.9:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0656
    I 29.9/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0648-A
    I 29.9/5:,National Park Service Handbooks (numbered)  (P),0649
    I 29.9/6:,Museum Handbook (updated irregularly) (EL),0648-A-15
    I 29.14:,Occasional Papers (numbered)  (P),0646-I
    I 29.14/2:,Occasional Reports (irregular)  (P),0646-I
    I 29.14/3:,Occasional Papers (series) (Interagency Archeological Series, Denver)  (P),0646-I-02
    I 29.14/4:,Occasional Publications in Field Archeology (irregular) (P),0646-I-03
    I 29.20:,Posters (P),0646-S
    I 29.21:,National Monuments and Military Parks, Information Circulars (P),0650
    I 29.39:,National Recreational Areas, (Information Circulars) (P),0654
    I 29.46:,Laws (P) (MF),0653
    I 29.58:,Historical Handbook Series (EL),0649-A-01
    I 29.58/3:,Historic Resource Study  (P) (EL),0649
    I 29.58/4:,Special Resource Study (series)  (P),0649-A
    I 29.59:,Publications in Archaeology (nos.)  (P)(EL),0646-A
    I 29.59/5-2:,Common Ground (quarterly) (EL),0646-A-03
    I 29.59/6:,Technical Brief (Archeology and Ethnography Program) (series) (EL),0646-A-01
    I 29.59/9:,Occasional Reports (Midwest Archeological Center) (series) (EL),0646-A-04
    I 29.59/9-2:,Special Reports (Midwest Archeological Center) (series) (EL),0646-A-05
    I 29.59/9-3:,Technical Reports (Midwest Archeological Center) (series) (EL),0646-A-06
    I 29.59/10:,Hopewell archeology: the newsletter of Hopewell archeology in the Ohio River Valley (annual)
    I 29.74:,Historic American Buildings Survey  (P),0648-B
    I 29.76/3:,National Register of Historic Places Bulletins (numbered) (P) (EL),0648-D
    I 29.76/4:,National Register Information System (database) (EL),0648-D-01
    I 29.79/3:,General Management Plan/EIS/Development Concept Plan (series) (P) (EL),0651-B-05
    I 29.79/5:,Environmental Assessment (series) (EL),0651-B-05
    I 29.79/6:,Environmental Impact Statement (MF) (EL),0651-B-08
    I 29.80:,Scientific Monograph Series (numbered)  (P),0646-G
    I 29.82:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0646-K
    I 29.84:,Preservation Briefs (numbered) (P) (EL),0646-J
    I 29.84/3-2:,Historic Interior Spaces  (P),0646-J-01
    I 29.84/3-3:,Museum Collection Storage  (P),0646-J-01
    I 29.84/3-4:,Windows  (P),0646-J-01
    I 29.84/3-5:,Preservation Tech Notes, Temporary Protection (numbered)  (P),0646-J-01
    I 29.84/3-6:,Exterior Woodwork  (P),0646-J-01
    I 29.84/3-7:,Preservation Tech Notes, Masonry  (P),0646-J-01
    I 29.84/3-8:,Preservation Tech Notes, Metals  (P),0646-J-01
    I 29.84/3-9:,Preservation Tech Notes, Mechanical Systems  (P),0646-J-01
    I 29.84/3-10:,Preservation Tech Notes, Doors  (MF),0646-J-01
    I 29.84/3-11:,Preservation Tech Notes, Site (series)  (P),0646-J-01
    I 29.84/3-12:,President's Park Notes, Statues (series) (P),0646-J-02
    I 29.84/3-13:,Preservation Tech Notes, Historic Glass (nos.) (P),0646-J-04
    I 29.84/4:,Preservation Briefs (series)  (EL),0646-J-05
    I 29.85/2:,Vineyard: An Occasional Record of the National Park Service Historic Landscape Initiative
    	 (irregular) (EL),0646-J-03
    I 29.86:,Cultural Resource Management Studies (series) (P),0646-N-03
    I 29.86/2-2:,CRM, the Journal of Heritage Stewardship (semiannual) (EL),0646-N-06
    I 29.86/3:,Cultural Resource Series (various regions) (MF),0646-N-03
    I 29.86/4:,Cultural Landscape Report (series)  (P),0646-N-03
    I 29.88:,Historic Structure Reports  (P),0624-E-01
    I 29.88/2-2:,Historic Furnishings Report/HFC  (P),0624-E-01
    I 29.88/3:,National Historic Trails (series)  (P),0648-E
    I 29.88/5:,Special History Study (series)  (P),0648-N
    I 29.88/6:,National Historical Parks, Information Circulars  (P),0651
    I 29.89:,Natural Resources Reports (nos.)  (P),0646-R
    I 29.89/2:,Annual Report (Natural Resource Program Center Water. Resources Division) (EL),0646-R-02
    I 29.90:,Reports of the Chaco Center  (MF),0646-Q
    I 29.91:,Transaction and Proceedings Series  (MF),0646-W
    I 29.92:,Western Archeological Center: Publications in Anthropology (series) (P),0646-E
    I 29.94:,Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Investigations, Annual Report of the Interagency Study Team
    I 29.96/4:,Jamaica Bay Visitor Programs (quarterly) (EL),0654-B-01
    I 29.96/5:,Sandy Hook Visitor Programs (quarterly) (EL),0654-B-02
    I 29.96/6:,Staten Island Visitor Programs (quarterly) (EL),0654-B-03
    I 29.98:,Glen Echo Park (quarterly)  (MF) (EL),0654-D
    I 29.100:,Conserve O Gram (EL),0648-W
    I 29.102:,State Program Overviews (annual)  (MF),0648-F
    I 29.103:,Index, National Park System and Related Areas  (P),0648-G
    I 29.106:,Management Series  (MF),0646-N-02
    I 29.107:,Land and Water Conservation Fund Grants Manual (P),0657-B-03
    I 29.107/2:,Land and Water Conservation Fund State Assistance Program ... Annual Report
    I 29.108:,Recreational Fee Demonstration: Annual Report to Congress (annual) (EL),0657-B-10
    I 29.109:,Technical Reports  (MF),0648-K
    I 29.110:,Park Areas and Employment Opportunities for Summer (annual)  (MF),0648-H
    I 29.111:,Land Protection Plan  (MF),0648-J
    I 29.114:,National Park Service Statistical Abstract (annual) (EL),0648-L
    I 29.115:,Forms  (P),0648-M
    I 29.116:,Intermountain Cultural Resources Center Professional Paper (series) (numbered) 
    I 29.117/2-2:,Vanishing Treasures Year End Report ... and Proposed Activities in ... (annual)
    I 29.120:,Lists of National Historic Landmarks (updated irregularly) (EL),0648-S-01
    I 29.120/2:,List of National Historic Landmarks by State (irregular) (EL),0648-S-02
    I 29.120/3:,National Historic Landmarks Program (updated irregularly) (online database),0648-S-03
    I 29.124:,Rivers & Trails, Building Healthy Communities (annual) (MF),0646-R-01
    I 29.126:,Directories,0648-V
    I 29.126/2:,Directory of National Park Service Historians (annual, with updates 3 to 4 times a year)
    I 29.134:,Battlefield Update (monthly) (EL),0648-T-02
    I 29.136:,NCPTT (National Center for Preservation Training and Technology) Notes (P) (EL),0648-T-03
    I 29.137:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0648-A-01
    I 29.138:,Yellowstone Wolf Project Annual Report (EL),0653-A-02
    I 29.138/2:,Yellowstone Center for Resources (annual) (EL),0648-A-02
    I 29.138/3:,Yellowstone Bird Report (annual) (EL),0653-A-04
    I 29.139/2:,Inside Earth: A Newsletter of the National Park Service Cave and Karst Programs (quarterly)
    I 29.140:,Glacier Explorer (EL),0648-A-04
    I 29.141:,Connecting Threads Newsletter (quarterly) (P),0648-A-05
    I 29.142:,Heritage News (monthly) (EL),0648-A-06
    I 29.142/2:,Heritage Matters (annual) (EL),0648-A-16
    I 29.143:,Submerged Resources Center:  General Publications,0648-A-07
    I 29.143/2:,Submerged Resources Center:  Professional Papers (series) (P),0648-A-08
    I 29.144:,Alaska Park Science (semiannual) (EL),0648-A-09
    I 29.145:,NLC (National Leadership Council) Journal (irregular) (EL),0648-A-10
    I 29.146:,Report on Fiscal Year Historic Preservation Fund Grants to Indian Tribes ... (EL),0648-A-11
    I 29.147:,Toggle Iron (quarterly) (EL),0648-A-13
    I 29.148:,John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor ... Annual Report
    I 33.2:,General Publications,0618
    I 33.5/2:,Decisions on Geographic Names in the United States (numbered) (annual)  (EL),0617-A
    I 49.1:,Annual Report of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (EL),0613-C
    I 49.1/7:,Annual Report (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Office of Law Enforcement) (EL),0613-C-01
    I 49.1/9:,FY ... Annual Performance Plan, FY ... Annual Performance Report (EL),0613-C-03
    I 49.1/10:,Strategic Plan (annual) (EL),0613-C-04
    I 49.2:,General Publications,0612
    I 49.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0612-E-01
    I 49.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0612-E
    I 49.6/7:,National Wetlands Inventory (various locations)  (P),0612-K
    I 49.6/7-54:,Wetlands Online Mapper (updated irregularly) (EL),0611-W-54
    I 49.7/2:,Informations, Region 6 (irregular)  (P),0612-N
    I 49.9:,Maps and Charts  (P),0612
    I 49.13/5:,Fish and Wildlife Leaflets  (P),0616-B-01
    I 49.14:,Posters  (EL),0611-K
    I 49.18:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0616-A-01
    I 49.18/9:,Publications Available from Northern Prairie Science Center (annual)  (P),0616-A-03
    I 49.26:,Research Reports (series)  (MF),0614-A-01
    I 49.29/3:,Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration: Program Update (semiannual) (EL),0616-M-01
    I 49.44/2:,Refuges Brochures (includes facts and maps) (P)(EL),0612-C
    I 49.44/3:,National Wildlife Refuges Planning Update (various locations)  (MF) (EL),0612-C
    I 49.44/3-2:,Refuge Planning Documents/Comprehensive Conservation Plans (EL),0612-C-01
    I 49.44/3-3:,Comprehensive Management Plans/Environmental Assessments (EL),0612-C-02
    I 49.44/4:,Refuges 2003 - A Plan for the Future of the National Wildlife Refuge System (irregular)
    I 49.44/5:,Bird publications (various species) (P) (EL),0612-C-03
    I 49.44/6:,RefugeUpdate (bimonthly)  (EL),0612-C-04
    I 49.44/7:,Tideline (quarterly) (EL),0612-C-05
    I 49.44/8:,Biological Technical Publications (series) (EL),0612-C-03
    I 49.66:,Resource Publications (numbered) (MF),0613-B
    I 49.66/3:,New Publications (Denver Office) (Research and Development) (annual) (MF),0613-B
    I 49.69:,Fish and Fish Egg Distribution Report of the National Fish Hatchery System (MF),0610-C
    I 49.70:,Investigations in Fish Control  (MF),0610-D
    I 49.77:,Endangered Species Bulletin (irregular) (EL),0611-L
    I 49.77/3:,Recovery Report to Congress (EL),0614-D
    I 49.77/5:,Recovery Plans (various topics) (EL),0611-L-02
    I 49.77/6:,Federal and State Endangered and Threatened Species Expenditures (annual) (EL),0611-L-03
    I 49.84:,Administration of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (annual report) (MF) (P),0610-F
    I 49.86:,National Fish Hatchery (leaflets, various locations) (EL),0610-C
    I 49.88:,Fish and Wildlife News (quarterly) (EL),0616-N
    I 49.91:,Important Fish and Wildlife Habitats of (various states)  (MF),0610-C-01
    I 49.98/4:,National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (EL),0614-D-03
    I 49.98/4-2:,Addendum to the ... National Survey of Fishing and Hunting and Wildlife-Associated
    	 Recreation (irregular) (P),0614-D-07
    I 49.99:,Fish and Wildlife Research (series)  (MF),0614-D
    I 49.100:,Fish and Wildlife Technical Reports (series)  (P),0614-C
    I 49.100/3:,Waterfowl Population Status (annual)  (P),0612-L
    I 49.100/4:,Birdscapes (EL),0612-L
    I 49.100/5:,Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey for South Dakota and North Dakota (annual)
    I 49.102:,Annual Report of Lands Under Control of the Fish and Wildlife Service (annual)  (P),0612-L
    I 49.104:,Directories,0612-M
    I 49.105:,Fisheries Academy, Course Catalog  (P),0616-A-01
    I 49.106/5:,Mourning Dove Population Status  (EL),0600-D-02
    I 49.106/6:,American Woodcock Population Status (annual) (EL),0600-D-02
    I 49.106/7:,DOI Learn (updated irregularly) (EL),0616-A-01
    I 49.106/7-2:,NCTC (National Conservation Training Center) Journal (quarterly) (P),0616-A-01
    I 49.108:,Electronic Products  (misc.)  (E),0600-D-02
    I 49.109/2:,Long Term Resource Monitoring Program, Reprint (series)  (MF),0612-A-02
    I 49.109/3:,Long Term Resource Monitoring Program, Special Report (series)  (MF),0614-D-04
    I 49.110:,Galveston Bay Fact Sheet Series  (P),0614-D-06
    I 49.111:,Cultural Resource Series (irregular) (P),0612-P
    I 49.112:,MAT Update  (EL),0600-D-02
    I 49.113:,Environmental Assessment (P) (EL),0612-A-03
    I 49.114:,North American Wetlands Conservation Act, Small Grants Instructions (irregular) (EL),0612-Q
    I 49.116:,National Fish Hatchery Programming and Evaluation Activities for Puget Sound and Coastal
    	 Washington (annual) (EL),0612-S
    I 49.117:,Digital Library System (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)(updated irregularly) (online database),
    I 49.118:,Eddies: Reflections on Fisheries Conservation (quarterly) (EL),0612-S-01
    I 53.1:,Annual Report on Performance and Accountability (EL),0600-D-04
    I 53.1/2:,Public Land Statistics (annual) (EL),0633-C
    I 53.1/4:,Roseburg District Annual Program Summary and Monitoring Report (annual) (MF),0631-H
    I 53.1/5:,Annual Report (National Science and Technology Center) (EL),0631-H-01
    I 53.1/6:,Bureau of Land Management Annual Performance Plan, Annual Performance Report (EL),
    I 53.2:,General Publications,0631
    I 53.3/2:,Technical Bulletins  (P),0634-B
    I 53.5:,Laws  (P),0632-A
    I 53.7/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0633
    I 53.9:,Information Bulletins  (MF),0632
    I 53.11:,Maps & Map Folders  (P),0629-B
    I 53.11/3-2:,Posters  (P),0631-E
    I 53.11/4:,BLM 1:100,000 Scale Maps, Surface Management Status  (P),0619-G-16
    I 53.11/4-2:,BLM 1:100,000 Scale Maps, Surface and Minerals Management Status  (P),0619-G-16
    I 53.11/5:,Surface Management Quad  (P),0629-B
    I 53.11/6:,Minerals Management Quad  (P),0629-B
    I 53.12/3:,Public Rewards from Public Lands (irregular) (EL),0633-A-05
    I 53.17:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0629-A-02
    I 53.17/2:,BLM Monthly Alert  (MF),0629-A-01
    I 53.19/3:,Environmental Analysis Records (various areas)  (MF),0629-C
    I 53.20:,Technical Notes (nos.) (MF) (EL),0629-E-01
    I 53.20/2:,Resource Notes (National Science and Technology Center) (series) (EL),0629-E-12
    I 53.22:,Cultural Resources Series (Colorado) (numbered) (MF),0629-E
    I 53.22/2:,Cultural Resources Series (Utah) (numbered)  (MF),0629-E
    I 53.22/3:,Cultural Resources Series (Nevada) (MF),0629-E
    I 53.22/5:,Cultural Resources Series (Montana)  (P),0629-E
    I 53.22/6:,Cultural Resource Series (Eastern States Office)  (P),0629-E
    I 53.22/7:,Cultural Resources Series (Wyoming)  (P),0629-E
    I 53.22/8:,Cultural Resources Series (Arizona) (P),0629-E
    I 53.22/9:,Cultural Resources Series (New Mexico) (MF),0629-E
    I 53.22/10:,Cultural Resources Series (Oregon)  (MF),0629-E
    I 53.23/2:,Land Use Decisions and Rangeland Program Summary (various locations)  (MF),0629-E-02
    I 53.23/3:,Herd Management Area Plan (various locations)  (MF),0629-E-02
    I 53.33:,Wilderness Reports (irregular)  (MF),0633-A-03
    I 53.33/2:,Recreation Area (various areas) (P) (EL),0633-A-04
    I 53.34:,Wyoming BLM Wildlife Technical Bulletins (numbered)  (MF),0629-E-07
    I 53.35:,Technical Reference (series) (MF) (EL),0629-E-01
    I 53.39:,Snake River Birds of Prey Area, Annual Report  (MF),0631-C
    I 53.41/2:,BLM-Alaska Frontiers (EL),0629-E-11
    I 53.41/3:,BLM-Alaska Newsbeat (irregular) (MF),0629-E-16
    I 53.43:,Facts and Figures (annual) (EL),0631-G-01
    I 53.43/2:,BLM Facts, Oregon and Washington (annual)  (MF),0631-G
    I 53.43/3:,The BLM in Wyoming (annual)  (MF),0631-G-03
    I 53.43/4:,Nevada Progress Report (annual)  (MF),0631-G-02
    I 53.43/5:,BLM in New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas (annual)  (MF),0631-G-03
    I 53.45/2:,Bureau of Land Management Office Directory (annual)  (MF),0631-F
    I 53.46:,Forms  (P),0631-G-04
    I 53.49:,BLM-Alaska Technical Reports (MF),0629-E-01
    I 53.49/2:,BLM-Alaska Open File Reports (MF),0629-E-17
    I 53.50:,Resource Management Plan Annual Update  (MF),0629-E-02
    I 53.54/2:,Arizona Desert Digest (quarterly)  (MF),0629-E-08
    I 53.57:,General Land Office, Automated Records Project, Pre-1908 Homestead & Cash Entry Patents
    I 53.57/2:,Bureau of Land Management General Land Office Records (online database) (EL),0600-D-05
    I 53.58:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0600-D-04
    I 53.59:,Environmental Impact Statement (MF) (EL),0629-E-09
    I 53.59/2:,Management Plan & Environmental Assessment (P) (EL),0629-E-10
    I 53.60:,Planning Update (Klamath Falls Resource Area Office) (irregular) (EL),0629-E-13
    I 53.61:,Annual Program Summary (Klamath Falls Resource Area Office) (annual) (EL),0629-E-14
    I 53.63:,The Wildlife Investigator Series (irregular) (P) (CD-ROM),0600-D-06
    I 71.1:,Office of Surface Mining Annual Report (EL),0669-C
    I 71.2:,General Publications,0669-B
    I 71.4:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0669-D
    I 71.5:,Laws  (P),0669-E
    I 71.15:,Technical Training Catalog (annual)  (MF),0669-F
    I 72.1/2:,Annual Financial Report (Minerals Management Service) (MF) (EL),0671-C-01
    I 72.2:,General Publications,0671-C
    I 72.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0671-G
    I 72.10:,Federal Offshore Statistics, Leasing, Exploration, Production, Revenue (annual)  (EL),0671-B
    I 72.12:,OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) Monographs (irregular)  (MF),0671-F
    I 72.12/2:,OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) Studies (numbered)  (MF),0671-F
    I 72.12/2-2:,Proceedings ... Annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting (EL),0671-F-03
    I 72.12/3:,OCS Reports (numbered)  (MF),0671-F
    I 72.12/3-2:,Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing and Production Program, Annual Report
    I 72.12/3-3:,Outer Continental Shelf Statistical Summary  (MF),0671-F
    I 72.12/3-4:,Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Studies Program (OCS) Statistical Reports  (MF),0671-F-01
    I 72.12/4:,OCS Map Series  (P) (EL),0671-A-04
    I 72.12/5:,Regional Studies Plan FY (various regions) (annual)  (MF),0671-A-01
    I 72.12/7:,Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves (annual)  (MF),0671-F
    I 72.12/8:,Draft Environmental Studies Plan (annual)  (MF),0671-F
    I 72.12/10:,OCS Information Report  (MF),0671-F
    I 72.12/11:,OCS EIS/EA (Environmental Assessment) (series)  (MF),0671-F
    I 72.12/12:,OCS Activities Report (semiannual) (MF),0671-F-02
    I 72.13:,Mineral Revenues: The Report on Receipts from Federal and American Indian Lands (annual)
    I 72.14/2:,Minerals Management Service Catalog of Publications (biennial) (EL),0671-H
    I 72.14/3:,Offshore Publications (updated irregularly) (EL),0671-H-01
    I 72.15:,Forms  (P),0671-J
    I 72.16:,Posters  (P),0671-A-04
    I 72.19:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0600-D-03
    I 72.20:,MMS Ocean Science (bimonthly) (EL),0671-C-02
    I 74.2:,General Publications,0671-L-07
    I 74.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0671-L-08
    I 74.15:,Long Term Resource Monitoring Program, Program Report (series) (EL),0671-L
    I 74.15/2:,Long Term Resource Monitoring Program, Technical Report (series) (EL),0671-L-01
    I 74.15/3:,Annual Status Report: A Summary of Aquatic Vegetation Monitoring at Selected Locations in
    	 Pools 4, 8, 13, and 26 and La Grange Pool of the Upper Mississippi River System (annual)
    I 74.15/4:,Annual Status Report: Macroinvertebrate Sampling (annual) (EL),0671-L-03
    I 74.15/7:,Annual Status Report: A Summary of Fish Data in Six Reaches of the Upper Mississippi River
    	 System (annual) (EL),0671-L-06
    IC 1.25:,Transport Statistics in U.S. (annual) (MF),0699
    ID 1.1:,OFDA Annual Report (EL),0900-I-05
    ID 1.1/2:,Agency Financial Report (Annual) (EL),0900-I-06
    ID 1.2:,General Publications,0900-I
    ID 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0900-I-01
    ID 1.11:,Maps (P) (EL),0900-I-11
    ID 1.15:,Front Lines (11 issues a year) (EL),0900-I-02
    ID 1.17:,USAID (United States Agency for International Development) in Africa (quarterly) (EL),0900-I-04
    ID 1.18:,Annual Plan (EL),0900-I-07
    ID 1.18/2:,Semiannual Report to Congress, Millennium Challenge Corporation (EL),0900-I-10
    ID 1.19:,Executive Overview of Food Security (Monthly) (EL),0900-I-08
    ID 1.20:,(Country name) food security update (Varies) (EL),0900-I-09
    ID 1.21:,Annual Report / President's Malaria Initiative (EL),0900-I-12
    ITC 1.1:,Year in Review (EL),0977
    ITC 1.1/2:,U.S.-Trade and Investment with Sub-Saharan Africa (annual) (EL),0977-B
    ITC 1.1/2-2:,Sub-Saharan Africa: factors affecting trade patterns of selected industries (Annual)
    ITC 1.2:,General Publications,0978
    ITC 1.9/3:,Selected Publications of the United States International Trade Commission  (annual)
    ITC 1.10:,Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated for Statistical Reporting
    	 Purposes (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0982-B-04
    ITC 1.10:,Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated for Statistical Reporting
    	 Purposes  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0982-B-02
    ITC 1.10/4:,Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (CD-ROM) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0982-B-03
    ITC 1.10/5:,Modifications to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to Implement the
    	 ... Free Trade Agreement (series) (EL),0982-B-05
    ITC 1.10/6:,Tariff Information Center. USITC Tariff Database and Related Products (EL),0982-B-06
    ITC 1.12:,Investigations (MF),0980-E
    ITC 1.15/2:,Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade in ... (annual) (EL),0980-E-07
    ITC 1.15/3:,Recent Trends in U.S. Services Trade (annual) (EL),0908-E-12
    ITC 1.22:,Staff Research Studies (numbered)  (MF),0980-H
    ITC 1.24:,Year in Trade:  Operation of Trade Agreements Program (annual) (EL),0980-A
    ITC 1.29:,Journal of International Commerce and Economics (EL),0980-J
    ITC 1.33:,Industry and Trade Summary  (MF),0978-A-01
    ITC 1.33/2:,Industry Trade and Technology Review (EL),0978-A-02
    ITC 1.34:,Office of Economics Working Paper (EL),0978-A-03
    ITC 1.35:,Office of Industries Working Paper (EL),0978-A-04
    J 1.1:,FY ... Performance & Accountability Report (EL),0717-C-01
    J 1.1/6:,Annual Report (Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States) (EL),1063-C
    J 1.1/9:,Office of the Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress  (EL),0717-C-19
    J 1.1/11:,FOIA Annual Report (Freedom of Information Act) (EL),0717-C-24
    J 1.1/12:,Report of the Office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Texas, Year
    	 in Review (annual) (EL),0717-C-28
    J 1.1/13:,Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program (annual) (EL),0717-A-35
    J 1.1/14:,FY ... Performance Report and FY ... Revised Final Performance Plan, FY ... Performance
    	 Plan (annual) (EL),0717-C-30
    J 1.1/15:,Annual Report of Significant Accomplishments (United States Trustee Program)
    J 1.1/16:,Report to Congress on the Activities & Operations of the Public Integrity Section for
    	 ... (annual) (EL),0717-C-32
    J 1.1/17:,Strategic Plan (irregular) (EL),0717-C-34
    J 1.2:,General Publications,0717
    J 1.3/2:,Immigration Litigation Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0717-A-36
    J 1.3/3:,Anti-Trafficking News Bulletins (irregular) (EL),0717-A-39
    J 1.5/4:,Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice
    	 (annual) (P),0717-C-04
    J 1.5/4-2:,Memoranda and Opinions (Office of Legal Counsel) (irregular) (EL),0717-C-33
    J 1.7:,Register of the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Courts  (P),0717-A-01
    J 1.8:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0717-A
    J 1.8/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0717-A-01
    J 1.8/2:V 66/2/,Attorney General Guidelines for Victim & Witness Assistance (irregular)
    J 1.8/2-2:,Organization, Mission, and Functions Manual (semiannual) (EL),0717-A-12
    J 1.8/2-3:,Office of Justice Programs Resource Guide (Annual) (EL),0717-A-42
    J 1.8/2-4:,Criminal Tax Manual (updated irregularly) (EL),0717-A-45
    J 1.14/2:,General Publications,0721
    J 1.14/7:,Crime in the United States (annual) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0722-A-05
    J 1.14/7-6:,Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, Uniform Crime Report (series)
    	 (annual) (EL),0722-A
    J 1.14/7-9:,Hate Crime Statistics (annual) (EL),0722-A-04
    J 1.14/7-10:,Uniform Crime Reports (supplements) (P),0722-A-06
    J 1.14/8:,FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0717-C-05
    J 1.14/8 A:,FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Reprints (separates),0717-C-05
    J 1.14/16:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0722-A-01
    J 1.14/18-2:,Forensic Science Communications (quarterly) (EL),0717-C-26
    J 1.14/18-3:,Handbook of Forensic Services (irregular) (EL),0717-C-29
    J 1.14/21:,Posters  (P),0722-B
    J 1.14/23:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0717-C-25
    J 1.14/23-2:,Cybernotes (biweekly) (EL),0717-C-27
    J 1.14/23-3:,Highlights (National Infrastructure Protection Center) (monthly) (EL),0721-A-06
    J 1.14/25-3:,NDPO-Information Bulletins (EL),0721-A-03
    J 1.14/25-4:,NDPO-Fact Sheet (EL),0721-A-04
    J 1.14/25-5:,The Beacon (NDPO-monthly newsletter) (EL),0721-A-05
    J 1.14/26:,Financial Institution Fraud and Failure Report (EL),0721-A-08
    J 1.14/27:,FBI Laboratory (annual) (EL),0721-A-07
    J 1.14/28:,National Instant Criminal Background Check System Operations Report (annual)
    J 1.14/29:,FBI History (updating website) (EL),0721-B-01
    J 1.14/30:,IC3 ... Internet Crime Report (annual) (EL),0721-A-10
    J 1.20/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0717-G
    J 1.30:,Report of Attorney General to Congress on Administration of Foreign Agents Registration
    	 Act  (semiannual) (EL),0719-C
    J 1.56:,Freedom of Information Case List (irregular) (P) (EL),0717-B-07
    J 1.58/1:,FOIA Post (EL),0717-B-16
    J 1.89:,Telephone Directory (annual) (MF),0717-A-02
    J 1.89/2:,Civil Division Telephone Directory  (MF),0717-A-02
    J 1.89/3:,Directories  (P),0717-A-11
    J 1.98:,Forms  (P),0718-A-23
    J 1.99:,Posters,0717-A-10
    J 1.100:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0718-B
    J 1.102:,Office of Chief Administrative Hearing Officer (OCAHO) Cases, Files, Subpoenas
    J 1.102/3:,Quarterly Update  (P),0723-A-01
    J 1.103:,Administrative Decisions Under Employer Sanctions and Unfair Immigration-Related
    	 Employment Practices Law of the United States  (P),0717-C-20
    J 1.104:,Civil Rights Forum  (EL),0723-A-03
    J 1.106:,Enforcing the ADA, A Status Report from the Department of Justice (EL),0717-A-06
    J 1.107:,Community Policing Dispatch (monthly) (EL),0717-A-08
    J 1.109/2:,Braille Publications (P),0717-A-31
    J 1.110:,Weed & Seed In-Sites (irregular) (EL),0717-A-32
    J 1.112:,National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC): General Publications (EL),0717-A-34
    J 1.112/2:,National Drug Threat Assessment (annual) (EL),0717-A-41
    J 1.113:,Justinfo (biweekly) (EL),0717-A-37
    J 1.114:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0717-A-38
    J 1.115:,USDOJ, OARM, Summer Law Intern Program (EL),0717-A-40
    J 1.116:,OSC Update (Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment
    	 Practices) (semiannual) (EL),0717-A-46
    J 1.117:,College Scholarship Fraud Prevention Act of 2000,  ... Annual Report to Congress
    J 16.1:,State of the Bureau (annual)  (EL),0726-C-05
    J 16.2:,General Publications,0726-C-01
    J 16.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0726-C-02
    J 16.32:,Weekly Population Report (EL),0726-C-08
    J 16.33:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0726-C-08
    J 16.102:,General Publications,0726-D
    J 16.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0726-D
    J 16.109:,Schedule of Training and Services for Fiscal Year (MF),0726-E
    J 16.110:,National Institute of Corrections, Annual Program Plan, Fiscal Year  (MF),0726-C-04
    J 16.111:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0726-D-01
    J 21.1/2:,Office of Internal Audit Annual Report (MF),0725-A-01
    J 21.2:,General Publications,0725
    J 21.2/10:,Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (annual) (EL),0725-B
    J 21.2/11:,INS Fact Book  (annual)  (P),0725-B
    J 21.6/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0725-A
    J 21.11:,AG/BIA Decisions Listing (irregular) (EL),0723
    J 21.11/2:,Interim Decision (U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals) (EL),0723-A-05
    J 21.19:,Forms and/or Instructions (P) (EL),0723-A-02
    J 21.20:,Advance Report Immigration Statistics: Fiscal Year (MF),0723-B
    J 21.21:,Triennial Comprehensive Report on Immigration (EL),0723-B
    J 21.24:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0723-B-01
    J 23.1:,Annual Report (EL),0208-A
    J 23.2:,General Publications,0208-A-01
    J 23.3:,CRS Bulletin (various topics) (irregular) (P) (EL),0208-A-03
    J 23.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0208-A-02
    J 24.1/2:,Office of Deputy Director Operations, Annual Report  (MF),0967-C
    J 24.2:,General Publications,0967
    J 24.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0968-A
    J 24.11:,Posters  (P),0968-J
    J 24.12:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0967-A
    J 24.15:,Addresses  (MF),0968-C
    J 24.23:,Draft Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0967-F
    J 24.25:,Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program (annual)  (P),0967-H
    J 24.27:,Forms  (P),0967-I
    J 24.29:,Drug Trafficking in the United States (irregular) (EL),0967-J
    J 24.30:,DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) Update (irregular) (EL),0967-K
    J 24.31:,Microgram Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0967-L
    J 24.31/2:,Microgram Journal (quarterly) (EL),0967-L-01
    J 25.2:,General Publications,0969-A-01
    J 25.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0969-A-02
    J 25.10:,Directories,0969-A-06
    J 25.12:,Posters  (P),0969-A-03
    J 25.15:,U.S. Marshals Service Fact Sheets (EL),0969-A-07
    J 25.17:,National Sellers List (updated irregularly) (EL),0969-A-09
    J 26.1:,Annual Report to Congress on Initiatives Funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance
    J 26.1/5:,BJA Program Plan  (P),0968-H-30
    J 26.2:,General Publications,0968-H-01
    J 26.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0968-H-05
    J 26.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0968-H-02
    J 26.9/2:,Bureau of Justice Assistance Publications List (quarterly)  (P),0968-H-02
    J 26.15:,Research (series)  (MF),0717-N-01
    J 26.29:,Asset Forfeiture (series)  (P),0717-N-05
    J 26.30:,Monographs (series)  (P) (EL),0717-N-01
    J 26.31:,Program Brief (series)  (P),0717-N-01
    J 26.32:,Bureau of Justice Assistance Bulletin  (P) (EL),0717-N-01
    J 26.33:,Fact Sheets (series) (P) (EL),0717-N-05
    J 26.35:,Electronic Products (E),0717-N-08
    J 27.1:,Annual Report  (MF),0717-C-15
    J 27.2:,General Publications,0717-C-08
    J 27.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0717-C-16
    J 27.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0717-C-12
    J 27.8/2:,Rules and Procedures Manual (irregular) (EL),0717-C-03
    J 28.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0718-C
    J 28.2:,General Publications,0718-A
    J 28.3/5:,Geography & Public Safety (quarterly) (EL),0718-A-51
    J 28.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0968-H-11
    J 28.8/3:,NIJ Guide (irregular) (P) (EL),0968-H-36
    J 28.11:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0968-H-15
    J 28.14/A:,NIJ Report/SNI (reprints),0968-H-10
    J 28.14/2:,Justice Resource Update (quarterly) (EL),0968-H-10
    J 28.14/2-2:,National Institute of Justice Journal (irregular) (EL),0968-H-10
    J 28.15:,NIJ Standard (series) (P),0717-J
    J 28.15/2:,NIJ Reports (series)  (P),0717-J
    J 28.15/2-2:,Research in Action (series)  (MF) (EL),0717-J-01
    J 28.15/2-3:,Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring, Annual Report (P) (EL),0717-J-01
    J 28.15/2-4:,Annual Report on Opiate Use Among Arrestees (annual) (P) (EL),0717-J-02
    J 28.15/2-8:,Science and the Law (biennial) (EL),0717-J-06
    J 28.19:,Research Bulletin  (irregular)  (MF),0718-A-03
    J 28.23:,Issues and Practices (irregular) (P),0718-A-07
    J 28.23/2:,Issues in International Crime (P),0718-A-40
    J 28.24:,Research in Brief (irregular) (EL),0718-A-03
    J 28.24/2:,Sponsored Research Programs (FY)  (P),0718-A-03
    J 28.24/3:,Research Report (series)  (P),0718-A-03
    J 28.24/7:,Research Preview (series)  (P) (EL),0718-A-29
    J 28.24/9:,Program Brief (series) (P),0718-A-38
    J 28.28:,National Criminal Justice Thesaurus (irregular)  (P),0718-A-14
    J 28.30:,Program Focus (series)  (P),0718-A-11
    J 28.31:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0718-D
    J 28.31/2-2:,NCJRS Abstracts Database (EL),0718-D-01
    J 28.33:,Solicitation (series)  (P),0718-E-01
    J 28.35:,NIJ Research Forum (series) (P) (EL),0718-F-01
    J 28.36:,Building Knowledge about Crime and Justice (annual) (P) (EL),0718-A-37
    J 28.37:,TechBeat (EL),0718-D
    J 28.38:,Research for Practice (P) (EL),0718-A-42
    J 28.39:,Year in Review (annual) (P),0718-D-04
    J 28.40:,NIJ Research for Policy (series) (P) (EL),0718-A-46
    J 28.41:,In Short: Toward Criminal Justice Solutions (series) (P) (EL),0718-A-48
    J 29.1:,Annual Report  (MF),0968-H-20
    J 29.1/2:,Bureau of Justice Statistics Fiscal Year ... at a Glance (EL),0717-R-07
    J 29.2:,General Publications,0717-R-01
    J 29.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0717-R-02
    J 29.9/2:,Criminal Victimization in the United States (annual) (EL),0968-H-49
    J 29.9/6:,Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics (updated irregularly) (EL) ESSENTIAL
    J 29.9/6-2:,Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics (CD-ROM) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0968-H-31
    J 29.9/8:,Criminal Justice Information Policy (series) (MF),0968-H-12
    J 29.10:,Privacy and Security of Criminal History Information (series) (MF),0968-H-12
    J 29.11:,Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin (EL),0968-H-13
    J 29.11/2:,Justice Expenditure and Employment in the United States (bulletin series)
    J 29.11/2-2:,Justice Expenditure and Employment Extracts (annual) (EL),0968-H-13
    J 29.11/3:,Capital Punishment (annual) (EL),0968-H-41
    J 29.11/4:,Telephone Contracts (annual) (P),0968-H-13
    J 29.11/5-2:,Prison and Jail Inmates at Midyear (annual)  (EL),0968-H-33
    J 29.11/5-3:,Jails in Indian Country (annual) (EL),0968-H-38
    J 29.11/5-4:,HIV in Prisons and Jails (irregular) (EL),0968-H-40
    J 29.11/5-5:,HIV in Prisons (irregular) (EL),0968-H-39
    J 29.11/6:,Probation and Parole in the United States (annual) (EL),0968-H-13
    J 29.11/7:,Prisoners in ... (annual) (EL),0968-H-45
    J 29.11/8:,Crime and the Nation's Households (EL),0968-H-13
    J 29.11/10:,Criminal Victimization (annual) (EL),0968-H-48
    J 29.11/10-2:,Criminal Victimization in United States, Statistical Tables (annual) (EL),0968-H-51
    J 29.11/11:,Felony Sentences in State Courts (biennial) (EL),0968-H-43
    J 29.11/11-2:,Felony Sentences in the United States (biennial) (EL),0968-H-28
    J 29.11/11-3:,State Court Sentencing of Convicted Felons (biennial) (EL),0968-H-32
    J 29.11/13:,National Corrections Reporting Program (annual) (EL),0968-H-12
    J 29.11/13-2:,National Corrections Reporting Program (annual) (CD-ROM) (EL),0968-H-34
    J 29.11/14:,Pretrial Release of Felony Defendants (triennial) (P),0968-H-13
    J 29.11/15:,Prosecutors in State Courts (biennial) (EL),0968-H-13
    J 29.11/16:,State Court Prosecutors in Large Districts (biennial) (EL),0968-H-37
    J 29.11/17:,Federal Law Enforcement Officers (annual) (EL),0968-H-42
    J 29.12:,Uniform Parole Reports (series) (P),0968-H-14
    J 29.13:,Justice Statistics Bureau, Special Reports (irregular) (EL),0968-H-16
    J 29.13/2:,Profile of Jail Inmates (quinquennial)  (P),0968-H-16
    J 29.13/3:,Drugs and Jail Inmates (quinquennial)  (P),0968-H-16
    J 29.13/4:,Contacts between Police and the Public (irregular) (EL),0968-H-54
    J 29.14:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0968-H-17
    J 29.14/3:,Bureau of Justice Statistics Publications Collection as of December 31 ...
    J 29.15:,Technical Report (series) (EL),0968-H-21
    J 29.16:,Census of State and Federal Corrections Facilities (quinquennial)  (MF),0968-H-23
    J 29.17:,Correctional Populations in the United States, Statistical Tables (annual) (EL),0968-H-24
    J 29.20:,Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics (annual) (EL),0968-H-16
    J 29.21:,Census of Local Jails (quinquennial)  (P),0968-H-23
    J 29.23:,Teenage Victims, A National Crime Survey Report (quinquennial)  (P),0968-H-14
    J 29.26:,BJS Discussion Paper  (P),0968-H-14
    J 29.27:,Crime Data Brief  (P) (EL),0968-H-14
    J 29.27/2:,Homicide Trends in the United States (EL),0968-H-53
    J 29.28:,Selected Findings  (P) (EL),0717-R-05
    J 29.29:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0717-R-08
    J 29.30:,Federal Justice Statistics Program (annual) (CD-ROM) (EL),0717-R-09
    J 29.31:,Bureau of Justice Statistics, Fact Sheet (P) (EL),0968-H-35
    J 29.32:,Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (irregular) (EL),0717-R-10
    J 29.33:,Survey of State Criminal History Information Systems (biennial) (EL),0968-H-44
    J 29.34:,Federal Criminal Case Processing (annual) (EL),0717-R-13
    J 29.35:,Survey of State Procedures Related to Firearms Sales (annual) (EL),0717-R-14
    J 29.36:,Background Checks for Firearms Transfers (EL),0968-H-46
    J 29.37:,Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties (biennial) (EL),0717-R-11
    J 29.38:,State Justice Statistics Programs for Statistical Analysis Centers: Program Application
    	 Guidelines (annual) (EL),0717-R-18
    J 29.39:,National Criminal History Improvement Program (annual) (EL),0717-R-19
    J 29.41:,World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems (online database) (EL),0717-R-21
    J 31.2:,General Publications,0717-C-13
    J 31.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0717-C-18
    J 31.9:,Report of the United States Attorney for the District (area) to the Attorney General
    J 31.10:,U.S. Attorney's Annual Statistical Report (annual) (EL),0717-B-17
    J 31.12:,USA Bulletin  (6 issues a year) (EL),0717-C-14
    J 31.13:,Directories  (MF),0717-C-21
    J 32.1:,Annual Report (EL),0718-A-08
    J 32.1/2:,Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice, Annual Report (EL),0718-A-49
    J 32.2:,General Publications,0718-A-05
    J 32.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0718-A-06
    J 32.10:,Juvenile Justice Bulletins  (irregular) (EL),0718-A-09
    J 32.10/2:,OJJDP Fiscal Year, Program Plan (annual)  (MF),0718-A-09
    J 32.10/3:,Report to Congress, Title V Incentive Grants for Local Delinquency Prevention Programs
    	 (annual)  (MF) (EL),0718-E
    J 32.10/4:,National Report Series Bulletin (P) (EL),0718-A-43
    J 32.10/5:,Action Plan Update (Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention)
    	 (series) (EL),0718-A-44
    J 32.10/6:,Juvenile Arrests (annual) (EL),0718-A-47
    J 32.11:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0718-A-32
    J 32.15:,Juvenile Court Statistics (annual) (EL),0717-B-04
    J 32.19:,Juvenile Justice (irregular) (EL),0718-A-05
    J 32.20:,Research Summary (series)  (P),0718-A-24
    J 32.20/2:,Program Summary (series)  (P),0718-A-25
    J 32.20/3:,OJJDP Report and Research Report (series) (MF) (EL),0718-A-28
    J 32.21:,OJJDP Fact Sheet (series)  (P) (EL),0718-G
    J 32.21/2:,OJJDP Youth in Action Fact sheet (P),0718-G-01
    J 32.21/2-2:,Youth in Action Bulletin (series) (P) (EL),0718-G-02
    J 32.21/3:,Highlights of the National Youth Gang Survey (annual) (EL),0718-G-03
    J 32.21/3-2:,National Youth Gang Survey (annual) (EL),0718-G-05
    J 32.21/4:,Delinquency Cases in Juvenile Courts (annual) (EL),0718-G-04
    J 32.22:,OJJDP Discretionary Program Announcement (annual) (P) (EL),0718-A-34
    J 32.23:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0718-A-36
    J 32.24:,Easy Access  (EL),0718-A-35
    J 32.25:,OJJDP News @ a Glance (bimonthly) (EL),0718-A-41
    J 32.26:,Census of Juveniles in Residential Placement Databook (updated irregularly) (EL),0718-A-45
    J 32.27:,Statistical Briefing Book (online database) (EL),0718-A-50
    J 34.2:,General Publications,0720-B
    J 34.3:,OVC Bulletin (irregular) (P) (EL),0720-B-03
    J 34.3/3:,OVC's Legal Series Bulletins (EL),0720-B-06
    J 34.4:,OVC Fact Sheets (various topics) (P) (EL),0720-B-01
    J 34.5:,OVC Help Series (EL),0720-B-07
    J 34.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0720-B-05
    J 34.8/2:,OVC Publications Resource Guide (annual) (EL),0720-B-08
    J 34.10:,Directories (EL),0720-B-04
    J 34.10/2:,OVC National Directory of Victim Assistance Funding Opportunities (annual) (EL),0720-B-09
    J 35.2:,General Publications,0719-A-02
    J 35.5:,Laws (EL),0719-A-01
    J 35.7:,Press Releases (EL),0719-A-01
    J 35.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0719-A-01
    J 35.19:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0719-A-01
    J 35.20:,Violence Against Women Act News (EL),0719-A-01
    J 35.21:,Stalking and Domestic Violence (annual) (EL),0719-A-03
    J 35.22:,Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders Program (annual)
    J 36.2:,General Publications,0720-C
    J 36.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions,0720-C-02
    J 36.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0720-C-01
    J 36.15:,Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Series (numbered) (EL),0720-C-03
    J 36.15/2:,Problem-Solving Tools Series (numbered) (EL),0720-C-04
    J 36.15/3:,Problem-Specific Guides Series (numbered) (EL),0720-C-05
    J 36.15/4:,Response Guide Series (numbered) (EL),0720-C-06
    J 37.2:,General Publications,0718-C-01
    J 37.15:,Audit Reports (series) (EL),0718-C-02
    J 37.16:,Report to Congress on implementation of section 1001 of the USA PATRIOT act
    J 38.1/2:,ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms) Snapshot (annual) (EL),0718-H-02
    J 38.2:,General Publications,0718-H
    J 38.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0718-H-03
    J 38.8/2:,Federal Firearms Regulations Reference Guide (quinquennial) (EL),0718-H-04
    J 38.13:,Forms,0718-H-06
    J 38.15:,ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms) Explosives Industry Newsletter (irregular) (EL),0718-H-01
    J 38.16:,Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Export Report (EL),0718-H-05
    JU 2.2:,General Publications  (P),0743-D
    JU 2.9:,Seventh Circuit Digest (monthly)  (P),0743-D
    JU 2.10:,DC Circuit Update (quarterly)  (P),0743-D
    JU 3.2:,General Publications,0731
    JU 3.10:,Rules of the United States Court of Federal Claims (updated annually) (EL),0731-B
    JU 3.10/3:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0731-B
    JU 3.10/4:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0731-B
    JU 4.2:,General Publications,0732-A
    JU 6.2:,General Publications,0738
    JU 6.8:,United States Reports (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0741-A
    JU 6.8:,United States Reports (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0741
    JU 6.8/A:,Supreme Court Decisions (preliminary prints-advance parts) (P),0740-B
    JU 6.8/B:,Supreme Court Decisions (decisions in individual cases) (slip opinions) (P) ESSENTIAL
    JU 6.8/B:,Supreme Court Decisions (decisions in individual cases) (slip opinions) (EL),0740-A
    JU 6.9:,Rules of the Supreme Court of the United States  (EL),0739
    JU 6.11:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0740
    JU 6.14:,Argument Transcripts (online database) (EL),0738-A-01
    JU 6.15:,Year-end Report on the Federal Judiciary (annual) (EL),0738-A-02
    JU 7.2:,General Publications,0734
    JU 7.5/2:,Trade Cases Adjudged in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (P),0733
    JU 7.8/2:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0735-A
    JU 7.10:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0735-B
    JU 9.5/2:,U.S. Court of International Trade Reports  (P),0736
    JU 10.1:,Reports of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United States; Activities of the
    	 Administrative Office ... Judicial Business ... (annual) (MF),0728
    JU 10.1/3:,Report of the Director: Activities of the Administrative Office (annual)  (EL),0728-C
    JU 10.1/4:,Judicial Business of the United States Courts, (annual)  (EL),0728-C-01
    JU 10.2:,General Publications,0729
    JU 10.3/2:,The Third Branch, Bulletin of Federal Courts  (EL),0728-B
    JU 10.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0729-A
    JU 10.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0729-B
    JU 10.6/2-2:,Handbook for Federal Grand Jurors (updated irregularly) (EL),0729-B-01
    JU 10.6/2-3:,Handbook for Trial Jurors Serving in the United States District Courts (updated irregularly)
    JU 10.8:,Federal Probation (three times a year) (EL),0717-T
    JU 10.10:,Report of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United States (semiannual)
    JU 10.10/2:,Reports of Proceedings of Special Sessions of Judicial Conference of U.S. (P),0729
    JU 10.14:,Federal Court Management Statistics (EL),0717-X
    JU 10.19:,Wiretap Report (EL),0717-Y-03
    JU 10.20:,Telephone Directory  (MF),0717-Y-06
    JU 10.21:,Federal Judicial Workload/Caseload Statistics (annual) (EL),0729-D
    JU 10.21/2:,Statistical Tables for the Federal Judiciary (semiannual)  (P),0729-D-01
    JU 10.21/3:,Judicial Facts and Figures (annual) (EL),0729-D-02
    JU 10.24:,Judges Information Series (nos.) (P),0729-G
    JU 10.25:,Court Testimony and Miscellaneous Information (CD-ROM),0729-G-01
    JU 10.26:,Monograph (numbered series) (MF),0729-A-01
    JU 10.27:,History of Federal Judgeships (online database),0729-A-02
    JU 10.28:,Judiciary Privacy Policy Page (online database) (EL),0729-A-03
    JU 11.2:,General Publications,0742-A
    JU 11.7:,Reports (P),0742
    JU 11.7/A 2:,Reports (separates, individual issues, monthly compilations) (P),0742-A-02
    JU 11.7/2:,Tax Court Memoranda (numbered)  (MF),0742-B
    JU 11.8:,Rules of Practice and Procedure (updated irregularly) (EL),0743
    JU 11.8/2:,Rules, Regulations, Instructions  (P),0743
    JU 13.1:,Annual Report (EL),0742-A-01
    JU 13.2:,General Publications,0743-C-01
    JU 13.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0743-C-02
    JU 13.8/2:,Bench Comment, A Periodic Guide to Recent Appellate Treatment of Practical
    	 Procedural Issues  (P),0743-C-02
    JU 13.8/3:,Guideline Sentencing Update (irregular) (EL),0743-C-07
    JU 13.11:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0743-C-05
    JU 13.11/2:,FJC Resource Catalog (EL),0743-C-05
    JU 13.13/2:,State - Federal Judicial Observer (quarterly) (EL),0743-C-03
    JU 13.13/2-3:,International Judicial Observer (irregular) (EL),0743-C-03
    JU 13.14:,Directories (MF),0743-C-03
    JU 13.17:,Special Needs Offenders Bulletin  (nos.)  (P),0743-C-10
    JU 13.18:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0743-C-11
    JU 14.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0742-C
    JU 15.15:,United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims: Decisions and Opinions
    	 (updated irregularly) (EL),0742-D-01
    L 1.1:,Report on Performance and Accountability (EL),0744
    L 1.2:,General Publications,0745
    L 1.7:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0747
    L 1.7/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0745-A
    L 1.7/2-2:,DLMS Handbook Series  (P),0745-A
    L 1.7/2-3:,DLMS Manual (series)  (P),0745-A
    L 1.7/4:,Regulations and Interpretative Bulletins  (P),0747
    L 1.34:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0744-A
    L 1.34/6:,Publications of the U.S. Department of Labor (annual)  (P),0744-A
    L 1.47:,Laws  (P),0746-E
    L 1.74:,Semiannual Report to the Congress (U.S. Dept. of Labor, Office of Inspector General)
    L 1.74/2:,Annual Audit Plan FY, Office of Inspector General  (MF),0744-E-01
    L 1.76/2:,Technical Bulletin (ERISA Technical Release) (P),0744-F-01
    L 1.79:,News  (EL),0744-G
    L 1.79/3:,Technical Note  (P),0771-F
    L 1.80:,Posters  (P),0745-A-02
    L 1.82:,Register of Reporting Surety Companies (biennial)  (MF),0745-E
    L 1.83:,Forms  (P),0745-A-03
    L 1.84:,Register of Reporting Labor Organizations (triennial)  (MF),0745-F
    L 1.88:,U.S. Department of Labor Program Highlights, Fact Sheet (series)  (MF),0745-A-04
    L 1.89:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0744-G
    L 1.90/2:,Report on the American Workforce (annual) (P) (EL),0768-C-18
    L 1.90/3:,21 Magazine (quarterly) (EL),0768-C-19
    L 1.92:,Braille Books  (P),0745-J
    L 1.95:,Senior Executive Service, Forum Series (annual) (EL),0745-K-01
    L 1.96:,O-NET* (online database) (EL),0745-K-02
    L 1.97:,Labor Advocate (quarterly) (EL),0745-K-03
    L 1.98:,Lifelong Learning Catalog (annual) (P),0745-K-04
    L 1.99:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0745-A-09
    L 1.100:,Whistleblower Newsletter (quarterly) (EL),0745-A-10
    L 1.101:,Chartbook of International Labor Comparisons--the Americas, Asia, Europe
    	 (semiannual) (EL),0745-A-11
    L 2.2:,General Publications,0769
    L 2.3:,Bulletins (P),0768-A-01
    L 2.3/3:,Industry Wage Surveys (various industries)  (P),0768-C-01
    L 2.3/3-2:,Industry Wage Survey Summaries  (P),0768-D-01
    L 2.3/3-3:,National Compensation Survey: Occupational Wages in the United States
    L 2.3/4:,Occupational Outlook Handbook (biennial) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0768-D-02
    L 2.3/4:,Occupational Outlook Handbook (biennial) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0768-C-02
    L 2.3/4-2:,Occupational Projections and Training Data (Biennial) (EL),0768-A-10
    L 2.3/4-3:,Career Guide to Industries (annual) (P),0768-A-01
    L 2.3/4-4:,Occupational Outlook Handbook and Career Guide to Industries on CD-ROM
    	 (biennial) (CD-ROM),0744-G-02
    L 2.3/9:,Relative Importance of Components in the Consumer Price Indexes (annual)
    	  (MF) (EL),0768-A-04
    L 2.3/10:,Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Private Establishments (biennial)
    	  (P) (EL),0768-A-05
    L 2.3/10-2:,Employee Benefits in State and Local Governments (biennial)  (P)
    L 2.3/11:,Occupational Injuries and Illnesses:  Counts, Rates, and Characteristics
    	 (annual) (P) (EL),0768-A-03
    L 2.3/12:,Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment (annual) (MF)
    L 2.3/16-2:,Occupational Employment and Wages (annual) (EL),0768-A-12
    L 2.6:,Monthly Labor Review (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0770-A-01
    L 2.6/3:,MLR, the Editor's Desk (updated daily) (EL),0770-A-02
    L 2.34/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0768-E
    L 2.38/3:,CPI Detailed Report (monthly) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0768-F-07
    L 2.38/3-2:,News, Consumer Price Index (monthly) (EL),0768-B-56
    L 2.38/8:,News, Washington - Baltimore Consumer Price Index (bimonthly)
    L 2.38/8-3:,News, New York-Northern New Jersey CPI (P) (EL),0768-F-06
    L 2.38/8-5:,Mid-Atlantic Information Office CPI Announcement (monthly) (EL),0768-F-08
    L 2.38/8-6:,Consumer Price Indexes Pacific Cities and U.S. City Average (monthly)
    L 2.38/8-7:,News, Consumer Price Index, Midwest Region (monthly) (EL),0768-F-10
    L 2.38/10:,Summary Data from the Consumer Price Index (monthly) (MF),0768-B-58
    L 2.41/2:,Employment & Earnings (monthly) (EL),0768-B
    L 2.41/2-2:,Supplement to Employment and Earnings (annual) (P),0768-B
    L 2.44/4:,Compensation and Working Conditions (numbered) (quarterly) (EL),0768-D
    L 2.45/3:,Major Work Stoppages (annual)  (P)  (EL),0769-H
    L 2.46/3:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0769-A
    L 2.46/4:,Current Employment Statistics State Operating Manual  (MF),0769-A
    L 2.46/10:,BLS Handbook of Methods (updated irregularly) (EL),0769-A-06
    L 2.53/2:,News, Employment Situation (monthly) (EL),0768-T
    L 2.60/3:,U. S. Import and Export Price Indexes (quarterly) (EL),0771-G
    L 2.61:,PPI Detailed Report (monthly) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0771-B-01
    L 2.61/10:,News, Producer Price Indexes (monthly) (EL),0771-B-04
    L 2.61/10-2:,Summary Data from the Producer Price Index, News Release (monthly)
    L 2.61/11:,PPI Detailed Report Data for ... (annual) (P),0771-B-02
    L 2.61/12:,Gross Average Hourly Earning of Production Workers by Industry (monthly)
    L 2.70/4:,Occupational Outlook Quarterly (P) (EL),0770-A
    L 2.70/4 A:,Occupational Outlook (separates),0770-A
    L 2.71:,BLS Reports  (numbered) (P) (EL),0768-G
    L 2.71/3:,New England Regional Office: Regional Reports (numbered)  (MF),0768-P
    L 2.71/5:,BLS Staff Papers (MF),0768-J
    L 2.71/5-2:,National Longitudinal Surveys, Discussion Paper (series)  (EL),0768-J-01
    L 2.71/6-3:,New York State Unemployment Rate (monthly) (P),0768-P-01
    L 2.71/6-4:,New Jersey Unemployment Rate (monthly) (P),0768-P-01
    L 2.71/6-7:,Jobs in New York-Northeastern New Jersey (monthly) (P),0768-P-01
    L 2.71/6-8:,New Jersey Unemployment Rate ... (annual) (P),0768-P-01
    L 2.71/6-9:,New York State Unemployment Rate ... (annual) (P),0768-P-01
    L 2.71/6-10:,New York City's Unemployment Rate ... (annual) (P),0768-P-01
    L 2.71/8:,Southeastern Regional Office: Regional Reports  (numbered)  (MF),0768-P-02
    L 2.71/9:,News: Textile Plant Employment in the Southeast (quarterly) (MF) (EL),0768-P-02
    L 2.71/10:,Highlights of Women's Earnings  (annual) (EL),0768-G-03
    L 2.71/11:,Consumer Expenditures in (year)  (annual) (EL),0768-G-04
    L 2.71/12:,Consumer Expenditures Survey (biennial) (P) (EL),0768-G-06
    L 2.71/13:,Consumer Expenditure Survey Anthology (biennial) (P) (EL),0768-G-07
    L 2.71/14:,Profile of the Working Poor (P) (EL),0768-G-08
    L 2.71/15:,Women in the Labor Force: a Databook (annual) (EL),0768-G-09
    L 2.104/2:,Employment and Wages, Annual Averages (annual) (EL),0768-D-03
    L 2.104/2:,Employment and Wages, Annual Average  (MF) (EL),0768-D
    L 2.104/2-2:,Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates (updated irregularly) (EL),0768-D-04
    L 2.111/5:,Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment (EL),0768-T-01
    L 2.111/7:,News Regional and State Employment and Unemployment (EL),0768-T-03
    L 2.113/8:,Forestry Wage Survey (Summary) (various states)  (P),0768-W
    L 2.115:,Real Earnings in ... (monthly) (EL),0768-T-02
    L 2.117:,Employment Cost Index (quarterly) (EL),0769-K
    L 2.117/2:,Employment Cost Index for Northeast (quarterly)  (P) (EL),0769-K
    L 2.118/2:,News, Employment Characteristics of Families (annual) (P),0769-L
    L 2.119:,Productivity and Costs (quarterly) (EL),0769-J
    L 2.120:,News (series) (P) (EL),0769-P
    L 2.120/2:,News, State and Regional Unemployment ... Annual Averages (P),0769-P
    L 2.120/2-3:,News, Average Annual Pay by State and Industry (P) (EL),0769-P
    L 2.120/2-4:,News, Annual Average Pay in Metropolitan Areas (P),0769-P
    L 2.120/2-5:,News, Consumer Expenditures in ... (annual) (EL),0769-P
    L 2.120/2-6:,News, International Comparisons of Manufacturing Productivity and Unite Labor Costs
    	 Trends (annual) (P) (EL),0769-P
    L 2.120/2-10:,News, Multifactor Productivity Trends (annual) (EL),0769-P
    L 2.120/2-11:,News, Workplace Injuries and Illnesses in ... (annual) (EL),0769-P
    L 2.120/2-12:,Union Members in ... (annual) (EL),0769-P
    L 2.120/2-13:,News, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (annual) (P),0769-P
    L 2.120/2-14:,Extended Mass Layoffs in the ... (quarterly) (P) (EL),0769-J
    L 2.120/2-15:,Monthly Series on Mass Layoffs  (EL) (P),0769-J-01
    L 2.120/2-16:,News, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation in the Northeast Region
    L 2.120/2-17:,News, Employment and Average Annual Pay for Large Counties (annual)
    	 (P) (EL),0769-P-02
    L 2.120/2-18:,News, Work Experience of the Population (annual) (EL),0769-P
    L 2.120/2-19:,Extended Mass Layoffs in ... (annual) (P) (EL),0769-P-03
    L 2.120/2-20:,Employment Situation of Vietnam-Era Veterans (biennial) (EL),0769-P-06
    L 2.120/2-21:,News, Occupational Employment and Wages (annual) (EL),0769-P-07
    L 2.120/2-22:,News, Computer and Internet Use at Work (biennial) (EL),0769-P-04
    L 2.120/2-23:,News, Contingent and Alternative Employment Arrangements (biennial) 
    L 2.120/2-24:,College Enrollment of ... High School Graduates (annual) (EL),0769-P-10
    L 2.120/2-25:,National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (annual) (EL),0769-P-11
    L 2.120/2-26:,BLS Releases New ... Employment Projections (biennial) (EL),0769-P-12
    L 2.120/2-27:,Work Injuries and Illnesses by Selected Characteristics (annual) (EL),0769-P-13
    L 2.120/2-28:,Volunteering in the United States (annual) (EL),0769-P-14
    L 2.120/2-29:,Youth Labor Market (annual) (EL),0769-P-15
    L 2.120/2-30:,Employee Tenure in ...,0769-P-16
    L 2.121/1:,National Compensation Survey: Alabama (annual) (EL),0768-B-01
    L 2.121/2:,National Compensation Survey, Alaska (annual) (EL),0768-B-02
    L 2.121/3:,National Compensation Survey, Arizona (annual) (EL),0768-B-03
    L 2.121/4:,National Compensation Survey, Arkansas (annual) (EL),0768-B-04
    L 2.121/5:,National Compensation Survey, California, (annual)  (EL),0768-B-05
    L 2.121/6:,National Compensation Survey, Colorado (annual) (EL),0768-B-06
    L 2.121/7:,National Compensation Survey, Connecticut (annual) (EL),0768-B-07
    L 2.121/8:,National Compensation Survey, Delaware (annual) (EL),0768-B-08
    L 2.121/9:,National Compensation Survey, Florida (annual) (EL),0768-B-09
    L 2.121/10:,National Compensation Survey, Georgia (annual) (EL),0768-B-10
    L 2.121/11:,National Compensation Survey, Hawaii (annual) (EL),0768-B-11
    L 2.121/12:,National Compensation Survey, Idaho (annual) (EL),0768-B-12
    L 2.121/13:,National Compensation Survey, Illinois (annual) (EL),0768-B-13
    L 2.121/14:,National Compensation Survey, Indiana (annual) (EL),0768-B-14
    L 2.121/15:,National Compensation Survey, Iowa (annual) (EL),0768-B-15
    L 2.121/16:,National Compensation Survey, Kansas (annual) (EL),0768-B-16
    L 2.121/17:,National Compensation Survey, Kentucky (annual) (EL),0768-B-17
    L 2.121/18:,National Compensation Survey, Louisiana (annual) (EL),0768-B-18
    L 2.121/19:,National Compensation Survey, Maine (annual) (EL),0768-B-19
    L 2.121/20:,National Compensation Survey, Maryland (annual) (EL),0768-B-20
    L 2.121/21:,National Compensation Survey, Massachusetts (annual) (EL),0768-B-21
    L 2.121/22:,National Compensation Survey, Michigan (annual) (EL),0768-B-22
    L 2.121/23:,National Compensation Survey, Minnesota (annual) (EL),0768-B-23
    L 2.121/24:,National Compensation Survey, Mississippi (annual) (EL),0768-B-24
    L 2.121/25:,National Compensation Survey, Missouri (annual) (EL),0768-B-25
    L 2.121/26:,National Compensation Survey, Montana (annual) (EL),0768-B-26
    L 2.121/27:,National Compensation Survey, Nebraska (annual) (EL),0768-B-27
    L 2.121/28:,National Compensation Survey, Nevada (annual) (EL),0768-B-28
    L 2.121/29:,National Compensation Survey, New Hampshire (annual) (EL),0768-B-29
    L 2.121/30:,National Compensation Survey, New Jersey (annual) (EL),0768-B-30
    L 2.121/31:,National Compensation Survey, New Mexico (annual) (EL),0768-B-31
    L 2.121/32:,National Compensation Survey, New York (annual) (EL),0768-B-32
    L 2.121/33:,National Compensation Survey, North Carolina (annual) (EL),0768-B-33
    L 2.121/34:,National Compensation Survey, North Dakota (annual) (EL),0768-B-34
    L 2.121/35:,National Compensation Survey, Ohio (annual) (EL),0768-B-35
    L 2.121/36:,National Compensation Survey, Oklahoma (annual) (EL),0768-B-36
    L 2.121/37:,National Compensation Survey, Oregon (annual) (EL),0768-B-37
    L 2.121/38:,National Compensation Survey, Pennsylvania (annual) (EL),0768-B-38
    L 2.121/39:,National Compensation Survey, Rhode Island (annual) (EL),0768-B-39
    L 2.121/40:,National Compensation Survey, South Carolina (annual) (EL),0768-B-40
    L 2.121/41:,National Compensation Survey, South Dakota (annual) (EL),0768-B-41
    L 2.121/42:,National Compensation Survey, Tennessee (annual) (EL),0768-B-42
    L 2.121/43:,National Compensation Survey, Texas (annual) (EL),0768-B-43
    L 2.121/44:,National Compensation Survey, Utah (annual) (EL),0768-B-44
    L 2.121/45:,National Compensation Survey, Vermont (annual) (EL),0768-B-45
    L 2.121/46:,National Compensation Survey, Virginia (annual) (EL),0768-B-46
    L 2.121/47:,National Compensation Survey, Washington (annual) (EL),0768-B-47
    L 2.121/48:,National Compensation Survey, Virginia (annual) (EL),0768-B-48
    L 2.121/49:,National Compensation Survey, Wisconsin (annual) (EL),0768-B-49
    L 2.121/50:,National Compensation Survey, Wyoming (annual) (EL),0768-B-50
    L 2.121/51:,National Compensation Survey, District of Columbia (annual) (EL),0768-B-51
    L 2.121/53:,Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay Only (Outlying Areas), Consolidated
    	 Metropolitan Areas  (P),0768-B-53
    L 2.121/54:,Area Wage Surveys Selected Metropolitan Areas (annual)  (P),0768-B-52
    L 2.121/56:,National Compensation Survey Divisions (EL),0768-B-54
    L 2.121/57:,National Compensation Survey Bulletins, Summaries, and Supplementary Tables
    	 for National (annual) (EL),0768-B-55
    L 2.122/13:,Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay Only Illinois  (P),0768-B-13
    L 2.122/32:,Occupational Compensation Survey: Pay Only, New York, (Summary)  (P),0768-B-32
    L 2.125:,Major Programs, Bureau of Labor Statistics (annual)  (MF),0768-G
    L 2.126:,Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers (quarterly) (EL),0769-M
    L 2.127:,Forms  (P),0769-N
    L 2.128:,International Training Programs in Labor Statistics (annual)  (MF),0769-S
    L 2.130:,International Comparisons of Hourly Compensation Costs for Production Workers in
    	 Manufacturing (3 times a year) (MF) (EL),0768-G-02
    L 2.132:,Issues in Labor Statistics (Summary) (series) (EL),0768-E
    L 2.134:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0744-G-03
    L 2.135:,NLS News, National Longitudinal Surveys (quarterly) (EL),0769-A-01
    L 2.135/2:,National Longitudinal Surveys Handbook (annual) (P) (EL),0769-A-03
    L 2.136:,Special Publications (series) (P) (EL),0769-A-02
    L 2.137:,Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (P),0769-A-04
    L 2.137/2:,Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, Summary (P) (EL),0769-A-05
    L 2.138:,BLS Economic Working Papers (series) (EL),0769-U
    L 21.2:,General Publications,0772
    L 21.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0772-A
    L 21.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0772-B
    L 28.2:,General Publications,0749-B-01
    L 28.9:,Digest and Decisions of the Employees' Compensation Appeals Board (annual) (P) (EL),0749-B
    L 29.2:,General Publications,0745-A-01
    L 29.13:,Monograph (series) (MF),0750-B-01
    L 29.15/2:,Occasional Paper (series) (MF),0749-D
    L 29.16:,Foreign Labor Trends (various countries) (annual) (EL),0749-E
    L 29.17:,Immigration Policy and Research Report (series)  (P),0749-D
    L 29.18:,Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor (annual) (P) (EL),0745-A-06
    L 29.19:,Trade and Employment Effects of the Andean Trade Preference Act (annual) (EL),0745-A-07
    L 35.1:,Annual Report  (MF),0766-F-04
    L 35.2:,General Publications,0765
    L 35.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0766-D
    L 35.6/2:,Occupational Safety and Health Regulations OSHA (series) (P),0766-D
    L 35.6/4:,OSHA Safety and Health Standards Digest (series) (P),0766-D
    L 35.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0745-C-01
    L 35.9/3:,JS&HQ (Job Safety & Health Quarterly) (EL),0766-O
    L 35.16:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0766-L
    L 35.19:,Safety Management Series  (P),0766-K
    L 35.21:,Environmental Impact Statements  (P),0766-F-01
    L 35.23:,Maps and Posters (P) (EL),0766-F-03
    L 35.24:,Fact Sheet (series)  (P),0766-F-05
    L 35.24/2:,Alert Bulletin  (P),0766-F-05
    L 35.25:,Fiscal Year ... OSHA Training Institute Schedule of Courses and Registration Requirements
    	 (annual) (P),0766-D
    L 35.25/2:,OSHA National Training Institute Catalog of Courses (annual) (P),0766-D
    L 35.26:,OSHA Laws and Regulations (quarterly) (CD-ROM),0744-G-01
    L 35.26/2:,Laws, Regulations & Interpretations (updated irregularly) (EL),0744-G-05
    L 35.27:,Chem Alert  (P),0766-I
    L 35.28:,Forms (P),0766-F-06
    L 35.29:,OSHA/EPA Occupational Chemical Database (online database) (EL),0766-P
    L 36.2:,General Publications,0746-C-01
    L 36.3:,Bulletins  (P),0763
    L 36.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0746-C-05
    L 36.15:,ESA Directory of Offices (semiannual)  (MF),0746-C-07
    L 36.15/2:,Directories  (P),0746-C-10
    L 36.17:,Forms  (P),0746-C-08
    L 36.102:,General Publications,0782
    L 36.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0783-C-02
    L 36.110:,Leaflets,0783
    L 36.112:,Pamphlets  (P),0783-C-03
    L 36.114/3:,Facts on Working Women (irregular)  (P) (EL),0783-C-03
    L 36.116:,Directories,0781-B
    L 36.117:,E-news (bimonthly) (EL),0782-B-01
    L 36.118:,20 Leading Occupations of Employed Women (annual) (EL),0782-B-02
    L 36.118/2:,Nontraditional Occupations for Women (annual) (EL),0782-B-03
    L 36.202:,General Publications,0777
    L 36.203/2:,Child Labor Bulletins (numbered)  (P),0777-A-01
    L 36.205:,Laws  (P),0778-B
    L 36.205/2:,Federal Labor Laws  (P),0778-B
    L 36.206/2:,Regulations Under Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations  (P),0780
    L 36.208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0777-B
    L 36.210:,Posters  (P),0777-B-01
    L 36.211/2:,Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations (online database) (EL),0777-B-11
    L 36.212:,Forms  (P),0777-C
    L 36.213:,Fact Sheets (EL),0777-A-02
    L 36.214:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0777-A-02
    L 36.215:,Garment Enforcement Report (EL),0777-A-02
    L 36.401:,OWCP Annual Report to Congress (annual) (EL),0779-A-06
    L 36.402:,General Publications,0779-A-03
    L 36.408:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0779-A-02
    L 36.409:,Pamphlets (numbered)  (P),0779-A-01
    L 36.410:,Forms (P) (EL),0746-C-06
    L 36.411:,State Workers' Compensation Administration Profiles (annual)  (MF),0779-A-04
    L 36.412:,State Workers' Compensation Laws (semiannual) (MF) (EL),0779-A-05
    L 37.2:,General Publications,0780-A-01
    L 37.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0780-A-04
    L 37.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0780-A-03
    L 37.8/2:,ET Handbooks (numbered)  (P),0747-B
    L 37.12/2-2:,Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Reports (weekly) (EL),0780-A-12
    L 37.15:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0780-A-05
    L 37.20/2:,Unemployment Insurance Technical Staff Papers (series)  (P),0780-A-10
    L 37.20/3:,Unemployment Insurance (UI) Performs, Annual Report (MF),0780-A-10
    L 37.21:,Fact Sheet (series)  (P),0780-A-13
    L 37.22/2:,Research and Evaluation Report/Monograph Series (MF) (EL),0746-H-02
    L 37.24:,Posters  (P),0780-B
    L 37.25:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0744-G-04
    L 37.26:,Ideas That Work (series) (irregular) (P) (EL),0780-A-14
    L 37.27:,ETA Occasional Paper Series (EL),0780-A-16
    L 37.28:,Report of the Interagency Aerospace Revitilization Task Force (annual) (EL),0780-A-17
    L 37.102:,General Publications,0748
    L 37.106/2:,National Apprenticeship and Training Standards for (various occupations)  (P),0748
    L 37.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0748-C
    L 37.109:,Telephone Directory, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (MF),0748-C
    L 37.202:,General Publications,0783-E-01
    L 37.208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0783-E-02
    L 37.210:,Significant Provisions of State Unemployment Insurance Laws (semiannual) (EL),0761-A
    L 37.211:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0783-E-03
    L 37.212:,Comparison of State Unemployment Insurance Laws (EL),0783-E-04
    L 37.213/2:,Unemployment Insurance Occasional Paper  (MF),0783-E-05
    L 37.214:,UI Data Summary (quarterly) (EL),0783-E-05
    L 37.302:,General Publications,0755
    L 37.308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0756-B
    L 37.308/2:,Technical Assistance Guides  (P),0754-L
    L 37.309:,Technical Reports (series) (numbered) (MF),0754-G
    L 37.313:,Forms  (P),0754-M
    L 38.2:,General Publications,0637-H
    L 38.4:,Circulars  (P),0637-J-03
    L 38.5:,Laws (P),0637-J-02
    L 38.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0644
    L 38.6/2:,Metal and Nonmetal National Mine Rescue Contest Rules (biennial) (EL),0644-A-01
    L 38.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0637-K-02
    L 38.8/2:,Safety Manuals (numbered)  (MF),0644-A
    L 38.10:,Information Reports  (MF),0637-K-01
    L 38.10/2:,Injury Experience in Sand and Gravel Mining (annual)  (P),0637-K-01
    L 38.10/3:,Injury Experience in Stone Mining (annual)  (MF),0637-P
    L 38.10/4:,Injury Experience in Coal Mining  (MF),0637-P-01
    L 38.10/5:,Injury Experience in Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (Except Stone and Coal) (MF),0637-P-02
    L 38.10/6:,Injury Experience in Metallic Mineral Mining (MF),0637-P-03
    L 38.11:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0637-J
    L 38.11/2:,New Publications (quarterly) (P),0637-J
    L 38.11/3:,Catalog of Training Products for the Mining Industry (annual) (P),0637-J
    L 38.11/4:,Courses for MSHA and the Mining Industry (annual) (P),0637-J
    L 38.11/4-2:,Quarterly Update of Courses and Products (P),0637-J
    L 38.12:,Holmes Safety Association Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0637-K
    L 38.13:,Annual Report of the Secretary of Labor under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 
    	1977  (MF),0637-J-01
    L 38.14/2:,Posters  (P),0637-N
    L 38.15:,Fatalgrams and Fatal Investigation Reports (EL),0637-M
    L 38.16:,Mine Injuries and Worktime, (quarterly)  (MF),0637-P
    L 38.17/3:,MSHA Instruction Guide Series  (P),0637-K-05
    L 38.19/3-2:,Fatal Accidents Involving Drowning at Coal & Metal/Nonmetal Mines (P),0637-M-02
    L 38.19/4:,Metal/Nonmetal Fatalities (semiannual) (P) (EL),0637-M-01
    L 38.20/3-3:,Coal Fatalities (semiannual) (P) (EL),0637-K-08
    L 38.20/6:,OT Series (numbered) (P),0637-K-07
    L 38.20/6:OT-2S/,Gu'ia Para Los Mineros-Sus Derechos y Responsabilidades Bajo la Ley Federal
    	 de Seguridad y Salud Minera de 1977 (P),0637-K-09
    L 38.21:,Mine Emergency Operations Telephone Book (annual)  (P),0637-H-01
    L 38.22:,Program Information Bulletins (irregular) (EL),0637-H-02
    L 39.2:,General Publications,0773-B
    L 39.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0773-B-01
    L 39.8/2:,Transition Assistance Program Military Civilian One Good Job Deserves Another Participant
    	 Manual (biennial) (MF),0773-B-02
    L 39.8/3:,Non-Technical Resource Guide to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment
    	 Rights Act (USERRA) (irregular) (EL),0773-B-04
    L 39.15:,VETS Fact Sheet (multi-title series) (EL),0773-B-03
    L 40.2:,General Publications,0773-C
    L 40.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0773-C-01
    L 40.15:,Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Report to Congress  (annual)  (EL),0744-F
    L 40.16:,Private Pension Plan Bulletin (semiannual)  (MF),0773-C-02
    L 41.2:,General Publications,0783-F
    L 41.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0783-F-01
    L 41.15:,Braille publications (P),0783-F-02
    LC 1.1:,Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress for the Fiscal Year (EL),0785
    LC 1.2:,General Publications,0786
    LC 1.6/4:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0786-A
    LC 1.6/5:,Reference Guides (series)  (P),0786-A
    LC 1.12/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0785-A
    LC 1.18:,Library of Congress Information Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0785-C
    LC 1.30/8:,Accessions List, Eastern and Southern Africa (bimonthly) (MF) (CD-ROM),0785-B-01
    LC 1.30/8-2:,Accessions List, Eastern and Southern Africa, Serial Supplement (annual) (CD-ROM),
    LC 1.30/8-3:,Accessions List of the Library of Congress Office, Nairobi, Kenya, Annual Publishers
    	 Directory (annual) (MF),0785-B-01
    LC 1.30/8-4:,Quarterly Index to Africana Periodical Literature (quarterly) (MF),0785-B-01
    LC 1.32:,FLICC (Federal Library & Information Center Committee) Newsletter (EL),0785-E
    LC 1.32/2:,FLICC (Federal Library & Information Center Committee) (General Publications),0785-B
    LC 1.32/4:,Federal Library and Information Center Committee Annual Report (EL),0785-A-05
    LC 1.32/5:,FEDLINK (Federal Library and Information Network) Technical Notes (bimonthly)
    LC 1.32/6:,Handbook of Federal Librarianship (irregular) (EL),0785-E-02
    LC 1.32/6-2:,Handbook of Federal Librarianship (updated irregularly) (EL),0785-E-03
    LC 1.34:,Letters of Delegates to Congress 1774-1789  (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0785-D-01
    LC 1.34:,Letters of Delegates to Congress 1774-1789 (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0785-D
    LC 1.38:,Center for the Book Viewpoint Series  (P),0785-J
    LC 1.40:,Library of Congress Directory (annual) (EL),0785-H
    LC 1.40/2:,Directories (P),0785-H
    LC 1.47:,Annual Forum, Federal Information Policies (annual) (EL),0785-B-02
    LC 1.48:,Forms  (P),0785-A-02
    LC 1.51:,Posters  (P),0785-P
    LC 1.54:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0785-R
    LC 1.54/2:,Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet (EL),0785-R
    LC 1.54/3:,American Memory Digital Collections (various topics) (EL),0785-R
    LC 1.54/3-2:,The James Madison Papers (online database) (EL),0785-R-02
    LC 1.57:,National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) General
    LC 1.58:,Ephemera  (P)  (EL),0786-A-16
    LC 1.59:,Exhibitions (updated irregularly) (EL),0786-A-17
    LC 1.60:,Country Studies (various countries) (EL),0786-A-18
    LC 1.60/2:,Country Profiles (various countries) (irregular) (EL),0786-A-19
    LC 2.2:,General Publications,0806-C
    LC 2.7/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0806-H-02
    LC 2.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0806-B
    LC 3.1:,Annual Report of the Register of Copyrights  (EL),0785-A-01
    LC 3.2:,General Publications,0803
    LC 3.4/2:,Copyright Information Circulars (EL),0802-A
    LC 3.4/3:,NewsNet (EL),0802-A-01
    LC 3.7/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0790-A
    LC 3.11:,Compendium of Copyright Office Practices  (P),0803-B
    LC 3.14:,Forms (EL),0803-B
    LC 4.2:,General Publications,0811-B-01
    LC 4.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0811-B-02
    LC 5.2:,General Publications,0811-A
    LC 5.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0811-A-02
    LC 6.2:,General Publications,0818-F
    LC 6.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0818-F-01
    LC 6.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0818-F-02
    LC 9.2:,General Publications,0804
    LC 9.15:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0804-A
    LC 9.16:,LC Cataloging Newsline  (EL),0804-C
    LC 9.17:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0804-C
    LC 9.18:,BEOnline (online database) (EL),0804-A-01
    LC 12.2:,General Publications,0813
    LC 12.9:,The Library of Congress Presents a Season of Chamber Music (semiannual)  (P),0813
    LC 14.1:,Annual Report (EL),0807-B
    LC 14.2:,General Publications,0807-A-04
    LC 14.21:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0807-A-03
    LC 17.2:,General Publications,0806-G
    LC 17.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0806-G-01
    LC 17.10:,Posters  (P),0806-G-02
    LC 19.2:,General Publications,0806
    LC 19.4/2:,Reference Circulars (P),0806-A-11
    LC 19.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0806-A-12
    LC 19.9:,Braille Book Review (bimonthly) (P) (EL),0806-A-01
    LC 19.9/2:,Braille Books (biennial) (P) (EL),0806-A-07
    LC 19.10:,Talking Book Topics (printed form) (bimonthly) (P) (EL),0806-A-02
    LC 19.10/2:,Talking Books Adult (annual) (P),0806-A-08
    LC 19.10/3:,Cassette Books (annual) (P) (EL),0806-A-09
    LC 19.11:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0806-A-13
    LC 19.11/2:,For Younger Readers, Braille and Talking Books (biennial)  (P) (EL),0806-A-13
    LC 19.11/2-2:,Magazines in Special Media (biennial)  (P) (EL),0806-A-17
    LC 19.11/4:,Foreign Language Books (biennial)  (P),0806-A-13
    LC 19.13:,News (quarterly)  (EL),0806-A-04
    LC 19.13/2:,Update (quarterly) (EL),0806-A-04
    LC 19.13/3:,Overseas Outlook (semiannual) (MF),0806-A-05
    LC 19.15:,Facts (series)  (P),0806-A-10
    LC 19.15/2:,Books for Blind and Physically Handicapped Individuals (annual)  (P),0806-A-10
    LC 19.16:,Library Resources for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (P) (EL),0806-A-14
    LC 19.17:,Address List, Regional and Subregional Libraries for the Blind and Physically
    	 Handicapped (semiannual) (P),0806-A-14
    LC 19.18:,Posters  (P),0806-A-16
    LC 19.19:,Music and Musicians (series) (P),0806-A-15
    LC 19.20:,Directories,0806-A-18
    LC 19.21:,Sources of Custom-Produced Books, Braille, Audio Recordings, and Large Print
    	 (annual) (P) (EL),0806-A-18
    LC 19.23:,Braille Book Review, Talking Book Topics (bimonthly) (Diskettes) (EL),0806-A-20
    LC 19.24:,CD BLND (quarterly)  (CD-ROM),0806-A-21
    LC 19.25:,Frequently Asked Questions (updated irregularly) (EL),0806-A-22
    LC 23.2:,General Publications,0818
    LC 23.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0818
    LC 23.16:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0818-P
    LC 24.2:,General Publications,0806-F
    LC 24.7:,Bibliographical Series  (P),0806-F
    LC 24.7/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0806-F
    LC 24.11:,Directories  (P),0806-F-02
    LC 25.2:,General Publications,0813-A
    LC 25.8/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0813-A-02
    LC 25.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0813-A-01
    LC 26.2:,General Publications,0820
    LC 26.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),0820-B
    LC 26.6/2:,LC Rule Interpretations (updated quarterly) (P),0820-B-01
    LC 26.7:,Library of Congress Subject Headings and Supplements  (P),0823
    LC 26.7/2:,Library of Congress Subject Heading in Microform, Quarterly Cumulation (MF),0823-A-01
    LC 26.7/2-3:,Library of Congress Subject Headings Weekly List (EL),0823-A-02
    LC 26.8/4:,Subject Cataloging Manual, Subject Headings (P),0820-A
    LC 26.8/5:,Subject Cataloging Manual, Shelflisting (P),0820-A
    LC 26.9:,Classification (P),0819
    LC 26.9:C/,Classification Schedule C, Auxiliary Sciences of History (P),0819
    LC 26.9:T/,Classification Schedule T, Technology (P),0819
    LC 26.9/2:,Library of Congress Classification, Additions and Changes (weekly) (EL),0821
    LC 26.10:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0821-A
    LC 30.2:,General Publications,0815
    LC 30.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0815-B
    LC 30.7/2:,Cataloging Service Bulletin (quarterly) (P) (EL),0814-B
    LC 30.22/2:,CONSERline (irregular) (EL),0804-D
    LC 30.25:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0815-G
    LC 30.25/2:,MARC 21, Format for Bibliographic Data (updated irregularly) (P),0815-G-13
    LC 30.25/2-2:,MARC 21 Concise Format for Bibliographic Data (updated annually) (EL),0815-G-07
    LC 30.25/3:,MARC 21, Format for Holdings Data (updated irregularly) (P),0815-G-13
    LC 30.25/3-2:,MARC 21 Concise Format for Holdings Data (updated annually) (EL),0815-G-09
    LC 30.25/4:,MARC 21, Format for Classification Data (updated irregularly) (P),0815-G-13
    LC 30.25/4:,MARC 21, Format for Classification Data (updated irregularly) (P),0815-G-03
    LC 30.25/4-2:,MARC 21 Concise Format for Classification Data (updated annually) (EL),0815-G-10
    LC 30.25/5:,MARC 21, Format for Community information (updated irregularly) (P),0815-G-13
    LC 30.25/5:,MARC 21, Format for Community Information (updated irregularly) (P),0815-G-04
    LC 30.25/5-2:,MARC 21 Concise Format for Community Information (updated annually) (EL),0815-G-11
    LC 30.25/6:,MARC 21, Format for Authority Data (updated irregularly) (P),0815-G-13
    LC 30.25/6:,MARC 21, Format for Authority Data (updated irregularly) (P),0815-G-05
    LC 30.25/6-2:,MARC 21 Concise Format for Authority Data (updated annually) (EL),0815-G-08
    LC 30.25/7:,MARC 21 Concise Formats (updated irregularly) (P) (EL),0815-G-06
    LC 30.25/7-2:,MARC 21 Concise Formats (updated irregularly) (EL),0815-G-12
    LC 30.27:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0815-H
    LC 30.27/2:,Bibliographic Products and Services (annual)  (P) (EL),0815-H
    LC 30.29:,Posters  (P),0815-K
    LC 30.32:,MARC Code List for Organizations (updated weekly) (EL),0815-L
    LC 30.32/2:,MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions (updated irregularly)
    LC 30.33:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0804-D
    LC 33.2:,General Publications,0818-A
    LC 33.9/3:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0818-A-01
    LC 33.10:,Science Tracer Bullets Online (irregular) (EL),0818-A-02
    LC 35.2:,General Publications,0818-E
    LC 35.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0818-E-01
    LC 39.2:,General Publications,0818-G-02
    LC 39.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0818-G-09
    LC 39.9:,Publications of the American Folklife Center (numbered) (P),0818-G-01
    LC 39.10:,Folklife Center News (quarterly) (EL),0818-G-03
    LC 39.11:,Studies in American Folklife (numbered) (P),0818-G-04
    LC 39.15:,Posters  (P),0818-G-08
    LC 40.2:,General Publications,0813-B
    LC 40.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0813-C
    LC 40.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0813-D
    LC 40.10:,Mary Pickford Theater (schedule) (updated irregularly) (EL),0813-E
    LC 41.2:,General Publications,0818-H
    LC 41.9:,Near East Series  (P),0818-H-01
    LC 41.12:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0818-H-03
    LC 41.12/2:,U.S. Imprints on Sub-Saharan, Africa, A Guide to Publications Cataloged at the
    	 Library of Congress  (P),0818-H-03
    LC 42.2:,General Publications,0818-J
    LC 42.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0818-K-01
    LC 42.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0818-K
    LC 42.16:,Global Legal Monitor (irregular) (EL),0818-J-02
    LC 42.17:,The Trial of Saddam Hussein (online database),0818-J-03
    LC 42.18:,Global Legal Information Network (online database),0818-J-04
    LR 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0824
    LR 1.2:,General Publications,0827
    LR 1.5:,Laws  (P),0828
    LR 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0829
    LR 1.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0827-A
    LR 1.6/2-2:,NLRB Casehandling Manual (updated irregularly) (EL),0827-A-01
    LR 1.8:,Decisions and Orders (P),0826
    LR 1.8/6:,Classified Index of National Labor Relations Board Decisions and Related Court
    	 Decisions (P),0826
    LR 1.12:,Posters and Charts  (P),0826-D
    LR 1.15/2:,Weekly Summary of NLRB Cases  (EL),0826-C
    LR 1.16:,NLRB Election Report (monthly)  (EL),0825-A
    LR 1.17:,Forms  (P),0827-B
    MB 1.2:,General Publications,0834
    MS 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0290-K-01
    MS 1.2:,General Publications,0290-K-05
    MS 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0290-K-10
    MS 1.10:,Decisions (United States Merit Systems Protection Board) (monthly) (EL),0290-K-03
    MS 1.10/2:,MSPB On-line Decisions Database (updated irregularly) (EL),0290-K-12
    MS 1.12:,Posters (P),0290-K-07
    MS 1.16:,Report on the Significant Actions of the Office of Personnel Management (annual)
    MS 1.17:,Issues of Merit (quarterly)  (EL),0290-K-11
    NAS 1.1/4:,Spinoff (annual) (EL),0830-A-01
    NAS 1.1/5:,Annual Report to the Administrator, Office of Exploration (annual) (MF),0830-A-01
    NAS 1.1/7:,ASAP (Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel) (Quarterly) (EL),0830-C-08
    NAS 1.1/8:,Annual Report (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) (annual) (EL),0830-C-18
    NAS 1.1/10:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0830-C-26
    NAS 1.2:,General Publications,0830-C
    NAS 1.5:,Laws  (P),0830-W
    NAS 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0830-A-05
    NAS 1.9/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0830-J
    NAS 1.9/4:,Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) (biweekly) (EL),0830-K-03
    NAS 1.12/2-2:,NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) (EL),0830-H-26
    NAS 1.12/7:,Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Publications (numbered)  (P),0830-H-09
    NAS 1.12/10:,Welcome to the Planets (EL),0830-H-25
    NAS 1.15:,Technical Memorandums (EL),0830-D
    NAS 1.15/2:,Bibliography of Lewis Research Center Technical Publications Announced in ...
    	 (annual) (P),0830-J
    NAS 1.15/3:,FY ... Scientific and Technical Reports, Articles, Papers, and Presentations
    	 (annual) (EL),0830-D-01
    NAS 1.15/5:,Science Directorate Publications and Presentations, January 1-December 31
    	 ... (EL),0830-D-03
    NAS 1.15/6:,NASA's Hall Thruster Program (EL),0830-D-04
    NAS 1.15/7:,Research & Technology (EL),0830-D-05
    NAS 1.15/8:,Research Engineering Annual Report  (EL),0830-D-06
    NAS 1.18:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0830-F
    NAS 1.19:,NASA EP  (series)  (MF),0830-G
    NAS 1.19/2:,NASA Aeronautics Research and Technology Annual Report  (P),0830-G-01
    NAS 1.19/4:,EG (series)  (MF),0830-G-02
    NAS 1.19/5:,Educational Topics (EL),0830-G-03
    NAS 1.19/6:,Educational Wallsheets (EL),0830-G-04
    NAS 1.19/7:,Educational Slide Sets (EL),0830-G-05
    NAS 1.19/8:,Educational Videotapes (EL),0830-G-06
    NAS 1.20:,NASA Facts (EL),0830-H
    NAS 1.20/2:,Lightning and the Space Program (updated irregularly) (EL),0830-H-24
    NAS 1.21:,NASA SP (series)  (P) (MF) (EL),0830-I
    NAS 1.21:7039,NASA Patent Abstracts Bibliography (semiannual) (P),0830-J-03
    NAS 1.21:7064/,NASA Thesaurus Supplement  (P),0830-J-07
    NAS 1.21/2:,NASA Video Catalog  (EL),0830-I-02
    NAS 1.21/3:,NASA Thesaurus: Volume 1, Hierarchical Listing: Volume 2, Access Vocabulary
    	 (irregular)  (EL),0830-J-07
    NAS 1.24:,NASA Headquarters Telephone Directory (quarterly)  (MF),0830-L-01
    NAS 1.24/3:,KSC (Kennedy Space Center) Telephone Directory  (semiannual)  (MF),0830-L-01
    NAS 1.24/4:,NASA STI Directory,0830-Z-01
    NAS 1.24/5:,NASA Space Grant Contact Data (EL),0830-C-17
    NAS 1.24/6:,IGS Directory (EL),0830-L-03
    NAS 1.26:,NASA Contractor Reports (numbered)  (EL),0830-H-14
    NAS 1.29/3-2:,NASA Tech Briefs (condensed version) (monthly)  (MF),0830-L-02
    NAS 1.30:,Annual Procurement Report (EL),0830-A-10
    NAS 1.37:,National Space Science Data Center, NSSDC- (series)  (MF) (EL),0830-T
    NAS 1.37/3:,Spacewarn Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0830-Z-05
    NAS 1.37/4:,Annual Statistics and Highlights Report for the National Space Science Data Center
    NAS 1.42/2:,Graduate Student Researchers Program (annual)  (MF),0830-A-06
    NAS 1.42/3:,NASA Academy (EL),0830-A-09
    NAS 1.43:,Posters and Pictures  (P),0830-H-06
    NAS 1.43/5:,Viking Pictures of Mars Series  (P),0830-H-06
    NAS 1.43/6:,Lithos  (P),0830-H-06
    NAS 1.43/8:,Visible Earth: A Catalog of NASA Images and Animations of Our Home Planet
    	 (online database),0830-H-27
    NAS 1.52:,Aeronautics and Space Report of the President Annual Activities (annual) (P)
    NAS 1.53:,Announcement of Opportunities for Participation in (various projects) AO- (series)
    NAS 1.53/3:,Research Announcement  (EL),0830-H-05
    NAS 1.55:,Conference Publications NASA CP (series) (MF) (EL),0830-H-10
    NAS 1.59:,Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0830-H-17
    NAS 1.60:,NASA Technical Papers (numbered) (EL),0830-H-15
    NAS 1.62/4:,Life Sciences Data Archive (online database),0830-C-28
    NAS 1.65/2:,Goddard Space Flight Center, Annual Report (EL),0830-A-02
    NAS 1.69:,NASA Educational Briefs (series) (EL),0830-H-20
    NAS 1.82:,NASA STD (series)  (MF),0830-I
    NAS 1.83:,NASA NP (series)  (P) (MF),0830-I
    NAS 1.83/3:,Ask (Academy Sharing Knowledge)  (EL),0830-I-03
    NAS 1.84:,NASA PED (series) (irregular) (P),0830-I
    NAS 1.86:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0830-Z-01
    NAS 1.86/2:,Magellan Full-Resolution Radar Mosaics (CD-ROM),0830-Z-02
    NAS 1.86/3:,International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program (CD-ROM) (EL),0830-Z-03
    NAS 1.89:,Callback from NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System (EL),0830-C-05
    NAS 1.90/3:,Astronaut Fact Book (updated irregularly) (EL),0830-C-15
    NAS 1.91/2:,Voyages in Education and Public Outreach (three issues a year) (EL),0830-C-20
    NAS 1.92:,Space Research  (EL),0830-C-09
    NAS 1.95:,Technology Innovation  (EL),0830-Z-01
    NAS 1.96:,NASA History: News and Notes (EL),0830-Z-04
    NAS 1.97/2:,Newsletter (Space Telescope Science Institute) (quarterly) (EL),0830-C-19
    NAS 1.97/3:,Astrogram (monthly) (EL),0830-C-24
    NAS 1.98:,Interplanetary Network Progress Report (EL),0830-C-14
    NAS 1.99:,Laboratory for Atmospheres: Philosophy, Organization, Major Activities, and ...
    	 Highlights (annual) (EL),0830-C-16
    NAS 1.100:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0830-C-21
    NAS 1.101:,Galileo, Journey to Jupiter (updated irregularly) (EL),0830-C-22
    NAS 1.102:,Space Nutrition (EL),0830-C-23
    NAS 1.102/2:,Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter (semiannual) (EL),0830-C-25
    NAS 1.103:,Sun-Earth Day (online database) (EL),0830-C-27
    NAS 1.104:,Goddard view (biweekly) (EL),0830-C-29
    NC 2.1:,Annual Report  (MF) (EL),0831-A-02
    NC 2.2:,General Publications,0831-A-01
    NC 2.11/2:,NCPC Quarterly (National Capital Planning Commission Newsletter) (quarterly)
    NCU 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0525
    NCU 1.2:,General Publications,0526
    NCU 1.5:,Laws  (P),0526-A
    NCU 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions,0527
    NCU 1.6/A:,Advance Copy Proposed Rules and Regulations  (P),0527
    NCU 1.6/2:,Regulatory Alert (EL),0526-D-01
    NCU 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0526-B
    NCU 1.9/2:,NCUA Yearend Statistics for Federally Insured Credit Unions (EL),0527-F
    NCU 1.9/3:,Mid-Year Statistics for Federally Insured Credit Unions (EL),0527-F
    NCU 1.14:,Telephone Directory (semiannual) (irregular)  (MF),0527-G
    NCU 1.16:,Directory of Federally Insured Credit Union (annual) (EL),0527-H
    NCU 1.19:,NCUA Letter to Credit Unions  (EL),0526-C
    NCU 1.19/2:,Letters to Federal Credit Unions (irregular) (EL),0526-C-01
    NCU 1.20:,NCUA News (monthly)  (EL),0526-D
    NCU 1.21:,Research Study (series)  (P),0526-C
    NCU 1.23:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0526-D-01
    NF 2.1:,National Endowment for the Arts Annual Report (EL),0831-B-02
    NF 2.2:,General Publications,0831-B-02
    NF 2.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0831-B-02
    NF 2.8/2-38:,Partnership Agreements (EL),0831-B-33
    NF 2.15/4:,Challenge America, Reaching Every Community Fast-Track Review Grants
    NF 2.15/5:,Grants for Arts Project (annual) (EL),0831-B-25
    NF 2.16:,Literature Fellowships (annual)  (EL),0831-B-18
    NF 2.17:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0831-B-21
    NF 2.18:,NEARTS (newsletter) (bimonthly) (EL),0831-B-30
    NF 2.19:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0831-B-31
    NF 2.20:,Artist Employment in ... (Annual) (EL),0831-B-34
    NF 3.2:,General Publications,0831-B-01
    NF 3.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0831-B-01
    NF 3.8/2:,Summer Stipends Guidelines and Applications Forms  (annual) (P),0831-B-01
    NF 3.8/2-3:,Preservation Programs (annual) (P),0831-B-01
    NF 3.8/2-4:,Challenge Grants (updated annually) (EL),0831-B-01
    NF 3.8/2-7:,Faculty Graduate Study Program, Applications and Guidelines (annual) (P),0831-B-01
    NF 3.8/2-11:,Institutional Grants for Historically Black, Hispanic-Serving, and Tribal Colleges and
    	 Universities (updated annually) (EL),0831-B-27
    NF 3.8/2-12:,Preservation and Access Education and Training Grants  (updated annually)
    NF 3.11:,Humanities (EL),0831-B-08
    NF 3.12:,Posters  (P),0831-B-05
    NF 3.13/3-7:,Summer Seminars and Institutes  (updated annually) (EL),0831-B-28
    NF 3.21:,A Report to the President, the Congress, and the American People (various topics)
    NF 3.22:,Summer Stipends (updated annually) (EL),0831-B-01
    NF 3.24:,Exhibitions Today (updated annually) (EL),0831-B-01
    NF 3.27:,Events, Exhibitions, and Programs  (P),0831-B-20
    NF 3.28:,Media Log (updated annually) (EL),0831-B-26
    NF 3.29:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0831-B-32
    NF 4.1:,Annual Report (EL),0290-N-01
    NF 4.2:,General Publications,0290-N-01
    NF 4.10:,Conservation Project Support (annual) (EL),0290-N-01
    NF 4.11:,Museum Assessment Program, Application & Guidelines (annual) (P)
    NF 4.11/2:,National Leadership Grants, Grant, Application & Guidelines (annual) (EL),0290-N-03
    NF 4.11/3:,Museums for America, Grant Program Guidelines and Application Forms (annual)
    NF 4.11/3-2:,21st Century Museum Professionals Grants, Grant Program Guidelines (annual)
    NF 4.11/3-3:,Museum Grants for African American History and Culture, Grant Program Guidelines
    	 and Application Forms (annual) (EL),0290-N-07
    NF 4.11/3-4:,Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services, Grant Program Guidelines and
    	 Application Forms (annual) (EL),0290-N-08
    NF 4.11/4:,Native American Library Services, Grant Program Guidelines and Application Forms
    	 (annual) (EL),0290-N-09
    NF 4.11/4-2:,Native Hawaiian Library Services, Grant Program Guidelines and Application Forms
    	 (annual) (EL),0290-N-10
    NF 4.11/4-3:,Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program (annual) (EL),0290-N-11
    NF 4.11/5:,National Awards for Museum and Library Service (annual) (EL),0290-N-12
    NF 4.15/2:,Primary Source (monthly) (EL),0290-N-04
    NMB 1.1:,Annual Performance and Accountability Report (EL),0832
    NMB 1.1/2:,Freedom of Information Act annual report (annual) (EL),0832-A
    NMB 1.5:,Laws  (P),0833-A
    NMB 1.7:,Emergency Board Reports (MF),0833
    NMB 1.9:,NMB Determinations (EL),0834
    NS 1.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (EL),0834-B
    NS 1.1/5:,Office of Inspector General Semiannual Report to Congress  (EL),0834-B-02
    NS 1.1/6:,FY ... Budget Request to Congress (Annual) (EL),0834-B-03
    NS 1.2:,General Publications,0834-C
    NS 1.3:,E-Bulletin (EL),0834-F-08
    NS 1.10/7:,Summary of Awards  (MF),0834-E
    NS 1.11/3:,Data Brief  (EL),0834-G
    NS 1.13:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0834-H
    NS 1.13/5:,Publications of the National Science Foundation  (MF),0834-H
    NS 1.18:,Federal Funds for Research and Development (annual) (EL),0834-N
    NS 1.18/2:,Federal Funds for Research and Development (MF),0834-N
    NS 1.18/4:,Federal R&D Funding by Budget Function (annual)  (EL),0834-N
    NS 1.18/5:,National Science Foundation, Cooperative agreement supplemental financial &
    	 administrative terms and conditions for managers of Federally Funded Research
    	 and Development Centers (FFRDCs) (annual) (EL),0834-N-05
    NS 1.20:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0834-P
    NS 1.20/3:,Award & Administration Guidelines (Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures
    	 Guide. Part II) (EL),0834-P-01
    NS 1.22:,Surveys of Science Resources Series  (P) (EL),0834-T
    NS 1.22/2:,National Patterns of R&D Resources (biennial) (EL),0834-T
    NS 1.22/3:,Academic Science/Engineering: R&D Funds, Fiscal Year  (MF),0834-T
    NS 1.22/5:,Immigrant Scientists, Engineers and Technicians (annual) (MF),0834-T
    NS 1.22/7:,U.S. Scientists and Engineers (biennial) (MF),0834-T
    NS 1.22/8:,Characteristics of Recent Science and Engineering Graduates (biennial)  (EL),0834-T
    NS 1.22/9:,Federal Scientists and Engineers: (quinquennial) (EL),0834-T
    NS 1.22/11:,Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (annual)
    NS 1.22/12:,Science and Engineering State Profiles. (annual) (EL),0843-T-02
    NS 1.28/2:,Science & Engineering Indicators (biennial) (EL),0834-Z
    NS 1.30/2:,Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit
    	 Institutions (annual) (EL),0834-N-01
    NS 1.30/2-2:,Selected Data on Federal Support to Universities and Colleges, Fiscal Year
    NS 1.38/2:,Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports and Scientific Results
    	 (irregular) (EL),0834-C-10
    NS 1.38/3:,Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (bimonthly) (EL),0834-C-19
    NS 1.38/3-2:,Scientific Prospectus (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) (irregular) (EL),0834-C-20
    NS 1.38/3-3:,Preliminary Report (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) (irregular) (EL),0834-C-21
    NS 1.41:,Maps and Atlases  (P),0834-B-01
    NS 1.44:,Science and Engineering Doctorate Awards (annual) (EL),0834-C-04
    NS 1.47:,Guide to Programs (annual)  (EL),0834-P
    NS 1.49:,Women, Minorities and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering (biennial)
    NS 1.50:,Directories  (P),0834-C-08
    NS 1.50/3:,Directory of Awards, Directorate for Engineering  (MF),0834-C-08
    NS 1.51/2:,Arctic Research of the United States (semiannual)  (EL),0834-C-14
    NS 1.57:,Frontiers, Newsletter of the National Science Foundation (monthly)  (EL),0834-C-16
    NS 1.59:,News Tip (EL),0834-Z-01
    NS 1.60:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0834-Z-01
    NS 1.61:,Professional Opportunities for Women in Research and Education (annual) (EL),0834-Z-01
    NS 1.62:,InfoBrief (irregular) (EL),0834-C-18
    NS 1.63:,Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians in the United States (annual) (EL),0834-C-22
    NS 1.64:,NSF Current (Monthly) (EL),0834-C-23
    NS 1.65:,Quarterly newsletter (EL),0834-C-24
    OP 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0834-W-04
    OP 1.1/2:,Fiscal Year ... Freedom of Information Act Annual Report (Annual) (EL),0834-W-07
    OP 1.1/3:,Budget Request, Fiscal Year ... (Annual) (EL),0834-W-09
    OP 1.1/4:,Annual Report on the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and
    	 Retaliation Act of 2002 (EL),0834-W-10
    OP 1.2:,General Publications,0834-W-02
    OP 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0834-W-01
    OP 1.10:,OPICNews (irregular) (EL),0834-W-05
    OP 1.11:,OPIC Highlights (Series) (EL),0834-W-06
    OP 1.15:,Publications Catalog (EL),0834-W-08
    P 1.1:,Annual Report of the United States Postal Service (EL),0835
    P 1.1/3:,Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations (annual) (EL),0835-A
    P 1.1/4:,Integrated Financial Plan (Annual) (EL),0835-A-01
    P 1.2:,General Publications,0837
    P 1.3:,Postal Bulletin  (EL),0837-C
    P 1.3/2:,Postal Inspection Service Bulletin (quarterly)  (P),0837-C
    P 1.10/5:,International Mail Manual (EL),0839-A-02
    P 1.10/9:,Zip Code Lookup (EL),0839-A-05
    P 1.12/7:,Employee and Labor Relations Manual (P) (EL),0839-A-04
    P 1.12/8:,Postal Operations Manual  (P),0837-E
    P 1.12/9:,Financial Management Manual  (P),0843
    P 1.12/11:,Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) (irregular)  (EL),0843-B
    P 1.12/11 A:,Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) (separates),0843-B
    P 1.26:,Posters  (P),0837-H
    P 1.31/4:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0843
    P 1.31/5:,Personnel Handbooks, Series P  (P),0843-C
    P 1.31/8:,Handbook RE (Real Estate) Series  (P),0843
    P 1.31/9:,Handbook EL (series)  (P),0843
    P 1.31/10:,Handbook AS (series)  (P),0843
    P 1.31/11:,Handbook DM (series)  (P),0843
    P 1.31/12:,Fiscal Handbook Series F  (P),0843
    P 1.31/13:,Handbook PO (series)  (P),0843-G
    P 1.31/14:,Handbook F (series)  (P),0843
    P 1.31/15:,Handbook IM (International Mail) (series)  (P),0843
    P 1.31/16:,Handbook T (series)  (P),0843-G
    P 1.47/3:,MailPro (bimonthly) (EL),0837-N-02
    P 1.52:,Directories  (P),0837-L
    P 1.53:,Management Instruction (series)  (P),0837-M
    P 1.55:,Notice (series)  (P),0837-P
    P 1.57:,Publication (series)  (MF),0837-R
    P 1.58:,National Electronic Catalog (quarterly) (CD-ROM),0837-S
    P 1.59:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0837-S-01
    P 1.60:,Postal Facts (EL),0837-S-01
    P 1.61:,Cost Segments and Components, Fiscal Year ... (EL),0837-T
    P 1.61/2:,Cost and Revenue Analysis (Annual) (EL),0837-T-01
    P 1.61/3:,Revenue, Pieces, and Weight by Classes of Mail, and Special Services for ...
    	 (Quarterly) (EL),0837-T-02
    P 1.61/4:,Quarterly Financial Report (EL),0837-T-03
    P 1.61/5:,Financial & Operating Statements (Monthly) (EL),0837-T-04
    PE 1.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0074-E-04
    PE 1.2:,General Publications,0900-D
    PE 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0074-E-02
    PE 1.10:,Information Collection & Exchange (series) (P) (EL),0074-E
    PE 1.11:,Core Curriculum  (MF),0074-E-02
    PE 1.12:,Posters  (P),0074-E-03
    PE 1.13:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0900-D-01
    PM 1.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0290
    PM 1.1/2:,Semiannual Report to Congress (EL),0290-A-02
    PM 1.2:,General Publications,0295
    PM 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0296-B
    PM 1.8/2:,Handbook of Occupational Groups and Families (updated irregularly) (EL),0296
    PM 1.8/3:,Handbooks (numbered) (P) (EL),0290-A
    PM 1.8/4:,Guide to Federal Employees Health Benefits Plans for Retirement Systems
    	 Participating in the FEHB Program (annual) (P),0296-C
    PM 1.8/5:,Enrollment Information Guide and Plan Comparison Chart (Open Season) for U. S. Postal
    	 Service Employees (annual) (P),0296-C
    PM 1.8/6:,Guide to Federal Employees Health Benefits Plans for Federal Civilian Employees (annual)
    	 (P) (EL),0296-C
    PM 1.8/7:,Enrollment Information Guide and Plan Comparison Chart for Former Spouses Enrolled in
    	 the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (annual) (P),0296-C
    PM 1.8/8:,Enrollment Information Guide and Plan Comparison Chart for Federal Civilian Employees in
    	 Positions Outside the Continental U.S. (including States of AL and HI, and Islands of Guam
    	 and PR) (annual) (P),0296-C
    PM 1.8/9:,A Guide to Substance Abuse Treatment Benefits Under the Federal Employees Health
    	 Benefits Program (triennial) (P),0296-C
    PM 1.8/10:,The ... Guide to Federal Employees Health Benefits Plans for Federal Retirees and
    	 Their Survivors (annual) (P) (EL),0296-C
    PM 1.8/11:,FEHB ... Guide to Federal Employees Health Benefits Plans for TCC and Former Spouse
    	 Enrollees (annual) (P) (EL),0296-C
    PM 1.8/12:,Enrollment Information Guide and Plan Comparison Chart, Open Season (annual)
    PM 1.8/13:,Guide to Federal Employees Health Benefits Plans for Individuals Receiving Compensation
    	 from the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) (annual) (P) (EL),0296-C
    PM 1.8/14:,Operating Manual for Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions
    PM 1.9:,Salary Tables and Related Information (annual) (EL),0290-F
    PM 1.10:,Pamphlets  (P) (EL),0299
    PM 1.10/2:,Federal Civilian Work Force Statistics (series)  (EL),0299
    PM 1.10/2-3:,Demographic Profile of the Federal Workforce (biennial) (EL),0299
    PM 1.10/2-4:,Pay Structure of the Federal Civil Service (annual) (EL),0299-A-01
    PM 1.10/2-5:,The Fact Book (annual) (EL),0299-A-02
    PM 1.10/2-6:,Statistical Abstracts, Fiscal Year ... (annual) (P),0299-A-03
    PM 1.10/2-7:,Report on Locality-Based Comparability Payments for the General Schedule, Annual
    	 Report of the President's Pay Agent (EL),0299-A-06
    PM 1.10/2-8:,Report to the Congress, the Employment of Veterans in the Federal Government
    	 (annual) (EL),0299-A-07
    PM 1.10/3:,Employment by Geographic Area Biennial Report (MF),0299
    PM 1.10/4:,Work Years and Personnel Costs (annual) (EL),0299
    PM 1.10/5:,Information for FERS Annuitants  (EL),0299-A-04
    PM 1.10/6:,Military Service Credit under the Civil Service Retirement System (EL),0299-A-05
    PM 1.14/2:,Federal Personnel Manual: Bulletins, Installments & Letters  (P),0294
    PM 1.14/3:,Guide to Personnel Data Standards (EL),0294
    PM 1.14/3-3:,CSRS and FERS Handbook for Personnel and Payroll (P),0294-A
    PM 1.14/3-4:,Guide to Processing Personnel Actions (online database) (EL),0294-B
    PM 1.15:,Employment and Trends as of ... (bimonthly) (EL),0293-E
    PM 1.21/2:,Announcement (of Examinations)  (P),0292
    PM 1.22:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0290-E
    PM 1.26:,Achievements (annual)  (P),0295-A
    PM 1.28:,Personnel Management Series,0300-A
    PM 1.28/2:,Personnel Management Training Division I (annual)  (P),0300-A
    PM 1.31/2:,Organizational Directory of Key Officials (quarterly)  (P),0290-N-02
    PM 1.31/3:,Chicago Federal Executive Board Directory  (P),0290-N
    PM 1.35:,Posters  (P),0299-A
    PM 1.42:,Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program, Report to Congress (EL),0290-L-01
    PM 1.47:,Union Recognition in the Federal Government, Statistical Summary (annual)  (MF),0293-D-02
    PM 1.53:,Forms  (P),0290-J-01
    PM 1.55:,Focus on Federal Employee Work/Life and Wellness Programs (bimonthly) (EL),0290-V
    PM 1.59:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0295-D
    PM 1.62:,New Developments in Employee and Labor Relations (bimonthly) (P) (EL),0295-F
    PM 1.65:,Index of Decisions, Federal Service Impasses Panel  (annual) (EL),0295-D-03
    PM 1.66:,USAJOBS (EL),0295-D-04
    PM 1.66/2:, (EL),0295-D-05
    PM 1.66/3:,NIH USAJOBS (EL),0295-D-06
    PM 1.67:,Report to the Congress (Federal Student Loan Repayment Program) (annual) (EL),0295-D-07
    PM 1.68:,Catalog / Center for Leadership Capacity Services (Annual) (EL),0295-D-08
    PM 1.69:,The President's Quality Award Program (EL),0295-D-09
    PM 1.70:,Labor Agreement Information Retrieval System: LAIRS (database),0295-D-10
    PM 1.70/2:,Labor Agreement Information Retrieval System: LAIRS: Negotiability Determinations
    	 (Database) (EL),0295-D-11
    PR 42.8:,Special Committees and Commissions (P) (EL),0851-J
    PR 43.2:,General Publications,0850-A
    PR 43.8:,Special Committees and Commissions (P) (EL),0851-J-16
    PR 43.8/2:,New Freedom Initiative: A Progress Report (irregular) (EL),0851-J-20
    PR 43.9:,Economic Report of the President (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0848-F-01
    PR 43.9:,Economic Report of the President (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0848-F
    PR 43.12:,The White House Fellowships (P) (EL),0851-J-19
    PR 43.13:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0851-J-15
    PREX 1.2:,General Publications,0766-C-03
    PREX 1.12/2:,Inside the White House (semiannual)  (P) (EL),0766-C-24
    PREX 1.17/2:,General Publications:  National Communications System  (P),0766-C-17
    PREX 1.18:,Coastal America Progress Report (annual)  (EL),0766-C-27
    PREX 1.18/2:,Coastal America (General Publications) (P),0766-C-33
    PREX 1.18/3:,Coastal America Update (quarterly) (EL),0766-C-26
    PREX 1.19:,Special Appointed Committees (MF) (EL),0766-C-28
    PREX 1.21:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0851-J-10
    PREX 1.22:,Telephone Directory (annual) (MF),0766-C-32
    PREX 1.23:,America's Children (Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics)
    	 (annual) (EL),0766-C-34
    PREX 1.24:,Fact Sheet (Office of the Press Secretary) (EL),0766-C-35
    PREX 1.25:,National Security Strategy of the United States of America (irregular) (EL),0766-C-36
    PREX 2.2:,General Publications,0854
    PREX 2.3:,OMB Bulletin (series) (MF) (EL),0854-A-02
    PREX 2.4:,OMB Circulars (series) (P) (EL),0854-D
    PREX 2.4/2:,Compliance Supplement. OMB Circular A-133 (EL),0854-D-01
    PREX 2.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0856
    PREX 2.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0854-A
    PREX 2.6/3:,Standard Occupational Classification Manual (irregular) (P),0854-A-04
    PREX 2.6/4:,North American Industry Classification System Manual (NAICS) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    PREX 2.6/4-2:,North American Industry Classification System Manual (NAICS) (EL) ESSENTIAL
    PREX 2.8:,Budget of the United States Government (P) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0853
    PREX 2.8/1:,Budget of the United States Government (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0853-C-01
    PREX 2.8/1:,Budget of the United States Government (annual) (CD-ROM) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0853-C
    PREX 2.8/5:,Analytical Perspectives (P) (EL)  ESSENTIAL TITLE,0855-B
    PREX 2.8/8:,Historical Tables, Budget of the United States Government (P) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    PREX 2.8/12:,Budget System and Concepts of the United States Government (annual) (EL)
    PREX 2.10/3:,Statistical Programs of the United States Government (annual)  (EL),0853-A-06
    PREX 2.10/4:,Mapstats, United States (EL),0853-A-10
    PREX 2.14:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0854-E
    PREX 2.20:,Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (annual) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0853-A-09
    PREX 2.20:,Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0853-A-01
    PREX 2.29:,Information Collection Budget of the United States (EL),0854-F-01
    PREX 2.31:,Mid-Session Review (annual) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0853
    PREX 2.32:,Posters  (P),0854-H
    PREX 2.33:,Federal Financial Management Status Report & Five-Year Plan  (P),0854-J
    PREX 2.34:,Audit Legal Letter Guidance (series) (P),0854-A-01
    PREX 2.35:,Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (series) (P),0854-A-03
    PREX 2.36:,President's Council on Integrity & Efficiency, Executive Council on Integrity & Efficiency:
    	  Reports by Year (annual) (EL) (P),0854-A-05
    PREX 2.36/2:,PCIE/ECIE: A Progress Report to the President FY (annual) (EL),0854-A-06
    PREX 2.36/3:,PCIE/ECIE: The Journal of Public Inquiry (semiannual) (EL),0854-A-07
    PREX 2.37:,Report to Congress on Combating Terrorism (annual) (EL),0854-A-10
    PREX 2.37/2:,FY ... Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Federal Information Security
    	 Management Act of 2002 (annual) (EL),0854-A-12
    PREX 2.37/3:,FY ... Report to Congress on Implementation of the E-Government Act of 2002
    	 (annual) (EL),0854-A-13
    PREX 2.38:, (online database) (EL),0854-A-11
    PREX 2.39:, (online database) (EL),0854-A-14
    PREX 2.40:,Wage Determinations (updated irregularly) (EL),0854-A-15
    PREX 2.41:,Federal Financial Management System Requirements (series) (EL),0854-A-16
    PREX 2.41/2:,Core Financial System Requirements (irregular) (EL),0854-A-17
    PREX 3.2:,General Publications,0856-A-02
    PREX 3.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0856-A-15
    PREX 3.10:,CIA Publications (P),0856-A-02
    PREX 3.10/4:,CIA Maps and Atlases (P) (EL),0856-A-01
    PREX 3.10/4-2:,Physical Map of the World  (annual) (P),0856-A-20
    PREX 3.10/4-3:,Standard Time Zones of the World (annual) (P),0856-A-21
    PREX 3.10/4-4:,Political Map of the World  (annual) (P),0856-A-22
    PREX 3.10/4-5:,Africa (annual) (P),0856-A-23
    PREX 3.10/4-6:,Antarctic Region (annual) (P),0856-A-24
    PREX 3.10/4-7:,Arctic Region (annual) (P),0856-A-25
    PREX 3.10/4-8:,Asia (annual) (P),0856-A-26
    PREX 3.10/4-9:,Central America and the Caribbean (annual) (P),0856-A-27
    PREX 3.10/4-10:,Europe (annual) (P),0856-A-28
    PREX 3.10/4-11:,Middle East (annual) (P),0856-A-29
    PREX 3.10/4-12:,North America (annual) (P),0856-A-30
    PREX 3.10/4-13:,Oceania (annual) (P),0856-A-31
    PREX 3.10/4-14:,South America (annual) (P),0856-A-32
    PREX 3.10/4-15:,Southeast Asia (annual) (P),0856-A-33
    PREX 3.10/4-16:,United States (annual) (P),0856-A-34
    PREX 3.10/7:,Directorate of Intelligence Publications (numbered)  (MF),0856-A-04
    PREX 3.10/7-10:,Directory of Czechoslovak Officials, A Reference Aid,0856-A-08
    PREX 3.10/9:,Unclassified Report to Congress on the Acquisition of Technology Relating to Weapons
    	 of Mass Destruction and Advanced Conventional Munitions (semiannual) (EL),0856-A-19
    PREX 3.11/2:,Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments (monthly) (EL),0856-A-05
    PREX 3.15:,The World Factbook (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0856-A-07
    PREX 3.15:,The World Factbook (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0856-A-18
    PREX 3.17:,Center for the Study of Intelligence (General Publications) (MF) (EL),0856-A-12
    PREX 3.18:,Center for the Study of Intelligence (Monographs) (MF) (EL),0856-A-13
    PREX 3.19:,Studies in Intelligence  (series) (EL),0856-A-14
    PREX 3.20:,Cuba, Handbook of Trade Statistics (annual) (EL),0856-A-16
    PREX 3.21:,National Intelligence Council (NIC) General Publications (EL),0856-G
    PREX 3.21/2:,Press Releases (EL),0856-G-01
    PREX 6.2:,General Publications,0857-E-01
    PREX 7.10/3:,FBIS Publications Reports (CD-ROM),0856-A-11
    PREX 9:,Reports and Publications,0857-G-01
    PREX 9.2:,General Publications,0857-G-01
    PREX 9.10:,National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (annual) (EL),0766-C-09
    PREX 9.11:,Trade Policy Agenda and Annual Report of the President of the United States on the Trade
    	 Agreements Program (annual)  (EL),0857-G-01
    PREX 14.2:,General Publications,0856-E
    PREX 14.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0856-E-05
    PREX 14.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0856-E-04
    PREX 14.15:,Closing the Circle News (quarterly) (EL),0851-J-18
    PREX 15.2:,General Publications,0856-B-01
    PREX 23.2:,General Publications,0857-P-02
    PREX 23.11:,IITF Activity Reports  (EL),0857-P-03
    PREX 23.12:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0857-P-03
    PREX 23.14:,National Science and Technology Council: General Publications (P),0857-P-05
    PREX 23.14/2:,Our Changing Planet (annual) (EL),0857-P-06
    PREX 26.1/2:,National Drug Control Strategy (annual) (EL),0857-R-03
    PREX 26.1/3:,High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (EL),0857-R-03
    PREX 26.1/3-2:,HIDTA Performance Management Process (EL),0857-R-06
    PREX 26.1/4:,FY Budget Highlights, Federal Drug Control Programs (annual) (P),0857-R-04
    PREX 26.2:,General Publications,0857-R
    PREX 26.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (P),0857-R-01
    PREX 26.10:,Pulse Check (semiannual) (EL),0857-R-02
    PREX 26.11:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0857-R-05
    PREX 27.2:,General Publications,0857-S
    PREX 28.2:,General Publications,0857-T
    PREX 28.15:,Information Sharing Council: General Publications,0857-T-01
    PREX 28.15/2:,ISC Document (series) (EL),0857-T-02
    PREX 28.15/3:,Annual report to the Congress on the Information Sharing Environment (annual)
    PREX 28.16:,Annual Threat Assessment of the Director of National Intelligence for the Senate
    	 Select Committee on Intelligence (EL),0857-T-04
    PREX 29.1:,Annual Report to Congress (EL),0857-U-01
    PREX 29.1/2:,Annual FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Report (EL),0857-U-02
    PREX 29.2:,General Publications,0857-U
    PREX 30.2:,General Publications,0857-V
    PRVP 43.2:,General Publications,0851-K
    PRVP 43.17:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0851-K-01
    RR 1.1:,Annual Report (MF),0858
    RR 1.1/2:,Strategic Plan (every 3 years) (EL),0858-A
    RR 1.1/3:,Semiannual Report to the Congress (semiannual) (EL),0858-A-01
    RR 1.1/4:,Performance and Accountability Report (Annual) (EL),0858-A-02
    RR 1.2:,General Publications,0859
    RR 1.5:,Laws  (MF),0860
    RR 1.6/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0859-A
    RR 1.16:,Quarterly Benefit Statistics Report (EL),0859-A-01
    RR 1.16/2:,Benefits and Beneficiaries under the Railroad Retirement and Unemployment Insurance
    	 Systems (Monthly) (EL),0859-A-04
    RR 1.16/3:,Active Employees and Railroad Retirement Act Beneficiaries, by State (Annual)
    RR 1.16/4:,Longevity of Railroad Retirement Beneficiaries (Every 2-3 yrs) (EL),0859-A-06
    RR 1.16/5:,Total Employment by State and Last Railroad Employer (Annual) (EL),0859-A-07
    RR 1.16/6:,Total Railroad Employment by State and County (Annual) (EL),0859-A-08
    RR 1.17:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0859-A-01
    RR 1.18:,Medicare for Railroad Workers and Their Families (EL),0859-A-02
    RR 1.19:,Railroad Retirement Board Reminders for ... (EL),0859-A-03
    RR 1.20:,Railroad Unemployment Insurance System, Annual Report Required by Section 7105 of
    	 the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 (Annual) (EL),0859-A-09
    RR 1.20:,Railroad Unemployment Insurance System, Annual Report required by Section 7105 of
    	 the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988 (Annual) (EL),0958-A-09
    RR 1.21:,Railroad Retirement System, Annual Report Required by Railroad Retirement Act of
    	 1974 and the Railroad Solvency Act of 1983 (Annual) (EL),0859-A-10
    S 1.1:,Foreign Relations of the United States (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0872-B-01
    S 1.1:,Foreign Relations of the United States (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0872-B
    S 1.1/4:,Report of the Visa Office (annual) (EL),0863
    S 1.1/7-2:,U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for FY (annual) (P) (EL),0864-B-09
    S 1.1/7-3:,Proposed Refugee Admissions for FY ... Report to the Congress (annual) (EL),0864-B-10
    S 1.1/8:,Report to Congress on Voting Practices in the United Nations (annual)  (EL),0876-A-05
    S 1.1/10:,Congressional Budget Justification, Foreign Operations,0863-E
    S 1.1/11:,U.S. Department of State Freedom of Information Act Annual Report (annual)
    S 1.1/12:,Foreign Service Grievance Board, Annual Report for the Year (annual) (EL),0876-A-15
    S 1.1/15:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0876-A-18
    S 1.2:,General Publications,0876
    S 1.3/4:,Visa Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0863
    S 1.8:,Diplomatic List (quarterly) (EL),0865
    S 1.21:,Telephone Directory  (3 times a year)  (MF),0876-C
    S 1.21/2:,Directories,0876-C-01
    S 1.30/3:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0876-B-01
    S 1.33/2:,Maps and Atlases  (P),0864-B-06
    S 1.40:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0888
    S 1.40/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0876-B
    S 1.40/2-4:,Guide to Doing Business with the Department of State (updated irregularly) (EL),0876-B-03
    S 1.40/5:,Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts  (semiannual) (EL),0876-B
    S 1.40/5-2:,Lists of Chiefs of Mission as of ... (irregular) (EL),0876-B-04
    S 1.40/7:,Country Commercial Guides (annual) (EL),0863-B
    S 1.41:,Posters  (P),0864-B-06
    S 1.69:,Department and Foreign Service Series (MF),0863
    S 1.69/2:,Foreign Consular Offices in the United States (annual) (EL),0863
    S 1.70/8:,United States Participation in the United Nations (annual) (P) (EL),0882-B
    S 1.71:,General Foreign Policy Series  (P),0875
    S 1.71/3:,Economic Foreign Policy Series  (P),0868-B
    S 1.71/5:,Public Information Series  (P),0876-A-03
    S 1.76/3:,Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas) (irregular)  (EL),0888
    S 1.76/3-2:,Maximum Travel Per Diem Allowances for Foreign Areas (monthly)  (EL),0888
    S 1.76/4:,U.S. Department of State Indexes of Living Costs Abroad, Quarters Allowances, and
    	 Hardship Differentials (quarterly) (EL),0768-M
    S 1.106:,Addresses  (MF),0877-A
    S 1.114/2-2:,Foreign Service Institute: Readers  (MF),0872-A
    S 1.114/3:,Foreign Service Institute: Publications  (MF),0872-A
    S 1.114/3-10:,Foreign Service Institute: Schedule of Courses (annual)  (MF),0872-A
    S 1.114/3-11:,Foreign Service Institute: Bulletin  (P),0872-A
    S 1.114/3-12:,Foreign Service Institute: Center Paper  (P),0872-A
    S 1.118:,State (monthly) (EL),0864-B
    S 1.119/5:,Limits in the Seas  (EL),0876-A-24
    S 1.123:,Background Notes on (various countries) (irregular) (EL),0862-B
    S 1.123/2:,Background Notes on (various countries) Indexes (irregular)  (P),0862-B
    S 1.127:,Post Reports (EL),0869-C-01
    S 1.129/2:,Implementation of Helsinki Final Act  (MF),0864-B-01
    S 1.131:,Selected Documents (numbered)  (MF),0876-A-01
    S 1.133:,Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0864-B-03
    S 1.137:,Foreign Service Written Examination Registration Information and Application Form (irregular)
    S 1.138:,Country Reports on Terrorism (annual) (EL),0876-A-06
    S 1.138/3:,The Antiterrorism Assistance Program (annual) (EL),0876-A-19
    S 1.142:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0863-B
    S 1.143:,Forms (P)(EL),0863-C
    S 1.144:,GSO Newsline (quarterly)  (MF),0863-A-01
    S 1.145:,U.S. MAB Bulletin (quarterly)  (MF) (EL),0863-A-01
    S 1.146:,International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (annual) (EL),0876-A-06
    S 1.147:,Annual Reports to the Governments of Canada, U.S. Saskatchewan and Montana by the
    	 Poplar River Bilateral Monitoring Committee  (MF),0864-B-01
    S 1.148:,Hidden Killers (irregular) (P),0876-A-08
    S 1.150:,Forecast Contract Opportunities (annual) (P) (EL),0876-A-10
    S 1.151:,Annual Report on International Religious Freedom (Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights,
    	 and Labor) (EL),0876-A-11
    S 1.152:,Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act 2000, Trafficking  in Persons Report
    	 (annual) (EL),0876-A-12
    S 1.153:,Hi (monthly) (EL),0876-A-13
    S 1.154/2:,Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) General
    S 1.154/3:,Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) Regulations,
    	 Orders, Memoranda, Public Notices, etc. (EL),0876-D-01
    S 1.154/4:,Quarterly Report to Congress (Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq
    	 Reconstruction) (EL),0876-D-02
    S 1.154/5:,SIGIR (Audit Reports) (series) (EL),0876-D-03
    S 1.155:,CRonicle (annual) (EL),0876-A-20
    S 1.156:,Art in Embassies (EL),0876-A-21
    S 1.157:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0876-A-22
    S 1.158:,SEED Act Implementation Report (EL),0876-A-23
    S 1.159:,Annual Report to Congress on the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
    	 (annual) (EL),0876-A-25
    S 1.160:,Investment Climate Statements (Annual) (EL),0876-A-26
    S 1.161:,Internship Program (annual) (EL),0876-A-27
    S 3.25:,Joint Annual Report (International Boundary Commission) (MF),0889-A
    S 9.10:,Treaties and Other International Acts Series (P) (Slips),0899
    S 9.12:,U.S. Treaties and Other International Agreements) (bound) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0899-A
    S 9.14:,Treaties in Force, List (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0900-A
    S 9.14:,Treaties in Force, List (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0900-A-02
    S 9.14/2:,Treaty Actions (annual) (EL),0900-A-01
    S 20.2:,General Publications,0900-E
    S 20.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0900-E-01
    S 20.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0900-E-08
    S 20.15:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0900-E-02
    S 20.16:,Economic Perspectives (various languages) (irregular) (EL),0900-E-05
    S 20.17:,U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda (various languages) (irregular) (EL),0900-E-06
    S 20.18:,Global Issues (various languages) (irregular) (EL),0900-E-07
    S 20.19:,U.S. Society & Values (various languages) (irregular) (EL),0900-E-03
    S 20.20:,Issues of Democracy (various languages) (irregular) (EL),0900-E-04
    S 21.2:,General Publications,0900-F-01
    S 21.15:,English Teaching Forum (quarterly) (P) (EL),0900-F
    S 21.16:,Annual Report (United States. J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board) (annual)
    S 22.2:,General Publications,0900-G
    S 22.102:,General Publications,0900-H
    S 22.116:,World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers (annual) (P) (EL),0900-H-01
    S 23.2:,General Publications,0900-J
    S 23.15:,Consular Information Sheets (series) (EL),0900-J-01
    S 24.1:,Program Performance Report (annual) (EL),0900-K-01
    S 24.1/2:,Performance Plan (annual) (EL),0900-K-02
    S 24.1/3:,Semiannual Report to the Congress (semiannual) (EL),0900-K-03
    S 24.1/4:,Annual Work Plan (annual) (EL),0900-K-04
    S 24.2:,General Publications,0900-K
    S 24.15:,Monthly Report of Activities (monthly) (EL),0900-K-05
    SBA 1.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0901-A
    SBA 1.1/2:,The Small Business Economy (annual) (EL),0901-A
    SBA 1.1/2-2:,Small Business Economic Indicators (EL),0901-A
    SBA 1.1/3:,Semiannual Report of the Inspector General, Small Business Administration
    SBA 1.1/3-2:,Semiannual Report to Congress (EL),0901-A-07
    SBA 1.1/4:,Small Business Innovation Development Act Annual Report  (EL),0901-B-04
    SBA 1.1/5:,Annual Report of the Chief Counsel for Advocacy on Implementation of the Regulatory
    	 Flexibility Act (annual)  (EL),0901-B-04
    SBA 1.2:,General Publications,0901-B
    SBA 1.3:,Small Business Bibliographies (numbered)  (P),0901-K
    SBA 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0901-O
    SBA 1.12:,Small Business Management Series  (MF),0901-C
    SBA 1.13/4:,Directories  (MF),0901-D-01
    SBA 1.13/5:,Telephone Directory (annual)  (MF),0901-D-01
    SBA 1.17:,Addresses  (MF),0901-T
    SBA 1.18/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0901-N
    SBA 1.18/5:,Research Publications (Annual) (EL),0901-N-01
    SBA 1.19:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0901-P
    SBA 1.20/3:,Research Summary (series)  (P),0901-B-06
    SBA 1.32/2:,Business Development Publication (series)  (P),0901-E
    SBA 1.32/3:,Financial Management (series)  (P),0901-E
    SBA 1.33/2:,Posters  (P),0901-A-03
    SBA 1.37:,Pre-Solicitation Announcements, Small Business Innovation Research Programs
    	 (quarterly)  (EL),0901-B-02
    SBA 1.40:,Forms  (P),0901-B-05
    SBA 1.42:,Listing of SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) Awardees (irregular)
    SBA 1.45/2:,SBA Loan Loss Report (Annual) (EL),0901-Y-01
    SBA 1.49/2:,The Facts About ... (series) (P) (EL),0901-B-13
    SBA 1.50:,State Small Business Profiles (EL),0901-B-11
    SBA 1.51:,Small Business Advocate (monthly)  (EL),0901-B-12
    SBA 1.52:,Small Business and Micro Business Lending in the United States (annual)
    SBA 1.53:,SBA Exchange (updated irregularly) (EL),0901-B-15
    SE 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0903
    SE 1.1/2:,FY ... Performance Budget (EL),0903-A-01
    SE 1.2:,General Publications,0904
    SE 1.5:,Laws  (MF),0906
    SE 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (MF),0907
    SE 1.11:,Decisions and Reports  (P),0908
    SE 1.25/12:,Securities and Exchange Commission News Digest (daily) (EL),0908-B
    SE 1.29:,SEC Docket (weekly)  (MF),0908-C
    SE 1.34:,Official List of Section 13 (f) Securities (quarterly) (MF),0908-F
    SE 1.35/2:,Final Report of the SEC Government-Business Forum on Small Business Capita
    	 Formation (annual)  (EL),0907-B
    SE 1.36:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0904-A
    SE 1.37:,Forms  (P),0908-G
    SE 1.38:,SEC Special Studies (EL),0908-G-01
    SE 1.39:,SEC Filings & Forms (EDGAR) (online database) (EL),0904-A-01
    SE 1.40:,Executive Compensation Disclosure (online database) (EL),0904-A-02
    SE 1.41:,Enforcement and Market Data (Annual) (EL),0904-A-03
    SI 1.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0909
    SI 1.2:,General Publications,0910
    SI 1.3/2:,CWIHP (Cold War International History Project) Bulletin (irregular) (EL),0910-X
    SI 1.17/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0909-C
    SI 1.20:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0909-D
    SI 1.20/2:,Handbook of North American Indians (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0909-D-01
    SI 1.25:,Atoll Research Bulletins (EL),0910-C
    SI 1.26:,Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences (numbered)  (P),0910-B
    SI 1.27:,Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology (numbered)  (P),0910-D
    SI 1.28:,Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology (numbered)  (P),0910-F
    SI 1.29:,Smithsonian Contributions to Botany (numbered)  (P),0910-E
    SI 1.30:,Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (numbered)  (P),0910-G
    SI 1.33:,Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology (numbered)  (P),0921-A
    SI 1.38:,Posters  (P),0910-Y
    SI 1.42:,Smithsonian Studies in Air and Space  (P),0910-P
    SI 1.44:,Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study (annual) (EL),0910-W
    SI 1.47:,Electronic Products  (misc.)  (E),0910-X
    SI 1.48:,Annals of the Smithsonian Institution (EL),0910-X
    SI 1.49:,Global Volcanism Program, Digital Information Series (CD-ROM),0909-C-01
    SI 1.50:,Inside Smithsonian Research (quarterly) (EL),0910-A-04
    SI 1.51:,SERC (quarterly) (EL),0910-A-06
    SI 1.52:,Annual Report (EL),0910-A-07
    SI 1.53:,Talk Story (semiannual) (EL),0910-A-08
    SI 3.2:,General Publications,0921
    SI 3.10:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0921
    SI 3.13:,Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network (EL),0921-A-01
    SI 6.2:,General Publications,0916
    SI 6.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0916-A
    SI 6.15:,Research and Scholars Center Newsletter (biannual) (EL),0916-A-01
    SI 6.16:,Classroom Connections (EL) (Tri-Annual),0916-A-02
    SI 7.2:,General Publications,0922-C
    SI 8.2:,General Publications,0917
    SI 8.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0917
    SI 8.10:,Posters  (P),0917-A
    SI 8.11:,Film Calendar (quarterly)  (P),0917-B
    SI 8.11/2:,Calendar (bimonthly)  (P),0917-B
    SI 9.2:,General Publications,0922-A-01
    SI 9.15:,Air & Space Smithsonian (EL),0922-A-02
    SI 11.2:,General Publications,0922-B
    SI 11.15:,The National Portrait Gallery Calendar of Events (quarterly) (EL),0922-E
    SI 11.16:,Profile: Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery News (quarterly) (EL),0922-F
    SI 13.2:,General Publications,0922-B-01
    SI 14.2:,General Publications,0922-D-02
    SI 14.15:,Calendar of National Museum of African Art  (P),0922-D-01
    SI 14.16:,Educational Programs and Resources (biennial)  (MF),0922-D
    SI 15.2:,General Publications,0922-G
    SI 15.15:,Online Exhibitions (EL),0922-G-01
    SSA 1.1:,Annual Report (MF),0517-B-03
    SSA 1.1/2:,Social Security Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year ... (annual)
    SSA 1.1/4:,Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance
    	 and Disability Insurance Trust Funds (EL),0517-B-08
    SSA 1.1/4-2:,Status of the Social Security and Medicare Programs ... Summary of the Annual
    	 Reports (EL),0517-B-52
    SSA 1.1/5:,Annual Report to the President and Congress (EL),0517-B-09
    SSA 1.1/6:,SSI Annual Statistical Report (annual) (EL),0517-B-17
    SSA 1.1/7:,Annual Statistical Report on the Social Security Disability Insurance Program (annual)
    SSA 1.1/8:,Annual Report of the Supplemental Security Income Program (annual) (EL),0517-B-44
    SSA 1.1/9:,Congressional Statistics (EL),0517-B-46
    SSA 1.2:,General Publications,0517-B
    SSA 1.2:N 73/,Seguro Social, Seguridad de Ingreso Suplementario Para Extranjeros (EL),0517-B
    SSA 1.2:P 41/,Performance Plan, Fiscal Year ... and Revised Final Fiscal Year ... Performance
    	 Plan (annual) (EL),0517-B
    SSA 1.2/15:,Braille Publications  (P),0517-D
    SSA 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0520
    SSA 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (P) (MF) (EL),0517-C
    SSA 1.8/2:,POMS Program Operations Manual System (EL),0517-C-04
    SSA 1.8/3:,Social Security Handbook (irregular) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0516-C-03
    SSA 1.8/5:,Red Book (annual) (EL),0517-C-01
    SSA 1.8/5-2:,Red Book (annual) (P),0517-C-02
    SSA 1.8/6:,Working While Disabled, a Guide to Plans for Achieving Self-Support (EL),0517-C-07
    SSA 1.9:,Directories,0516-B-05
    SSA 1.9/2:,SSA Baltimore Telephone Directory (P),0516-B-06
    SSA 1.10:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0516-B-01
    SSA 1.13:,Forms,0517-B-04
    SSA 1.17:,SSI Recipients by State and County (annual)  (EL),0517-B-01
    SSA 1.17/2:,State Assistance Programs for SSI Recipients (annual)  (P) (EL),0517-H-02
    SSA 1.17/3:,Earnings and Employment Data for Wage and Salary Workers Covered Under Social
    	 Security, by State and County (annual)  (EL),0516-L-02
    SSA 1.17/4:,OASDI Beneficiaries by State and County (annual)  (EL) (P),0516-L-03
    SSA 1.17/4-2:,OASDI Monthly Statistics,0516-L-04
    SSA 1.19:,Fact Sheet (various topics) (P) (EL),0517-E
    SSA 1.19/3:,Social Security: When Someone Misuses Your Number (annual) (EL),0517-E-01
    SSA 1.19/4:,If You're Self-Employed (annual) (EL),0517-E-09
    SSA 1.19/5:,Household Workers (annual) (EL),0517-E-10
    SSA 1.19/7:,Fact Sheet on the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Program (SSA)
    SSA 1.20:,What You Need to Know When You Get Retirement or Survivors Benefits ... (annual)
    SSA 1.20/2:,Retirement and Survivors Benefits (EL),0517-F-01
    SSA 1.21:,When You Get Social Security Disability Benefits ... (P),0517-J
    SSA 1.22:,Social Security Bulletin (quarterly) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0523-A-06
    SSA 1.22:,Social Security Bulletin (quarterly) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0523-A-05
    SSA 1.22/2:,Annual Statistical Supplement to the Social Security Bulletin (P) (El) ESSENTIAL
    SSA 1.23:,Automated Data Processing Plan Update (semiannual)  (MF),0516-R
    SSA 1.24:,Social Security Programs Throughout the World (EL) (P),0522-A-01
    SSA 1.24/2:,Social Security Programs in the United States (P),0517-B
    SSA 1.24/3:,Social Security throughout the World: Europe (biennial) (EL),0522-A-02
    SSA 1.24/4:,Social Security Programs Throughout the World: Asia and the Pacific (biennial)
    	 (P) (EL),0522-A-03
    SSA 1.24/5:,Social Security Programs in Africa (biennial) (EL),0522-A-04
    SSA 1.24/6:,Social Security Programs Throughout the World: The Americas (biennial)
    SSA 1.25:,Actuarial Notes (numbered)  (EL),0516-F
    SSA 1.25/2:,Actuarial Studies (EL),0516-X-03
    SSA 1.26:,Fast Facts and Figures about Social Security (annual) (EL),0516-A-05
    SSA 1.27:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0516-X-02
    SSA 1.28:,Social Security Today (EL),0516-X-02
    SSA 1.29:,Social Security Agreements (various countries) (P) (EL),0517-B-06
    SSA 1.30:,Income of the Population 55 or Older (EL),0516-M
    SSA 1.31:,Disability Notes (EL),0516-X-04
    SSA 1.32:,Income of the Aged Chartbook (annual) (EL),0517-B-10
    SSA 1.34:,Social Security Retirement Benefits (annual) (EL),0517-B-11
    SSA 1.35:,If You Are Blind or Have Low-Vision (annual) (P) (EL),0517-B-12
    SSA 1.36:,How We Decide If You Are Still Disabled (annual) (EL),0517-B-13
    SSA 1.37:,How Work Effects Your Benefits (annual) (EL),0517-B-14
    SSA 1.38:,Your Right to Question the Decision Made on Your Claim (annual) (EL),0517-B-15
    SSA 1.39:,Your Right to Question the Decision on Your SSI Claim (annual) (EL),0517-B-16
    SSA 1.40:,Social Security, What Every Woman Should Know (irregular) (EL),0517-B-19
    SSA 1.41:,Future of Social Security (EL),0517-B-20
    SSA 1.42:,Schedule of Social Security Benefit Payments (EL),0517-B-21
    SSA 1.43:,Social Security, 24 Hour Telephone Service (EL),0517-B-22
    SSA 1.44:,Social Security, a Snapshot (EL),0517-E-02
    SSA 1.45:,Social Security, How You Earn Credits (EL),0517-B-24
    SSA 1.47:,Social Security, Understanding the Benefits (EL),0517-B-26
    SSA 1.48:,Social Security, Disability Benefits (irregular) (EL),0517-B-40
    SSA 1.48/2:,Disability Benefits (EL),0517-B-55
    SSA 1.49:,Social Security, the Appeals Process (EL),0517-E-03
    SSA 1.51:,Social Security Update (EL),0517-B-23
    SSA 1.52:,Social Security E-news (monthly) (EL),0517-B-43
    SSA 1.53:,Social Security, How Workers Compensation and Other Disability Payments May
    	 Affect Your Benefits (EL),0517-B-27
    SSA 1.54:,What You Need to Know: Reviewing Your Disability (EL),0517-B-28
    SSA 1.55:,Social Security, Reviewing Your Disability (EL),0517-E-04
    SSA 1.56:,Social Security, Benefits for Children with Disabilities (EL),0517-B-29
    SSA 1.57:,Receive Your Benefits By Direct Deposit (EL),0517-B-30
    SSA 1.58:,Social Security, Social Security Benefits for People Living with HIV/AIDS (EL),0517-E-05
    SSA 1.59:,Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program (EL),0517-B-32
    SSA 1.60:,Social Security, Working While Disabled, How We Can Help (EL),0517-B-33
    SSA 1.60/2:,SSA Disabled Recipients Who Work (EL),0517-B-47
    SSA 1.61:,Social Security, Your Right to Question the Decision to Stop Your Disability
    	 Benefits (EL),0517-B-34
    SSA 1.62:,Social Security, Government Offset Pension (EL),0517-E-06
    SSA 1.63:,Social Security, How Your Retirement Benefit is Figured (EL),0517-E-07
    SSA 1.64:,Medicare (EL),0517-B-35
    SSA 1.65:,Notch Provision (EL),0517-B-36
    SSA 1.66:,Social Security, the Windfall Elimination Provision (EL),0517-B-37
    SSA 1.67:,Social Security, Receive Your Benefits by Direct Deposit (EL),0517-B-38
    SSA 1.67/2:,Social Security Direct Deposit (online database) (EL),0517-B-57
    SSA 1.68:,Social Security, Special Payments After Retirement (EL),0517-E-08
    SSA 1.69:,Social Security, Survivors Benefits (EL),0517-B-39
    SSA 1.70:,Food Stamp Facts (EL),0517-B-45
    SSA 1.71:,Supplemental Security Income (annual) (EL),0517-B-41
    SSA 1.71/2:,SSA Monthly Statistics (EL),0517-B-49
    SSA 1.71/3:,Supplemental Security Income Payments (EL),0517-B-54
    SSA 1.72:,Food Stamps and Other Nutrition Products (EL),0517-B-42
    SSA 1.73:,International Update: Recent Developments in Foreign Policy and Private Pensions
    SSA 1.74:,How to File an Unfair Treatment Complaint (EL),0517-B-50
    SSA 1.75:,SSI Spotlights (EL),0517-B-51
    SSA 1.76:,Social Security, a Guide for Farmers, Growers, and Crew Leaders (EL),0517-B-53
    SSA 1.77:,State Statistics for ... (EL),0517-B-56
    T 1.1/5:,Semiannual Report to the Congress (Office of Inspector General)  (EL),0923
    T 1.1/6:,Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (semiannual) (EL),0923-A-08
    T 1.1/7:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0923-A-09
    T 1.1/8:,Annual Plan (Office of Inspector General) (EL),0923-A-10
    T 1.2:,General Publications,0925
    T 1.2/3:,Treasury News  (EL),0923-B-02
    T 1.4/2:,Department Circulars (P),0924
    T 1.4/3:,Department Circulars, Public Debt Series (P),0924
    T 1.10:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0926
    T 1.10/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0926-A-01
    T 1.31:,Addresses  (MF),0926-B
    T 1.32:,Posters  (P),0925-H
    T 1.59:,Annual Report of the Inspector General, Fiscal Year  (MF),0923-A-03
    T 1.62:,Fact Sheet (series)  (P),0923-A-07
    T 1.63/2:,Forms  (P),0925-J-01
    T 1.65:,Report to the Congress on ... (various subjects) (MF),0923-A-03
    T 1.66:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0923-B
    T 1.67/2:,National Money Laundering Strategy (annual) (EL),0923-B-04
    T 1.67/3:,SAR Activity Review (EL),0923-B-06
    T 1.67/4:,SAR Activity Review by the Numbers (EL),0923-B-07
    T 1.67/5:,Reply to Congress in accordance with section 361 (b) of the Uniting and strengthening
    	 America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act
    	 of 2001 (USA ... (EL),0923-B-08
    T 1.67/6:,Strategic Plan (EL),0923-B-09
    T 1.67/7:,Annual Report (EL),0923-B-10
    T 1.68:,Minutes of the Meeting of the Air Transportation Stabilization Board (irregular) (EL),0923-B-05
    T 1.69:,OTA Papers (irregular) (EL),0925-K
    T 1.70:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0925-E-02
    T 1.71:,Budget-in-Brief (EL) (annual),0923-A-11
    T 12.1:,Annual Report Fiscal Year (EL),0946-B-01
    T 12.1/3:,Performance and Accountability Report (EL),0947-A-06
    T 12.2:,General Publications,0947
    T 12.8/3:,Significant Legal, Licensing and Community Development Precedents  (annual)
    T 12.17:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0946-A
    T 12.17/2:,National Bank Community Development Investments Directory (annual) (EL),0947-A-10
    T 12.17/3:,Comptroller's Handbook (EL),0947-A-08
    T 12.17/4:,Comptroller's Licensing Manual (EL),0947-A-09
    T 12.18:,Quarterly Journal, Comptroller of the Currency  (EL),0946-B
    T 12.19:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0947-A-01
    T 12.20:,OCC Bulletins (series) (EL),0947-A-01
    T 12.21:,OCC Alerts (series) (EL),0947-A-01
    T 12.22:,Economic Working Papers (series) (EL),0947-A-01
    T 12.23:,OCC Advisory Letters (series) (EL),0947-A-01
    T 12.24:,Laws,0947-A-04
    T 12.25:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions,0947-A-05
    T 12.27:,Survey of Credit Underwriting Practices (EL),0947-A-07
    T 17.2:,General Publications,0950
    T 17.5:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0952-A
    T 17.5/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0950-A
    T 17.6/3-5:,Customs Bulletin (bound volumes)  (MF),0927
    T 17.6/3-7:,Legal Precedent Retrieval System (database) (EL),0948-A-03
    T 17.9:,Customs Regulations of U.S. Revised pages (monthly)  (P),0948-A
    T 17.9:,Customs Regulations of U.S.  (P),0948
    T 17.9/2:,Customs Regulations of U.S.  Pt. 2, Measurement of Vessels  (P),0948
    T 17.17:,Importing Into the United States  (annual) English (EL) Spanish (MF),0950-G
    T 17.23:,U.S. Customs Guide for Private Flyers (annual) (MF) (EL),0950-A
    T 17.26:,Customs Publication (series),0950-P
    T 17.27:,Historical Study (series)  (P),0950-P
    T 18.1/2:,Chief Financial Officer Performance and Accountability Report (EL),0953-B
    T 18.1/3:,Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Annual Report (EL),0953-B-01
    T 18.2:,General Publications,0953
    T 18.6:,Telephone Directory  (MF),0953-A
    T 18.15:,Annual Production Figures (EL),0953-B-02
    T 18.15/2:,Monthly Production Figures (EL),0953-B-03
    T 22.1:,Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0955
    T 22.1/3:,Freedom of Information Act Annual Report (EL),0955-A-01
    T 22.2:,General Publications,0956
    T 22.2/11:,Cumulative List of Organizations (Publication 78) (updated irregularly) (online database)
    T 22.2/13:,Projections, Number of Returns to be Filed (annual) (MF),0956
    T 22.2/14:,Special Enrollment Examination (annual) (P),0956
    T 22.2/15:,Document (series) (P) (EL),0956-J
    T 22.2/15:5528/,Quarterly Report Disciplinary and Related Actions (P),0956-J
    T 22.2/15:7177/,IRS International Spotlight (quarterly) (P),0956-J
    T 22.2/15:7208/,Fed State Bulletin (quarterly) (P),0956-J
    T 22.2/15:7375/,Network (quarterly) (P),0956-J
    T 22.3/4:,FinCEN Advisory (irregular) (EL),0957-A-01
    T 22.19:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0961
    T 22.19/2:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0956-A
    T 22.19/2-3:,Tax Guide For Small Business (annual)  (EL),0956-A
    T 22.19/2-4:,Internal Revenue Manual (irregular) (EL),0956-A-02
    T 22.20/2:,Circulars,0955-A
    T 22.23:,Internal Revenue Bulletin (weekly) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0957-A-02
    T 22.23:,Internal Revenue Bulletin (weekly) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0957
    T 22.23/A:,Internal Revenue Bulletins (separates),0957
    T 22.25:,Internal Revenue Bulletin Cumulative Bulletin (semiannual) (P),0960
    T 22.35/2:,Statistics of Income (P),0964
    T 22.35/4:,SOI (Statistics of Income) Bulletin (quarterly) (EL),0964-C
    T 22.35/4 A:,Statistics of Income Bulletins (separates),0964-C
    T 22.35/5:,Statistics of Income, Corporation Income Tax Returns (annual) (EL),0964
    T 22.35/5-2:,Corporation Income Tax Returns, Source Book (annual)  (P),0964
    T 22.35/5-3:,Source Book Sole Proprietorship Returns (quinquennial)  (P),0964
    T 22.35/6:,Partnership Returns (quinquennial) (P),0964
    T 22.35/7:,Statistics of Income, Corporation Income Tax Returns Documentation Guide (irregular)
    T 22.35/8:,Individual Income Tax Returns (annual)  (P),0964
    T 22.35/9:,Statistics of Income. SOI Paper Series (updated irregularly) (EL),0964-C-01
    T 22.41:,Posters  (P),0955-E
    T 22.44:,Your Federal Income Tax (annual) (P),0964-B
    T 22.44/2:,Tax Information, IRS Publications (numbered) (P) (EL),0964-B
    T 22.44/2:1494/,Table for Figuring Amount Exempt From Levy on Wages, Salary, & Other
    	 Income--Forms 668-W(c), 668-W(c)(DO) and 668-W(ICS) (EL),0964-B
    T 22.44/3:,Catalog and Index to Taxpayer Information Publications (P),0964-B
    T 22.44/4:,Volunteer Assistor's Guide, Student Text (annual) (EL),0964-B-03
    T 22.44/4-2:,Volunteer Assistor's Guide, Puerto Rico Supplement (annual) (EL),0964-B-04
    T 22.44/4-3:,Student Coursebook, International Issues (annual) (EL),0964-B-05
    T 22.44/4-4:,Volunteer Assistor's Guide, Military/International Student Text (annual) (EL),0964-B-06
    T 22.51:,Forms  (P) (EL),0964-E
    T 22.51/2:,Tax Practitioner Reproducible Kit (P),0964-B
    T 22.51/3:,Tax Practitioner Update (P),0964-B
    T 22.51/4:,Federal Tax Forms, includes non-calendar year products (CD-ROM) (EL),0923-B-01
    T 22.54:,Directories  (MF),0956-C
    T 22.57:,Reproducible Federal Tax Forms for Use in Libraries (annual)  (P),0956-F
    T 22.63:,Notices  (P),0964-B-02
    T 22.69:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0956-K
    T 22.70:,Market Segment Specialization Program (MSSP) (EL),0956-K
    T 22.71:,National Taxpayer Advocate's Fiscal Year ... Objectives Report to Congress (annual)
    T 28.1:,Annual Report (EL),0965
    T 28.1/2:,U.S. Mint Strategic Plan (annual) (EL),0965-A-05
    T 28.2:,General Publications,0966
    T 28.13:,Posters  (P),0966-A
    T 28.14:,World Coinage Report  (MF),0966
    T 28.14/2:,Quarterly Financial Report of the U.S. Mint Commemorative Coin (EL),0965-A-04
    T 28.17:,United States Mint News & Views (EL),0966-A-01
    T 28.18:,Coins Online (EL),0966-A-02
    T 28.19:,Report to Congress on Operations (quarterly) (EL),0965-A-06
    T 34.2:,General Publications,0974
    T 34.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0974
    T 63.2:,General Publications,0925-E-01
    T 63.9:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0925-E
    T 63.101/3:,Combined Statement of Receipts, Outlays, and Balances of the United States Government
    	 (annual) (EL),0928-F
    T 63.102:,General Publications,0928-A
    T 63.103/2:,Treasury Bulletin (quarterly) (EL),0926-A
    T 63.113/2:,Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts & Outlays of the U.S. Government (EL),0923-A-02
    T 63.113/2-2:,Daily Treasury Statement (daily) (EL),0923-A-02
    T 63.113/3:,Financial Report of the United States Government  (EL),0928
    T 63.118/2:,Reports on Foreign Currencies Held by the U.S. Government (semiannual)  (MF),0970-A-04
    T 63.119:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0928-B
    T 63.121:,Treasury Reporting Rates of Exchange  (quarterly)  (P),0928-A-01
    T 63.122:,Posters  (P),0928-D
    T 63.123:,Fact Sheets  (P),0928-E
    T 63.128:,The Financial Connection (quarterly) (EL),0928-G
    T 63.129:,Financial Report to the Citizens (EL),0928-A-02
    T 63.130:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0928-A-02
    T 63.131:,Status Report of U.S. Treasury-Owned Gold (monthly) (EL),0928-A-03
    T 63.132:,Treasury Tax and Loan Investment Program Notice of Transfers (daily) (EL),0928-A-04
    T 63.132/2:,Treasury Tax and Loan Investment Program Results of Transfers (Daily) (EL),0928-A-05
    T 63.133:,Fiscal Year ... Report to the Congress, U.S. Government Receivables and Debt
    	 Collection Activities (EL),0928-A-06
    T 63.202:,General Publications,0970-A-05
    T 63.202/10:,Telephone Listing Washington Area (irregular)  (MF),0970-A-05
    T 63.209/5-2:,Tables of Redemption Values for $50 Series EE Savings Bonds, $25 Savings Notes
    	 (semiannual) (P) (EL),0970-A-01
    T 63.209/8-4:,Series H/HH Savings Bonds  (P),0970-A-07
    T 63.210/3:,U.S. Savings Bond Comprehensive Savings Bond Value Tables (Series EE, I Bond,
    	 Series E and Savings Notes) (semiannual) (EL),0970-A-15
    T 63.211:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0970-A-06
    T 63.212:,Forms  (P),0970-A-08
    T 63.215:,Monthly Statement of the Public Debt of the United States (monthly) (EL),0970-A-11
    T 63.218:,SLGSafe (EL),0970-A-16
    T 63.219:,United States Savings Bonds Earnings Report (semiannual) (EL),0970-A-17
    T 66.3/2:,Public Debt News (P),0971-A-01
    T 66.24/2:,The Bond Teller (semiannual) (EL),0971-A-03
    T 70.1:,ATF Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0971-D
    T 70.2:,General Publications,0971-B
    T 70.5:,Laws  (P),0961-A
    T 70.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0954
    T 70.6/3:,Regulations (part nos. of Title 27 of Code of Federal Regulations)  (MF),0954
    T 70.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0971-F
    T 70.9/2:,Monthly Statistical Release - Tobacco (EL),0971-B-09
    T 70.9/3:,Monthly statistical release. Distilled spirits (Monthly) (EL),0971-B-10
    T 70.9/4:,Monthly Statistical Release - Beer (monthly) (EL),0971-B-07
    T 70.9/5:,Monthly Statistical Release - Wine (monthly) (EL),0971-B-08
    T 70.10:,Industry Circulars (numbered, irregular) (EL),0971-E
    T 70.11:,Arson and Explosives Incidents Report  (MF),0971-D-01
    T 70.13:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0961-D
    T 70.14:,Firearms State Laws and Published Ordinances  (EL),0971-B-01
    T 70.15:,Firearms Curios or Relics List (irregular),0971-B
    T 70.18:,FFL Newsletter  (annual) (EL),0961-C
    T 70.21:,Posters  (P),0971-H
    T 70.25:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0971-B-05
    T 70.26:,Crime Gun Trace Reports (annual) (EL),0971-B-06
    T 71.1:,Annual Report (EL),0596-A-04
    T 71.1/2:,Financial Report (Annual) (EL),0596-A-05
    T 71.2:,General Publications,0596
    T 71.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0597
    T 71.7:,News  (EL),0596-A
    T 71.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0597
    T 71.8/2:,Regulatory Bulletin (irregular) (EL),0597-A-07
    T 71.8/3:,Thrift Bulletin (irregular) (EL),0597-A-08
    T 71.9:,Mortgage Market Trends (irregular) (EL),0597-B
    T 71.23:,Fact Book,0596-A-02
    T 71.24:,OTS-Regulated Thrift Industry ... Highlights (EL),0596-A-03
    T 71.25/1:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: U.S. Total (Quarterly),0596-A-06
    T 71.25/2:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: Northeast Region (EL) (Quarterly),0596-A-07
    T 71.25/3:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: Southeast Region (EL) (Quarterly),0596-A-08
    T 71.25/4:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: Central (EL) (Quarterly),0596-A-09
    T 71.25/5:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: Midwest Region (EL) (Quarterly),0596-A-10
    T 71.25/6:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: West Region (EL) (Quarterly),0596-A-11
    T 71.25/7:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: 11th District (EL) (Quarterly),0596-A-12
    T 71.25/8:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: Assets < $100 Mil (EL) (Quarterly),0596-A-13
    T 71.25/9:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: Assets $ 100 Mil - $1 Bill (EL) (Quarterly),
    T 71.25/10:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: Assets > $1 Bill (EL) (Quarterly),0596-A-15
    T 71.25/11:,Interest Rate Risk Exposure Report. Area: OH (EL) (Quarterly),0596-A-16
    T 71.26:,Financial Reporting Bulletin (quarterly) (EL),0597-A-09
    T 72.2:,General Publications,0975-A
    T 72.15:,Office of Inspector General Audit Reports (series) (EL),0975-A-01
    TD 1.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0982-C
    TD 1.1/3:,Office of Inspector General: Semiannual Report to Congress  (EL),0982-C-22
    TD 1.1/3-2:,Inspector General Audit Reports  (EL),0982-L
    TD 1.1/3-3:,Inspector General Inspections & Evaluations Reports  (EL),0982-L
    TD 1.1/8:,Budget in Brief (EL),0982-C-43
    TD 1.2:,General Publications,0982-C-01
    TD 1.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0982-C-30
    TD 1.6/2:,Applications, Notices, Orders  (EL),0982-L
    TD 1.6/3:,Transportation Acquisition Circular (TAC)  (EL),0982-C-34
    TD 1.6/4:,Report on DOT Significant Rulemakings (EL),0982-C-45
    TD 1.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0982-C-05
    TD 1.9:,Telephone Directory (semiannual)  (MF),0982-C-07
    TD 1.9/4:,Directories  (MF),0982-C-07
    TD 1.15/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0982-C-12
    TD 1.20/10:,DOT-T (series)  (MF),0982-I-15
    TD 1.25/4:,Transportation Link  (EL),0982-C-01
    TD 1.40/4:,U.S. International Air Passenger and Freight Statistics (quarterly) (EL),0982-C-33
    TD 1.40/5:,International Aviation Developments Series (EL),0982-C-38
    TD 1.54:,Air Travel Consumer Report (monthly) (EL),0982-C-29
    TD 1.56:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0982-L
    TD 1.59:,SPE News On-line (EL),0982-L
    TD 1.60:,ITS Update  (EL),0982-L
    TD 1.61:,Port Security (series) (P),0982-C-36
    TD 1.62:,U.S. Department of Transportation FY ... Procurement Forecast (annual) (MF) (EL),0982-C-37
    TD 1.63:,Airport Competition Plans (annual) (EL),0982-C-39
    TD 1.64:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0982-C-40
    TD 1.65:,Annual Report on Disability-Related Air Travel Complaints (EL),0982-C-41
    TD 1.101:,National Transportation Safety Board, Annual Report to Congress (EL),0982-I-18
    TD 1.101/2:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0982-I-34
    TD 1.102:,General Publications,0982-I-27
    TD 1.106/4:,Safety Report, NTSB-SR (series) (EL),0982-I-24
    TD 1.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0982-I-12
    TD 1.112:,Aircraft Accident Reports (NTSB-AAR series) (MF),0982-I-09
    TD 1.112/2:,Special Investigation Report Series (EL),0982-I-09
    TD 1.112/3:,Railroad Accidents Reports, NTSB-RAR (series)  (EL),0982-I-11
    TD 1.112/5:,Railroad Accident Briefs, NTSB-RAB (series) (EL),0982-I-19
    TD 1.112/6:,Aircraft Accident/Incident Summary Reports  (MF),0982-I-09
    TD 1.112/7:,Railroad Accident/Incident Summary Reports  (MF),0982-I-11
    TD 1.112/8:,Railroad Safety Summaries and Reports (NTSB SS & SR series) (EL),0982-I-31
    TD 1.113:,Annual Review of Aircraft Accident Data, U.S. General Aviation  (EL),0982-I-06
    TD 1.113/5:,Annual Review of Aircraft Accident Data, U.S. Air Carriers  (EL),0982-I-06
    TD 1.116:,Marine Accident Reports NTSB-MAR (series)  (EL),0982-I-21
    TD 1.116/2:,Marine Accidents Reports, Summary Format (NTSB-MAR) (series) (MF),0982-I-21
    TD 1.116/3:,Marine Accident Reports, Brief Format  (MF),0982-I-21
    TD 1.116/4:,Marine Accident/Incident Summary Reports  (MF),0982-I-21
    TD 1.117:,Highway Accident Report  (EL),0982-I-20
    TD 1.117/2:,Highway Accident Reports Briefs, NTSB-HAB, (series) (EL),0982-I-20
    TD 1.117/3:,Highway Accident/Incident Summary Reports  (EL),0982-I-20
    TD 1.118:,Pipeline Accident Reports NTSB-PAR (series)  (EL),0982-I-10
    TD 1.118/3:,Pipeline Accident Briefs (NTSB-PAB) (series) (EL),0982-I-10
    TD 1.118/4:,Pipeline Accident/Incident Summary Reports  (EL),0982-I-10
    TD 1.127:,NTSB/SS (Safety Studies) (series)  (MF),0982-I-25
    TD 1.128:,Hazardous Materials Accident Reports, NTSB/HZM  (EL),0982-I-09
    TD 1.128/2:,Hazardous Materials Accident Briefs NTSB-HZB (EL),0982-I-30
    TD 1.129:,NTSB Safety Recommendation (series) (MF),0982-I-24
    TD 1.130:,NTSB/RP (series)  (MF),0982-L-03
    TD 1.132:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0982-I-29
    TD 1.134:,Journal of Accident Investigation (biannual) (EL),0982-I-33
    TD 2.1:,Annual Report,0982-G-59
    TD 2.2:,General Publications,0982-G-05
    TD 2.2:F 95/,Fuel Tax Evasion Highlights (irregular) (EL),0982-G-05
    TD 2.3/3:,Bulletins (series)  (MF),0982-G-46
    TD 2.5:,Laws  (P),0982-G-04
    TD 2.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0982-G-02
    TD 2.14:,Excellence in Highway Design (annual)  (EL),0982-G-03
    TD 2.19:,Public Roads (quarterly) (EL),0268
    TD 2.23:,Highway Statistics (annual) (EL),0265-B
    TD 2.23/2:,Highway Statistics, Summary to (year)  (MF),0265-B
    TD 2.23/3:,Highway Trust Fund, Financial Statement (annual)  (MF),0982-G-50
    TD 2.23/6:,Our Nation's Highways: Selected Facts and Figures (biennial) (EL),0982-L-12
    TD 2.23/7:,Highway Traffic Noise in the United States: Problem and Response (triennial) (EL),0982-G-55
    TD 2.27:,Hydraulic Engineering Circulars (numbered) (EL),0265-F
    TD 2.30:,FHWA-HRT Report (series) (MF) (EL),0982-G-11
    TD 2.30/5:,Report FHWA/PL (series)  (MF),0982-G-21
    TD 2.30/12:,FHWA-AD (series)  (MF),0982-G-11
    TD 2.30/13:,FHWA-SA (series) (EL),0982-G-11
    TD 2.30/13-2:,FOCUS (EL),0982-G-49
    TD 2.30/14:,Report FHWA/MC (series)  (MF),0982-G-21
    TD 2.30/15:,Report FHWA/HI (series)  (MF),0982-G-29
    TD 2.30/15-2:,Caminos (quarterly) (EL),0982-G-56
    TD 2.30/16:,FHWA-PD (series)  (MF),0982-G-11
    TD 2.30/16-2:,Greener Roadsides (quarterly)  (EL),0982-G-51
    TD 2.30/16-3:,Price Trends for Federal-Aid to Highway Construction (quarterly) (EL),0982-Q
    TD 2.30/17:,FHWA-FLP (series) (annual)  (MF),0982-G-11
    TD 2.30/18:,FHWA-CR (series)  (MF),0982-G-48
    TD 2.30/19:,FHWA-HOP (series) (MF) (EL),0982-G-53
    TD 2.30/20:,FHWA-MCRT (series) (MF),0982-G-54
    TD 2.30/21:,RD&T Organizational Directory (irregular) (EL),0982-G-61
    TD 2.30/23:,FHWA-IF (series) (irregular) (MF) (EL),0982-G-64
    TD 2.31/2:,National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) (online database) (EL),0982-G-81
    TD 2.35:,Final Environmental Impact Statements  (MF)(EL),0982-G-18
    TD 2.37:,Maps  (P),0982-G-28
    TD 2.40:,Demonstration Project, DP-(series)  (MF),0982-G-25
    TD 2.40/4:,FHWA-EP (series) (MF) (EL),0982-G-25
    TD 2.41:,FHWA Program, HY (series) (MF),0265-J
    TD 2.46/2:,Monthly Motor Fuel Reported by States (monthly) (EL),0982-G-41
    TD 2.50:,Traffic Volume Trends (monthly)  (EL),0982-G-41
    TD 2.59/2:,Posters  (P),0982-G-38
    TD 2.64:,Highway Taxes and Fees: How They Are Collected and Distributed (irregular) (P) (EL),0982-G-42
    TD 2.64/2:,Graduate Fellowship Announcement (P),0982-G-42
    TD 2.68:,Directories,0982-G-47
    TD 2.70:,Research & Technology Transporter (monthly)  (EL),0982-M
    TD 2.72:,Corps Connection (quarterly)  (MF),0982-G-52
    TD 2.73:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0982-L-10
    TD 2.74:,The Red Light Reporter  (EL),0982-L-10
    TD 2.75:,Innovative Finance Quarterly (EL),0982-L-10
    TD 2.75/2:,Innovative Finance (EL),0982-L-10
    TD 2.76:,State Highway Briefing Sheets (database) (EL),0982-G-57
    TD 2.77:,Bid Opening Report, Federal-Aid Highway Construction Contracts (semiannual) (P),0982-G-58
    TD 2.78:,LTTP:  Year in Review (annual) (MF) (EL),0982-G-63
    TD 2.79:,NDEVC News (EL),0982-G-67
    TD 2.80:,Annual Report (Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program) (EL),0982-G-68
    TD 2.81:,National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program, Allocation Plan (annual) (EL),0982-G-69
    TD 2.82:,FY ... PLHD Awards (Annual) (EL),0982-G-70
    TD 2.83:,FY ... Designated Funds for Specific NCPD Projects and Activities (Annual) (EL),0982-G-71
    TD 2.84:,FY ... Ferry Boat Discretionary (FBD) Program Awards (Annual) (EL),0982-G-72
    TD 2.85:,TIFIA Times (Irregular) (EL),0982-G-73
    TD 2.86:,FY ... Interstate Maintenance Discretionary (IMD) Program Awards (Annual) (EL),0982-G-74
    TD 2.87:,Transportation and Community and System Preservation Pilot Program, FY ... Grants (Annual)
    TD 2.88:,Americas Byways Bulletin (bimonthly) (EL),0982-G-76
    TD 2.89:,Innovator (unknown) (EL),0982-G-77
    TD 2.90:,Safety Compass (quarterly) (EL),0982-G-78
    TD 2.91:,Freight Facts and Figures (annual) (EL),0982-G-79
    TD 2.92:,Success in Stewardship (monthly) (EL),0982-G-80
    TD 2.93:,Centered in Service (irregular) (EL),0982-G-84
    TD 2.94:,Transportation Planning Update (EL),0982-G-82
    TD 2.95:,Pedestrian Forum (quarterly) (EL),0982-G-83
    TD 2.96:,Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges and Transit, Conditions and  Performance (biennial)
    TD 2.97:,Environmental Quarterly (EL),0982-G-86
    TD 2.302:,General Publications,0689-A-02
    TD 2.306:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (MF),0689-A-07
    TD 2.308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0689-A-08
    TD 2.314:,Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Register (daily) (P) (EL),0689-A-09
    TD 2.315:,Large Truck Crash Profile (annual) (EL),0689-A-12
    TD 2.315/3:,Large Truck Crash Overview (annual) (EL),0689-A-13
    TD 2.316:,Annual Report/Office of Research and Technology/Federal Motor Carrier Safety Admin.
    TD 3.1/3:,Railroad Safety Statistics Final Report (annual) (EL),0701-E-02
    TD 3.2:,General Publications,0701-B
    TD 3.5:,Laws  (P),0687
    TD 3.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0701-A
    TD 3.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0701-F
    TD 3.12:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0701-B-02
    TD 3.15/5:,Report FRA-OPPD (series)  (MF),0701-C-01
    TD 3.16:,Maps and Charts  (P),0701-G
    TD 3.17:,Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0701-C-02
    TD 3.102:,General Publications,0681-A-01
    TD 3.106:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0681-A
    TD 3.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0681-E
    TD 3.110/5:,Railroad Employee Fatalities Investigated by the Federal Railroad Administration in
    	 (year)  (MF),0681-C
    TD 3.111:,Summary of Accidents Investigated by the Federal Railroad Administration, Calendar 
    	Year  (MF),0681-C
    TD 3.112:,Laws  (P),0681-D
    TD 4.1:,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),0431-A-57
    TD 4.1/2:,Budget in Brief (FAA) (EL),0431-A-60
    TD 4.1/3:,Annual Performance Report (EL),0431-A-61
    TD 4.1/4:,FY ... Performance and Accountability Highlights (Annual) (EL),0431-A-63
    TD 4.2:,General Publications,0431-C-08
    TD 4.5:,Laws  (P),0431-A-08
    TD 4.5/2:,FAA Intercom (EL),0431-A-08
    TD 4.6:,Federal Aviation Regulations (EL),0431-C-13
    TD 4.6/2:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0431-C-13
    TD 4.6/2-2:,Instruction Book  (P),0431-C-13
    TD 4.6/3:,Federal Aviation Regulations (by volumes)  (P),0431-C-13
    TD 4.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0431-C-04
    TD 4.8/2:,Handbooks (numbered),0431-C-04
    TD 4.8/5:,Advisory Circulars, AC (series)  (EL),0431-A-27
    TD 4.9:,FAA Aviation News (bimonthly) (EL),0431-A-11
    TD 4.9/3:,SatNav News (quarterly) (EL),0431-A-59
    TD 4.9/4:,FAA Today (Daily) (EL),0431-A-62
    TD 4.10/2:,Summary of Airworthiness Directives: Small Aircraft  (MF) (EL),0431-A-15
    TD 4.10/6:,Airworthiness Directives (EL),0431-A-58
    TD 4.12/2:,Notices to Airmen (EL),0431-C-62
    TD 4.12/3:,Aeronautical Information Manual, Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures
    	 (semiannual)  (EL),0431-C-05
    TD 4.13:,Status of Federal Aviation Regulations,0431-C-13
    TD 4.14:,Airport Activity Statistics of Certified Air Carriers (annual)  (MF),0177-A
    TD 4.15/3:,Type Certificate Data Sheets and Specifications:  v.1, Single-Engine Airplanes
    TD 4.15/4:,Type Certificate Data Sheets and Specifications:  v.2, Small Multiengine 
    	Airplanes  (MF),0431-C-02
    TD 4.15/5:,Type Certificate Data Sheets and Specifications:  v.3, Large Multiengine
    	 Airplanes  (MF),0431-C-02
    TD 4.15/6:,Type Certificate Data Sheets and Specifications:  v.4, Rotorcraft, Gliders
    	 and Balloons (MF),0431-C-02
    TD 4.15/7:,Typecraft Certificate Data Sheets and Specifications:  v.5, Aircraft Engines
    	 and Propellers  (MF),0431-C-02
    TD 4.15/8:,Typecraft Certificate Data Sheets and Specifications:  v.6, Aircraft Listing and
    	 Aircraft Engine and Propeller Listing  (MF),0431-C-02
    TD 4.15/9:,Index and User Guide for Type Certificate Data Sheets and Specifications
    	 (monthly)  (MF),0431-C-02
    TD 4.15/10:,Amended Type Certificate Data Sheets and Specifications (monthly)
    TD 4.17/5:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0431-A-50
    TD 4.20:,FAA Statistical Handbook of Aviation (biennial) (EL),0431-C-14
    TD 4.20/2:,FAA Administrator's Fact Book (monthly) (EL),0431-D-08
    TD 4.24:,Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports  (P),0431-C-15
    TD 4.28:,Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices; Aircraft Alterations
    TD 4.28/2:,Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices; Aircraft Inspection
    	 Repair (P),0431-F-07
    TD 4.32/22:,FAA-S  (series)  (P),0431-A-49
    TD 4.32/24:,FAA/CT (series)  (MF),0431-A-53
    TD 4.32/26:,FAA-P (series)  (MF),0431-F-10
    TD 4.33/3:,National Plan Integrated Airport Systems  (EL),0431-A-17
    TD 4.33/6:,Information Resources Management Plan  (MF),0431-A-51
    TD 4.36:,Summary of Supplemental Type Certificates  (P),0431-A-05
    TD 4.48:,Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),0431-A-35
    TD 4.51:,FAA Catalog of Training Courses  (P),0431-A-32
    TD 4.52:,FAA Directory (semiannual)  (MF),0431-A-37
    TD 4.52/2:,Telephone Directory (by region)  (MF),0431-A-37
    TD 4.55:,FAA Forecast Conference Proceedings (annual)  (P),0431-C-25
    TD 4.57:,FAA-APO (series)  (MF),0431-C-27
    TD 4.57/2:,FAA Aerospace Forecasts (annual) (EL),0431-C-27
    TD 4.57/4:,FAA Long-Range Aerospace Forecast, Fiscal Year ...(EL),0431-C-78
    TD 4.60:,Standard Instrument Approach Procedures, Takeoff Minimums/Departure
    	 Procedures  (biweekly)  (P),0431-C-28
    TD 4.61:,Report to Congress, ... Annual Report of Accomplishments Under the
    	 Airport Improvement Program (annual) (EL),0431-A-64
    TD 4.64:,National Aviation Research Plan (annual) (EL),0431-A-56
    TD 4.69:,Posters  (P),0431-S
    TD 4.72:,Flight Plan (EL),0431-C-58
    TD 4.76:,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),0982-L-09
    TD 4.77:,Aviation Capacity Enhancement Plan  (EL),0982-L-09
    TD 4.78:,Air Traffic Publications Library (EL),0982-L-09
    TD 4.78/2:,Air Traffic Bulletin (EL) (Irregular),0982-L-49
    TD 4.79:,Airport/Facility Directory (P) (EL),0982-L-13
    TD 4.79/2:,Supplement Alaska (P),0982-L-14
    TD 4.79/3:,Chart Supplement Pacific (P),0982-L-15
    TD 4.79/9:,North Atlantic Route Chart (P),0982-L-16
    TD 4.79/10:,North Pacific Route Chart Composite (P),0982-L-23
    TD 4.79/10-2:,North Pacific Route Chart (Area Charts)  (P),0982-L-24
    TD 4.79/11:,Sectional Aeronautical Charts (P),0982-L-27
    TD 4.79/12:,Terminal Area Charts (VFR) (P),0982-L-17
    TD 4.79/13:,U.S. Gulf Coast VFR Aeronautical Chart (P),0982-L-25
    TD 4.79/13-6:,Grand Canyon VFR Aeronautical Chart (General Aviation) (P),0982-L-31
    TD 4.79/14:,World Aeronautical Charts (P),0982-L-26
    TD 4.79/15:,IFR Enroute Low Altitude (U.S.) (P),0982-L-18
    TD 4.79/16:,IFR Enroute Low Altitude (Alaska) (P),0982-L-19
    TD 4.79/16-2:,IFR Area Charts (U.S.) (P),0982-L-21
    TD 4.79/16-3:,IFR/VFR Low Altitude Planning Chart (P),0982-L-28
    TD 4.79/17:,IFR Enroute High Altitude (U.S.) (P),0982-L-20
    TD 4.79/17-2:,IFR Enroute High Altitude Charts (Alaska) (P),0982-L-22
    TD 4.79/18-2:,Baltimore-Washington Helicopter Route Chart (P),0982-L-43
    TD 4.79/18-3:,Boston Helicopter Route Chart (annual) (P),0982-L-44
    TD 4.79/18-4:,Chicago Helicopter Route Chart (annual) (P),0982-L-45
    TD 4.79/18-5:,Houston Helicopter Route Chart (annual) (P),0982-L-46
    TD 4.79/18-6:,Los Angeles Helicopter Route Chart (annual) (P),0982-L-47
    TD 4.79/18-7:,New York Helicopter Route Chart (annual) (P),0982-L-48
    TD 4.79/19:,Sectional Raster Aeronautical Charts (DVD),0982-L-50
    TD 4.80:,U.S. Terminal Procedures (DVD),0982-O
    TD 4.80/2:,Digital Terminal Procedures Publication (D-TPP)/Airport Diagrams (online database)
    TD 4.81:,FAA Aeronautical Charts and Related Products (P),0982-L-29
    TD 4.81/2:,FAA Aeronautical Charts and Related Products Price List (P),0982-L-30
    TD 4.82:1/,NIMA Nautical Charts, Public Sale, Region 1, United States and Canada (P),0982-L-32
    TD 4.82:2/,NIMA Nautical Charts, Public Sale, Region 2, Central and South America and Antarctica
    TD 4.82:3/,NIMA Nautical Charts, Public Sale, Region 3, Western Europe, Iceland, Greenland,
    	 and the Arctic (P),0982-L-34
    TD 4.82:4/,NIMA Nautical Charts, Public Sale, Region 4, Scandinavia, Baltic and Russia
    TD 4.82:5/,NIMA Nautical Charts, Public Sale, Region 5, Western Africa and the
    	 Mediterranean (P),0982-L-36
    TD 4.82:6/,NIMA Nautical Charts, Public Sale, Region 6, Indian Ocean (P),0982-L-37
    TD 4.82:7/,NIMA Nautical Charts, Public Sale, Region 7, Australia, Indonesia, and New Zealand
    TD 4.82:8/,NIMA Nautical Charts, Public Sale, Region 8, Oceania (P),0982-L-39
    TD 4.82:9/,NIMA Nautical Charts, Public Sale, Region 9, East Asia (P),0982-L-40
    TD 4.82:10/,NIMA Worldwide Aeronautical Charts & Products (public sale) (P) (EL),0982-L-41
    TD 4.84:,NIMA Aeronautical Charts and Publications (P),0431-C-61
    TD 4.85:,International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies (semiannual) (EL),0431-C-63
    TD 4.86:,FAA Quarterly Enforcement Actions (EL),0431-C-64
    TD 4.87:,Office of Commercial Space Transportation: General Publications,0431-C-65
    TD 4.87/2:,Commercial Space Transportation Quarterly Launch Report (quarterly) (EL),0431-C-66
    TD 4.87/2-2:,Commercial Space Transportation Forecasts (annual) (EL),0431-C-67
    TD 4.87/2-3:,Commercial Space Transportation ... Year in Review (EL),0431-C-68
    TD 4.87/2-4:,Commercial Space Transportation Developments and Concepts (EL) (Annual),
    TD 4.87/2-5:,Economic Impact of Commercial Space Transportation on the U.S. Economy
    	 (EL) (Irregular),0431-C-70
    TD 4.87/2-6:,FY ... Research and Development Accomplishments (EL),0431-C-76
    TD 4.88:,FAA Cost Accounting System Cost of Enroute and Oceanic Services for the Year
    	 Ending ... (Annual) (EL),0431-C-71
    TD 4.88/2:,FAA Cost Accounting System FY ... Enroute Service Delivery Point (SDP ) Report
    	 for the Fiscal Year Ending ... (Annual) (EL),0431-C-72
    TD 4.88/3:,FAA Cost Accounting System FY ... Oceanic Service Delivery Point Report for the
    	 Year Ending ... (annual) (EL),0431-C-73
    TD 4.88/4:,FAA Cost Accounting System FY ... AFSS Service Delivery Point Report for the
    	 Fiscal Year Ending ... (Annual) (EL),0431-C-74
    TD 4.88/5:,FAA Cost Accounting System FY ... Terminal Service Delivery Point Report for the
    	 Fiscal Year Ending ... (annual) (EL),0431-C-75
    TD 4.89:,Plan for the Future (Annual) (EL),0431-C-79
    TD 4.90:,FAA Runway Safety Report (EL),0431-C-77
    TD 4.91:,Research & Development Annual Review (EL),0431-C-80
    TD 4.91/2:,Federal Aviation Administration R&D Review (Irregular) (EL),0431-C-81
    TD 4.92:,Inside the Fence (EL) (Semiannual),0431-A-65
    TD 4.102:,General Publications,0982-E-01
    TD 4.108:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0431-H-02
    TD 4.152:,General Publications (P) (EL),0431-E-10
    TD 4.158:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides (P) (EL),0431-E-11
    TD 4.202:,General Publications,0431-E-03
    TD 4.208:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0431-E-02
    TD 4.210:,AM- (series)  (EL),0431-E-04
    TD 4.211:,Directory, Aviation Medical Examiners (EL),0431-E-01
    TD 4.214:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0431-E-01
    TD 4.215:,Federal Air Surgeons Medical Bulletin (EL),0431-E-01
    TD 4.302:,General Publications,0431-D-05
    TD 4.308:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0431-D-01
    TD 4.308/2:,United States of America AIP, Aeronautical Information Publication (biennial)
    TD 4.309:,International Flight Information Manual  (EL),0431-C-18
    TD 4.310:,Location Identifiers (3 times a year)  (EL),0431-D-03
    TD 4.316:,Minimum Enroute IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) Altitudes Over Particular Routes
    	 and Intersections (semiannual)  (P),0431-D-07
    TD 4.318:,Facility Operation and Administration (semiannual) (EL),0431-D-09
    TD 4.401:,Annual Reports,0431-F-09
    TD 4.402:,General Publications,0431-F-04
    TD 4.408:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0431-F-03
    TD 4.408/2:,Airmen Knowledge Test Guides (updated irregularly) (EL),0431-F-12
    TD 4.414:,Aviation Maintenance Alerts (AC 43-16A) (monthly) (EL),0431-F-08
    TD 4.415:,Flight Standards Service Directory (semiannual)  (MF),0431-F-11
    TD 4.502:,General Publications,0431-B-02
    TD 4.510:,National Airspace System Capital Investment Plan (annual) (EL),0431-B-07
    TD 4.901:,Performance Report FY... (Aircraft Certification Service) (annual) (EL),0431-V-03
    TD 4.902:,General Publications,0431-V
    TD 4.908:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0431-V-01
    TD 4.915:,Aircraft Certification Service International Strategic Plan (annual)  (MF),0431-V-02
    TD 6.1:,Annual Report  (EL),0982-C-28
    TD 6.9:,St. Lawrence Seaway Traffic Report, ... Navigation Season (EL),0982-C-44
    TD 6.15:,Seaway Compass (quarterly) (EL),0982-C-42
    TD 7.1:,Annual Report  (MF),0982-H-16
    TD 7.1/2:,Annual Report on New Starts: Proposed Allocations of Funds for FY ... (annual) (P)
    TD 7.1/3:,Annual Performance Plan (EL),0982-H-22
    TD 7.2:,General Publications,0982-H-02
    TD 7.4:,Circulars  (P),0982-H-12
    TD 7.5:,Laws  (P),0982-H-04
    TD 7.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0982-H-03
    TD 7.10:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0982-H-05
    TD 7.11:,Report UMTA-(series)  (MF),0982-H-08
    TD 7.11/2:,Safety Management Information Statistics (SAMIS)  (MF),0982-H-08
    TD 7.11/2-2:,National Transit Database, Transit Profiles, The Thirty Largest Agencies for ..
    TD 7.11/2-3:,National Transit Database, National Transit Summaries and Trends (annual)
    TD 7.17/2:,DOT-FTA-MA (series)  (MF),0982-H-15
    TD 7.19:,Directories,0982-H-13
    TD 7.20:,Report on Funding Levels and Allocations of Funds for Transit New Starts/Major
    	 Capital Investments (annual) (EL),0982-H-14
    TD 7.21:,Statistical Summaries (EL) (Annual),0982-H-19
    TD 7.22:,National Transit Database Safety & Security Newsletter (EL),0982-H-20
    TD 7.23:,FTA Drug and Alcohol Regulation Updates (Irregular) (EL),0982-H-21
    TD 8.1:,Annual Report (annual) (P) (EL),0982-D-46
    TD 8.1/2:,Budget in Brief (NHTSA) (EL),0982-D-67
    TD 8.2:,General Publications,0982-D-51
    TD 8.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0982-D-31
    TD 8.6/2:,Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and Regulations With Amendments
    	 and Interpretations  (P),0982-D-03
    TD 8.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0982-D-03
    TD 8.9/2:,Safety Related Recall Campaigns for Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Equipment,
    	 Including Tires  (MF),0982-D-02
    TD 8.12:,Report on Activities Under National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act
    TD 8.13:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0982-D-14
    TD 8.16:,International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles  (EL),0982-D-12
    TD 8.22:,NHTSA Technical Reports (irregular) (MF) (EL),0982-D-23
    TD 8.26:,Automotive Fuel Economy Program, Annual Report to Congress  (EL),0982-D-29
    TD 8.27:,Traffic Safety Facts  (EL),0982-D-19
    TD 8.27/3:,Traffic Safety Materials Catalog (annual) (EL),0982-D-50
    TD 8.27/4:,Traffic Safety Facts. Pedestrians (annual) (EL),0982-D-52
    TD 8.27/5:,Traffic Safety Facts. Alcohol (annual) (EL),0982-D-53
    TD 8.27/6:,Traffic Safety Facts. Children (annual) (EL),0982-D-54
    TD 8.27/7:,Traffic Safety Facts. Large Trucks (annual) (EL),0982-D-55
    TD 8.27/8:,Traffic Safety Facts. Motorcycles (annual) (EL),0982-D-56
    TD 8.27/9:,Traffic Safety Facts. Occupant Protection (annual) (EL),0982-D-57
    TD 8.27/10:,Traffic Safety Facts. Older Population (annual) (EL),0982-D-58
    TD 8.27/11:,Traffic Safety Facts. Pedalcyclists (annual) (EL),0982-D-59
    TD 8.27/12:,Traffic Safety Facts. School Transportation-Related Crashes (annual) (EL),0982-D-60
    TD 8.27/13:,Traffic Safety Facts. State Traffic Data (annual) (EL),0982-D-61
    TD 8.27/14:,Traffic Safety Facts. Young Drivers (annual) (EL),0982-D-62
    TD 8.27/15:,Traffic Safety Facts. State Alcohol Estimates (annual) (EL),0982-D-63
    TD 8.27/16:,Traffic Safety Facts. Speeding (annual) (EL),0982-D-64
    TD 8.27/17:,Traffic Safety Facts. Overview (annual) (EL),0982-D-65
    TD 8.27/18:,Traffic Safety Facts. Research Note (series) (EL),0982-D-66
    TD 8.27/19:,Traffic Safety Facts Rural/Urban Comparison (EL),0982-D-70
    TD 8.29:,DOT-TSC-NHTSA  (series)  (MF),0982-D-30
    TD 8.31:,Posters  (P),0982-D-25
    TD 8.32:,National Automotive Sampling System, Crashworthiness Data System (P),0982-D-35
    TD 8.35:,Directories,0982-D-38
    TD 8.39:,Youth Fatal Crash and Alcohol Facts (annual) (P),0982-D-43
    TD 8.40:,Traffic Safety Digest (quarterly) (EL),0982-D-44
    TD 8.61:,Crashworthiness Research News  (MF) (EL),0982-C-35
    TD 8.62:,State Traffic Safety Information (annual) (EL),0982-D-45
    TD 8.63:,Traffic Techs (series) (EL),0982-D-47
    TD 8.64:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0982-D-48
    TD 8.65:,State Legislative Fact Sheets (EL),0982-D-48
    TD 8.66:,Buying a Safer Car for Child Passengers (annual) (EL),0982-D-49
    TD 8.66/2:,Buying a Safer Car (annual) (P) (EL),0982-D-71
    TD 8.67:,DOT-HS (series) (EL),0982-D-68
    TD 8.67/2:,Digest of Impaired Driving and Selected Beverage Control Laws (EL),0982-D-69
    TD 9.2:,General Publications,0982-J-01
    TD 9.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0982-J-02
    TD 10.2:,General Publications,0982-K-02
    TD 10.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),0982-K-06
    TD 10.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0982-K-03
    TD 10.10:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0982-K-04
    TD 10.13:,Small Business Innovation Research Program Solicitation (annual)  (EL),0982-K-07
    TD 10.15:,Volpe Journal (semiannual) (EL),0982-K-10
    TD 10.15/2:,Volpe Center Highlights (annual) (EL),0982-K-13
    TD 10.15/3:,Published and Presented (Annual) (EL),0982-K-14
    TD 10.16:,Hazardous Material Transportation Training Modules (biennial) (CD-ROM),0982-K-12
    TD 10.17:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0982-K-11
    TD 10.18:,Points of pride (annual) (EL),0982-K-15
    TD 11.1:,Annual Report (Maritime Administration) (EL),0233
    TD 11.2:,General Publications,0235
    TD 11.6:,Laws  (P),0235-A-01
    TD 11.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0235-B
    TD 11.8/2:,Maritime Labor-Management Affiliations Guide  (P) (EL),0235-B
    TD 11.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0233-C
    TD 11.11:,Vessel Inventory Report (quarterly) (EL),0236-F
    TD 11.14:,Merchant Fleets of the World, Sea-Going Steam and Motor Ships of 1,000 Gross Tons
    	 and Over (annual)  (MF)  (EL),0236-B
    TD 11.25:,Report on Survey of U. S. Shipbuilding and Repair Facilities  (annual)  (MF)  (EL),0233-N
    TD 11.28:,U.S. Exports and Imports Transshipped Via Canada and Mexico (annual) (EL),0235-B-01
    TD 11.34:,Forms  (P),0235-B-02
    TD 11.36:,Maritime Security Report (irregular) (EL),0235-B-04
    TD 11.37:,Report on Port and Shipping Safety and Environmental Protection (quarterly)
    TD 11.38:,Public Port Finance Survey for FY (annual) (EL),0235-B-06
    TD 12.1:,Transportation Statistics Annual Report  (EL),0982-N
    TD 12.1/2:,National Transportation Statistics, Annual Report  (MF) (EL),0982-K-01
    TD 12.1/2-2:,State Transportation Statistics (EL) (Annual),0982-N-30
    TD 12.2:,General Publications,0982-N-01
    TD 12.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0982-N-12
    TD 12.8/2:,Pocket Guide to Transportation (annual) (EL),0982-N-13
    TD 12.9:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),0982-N-15
    TD 12.9/2:,Sources of Information in Transportation (EL),0982-N-16
    TD 12.9/2-2:,Sources of Information in Transportation. Air Transportation (updated periodically)
    TD 12.9/2-3:,Sources of Information in Transportation. General Transportation (updated periodically)
    TD 12.9/2-4:,Sources of Information in Transportation. Hazardous Materials Transportation (updated
    	 periodically) (EL),0982-N-19
    TD 12.9/2-5:,Sources of Information in Transportation. Highways (updated periodically) (EL),
    TD 12.9/2-6:,Sources of Information in Transportation. Inland Water Transportation (updated
    	 periodically) (EL),0982-N-21
    TD 12.9/2-7:,Sources of Information in Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems
    	 (updated periodically) (EL),0982-N-22
    TD 12.9/2-8:,Sources of Information in Transportation. Maritime Transportation (updated
    	 periodically) (EL),0982-N-23
    TD 12.9/2-9:,Sources of Information in Transportation. Pipelines (updated periodically)
    TD 12.9/2-10:,Sources of Information in Transportation. Trucking (updated periodically)
    TD 12.10:,Directories (EL) (P),0982-N-09
    TD 12.11:,Maps and Charts (P),0982-N-11
    TD 12.15:,Air Carrier Industry Scheduled Series Traffic Statistics Quarterly  (MF),0982-N-05
    TD 12.15/2:,Air Carrier Traffic Statistics Monthly (EL),0982-N-02
    TD 12.15/3:,Air Carrier Financial Statistics Quarterly (EL),0982-N-03
    TD 12.15/4:,Airport Activity Statistics of Certificated Air Carriers Summary Tables (annual)
    TD 12.15/5:,Air Carrier Traffic Statistics (Online database) (EL),0982-N-32
    TD 12.17:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),0982-N-07
    TD 12.17/2:,NTAD (National Transportation Atlas Databases) (annual) (CD-ROM),0982-N-29
    TD 12.17/3:,National transportation atlas database (Irregular) (EL),0982-N-33
    TD 12.18:,Journal of Transportation and Statistics (EL),0982-N-10
    TD 12.19:,TranStats  (EL),0982-N-07
    TD 12.22:,Issue Brief (irregular) (EL),0982-N-26
    TD 12.23:,Household Survey Results (monthly) (EL),0982-N-27
    TD 12.23/2:,OmniStats (irregular) (EL),0982-N-28
    TD 12.25:,White House Economic Statistics Briefing Room, Transportation (EL) (Irregular),
    TD 13.1:,Surface Transportation Board FY ... Report (EL),0982-P-02
    TD 13.2:,General Publications,0982-P
    TD 13.6/2:,Surface Transportation Board Reports (bound volumes) (P),0982-P-01
    TD 13.15:,Statistics of Class I Freight Railroads in the United States (annual) (EL),0982-P-03
    TD 13.15/2:,Wage Statistics of Class I Railroads in the United States (annual) (EL),0982-P-04
    TDA 1.1:,Annual Report (EL),1100
    TDA 1.2:,General Publications,1100-A-01
    TDA 1.15:,TDA Update (quarterly) (EL),1100-A-02
    TDA 1.16:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),1100-A-03
    VA 1.1:,Performance and Accountability report (EL) (annual),0983
    VA 1.1/2:,Annual Report of the Surgical Service  (MF),0983
    VA 1.1/5:,Report of the Chairman, FY, Board of Veterans' Appeals  (EL),0983-F
    VA 1.1/6:,Annual Report, Veterans Health Administration, Office of Research and Development
    VA 1.1/7:,VA Health Services Research & Development Service Progress Reports (annual)
    VA 1.1/8:,Annual Report to Congress, Federally Funded Research on Gulf War Veterans'
    	 Illnesses (EL),0983-H-01
    VA 1.1/9:,VA Enterprise Centers Annual Report (annual) (EL),0983-H-02
    VA 1.2:,General Publications,0985
    VA 1.2/11:,Geographic Distribution of VA Expenditures, State, County, and Congressional
    	 District (annual) (MF) (EL),0985-K
    VA 1.3/3:,Recruitment Bulletin (monthly) (EL),0983-C
    VA 1.10:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,0987
    VA 1.10/3:,Program Guide, PG (series)  (P),0987
    VA 1.10/4:,Guides G (series)  (P),0987
    VA 1.10/5:,Handbooks (numbered)  (P),0987
    VA 1.16:,Posters  (P),0985-N
    VA 1.18:,Manuals  (P),0987
    VA 1.19:,Pamphlets  (P),0988
    VA 1.20/2:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),0983-A
    VA 1.20/3:,Bibliographies (numbered)  (P),0983-A
    VA 1.20/4:,VA Catalogs (numbered) (P),0983-A-01
    VA 1.22:,Information Bulletins (MF) (EL),0986-A
    VA 1.22/3:,Handbook of Hearing Aid Measurement (P),0986-A
    VA 1.23/3:,Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (irregular) (EL),0983-B
    VA 1.23/3-2:,Rehabilitation R&D Progress Reports (annual)  (MF) (EL),0983-B
    VA 1.23/5:,Agent Orange Review  (EL),0983-A-09
    VA 1.34/2:,Fact Sheets, Programs & Issues (series) (EL),0989-B-01
    VA 1.38:,Training Guides  (P),0989-A
    VA 1.46/2:,Servicemen's and Veterans Group Life Insurance Programs  (MF),0983
    VA 1.48:,VA Monographs  (MF),0989-F
    VA 1.48/2:,Research Monographs (numbered)  (MF),0989-F
    VA 1.52:,Voluntary Service National Advisory Committee, Annual Meeting Report (EL),0985-C
    VA 1.52/2:,VA Voluntary Service Annual Report (annual) (EL),0985-C-01
    VA 1.53:,Department of Memorial Affairs, VA-DMA-IS  (series)  (P),0989-B
    VA 1.55:,Semi-Annual Report of the Inspector General  (EL),0983-A-03
    VA 1.55/2:,Digest, Inspector General Report to the Congress (semiannual)  (P),0983-A-03
    VA 1.62:,Directory of Veterans Service Organizations (annual)  (MF),0983-A-07
    VA 1.62/2:,Directories  (P),0983-A-10
    VA 1.68/2:,Five Year Medical Facility Development Plan (quinquennial)  (MF),0987-E
    VA 1.70:,Maps and Atlases  (P),0987-F
    VA 1.74:,Statistical Briefs (numbered)  (P),0989-F
    VA 1.75:,Employment Data on T. (Title) 38 Physicians, Dentists, and Nurses (semiannual)
    VA 1.83/2:,Fiscal year ... budget submission (annual) (EL),0987-K-01
    VA 1.85:,Forms  (P),0987-J
    VA 1.91:,Medical Research Service Advisory Groups (annual)  (MF),0983-A-02
    VA 1.93:,Vanguard (monthly) (EL),0983-E
    VA 1.94:,PTSD Research Quarterly (EL),0989-K
    VA 1.95:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),0983-E
    VA 1.95/2:,Board of Veterans' Appeals Decisions (annual) (CD-ROM),0983-E-01
    VA 1.95/3:,Automated Reference Materials System (ARMS) (monthly) (CD-ROM),0983-E-02
    VA 1.100:,VHA Employee Newsletter  (EL),0983-E
    VA 1.101:,VHA Highlights  (EL),0983-E
    VA 1.103:,CIO Information In The News  (EL),0983-E
    VA 1.104:,Operations Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom Review (P) (EL),0985-M-01
    VA 1.104/2:,Operations Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom Review (EL),0985-M-02
    VA 1.105:,Ephemera (P) (EL),0985-A-01
    VA 1.107:,VA Research Currents (EL),0985-A-03
    VA 1.107/2:,HSR&D Research Briefs (EL),0985-A-04
    VA 1.108:,Forum, Translating Research into Quality Health Care for Veterans (EL),0985-A-05
    VA 1.109:,Nationwide Gravesite Locator (online database) (EL),0985-A-06
    VA 1.110:,Annual Benefits Report (annual) (EL),0985-A-07
    VA 1.111:,Operations Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom Review (irregular) (EL),0985-A-08
    VA 1.112:,Ionizing Radiation Review (EL) (Irregular),0985-A-09
    X JH:,House Journal (CD-ROM) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1030-B-01
    X JH:,House Journal  (MF) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1030-B
    X JH:,House Journal (P) (EL)  ESSENTIAL TITLE,1030-A
    X JS:,Senate Journal (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1047-B
    X JS:,Senate Journal (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1047-A
    X 1.1:,Congressional Record (bound), Index and Daily Digest (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0993-C
    X 1.1:,Congressional Record (bound), Index and Daily Digest  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0993-B
    X 1.1:,Congressional Record (bound) 1985 and forward (regionals only) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0993-A-01
    X 1.1:,Congressional Record (bound)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0993-A
    X 1.1/A:,Congressional Record (Full-text, Daily Digest,) (online database) (daily) (EL) ESSENTIAL
    X 1.1/A:,Congressional Record (daily including biweekly index) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0994-C
    X 1.1/A:,Congressional Record (daily including biweekly index) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0994-B-01
    X 1.1/A:,Congressional Record (daily including biweekly index) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0994-B
    Y 1.1/2:,Serial Set (bound) 105th Congress and forward (regionals only) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1008-F
    Y 1.1/2:,Deschler's Precedents of the U.S. House of Representatives ESSENTIAL TITLE,0995-G-01
    Y 1.1/3:,Senate Documents  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0996-A
    Y 1.1/3:,Senate Documents  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0996-B
    Y 1.1/3:,Constitution of the United States, Analysis and Interpretation (Including supplements)
    	 (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1004-E-02
    Y 1.1/3:,Constitution of the United States, Analysis and Interpretation (Including supplements)
    	 (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1004-E-01
    Y 1.1/4:,Senate Treaty Documents  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0996-A
    Y 1.1/4:,Senate Treaty Documents  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0996-B
    Y 1.1/5:,Senate Reports  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1008-D
    Y 1.1/5:,Senate Reports  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1008-C
    Y 1.1/6:,Senate Executive Reports  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1008-C
    Y 1.1/6:,Senate Executive Reports  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1008-D
    Y 1.1/7:,House Documents  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0996-B
    Y 1.1/7:,House Documents  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0996-A
    Y 1.1/8:,House Reports  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1008-D
    Y 1.1/8:,House Reports  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1008-C
    Y 1.1/9:,Polymer dividers imprinted with (SuDocs) classification number system to convert Microfiche
    	 House and Senate Reports and Documents into the Congressional Serial Set.,1008-D-01
    Y 1.1/10:,The title page and/or table of contents to be used by libraries to bind Senate and House
    	 Documents and Reports to create a U.S. Congressional Serial set volume.  Printed on acid
    	 free paper.,1008-D-02
    Y 1.2:,General Publications ESSENTIAL TITLE,0998
    Y 1.2/2:,Calendar of United States House of Representatives and History of Legislation (P) (EL)
    Y 1.2/5:,United States Code (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0991-A-01
    Y 1.2/5:,United States Code (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0991-A
    Y 1.2/5-2:,United States Code (annual) (CD-ROM) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0991-B
    Y 1.2/6:,List of Standing Committees ... House of Representatives (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0998
    Y 1.2/7:,Telephone Directory (semiannual) (MF) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0998
    Y 1.2/8:,Cross-References Within the Internal Revenue Code (irregular) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0998
    Y 1.2/10:,Election Statistics (EL),0998-A-03
    Y 1.2/11:,Official Alphabetical List of the House of Representatives of the United States (EL),0998-A-04
    Y 1.3:,General Publications ESSENTIAL TITLE,0998-A-01
    Y 1.3/3:,Calendar of Business, Senate (MF) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0998-B
    Y 1.3/4:,Journal of Executive Proceedings of U.S. Senate (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1047-D
    Y 1.3/4:,Journal of Executive Proceedings of U.S. Senate  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1047-C
    Y 1.3/8:,Senate History (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0998-D
    Y 1.3/9:,List of Standing Committees  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0998-A-01
    Y 1.3/10:,U.S. Senate Telephone Directory (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0998-A-01
    Y 1.3/10:,Senate Suite and Telephone List (EL) (Annual),0998-A-05
    Y 1.4/1:,Senate Bills (EL),1006-A
    Y 1.4/2:,Senate Resolutions (EL),1006-A
    Y 1.4/3:,Senate Joint Resolutions (EL),1006-A
    Y 1.4/4:,Senate Concurrent Resolutions (EL),1006-A
    Y 1.4/5:,Senate Printed Amendments (EL),1006-A
    Y 1.4/6:,House Bills (EL),1006-A
    Y 1.4/7:,House Resolutions (EL),1006-A
    Y 1.4/8:,House Joint Resolutions (EL),1006-A
    Y 1.4/9:,House Concurrent Resolutions (EL),1006-A
    Y 1.5:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0998-F
    Y 1.6:,Congressional Bills (103rd Congress-current) (online database) (EL),1006-B
    Y 1.7:,Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-present (online database) (EL),1006-C
    Y 3.AD 9/12:1,Annual Report (EL),1049-L-01
    Y 3.AD 9/12:2,General Publications,1049-L-02
    Y 3.AF 8:2,General Publications,1061-M
    Y 3.AF 8:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1061-M
    Y 3.AM 3:1,Annual Report  (MF),1050
    Y 3.AM 3:2,General Publications,1050
    Y 3.AP 4/2:1,Annual Report  (MF),1050-A
    Y 3.AP 4/2:1/2,FY ... Performance Budget Justification (EL),1050-A-02
    Y 3.AP 4/2:1/3,Inspector General's Semiannual Report to Congress (EL),1050-A-03
    Y 3.AP 4/2:2/,General Publications,1050-A
    Y 3.AP 4/2:9-2/,Appalachia Journal (P) (EL),1050-A
    Y 3.AP 4/2:16,Electronic Products  (misc.) (E),1050-A-01
    Y 3.AR 2:1/,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),1100-D-03
    Y 3.AR 2:2,General Publications,1100-D
    Y 3.AR 2:10,United States Botanic Garden: General Publications,1100-D-01
    Y 3.AR 2:10-8/,United States Botanic Garden: Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1100-D-02
    Y 3.AR 2/2:1/,Annual Report (EL),1100-E-01
    Y 3.AR 2/2:2/,General Publications,1100-E
    Y 3.B 27:1,Annual Reports  (MF),1062-D-01
    Y 3.B 27:2,General Publications,1062-D-01
    Y 3.B 27:3-2,Bulletin  (P) (EL),1062-D-02
    Y 3.B 27:5,Laws  (P),1062-D-01
    Y 3.B 27:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1062-D-01
    Y 3.B 27:16,Access Currents (bimonthly) (EL),1061-D-03
    Y 3.C 42/2:2,General Publications,1093-A
    Y 3.C 42/2:3,Safety Bulletin (irregular) (P),1093-A-03
    Y 3.C 42/2:15,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),1093-A-01
    Y 3.C 42/2:16,Investigations and News (EL),1093-A-02
    Y 3.C 42/2:17,Case Study (letters/nos.) (irregular) (EL),1093-A-04
    Y 3.C 73/5:1,Annual Report (EL),0039-B
    Y 3.C 73/5:1/3,FY ... President's Budget & Performance Plan (Annual) (EL),0039-B-03
    Y 3.C 73/5:2,General Publications,0039
    Y 3.C 73/5:11,On Call Positions in Spot Cotton Based on New York Cotton Futures Reported by
    	 Merchants in Special Account Status as of ... , Weekly Report (EL),0039-B-02
    Y 3.C 73/5:14/,Selected FCM Financial Data as of ... for Reports Filed by ... (Monthly) (EL),0039-B-04
    Y 3.C 73/5:15/,Freedom of Information Act Annual Report for Calendar Year (EL),0039-B-01
    Y 3.C 73/5:16/,Bank Participation in Futures Options Markets (in Contracts-Not Delta Adjusted)
    	 (Monthly) (EL),0039-B-05
    Y 3.C 73/5:17/,Bank Participation in Futures Markets (in Contracts) (Monthly) (EL),0039-B-06
    Y 3.C 76/3:1,Annual Report  (EL),1062-C-05
    Y 3.C 76/3:2,General Publications,1062-C
    Y 3.C 76/3:5,Laws  (P),1062-C-04
    Y 3.C 76/3:7-3/,NEISS (National Electronic Injury Surveillance System) Data Highlights (annual)
    Y 3.C 76/3:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1062-C-06
    Y 3.C 76/3:11,Fact Sheets (numbered) (P),1062-C-07
    Y 3.C 76/3:11-3,Alert Sheets  (P),1062-C-15
    Y 3.C 76/3:12-2/,National Poison Prevention Week, Editor's Fact Sheet (annual) (P),1062-C-24
    Y 3.C 76/3:13,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),1062-C-08
    Y 3.C 76/3:14,Poster  (P),1062-C-09
    Y 3.C 76/3:26,CPSC Public Calendar  (EL),0998-F-02
    Y 3.C 76/3:28,Consumer Product Safety Review (quarterly) (EL),1062-C-22
    Y 3.C 76/3:29,Electronic Products (E),1062-C-23
    Y 3.C 76/3:30,Ephemera (P) (EL),1062-C-25
    Y 3.C 76/4:2,General Publications,1089-Q
    Y 3.C 83/2:1-2/,Foreign Economic Collection and Industrial Espionage (annual) (EL),1089-Q-01
    Y 3.C 83/2:2,General Publications,1089-Q-02
    Y 3.C 83/2:15/,National Counterintelligence Strategy of the U.S. (annual) (EL),1089-Q-03
    Y 3.C 83/3:1,Report to Congress (annual) (EL),1153-A
    Y 3.C 83/3:2,General Publications,1153
    Y 3.C 83/3:7,Press Releases (EL),1153-A-01
    Y 3.D 36/2:2,General Publications,1152
    Y 3.D 36/3:1,Annual Report (EL),1089-R-01
    Y 3.D 36/3:9,Technical Report (Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board) (irregular) (EL),1089-R-02
    Y 3.D 36/3:10,Recommendations of the DNFSB (series) (EL),1089-R-03
    Y 3.D 36/3:11,DNFSB Site Representatives Weekly Activities Reports  (EL),1089-R-03
    Y 3.D 36/3:11-1/,Activity Report for Week Ending ... (Hanford Site) (weekly) (EL),1089-R-07
    Y 3.D 36/3:11-2/,Los Alamos Report for Week Ending ... (weekly) (EL),1089-R-08
    Y 3.D 36/3:11-3/,Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report for Week Ending ... (weekly)
    Y 3.D 36/3:11-4/,Activity Report for Week Ending ... (Oak Ridge) (weekly) (EL),1089-R-10
    Y 3.D 36/3:11-5/,Pantex Plant Weekly Report (weekly) (EL),1089-R-11
    Y 3.D 36/3:11-6/,RFETS Activity Report for Week Ending ... (weekly) (EL),1089-R-12
    Y 3.D 36/3:11-7/,SRS Report for Week Ending ... (weekly) (EL),1089-R-13
    Y 3.D 36/3:12,DNFSB Staff Issue Reports (EL),1089-R-03
    Y 3.D 36/3:13,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),1089-R-03
    Y 3.D 36/3:14/,FY ... Performance and Accountability Report (Annual) (EL),1089-R-04
    Y 3.D 36/3:15/,Plutonium Storage at the DOE's Savannah River Site, ... Annual Report to
    	 Congress (Annual) (EL),1089-R-05
    Y 3.D 36/3:16/,Report to Congress on Acquisitions Made from Manufacturer Inside and
    	 Outside the United States, Fiscal Year (FY) (annual) (EL),1089-R-06
    Y 3.D 63/3:1,Govt. Perf. and Results Act, annual report to the President and Congress
    	 (annual) (EL),1063-H-02
    Y 3.D 63/3:1-2,National Disability Policy: A Progress Report (annual) (EL),1063-H-03
    Y 3.D 63/3:2,General Publications,1063-H
    Y 3.D 63/3:3/,NCD (National Council on Disability) Bulletin (EL),1063-H-05
    Y 3.D 63/3:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1063-H-01
    Y 3.D 63/3:10,Policy Brief Series: Righting the ADA Papers (irregular) (EL),1063-H-04
    Y 3.EL 2/3:1/,Annual Report (EL),1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:2,General Publications,1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:2-10/,Campaign Finance Law (EL),1091-A-02
    Y 3.EL 2/3:5,Federal Election Campaign Laws (P) (EL),1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:6,Regulations, Rules, Instructions,1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:10/,Journal of Election Administration (irregular) (P),1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:11/,Federal Election Commission Record (EL),1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:13,Campaign Guide (P),1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:14-2/,Combined Federal/State Disclosure and Election Directory (annual) (EL),1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:15/,FEC Reports on Financial Activity (MF),1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:16/,Federal Elections (biennial) (EL),1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:18,Innovations in Election Administration (P),1091-A
    Y 3.EL 2/3:19,Selected Court Case Abstracts (annual) (EL),1091-A-01
    Y 3.EL 2/3:20/,Legislative Recommendations (annual) (EL),1091-A-03
    Y 3.EL 2/5:1/,Annual Report (EL),1151-A
    Y 3.EL 2/5:2/,General Publications,1151
    Y 3.EN 8:1,Annual report (annual) (EL),1105-A-03
    Y 3.EN 8:2,General Publications,1105
    Y 3.EN 8:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1105-A-04
    Y 3.EN 8:15,Trio: the Newsletter of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation
    	 (Quarterly) (EL),1105-A-01
    Y 3.EN 8:16,Taking Stock: North American Pollutant Releases and Transfers (annual ) (EL),1105-A-02
    Y 3.EQ 2:1/,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),1059-A-01
    Y 3.EQ 2:1-2/,Semiannual Report to the Congress, (EEO) Office of Inspector General
    Y 3.EQ 2:1-3/,Congressional Budget Justification (annual) (EL),1059-A-10
    Y 3.EQ 2:2,General Publications,1059-A-01
    Y 3.EQ 2:6/,Rules, Regulations and Instructions (P),1059-A-01
    Y 3.EQ 2:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1059-A-01
    Y 3.EQ 2:12-4/,Job Patterns for Minorities and Women in State & Local Government (triennial)
    Y 3.EQ 2:12-5/,Annual Report on the Federal Work Force (EL),1059-A-01
    Y 3.EQ 2:12-7/,Job Patterns for Minorities & Women in Private Industry (annual) (MF),1059-A-01
    Y 3.EQ 2:13,Posters (P),1059-A-01
    Y 3.EQ 2:15/,EEOC Mission (quarterly) (MF),1059-A-07
    Y 3.EQ 2:18-7,Federal Sector Appellate Decisions (database) (EL),1059-A-09
    Y 3.EQ 2:19/,Semiannual Checklist of EEOC Orders (P),1059-A-01
    Y 3.EQ 2:20,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),1059-A-05
    Y 3.EQ 2:21,Braille Publications  (P),1059-A-06
    Y 3.EQ 2:22/,Digest of Equal Employment Opportunity Law (quarterly) (EL),1059-A-08
    Y 3.ET 3:2,General Publications,1089-T
    Y 3.ET 3:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1089-T
    Y 3.ET 3:17,Informal Advisory Letters and Memoranda and Formal Opinions of the United States
    	 Office of Government Ethics (annual) (P) (EL),1089-T-03
    Y 3.EX 7/3:1/,Annual Report  (EL),1061
    Y 3.EX 7/3:2,General Publications (MF),1060
    Y 3.EX 7/3:5,Laws  (P),1060
    Y 3.EX 7/3:6,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  (P),1060
    Y 3.EX 7/3:10,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1060
    Y 3.EX 7/3:13/,Report to the U.S. Congress on Export Credit Competition and the Export-Import
    	 Bank of the United States (annual) (EL),1060-A-01
    Y 3.EX 7/3:14/,EX-IM Bank News (monthly) (EL),1060-B
    Y 3.F 22/2:1,Annual Report  (EL),1089-N-01
    Y 3.F 31/8:1/,FDIC Annual Report (MF) (EL),1061-K
    Y 3.F 31/8:1-2/,FDIC Statistics on Banking (quarterly) (EL),1061-K
    Y 3.F 31/8:1-3/,Merger Decisions (annual)  (EL),1061-K-03
    Y 3.F 31/8:2,General Publications,1061-K
    Y 3.F 31/8:22/,Databook: Operating Banks and Branches, Summ. of Deposits (MF),1061-K
    Y 3.F 31/8:24/,FDIC Consumer News (quarterly)  (EL),1061-K-05
    Y 3.F 31/8:26/,Historical Statistics on Banking (MF) (EL),1061-K
    Y 3.F 31/8:32,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1061-K-12
    Y 3.F 31/8:33,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),1061-K-14
    Y 3.F 31/8:34,Financial Institution Letters (FILS)  (EL),1061-K-14
    Y 3.F 31/8:37/,FYI, An Update on Emerging Issues in Banking (irregular) (EL),1061-K-17
    Y 3.F 31/8:38/,FDIC Quarterly (EL),1061-K-18
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/AL 1 B,FDIC State Profile, Alabama (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-01
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/AL 1 S,FDIC State Profile, Alaska (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-02
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/AR 4 I,FDIC State Profile, Arizona (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-03
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/AR 4 K,FDIC State Profile, Arkansas (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-04
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/C 12/,FDIC State Profile California (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-05
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/C 71/,FDIC State Profile (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-06
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/C 76/,FDIC State Profile (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-07
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/D 37/,FDIC State Profile, Delaware (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-08
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/F 66/,FDIC State Profile, Florida (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-09
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/G 29/,FDIC State Profile, Georgia (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-10
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/H 31/,FDIC State Profile, Hawaii (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-11
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/ID 1/,FDIC State Profile, Idaho (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-12
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/IL 6/,FDIC State Profile, Illinois (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-13
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/IN 2/,FDIC State Profile, Indiana (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-14
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/IO 9/,FDIC State Profile, Iowa (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-15
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/K 13/,FDIC State Profile, Kansas (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-16
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/K 41/,FDIC State Profile, Kentucky (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-17
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/L 93/,FDIC State Profile, Louisiana (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-18
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/M 28/,FDIC State Profile, Maine (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-19
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/M 36/,FDIC State Profile, Maryland and Washington, D.C. (Quarterly)(EL),
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/M 38/,FDIC State Profile, Massachusetts (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-21
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/M 58/,FDIC State Profile, Michigan (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-22
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/M 66/,FDIC State Profile, Minnesota (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-23
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/M 69 I,FDIC State Profile, Mississippi (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-24
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/M 69 O,FDIC State Profile, Missouri (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-25
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/M 76/,FDIC State Profile, Montana (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-26
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/N 27/,FDIC State Profile, Nebraska (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-27
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/N 41/,FDIC State Profile, Nevada (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-28
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/N 42 H,FDIC State Profile, New Hampshire (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-29
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/N 42 J,FDIC State Profile, New Jersey (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-30
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/N 42 M,FDIC State Profile, New Mexico (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-31
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/N 42 Y,FDIC State Profile, New York (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-32
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/N 81 C,FDIC State Profile, North Carolina (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-33
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/N 81 D,FDIC State Profile, North Dakota (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-34
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/OH 3/,FDIC State Profile, Ohio (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-35
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/OK 4/,FDIC State Profile, Oklahoma (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-36
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/OR 4/,FDIC State Profile, Oregon (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-37
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/P 38/,FDIC State Profile, Pennsylvania (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-38
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/P 96 R,FDIC State Profile, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (Quarterly)
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/R 34/,FDIC State Profile, Rhode Island (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-40
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/SO 8 C,FDIC State Profile, South Carolina (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-41
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/SO 8 D,FDIC State Profile, South Dakota (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-42
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/T 25/,FDIC State Profile, Tennessee (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-43
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/T 31/,FDIC State Profile, Texas (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-44
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/UT 1/,FDIC State Profile, Utah (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-45
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/V 59/,FDIC State Profile, Vermont (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-46
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/V 81/,FDIC State Profile, Virginia (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-47
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/W 27/,FDIC State Profile, Washington (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-48
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/W 52 V,FDIC State Profile, West Virginia (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-49
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/W 75/,FDIC State Profile, Wisconsin (Quarterly)(EL),1061-L-50
    Y 3.F 31/8:39/W 99/,FDIC State Profile, Wyoming (Quarterly) (EL),1061-L-51
    Y 3.F 31/20:2,General Publications,1061-E
    Y 3.F 31/20:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1061-E
    Y 3.F 31/20:8-2/,Fiscal Year Directory Baltimore Federal Executive Board (P),1061-E-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:1/,Annual Report (EL),1062-H
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:2,General Publications,1061-G-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:5,Laws  (P),1062-G-02
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1061-G-05
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:9/CASE,Report of Case Decisions (P),1061-G-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:9-3/,Administrative Law Judge Decisions (P),1061-G-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:9-4/,Citator (P),1061-G-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:9-5/,Federal Register Proposed Amendments (irregular) (P),1061-G-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:10-4/,Decisions of the Federal Labor Relations Authority (P) (EL),1061-G-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:13,Regulations, Rules, Instructions (P),1061-G-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:14/,Information Announcement (P),1061-G-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:14-3/,FLRA Report of Case Decisions and FSIP Releases (package) 
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:14-11/,Case Information Sheets (P),1061-G-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:14-14/,FLRA News (EL),1061-G-01
    Y 3.F 31/21-3:15/,FLRA Bulletin (irregular)  (EL),1061-G-08
    Y 3.F 49:1/,Annual Report (EL),1061-J-02
    Y 3.F 49:2,General Publications,1061-J-01
    Y 3.F 49:15/,HMDA aggregate report (EL),1061-J-03
    Y 3.F 49:15-2/,HMDA National Aggregate Report (EL),1061-J-04
    Y 3.F 49:16/,FFIEC Geocoding System (EL),1061-J-05
    Y 3.F 49:17/,FFIEC Census Reports (EL),1061-J-06
    Y 3.F 49:18/,Disclosure report (HMDA) (EL),1061-J-07
    Y 3.F 49/2:2/,General Publications,1061-O
    Y 3.H 42:1,Annual Report (EL),1064-F-01
    Y 3.H 42:2,General Publications,1064-F
    Y 3.H 62:1,Report to the President and Congress (biennial) (EL),1064-A
    Y 3.H 62:2,General Publications,1064-A
    Y 3.H 62:5,National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as Amended  (P),1064-A
    Y 3.H 62:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1064-A
    Y 3.H 62/4:2,General Publications,1089-J
    Y 3.H 62/4:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1089-J
    Y 3.H 74:2,General Publications,1070-K-01
    Y 3.H 74:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1070-K-01
    Y 3.H 74:9,Posters (P),1070-K-01
    Y 3.H 74:11/,Directories,1070-K-01
    Y 3.H 74:13,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P) (EL),1070-K-01
    Y 3.H 75:1,The Annual Report of the Interagency Council on the Homeless (P),1089-S
    Y 3.H 75:2,General Publications,1089-S
    Y 3.H 75:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1089-S
    Y 3.H 75:16/,Program Alert (irregular),1089-S
    Y 3.H 75:17/,Fact Sheet (P),1089-S
    Y 3.H 75:18/,e-Newsletter (weekly) (EL),1089-S-01
    Y 3.IN 2/10:1,Annual Report  (MF),1070-B-05
    Y 3.IN 2/10:2,General Publications,1070-B-05
    Y 3.IN 2/10:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1070-B-05
    Y 3.IN 8/25:,Inter-American Foundation (annual) (P) (EL),1051-D-01
    Y 3.IN 8/25:2,General Publications,1051-D-01
    Y 3.IN 8/25:15,Grassroots Development (semiannual) (EL),1051-D-01
    Y 3.IN 8/25:16/,Country Focus Series (Serie De Estudios De Paises) (P),1051-D-01
    Y 3.J 27:1/,Biennial Report (EL),1061-F-01
    Y 3.J 27:2,General Publications,1061-F-01
    Y 3.L 52:1/,Office of Inspector General, Semiannual Report to the Congress (EL),1089-A-06
    Y 3.L 52:1/2/,Semiannual Report to the Congress for the Period (EL),1089-A-07
    Y 3.L 52:1/3,Annual Report (EL),1089-A-09
    Y 3.L 52:2,General Publications,1089-A-05
    Y 3.L 52:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1089-A-10
    Y 3.L 52:15/,Equal Justice Magazine (quarterly) (EL),1089-A-08
    Y 3.L 61:1,Annual Report  (EL),1061-F
    Y 3.L 61:2,General Publications,1061-F
    Y 3.L 61:15/,Electronic Products,1061-F-05
    Y 3.L 71:1,Annual Report  (MF),1089-V
    Y 3.L 71:2,General Publications,1089-V
    Y 3.L 71:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1089-V
    Y 3.L 71:10,Directories,1089-V-01
    Y 3.L 71:16/,Literacy Leader Fellowship Program Reports (series) (P),1089-V-02
    Y 3.L 71:17/,State Policy Updates (EL),1089-V-03
    Y 3.L 71:18/,Policy Updates (EL),1089-V-03
    Y 3.L 71:19/,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),1089-V-03
    Y 3.L 71:20/,EFF HOT Topics (quarterly) (EL),1089-V-04
    Y 3.M 33/3:1,Annual Report (EL),1064-C
    Y 3.M 33/3:2,General Publications,1064-C
    Y 3.M 33/3:9/,MMC Report (MF),1064-C
    Y 3.M 33/3:9-2/,Survey of Federally-Funded Marine Research and Studies (annual) (MF),
    Y 3.M 46/3:1/,MedPAC Report to Congress (semiannual) (EL),1150
    Y 3.M 46/3:2,General Publications,1150-A
    Y 3.M 46/3:15/,MedPAC Contract Research Series (EL),1150-A-01
    Y 3.M 46/3:16,A Data Book, Healthcare Spending and the Medicare Program (updated
    	 annually) (EL),1150-A-02
    Y 3.M 58:1,Annual Report,1061-H-04
    Y 3.M 58:2,General Publications,1061-H
    Y 3.M 66:9,Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, Commission Decisions
    	 (irregular) (EL),1061-H-01
    Y 3.M 66:9-2/,Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Cumulative Index (quarterly),1061-H-02
    Y 3.N 21/29:1,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),1089-U
    Y 3.N 21/29:2,General Publications,1089-U-03
    Y 3.N 21/29:8,Handbook, Manual, Guides  (P),1089-U-02
    Y 3.N 21/29:10,Directories,1089-U-10
    Y 3.N 21/29:12,Posters (P),1089-U-22
    Y 3.N 21/29:15,Senior Corps Update (EL),1089-U-04
    Y 3.N 21/29:16-1,Americorps/USDA Annual Report  (MF),1089-U-16
    Y 3.N 21/29:16-2,Americorps-General Publications,1089-U-05
    Y 3.N 21/29:16-3,Americorps-Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1089-U-06
    Y 3.N 21/29:16-14,Americorps News  (EL),1089-U-13
    Y 3.N 21/29:16-15,National Service News  (EL),1089-U-17
    Y 3.N 21/29:16-16,Americorps/VISTA Source (quarterly) (P),1089-U-24
    Y 3.N 21/29:16-17/,Americorps-Forms  (P),1089-U-19
    Y 3.N 21/29:16-18/,Getting to the Corps  (quarterly) (P),1089-U-21
    Y 3.N 21/29:17-2,VISTA-General Publications,1089-U-09
    Y 3.N 21/29:17-4,VISTA - Forms  (MF),1089-U-08
    Y 3.N 21/29:17-8,VISTA-Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1089-U-11
    Y 3.N 21/29:17-16,VISTA-Directories,1089-U-15
    Y 3.N 21/29:18-1,National Senior Service Corps Fact Sheet (P),1089-U-20
    Y 3.N 21/29:18-8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1089-U-23
    Y 3.N 81/8:1,Annual Report (EL),1089-W-01
    Y 3.N 81/8:2,General Publications,1089-W-04
    Y 3.N 81/8:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1089-W-02
    Y 3.N 81/8:10,Directory of Organizations (EL),1089-W-03
    Y 3.N 81/8:10-2,Directories,1089-W-09
    Y 3.N 81/8:15,Independent Economic Analysis Board (IEAB) Documents  (EL),1089-W-05
    Y 3.N 81/8:16,Independent Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) Documents  (EL),1089-W-06
    Y 3.N 81/8:17,Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) Documents  (EL),1089-W-07
    Y 3.N 81/8:18,Staff Issue Paper (series) (EL),1089-W-08
    Y 3.N 88:1,Annual Report  (MF),1053
    Y 3.N 88:2,General Publications,1051-H-01
    Y 3.N 88:6,Rules & Regulations (title 10. chap. 1, CFR)  (P),1052
    Y 3.N 88:6-2,Regulatory Guides: 10.(nos.), General  (MF),1051-R-10
    Y 3.N 88:6-2,Regulatory Guides: 9.(nos.), Antitrust and Financial Review  (MF),1051-R-09
    Y 3.N 88:6-2,Regulatory Guides: 8.(nos.), Occupational Health  (MF),1051-R-08
    Y 3.N 88:6-2,Regulatory Guides: 7.(nos.), Transportation  (MF),1051-R-07
    Y 3.N 88:6-2,Regulatory Guides: 6.(nos.), Products (MF),1051-R-06
    Y 3.N 88:6-2,Regulatory Guides: 5.(nos.), Materials and Plant Protection  (MF),1051-R-05
    Y 3.N 88:6-2,Regulatory Guides: 4.(nos.), Environmental and Siting  (MF),1051-R-04
    Y 3.N 88:6-2,Regulatory Guides: 3.(nos.), Fuels and Materials Facilities  (MF),1051-R-03
    Y 3.N 88:6-2,Regulatory Guides: 2.(nos.), Test Reactors  (MF),1051-R-02
    Y 3.N 88:6-2,Regulatory Guides: 1.(nos.), Power Reactors  (MF),1051-R-01
    Y 3.N 88:6-3/,Draft Regulatory Guide DG-(series)  (MF),1052
    Y 3.N 88:6-4/,Regulatory Guide List  (MF),1052
    Y 3.N 88:7/,NRC News Releases (irregular) (EL),1051-H-26
    Y 3.N 88:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1051-H-18
    Y 3.N 88:10,Reports, NUREG-(series)  (MF),1051-H-02
    Y 3.N 88:10-2/,Budget Estimates Fiscal Years (annual)  (MF),1051-H-02
    Y 3.N 88:10-3/,Compilation of Contract Research for the Materials Engineering Branch,
    	 Division of Engineering Safety (annual) (MF),1051-H-02
    Y 3.N 88:10-5/,Occupational Radiation Exposure at Commercial Nuclear Power Reactors
    	 and Other Facilities  (EL),1051-H-02
    Y 3.N 88:10-6/,Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (annual) (EL),1052-B
    Y 3.N 88:10-7/,Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS) (irregular)
    Y 3.N 88:10-8/,License Renewal Generic Environmental Impact Statement, (NUREG-1437)
    Y 3.N 88:11,N.R.C. Issuances, Opinions and Decisions of the N.R.C. with Selected Orders
    Y 3.N 88:11-2/,Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances (monthly)  (P),1051-J-01
    Y 3.N 88:14/,Telephone Directory (irregular)  (EL),1051-H-19
    Y 3.N 88:20,Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences (annual) (EL),1051-H-07
    Y 3.N 88:23/,United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Practice and Procedure Digest
    	 (NUREG-0386) (quarterly) (P) (EL),1051-H-09
    Y 3.N 88:25/,Contractor Reports NUREG/CR (series)  (EL),1051-H-11
    Y 3.N 88:25-2/,BNL-NUREG  (MF),1051-H-11
    Y 3.N 88:25-6/,Precursors to Potential Severe Core Damage Accidents (annual)  (MF),1051-H-11
    Y 3.N 88:25-12/,Radioactive Materials Released from Nuclear Power Plants (annual)  (MF),
    Y 3.N 88:27/,NUREG/CP (series)  (MF),1051-H-13
    Y 3.N 88:28/,Licensed Fuel Facility Status Report, Summary Report, Data for Decisions, Fuel
    	 Cycle Operations (semiannual)  (MF) (EL),1051-H-15
    Y 3.N 88:31/,Brochure Reports, NUREG-BR (series)  (P),1051-H-20
    Y 3.N 88:31/0083/,Computer Codes and Mathematical Models (quarterly)  (MF),1051-H-40
    Y 3.N 88:31/0110/,Technical Specification Improvement Program Highlights (irregular)
    Y 3.N 88:34/,Topical Report Review Status (annual)  (MF),1051-H-25
    Y 3.N 88:38/,Licensee Event Report (LER) Compilation (monthly)  (MF),1051-H-27
    Y 3.N 88:45/,NRC Regulatory Agenda, NUREG-0936 (semiannual)  (EL),1051-H-32
    Y 3.N 88:47/,Enforcement Actions: Significant Actions Resolved  (quarterly)  (MF),1051-H-33
    Y 3.N 88:48/,Safety Research Programs Sponsored by Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
    	  (semiannual)  (P),1051-H-36
    Y 3.N 88:50/,Weekly Information Report  (EL),1051-H-38
    Y 3.N 88:52/,Directories  (P),1051-H-39
    Y 3.N 88:53/,International Agreement Reports  (MF),1051-H-41
    Y 3.N 88:56/,Generic Letter (series)  (MF),1051-H-08
    Y 3.N 88:56-2/,NRC Information Notice  (MF),1051-H-08
    Y 3.N 88:57/,NMSS Licensee Newsletter (quarterly) (EL),1052-B
    Y 3.N 88:57-2/,Sealed Source and Device Newsletter (SS&D) (EL),1052-B
    Y 3.N 88:58/,NUREG/GR (series)  (MF),1051-H-13
    Y 3.N 88:59/,Forms  (P),1051-S
    Y 3.N 88:60/,Chief Financial Officer's Annual Report  (MF),1053-A-01
    Y 3.N 88:61/,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),1052-B
    Y 3.N 88:62/,NRC Public Document Room Collection (MF),1051-H-45
    Y 3.N 88/2:1,Annual Report  (EL),1089-W
    Y 3.N 88/2:2,General Publications,1089-W
    Y 3.OC 1:2,General Publications,1070-L
    Y 3.OC 1:6,Rules, Regulations, and Instructions  (MF),1070-L-01
    Y 3.OC 1:10-2/,Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Administrative Law Judge
    	 and Commission Decisions (quarterly) (CD-ROM),1070-L-01
    Y 3.OC 1:10-5/,ALJ Decisions (EL),1070-L-02
    Y 3.OC 1:10-6/,Commission Decisions (EL),1070-L-02
    Y 3.OC 1:11,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),1070-L-02
    Y 3.P 31:,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),1063-K
    Y 3.P 31:1,Biennial Report,1063-K-01
    Y 3.P 31:2,General Publications,1063-K-02
    Y 3.P 31:3,Posters  (P),1063-K-03
    Y 3.P 31:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1063-K-05
    Y 3.P 31:10,Directories  (MF),1063-K-02
    Y 3.P 31:13,Forms  (P),1063-K-06
    Y 3.P 31:15-2/,Peace Watch  (EL),1063-K-07
    Y 3.P 31:17,Bibliographies  (P),1063-K-05
    Y 3.P 31:18,Series on Religion Nationalism and Intolerance  (MF),1063-K-09
    Y 3.P 31:19,Peaceworks (series)  (P),1063-K-11
    Y 3.P 31:20,Special Reports (EL),1063-K
    Y 3.P 31:21/,Virtual Diplomacy Series (EL),1063-K-12
    Y 3.P 31:22,Peace Agreements Digital Collection (online database),1063-K-13
    Y 3.P 31:23,Stabilization and Reconstruction Series (EL),1063-K-14
    Y 3.P 31:24,Working Papers (series) (EL),1063-K-15
    Y 3.P 38/2:1,Annual Report  (MF),1070-N
    Y 3.P 38/2:1-2/,Performance and Accountability Report (annual) (EL),1070-N-05
    Y 3.P 38/2:2,General Publications,1070-N
    Y 3.P 38/2:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1070-N-01
    Y 3.P 38/2:11,Forms  (P),1070-N
    Y 3.P 38/2:12/,Pension Insurance Data Book: PBGC Single-Employer Program (annual) (P)
    Y 3.P 38/2:13,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),1070-N-03
    Y 3.P 38/2:14,Fact Sheets (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation) (EL),1070-N-04
    Y 3.P 84/4:2,General Publications,1092
    Y 3.P 84/4:9,Postal Rate Hearing Dockets  (MF),1092
    Y 3.P 84/4:9/2,Governors' Decision (online database) (EL),1092-A-02
    Y 3.P 84/4:10,Opinion and Recommended Decision (online database) (EL),1092-A-01
    Y 3.P 97:1/,Annual Report (EL),1089-X-01
    Y 3.P 97:2,General Publications,1089-X
    Y 3.P 97:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1089-X
    Y 3.P 97:10,Procurement List (annual) (EL),1089-X-02
    Y 3.P 97:10/,Procurement List (annual),1089-X
    Y 3.R 27:1/,Annual Report (EL),1095
    Y 3.R 27:2/,General Publications,1095-A
    Y 3.R 27:15/,Commission Report on ... (various countries) (EL),1095-A-01
    Y 3.SE 4:1,Annual Report to Congress (EL),1076
    Y 3.SE 4:2,General Publications,1075
    Y 3.SE 4:10-2,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1075
    Y 3.SE 4:24,List of Local Boards of the Selective Service System,1079-B
    Y 3.SE 4:26,Telephone Directory  (MF),1075-A
    Y 3.SE 4:27/,The Register (bimonthly) (EL),1079-B
    Y 3.SE 4:28/,Information for Registrars for the Selective Service System (updated irregularly)
    Y 3.SE 5:1/,Annual Report, United States Sentencing Commission (annual) (EL),1094-A-01
    Y 3.SE 5:2,General Publications,1094
    Y 3.SE 5:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1094
    Y 3.SE 5:8-2/,Federal Sentencing Guidelines Manual (annual) (EL),1094-A-03
    Y 3.SE 5:8-3/,Guide to Publications and Resources (EL),1094-A-05
    Y 3.SE 5:14,Public Hearing  (MF),1094
    Y 3.SE 5:15/,Reprint Series (irregular)  (MF),1094
    Y 3.SE 5:16/,Minutes of U.S. Sentencing Commission Meetings  (EL),1094-B
    Y 3.SE 5:17/,Guide Lines: News from the U.S. Sentencing Commission (EL),1094-C
    Y 3.SE 5:18/,Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics (annual) (EL),1094-A-02
    Y 3.SE 5:18-2,Federal Sentencing Statistics by State, Circuit & District (annual) (EL),1094-A-04
    Y 3.T 25:1,Annual Report  (EL),1080
    Y 3.T 25:1-19/,Inspector General Semiannual Reports (semiannual)  (MF),1080
    Y 3.T 25:2,General Publications,1082
    Y 3.T 25:6-2/,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1082-G
    Y 3.T 25:7,Maps  (P),1082-D
    Y 3.T 25:8,Posters  (P),1082-K
    Y 3.T 25:31,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications  (P),1082-H
    Y 3.T 25:44/,Environmental Radioactivity Levels (various nuclear plants) (MF),1082-F-01
    Y 3.T 25:45,Final Environmental Impact Statements  (MF),1082-F
    Y 3.T 25:49,Posters  (P),1082-J
    Y 3.T 25:59/,Water Resources Reports WR (series)  (MF),1083
    Y 3.T 25:59-2/,Water Resources/Water Quality, WR/WQ (series)  (MF),1083
    Y 3.T 25:64,Directories,1082-L
    Y 3.T 25:73,Electronic Products (misc.)  (E),1082-A-01
    Y 3.T 25:74,TVA Today  (EL),1082-A-01
    Y 3.T 25:74-2/,Inside TVA (Regular ed.) (EL),1082-A-02
    Y 3.T 25:74-3/,Inside TVA (Retirees ed.) (EL),1082-A-03
    Y 3.W 84/4:1,Annual Report (National Women's Business Council)  (EL),1005-L-01
    Y 3.W 84/4:2,General Publications,1005-L
    Y 3.W 84/4:8,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1005-L-02
    Y 3.2:,Reports and Publications,1089
    Y 4.AG 4:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C-01
    Y 4.AG 4:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-B-01
    Y 4.AG 8/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1010-B
    Y 4.AG 8/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1010-A
    Y 4.AG 8/1-11:,Rules of the Committee on Agriculture  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1010-B
    Y 4.AG 8/1-11:,Rules of the Committee on Agriculture  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1010-A
    Y 4.AG 8/1-12:,Legislative Calendar, Committee on Agriculture  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1010-B
    Y 4.AG 8/1-12:,Legislative Calendar, Committee on Agriculture  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1010-A
    Y 4.AG 8/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1032-C
    Y 4.AG 8/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1032-D
    Y 4.AP 6/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1011
    Y 4.AP 6/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1011-A
    Y 4.AP 6/1-11:,Committee Rules  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1011
    Y 4.AP 6/1-11:,Committee Rules  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1011-A
    Y 4.AP 6/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1033
    Y 4.AP 6/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1033-A
    Y 4.AR 5/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (MF),1012-D
    Y 4.AR 5/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1012-C
    Y 4.AR 5/2 A:,Committee on Armed Services: Papers (numbered) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1012-C-01
    Y 4.AR 5/2 A:,Committee on Armed Services: Papers (numbered) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1012-D-01
    Y 4.AR 5/2-15:,Committee Rules and Rules for Investigative Hearings Conducted by Subcommittees
    	 of the Committee on Armed Services (biennial) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1012-D-02
    Y 4.AR 5/2-15:,Committee Rules and Rules for Investigative Hearings Conducted by Subcommittees
    	 of the Committee on Armed Services (biennial) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1012-C-02
    Y 4.AR 5/2-17:,Legislative Calendar (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1012-C-03
    Y 4.AR 5/2-17:,Legislative Calendar (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1012-D-03
    Y 4.AR 5/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1034-B
    Y 4.AR 5/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1034-A
    Y 4.B 22/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1013-A
    Y 4.B 22/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1013-B
    Y 4.B 22/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1035-D
    Y 4.B 22/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1035-C
    Y 4.B 85/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1035-A-02
    Y 4.B 85/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1035-A-01
    Y 4.B 85/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1035-B-02
    Y 4.B 85/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1035-B-01
    Y 4.B 85/3-10:,Rules of Procedure  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1035-B-02
    Y 4.B 85/3-10:,Rules of Procedure  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1035-B-01
    Y 4.B 85/3-11:,Views and Estimates of Committees of the House (Together with Supplemental and
    	 Minority Views) on the Congressional Budget for Fiscal Year (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.B 85/3-11:,Views and Estimates of Committees of the House (Together with Supplemental and
    	 Minority Views) on the Congressional Budget for Fiscal Year (annual)  (MF) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.B 85/3-12:,Legislative Calendar (annual)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1035-B-02
    Y 4.B 85/3-12:,Legislative Calendar (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1035-B-01
    Y 4.C 44:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C-15
    Y 4.C 44:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (P) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C-14
    Y 4.C 44:1/,Annual Report (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C-17
    Y 4.C 44:1/,Annual Report (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C-16
    Y 4.C 73/7:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1041-B
    Y 4.C 73/7:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1041-A
    Y 4.C 73/8:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1019-A-01
    Y 4.C 73/8:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1019-B-01
    Y 4.C 73/8-10:,Legislative Calendar (irregular) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1019-B-01
    Y 4.C 73/8-10:,Legislative Calendar (irregular) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1019-A-01
    Y 4.C 73/8-11:,Rules of the Committee on Energy and Commerce (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1019-B-01
    Y 4.C 73/8-11:,Rules of the Committee on Energy and Commerce (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1019-A-01
    Y 4.EC 7:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1000-C
    Y 4.EC 7:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1000-B
    Y 4.EC 7:EC 7,Economic Indicators (monthly) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0997-A
    Y 4.EC 7:EC 7,Economic Indicators (monthly) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0997
    Y 4.EC 7/10:,Committee Publications and Policies Governing Their Distribution (annual)  (MF)
    Y 4.EC 7/10:,Committee Publications and Policies Governing Their Distribution (annual)  (P) 
    Y 4.EC 7/11:,An Analysis of the Current Services Budget Contained in the President's Budget
    	 for Fiscal Year (annual)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1000-C
    Y 4.EC 7/11:,An Analysis of the Current Services Budget Contained in the President's Budget
    	 for Fiscal Year (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1000-B
    Y 4.ED 8/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1015-A
    Y 4.ED 8/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1015-B
    Y 4.ED 8/1-10:,Legislative Calendar (irregular) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1015-B
    Y 4.ED 8/1-10:,Legislative Calendar (irregular)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1015-A
    Y 4.ED 8/1-11:,Views and Estimates of the Comm. on Education and Labor Together w/Minority,
    	 Supplemental and Individual Views on the Budget for the U.S. Government for the Fiscal
    	 Year (biennial) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1015-A
    Y 4.ED 8/1-11:,Views and Estimates of the Comm. on Education and Labor Together w/Minority,
    	 Supplemental and Individual Views on the Budget for the U.S. Government for the Fiscal
    	 Year (biennial) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1015-B
    Y 4.ED 8/1-12:,A Compilation of Federal Education Laws (biennial) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1015-B
    Y 4.ED 8/1-12:,A Compilation of Federal Education Laws (biennial) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1015-A
    Y 4.EN 2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1040-B
    Y 4.EN 2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1040-A
    Y 4.ET 3/4:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C-04
    Y 4.ET 3/4:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-B-04
    Y 4.F 49:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1038-B
    Y 4.F 49:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1038-A
    Y 4.F 49/20:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1013-D
    Y 4.F 49/20:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1013-C
    Y 4.F 49/20-2:,Legislative Calendar (irregular) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1013-C-01
    Y 4.F 49/20-2:,Legislative Calendar (irregular) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1013-D-01
    Y 4.F 76/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1017-A-07
    Y 4.F 76/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1017-B-07
    Y 4.F 76/1-18:,Rules of Procedure (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1017-A-09
    Y 4.F 76/1-18:,Rules of Procedure (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1017-B-09
    Y 4.F 76/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1039-A
    Y 4.F 76/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1039-B
    Y 4.F 76/2-10:,Legislation on Foreign Relations Through ... (date) (annual) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1039-B
    Y 4.F 76/2-10:,Legislation on Foreign Relations Through ... (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1039-A
    Y 4.F 76/2-11:,Fiscal Year ... Arms Control Impact Statements (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1039-A
    Y 4.F 76/2-11:,Fiscal Year ... Arms Control Impact Statements (annual) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1039-B
    Y 4.G 74/7:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1016-B
    Y 4.G 74/7:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1016-A
    Y 4.G 74/7-10:,Rules of the Committee on Government Operations  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1016-A
    Y 4.G 74/7-10:,Rules of the Committee on Government Operations  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1016-B
    Y 4.G 74/7-11:,Legislative Calendar (irregular)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1016-B
    Y 4.G 74/7-11:,Legislative Calendar (irregular)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1016-A
    Y 4.G 74/7-12:,Interim Report of the Activities (irregular)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1016-A
    Y 4.G 74/7-12:,Interim Report of the Activities (irregular)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1016-B
    Y 4.G 74/9:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1037-C
    Y 4.G 74/9:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1037-B
    Y 4.G 74/9-10:,Organization of Federal Executive Departments and Agencies  (MF) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.G 74/9-10:,Organization of Federal Executive Departments and Agencies (annual)  (P)
    Y 4.H 75:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1018-C
    Y 4.H 75:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1018-D
    Y 4.H 75/10:,Rules of Procedure for the Committee on Homeland Security (annual) (P)
    Y 4.H 75/10:,Rules of Procedure for the Committee on Homeland Security (annual) (MF),1018-D
    Y 4.H 75/11:,Legislative Calendar (irregular) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1018-D
    Y 4.H 75/11:,Legislative Calendar (irregular) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1018-C
    Y 4.H 81/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1018-B
    Y 4.H 81/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1018-A
    Y 4.H 81/3-10:,Rules of Procedure of the Committee on House Administration  (MF) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.H 81/3-10:,Rules of Procedure of the Committee on House Administration  (P) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.H 81/3-11:,Calendar of Business (irregular)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1018-A
    Y 4.H 81/3-11:,Calendar of Business (irregular)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1018-B
    Y 4.IN 2/11:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-B-05
    Y 4.IN 2/11:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C-05
    Y 4.IN 8/16:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1017-A-01
    Y 4.IN 8/16:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1017-B-01
    Y 4.IN 8/16-11:,Meeting of the Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group (annual) (MF)
    	 ESSENTIAL TITLE,1017-B-06
    Y 4.IN 8/16-11:,Meeting of the Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group (annual) (P)
    	 ESSENTIAL TITLE,1017-A-06
    Y 4.IN 8/16-15:,Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (annual) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    Y 4.IN 8/16-15:,Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    Y 4.IN 8/16-17:,Legislative Calendar  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1017-A-05
    Y 4.IN 8/16-17:,Legislative Calendar  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1017-B-05
    Y 4.IN 8/16-18:,Rules of the Committee on International Relations  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    Y 4.IN 8/16-18:,Rules of the Committee on International Relations  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    Y 4.IN 8/18:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    Y 4.IN 8/18:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-B-06
    Y 4.IN 8/18-10:,Rules of Procedure for the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (biennial)
    	  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-B-06
    Y 4.IN 8/18-10:,Rules of Procedure for the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence  (biennial)
    	  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C-06
    Y 4.IN 8/19:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C-07
    Y 4.IN 8/19:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P)  ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-B-07
    Y 4.J 89/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1020-A
    Y 4.J 89/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1020-B
    Y 4.J 89/1-10:,Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure with Forms (annual) (MF) (EL) ESSENTIAL 
    Y 4.J 89/1-10:,Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure with Forms (annual) (P) (EL) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.J 89/1-11:,Rules of Civil Procedure for the United States District Courts (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.J 89/1-11:,Rules of Civil Procedure for the United States District Courts (annual) (MF)
    Y 4.J 89/1-12:,Rules of Criminal Procedure for the United States District Courts (annual) (MF) (EL)
    Y 4.J 89/1-12:,Rules of Criminal Procedure for the United States District Courts (annual) (P) (EL)
    Y 4.J 89/1-13:,Federal Rules of Evidence  (P) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1020-A
    Y 4.J 89/1-13:,Federal Rules of Evidence (MF) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1020-B
    Y 4.J 89/1-14:,Index to Reports on Private and Public Bills & Resolutions Favorably Reported by the
    	 Committee in the ... Congress Showing Their Status ... (annual) (MF) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.J 89/1-14:,Index to Reports on Private & Public Bills and Resolutions Favorably Reported by
    	 the Committee in the ... Congress Showing their Status as of the Date of Final
    	 Adjournment (annual) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1020-A
    Y 4.J 89/1-15:,Rules of Procedure (biennial) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1020-A
    Y 4.J 89/1-15:,Rules of Procedure (biennial) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1020-B
    Y 4.J 89/1-16:,Legislative Calendar (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1020-B
    Y 4.J 89/1-16:,Legislative Calendar  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1020-A
    Y 4.J 89/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1042-A
    Y 4.J 89/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1042-B
    Y 4.J 89/2-10:,Rules of Procedure, Committee on the Judiciary  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1042-B
    Y 4.J 89/2-10:,Rules of Procedure, Committee on the Judiciary  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1042-A
    Y 4.L 11/4:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1043-A
    Y 4.L 11/4:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1043-B
    Y 4.L 61/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1003-B
    Y 4.L 61/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1003-A
    Y 4.P 93/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1004-D
    Y 4.P 93/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1004-C
    Y 4.P 93/1:1,Congressional Directory (biennial) (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0992
    Y 4.P 93/1:1,Congressional Directory (biennial) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0992-A-01
    Y 4.P 93/1:6,Government Printing and Binding Regulations  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,0992-A
    Y 4.P 93/1:7,Government Paper Specifications Standards (EL),1004-B
    Y 4.P 93/1-10:,U.S. Government Depository Libraries Directory  (P)  ALL LIBRARIES,1004-E
    Y 4.P 96/10:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1045-B
    Y 4.P 96/10:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1045-A
    Y 4.R 31/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1023-B
    Y 4.R 31/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1023-A
    Y 4.R 31/3-11:,Report to the Committee on the Budget Views & Estimates of the Committee
    	 on Natural Resources (House) (annual) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1023-B
    Y 4.R 31/3-11:,Report to the Committee on the Budget Views & Estimates of the Committee
    	 on Natural Resources (House) (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1023-A
    Y 4.R 31/3-12:,Legislative Calendar  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1023-A
    Y 4.R 31/3-12:,Legislative Calendar (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1023-B
    Y 4.R 31/3-13:,Rules for the Committee on Natural Resources (biennial)  (P) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.R 31/3-13:,Rules for the Committee on Natural Resources (biennial) (MF) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.R 86/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-D
    Y 4.R 86/1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-C
    Y 4.R 86/1-10:,Rules (biennial)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-D
    Y 4.R 86/1-10:,Rules (biennial)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-C
    Y 4.R 86/1-11:,Legislative Calendar (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-C
    Y 4.R 86/1-11:,Legislative Calendar (annual)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-D
    Y 4.R 86/1-12:,Rules Adopted by the Committees of the House of Representatives  (MF)
    Y 4.R 86/1-12:,Rules Adopted by the Committees of the House of Representatives  (P)
    Y 4.R 86/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1046-C
    Y 4.R 86/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1046-B
    Y 4.SCI 2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-A-01
    Y 4.SCI 2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-A-02
    Y 4.SCI 2/11:,Legislative Calendar, Committee on Science  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-A-01
    Y 4.SCI 2/11:,Legislative Calendar, Committee on Science  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-A-02
    Y 4.SCI 2/12:,Rules Governing Procedure of the Committee on Science  (P) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.SCI 2/12:,Rules Governing Procedure of the Committee on Science  (MF) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.SE 2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1089-C
    Y 4.SE 2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1089-D
    Y 4.SE 2/10:,Annual Report  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1089-D
    Y 4.SE 2/10:,Annual Report  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1089-C
    Y 4.SE 2/12:,Publications List (annual)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1089-D
    Y 4.SE 2/12:,Publications List (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1089-C
    Y 4.SM 1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1031-B
    Y 4.SM 1:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1031-A
    Y 4.SM 1:10,Rules of the Committee on Small Business (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1031-A
    Y 4.SM 1:10,Rules of the Committee on Small Business (annual)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    Y 4.SM 1:11,Legislative Calendar (House)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1031-B
    Y 4.SM 1:11,Legislative Calendar (House)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1031-A
    Y 4.SM 1/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1049-K
    Y 4.SM 1/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1049-J
    Y 4.ST 2/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-B-02
    Y 4.ST 2/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    Y 4.ST 2/3-10:,Code of Official Conduct (biennial)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-B-02
    Y 4.ST 2/3-10:,Code of Official Conduct (biennial)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-B-01
    Y 4.ST 2/3-11:,Rules of Procedure (biennial)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-B-02
    Y 4.ST 2/3-11:,Rules of Procedure (biennial)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1025-B-01
    Y 4.T 19/4:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.T 19/4:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    Y 4.T 19/4-10:,Estimates of Federal Tax Expenditures for Fiscal Year (annual) (MF)
    Y 4.T 19/4-10:,Estimates of Federal Tax Expenditures for Fiscal Year (annual) (P)
    Y 4.T 68/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.T 68/2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.T 68/2-11:,Legislative Calendar  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1024-A-02
    Y 4.T 68/2-11:,Legislative Calendar  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1024-B-02
    Y 4.V 64/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.V 64/3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.V 64/3-10:,Report to the Committee on the Budget from the Committee on
    	 Veterans' Affairs  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1027-B
    Y 4.V 64/3-10:,Report to the Committee on the Budget from the Committee on
    	 Veterans' Affairs  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1027-A
    Y 4.V 64/3-11:,Legislative Calendar (House)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1027-A
    Y 4.V 64/3-11:,Legislative Calendar (House) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1027-B
    Y 4.V 64/3-12:,Rules of Procedure (annual)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1027-B
    Y 4.V 64/3-12:,Rules of Procedure (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1027-A
    Y 4.V 64/4:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.V 64/4:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P) ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.W 36:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (MF)  ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.W 36:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications  (P)  ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.W 36:10,Legislative Calendar  (P)  ESSENTIAL TITLE,1028-A
    Y 4.W 36:10,Legislative Calendar  (MF)  ESSENTIAL TITLE,1028-B
    Y 4.W 36:10-3/,Compilation of the Social Security Laws (annual)  (P)  ESSENTIAL
    Y 4.W 36:10-4/,Background Material and Data on Programs Within the Jurisdiction of the
    	q Committee on Ways and Means (Green Book) (annual)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1028-A
    Y 4.W 36:10-4/,Background Material and Data on Programs Within the Jurisdiction of the 
    	Committee on Ways and Means (Green Book) (annual) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1028-A-01
    Y 4.W 36:10-4/,Background Material and Data on Programs Within the Jurisdiction of the
    	 Committee on Ways and Means (Green Book) (annual)  (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1028-B
    Y 4.W 36:10-5/,Manual of Rules of the Committee on Ways and Means  (MF)  ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    Y 4.W 36:10-5/,Manual of Rules of the Committee on Ways and Means  (P)  ESSENTIAL TITLE,1028-A
    Y 4.W 36:10-6/,Legislative Record (biennial)  (P)  ESSENTIAL TITLE,1028-A
    Y 4.W 36:10-6/,Legislative Record (biennial)  (MF)  ESSENTIAL TITLE,1028-B
    Y 4.2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (House) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C
    Y 4.2:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (House)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-B
    Y 4.3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (Senate)  (P) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-B-12
    Y 4.3:,Hearings, Prints, and Miscellaneous Publications (Senate) (MF) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1009-C-12
    Y 7.1:,Memorial Addresses (P) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1005
    Y 7.3:,Miscellaneous Reports of Senators and Representatives (Cong.-Sess.) (EL),1005-M
    Y 10.2:,General Publications,1005-C
    Y 10.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides,1005-B
    Y 10.9:,Background Papers (MF),1005-A
    Y 10.11:,Technical Analysis Papers (numbered) (MF),1005-D
    Y 10.12:,Budget Issue Papers (MF),1005-E
    Y 10.13:,The Economic and Budget Outlook, Public Law 93-344 (annual) (P) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,
    Y 10.14:,List of Publications (annual) (MF),1005-G
    Y 10.15:,Bibliographies and Lists of Publications (P),1005-H
    Y 10.17:,The Economic and Budget Outlook: An Update (annual) (P) (EL) ESSENTIAL TITLE,1005-F
    Y 10.19:,An Analysis of the President's Budgetary Proposals for Fiscal Year (annual) (EL) ESSENTIAL
    Y 10.20:,Responsibilities and Organization (biennial)  (MF),1005-E
    Y 10.21:,Electronic Products (misc.) (E),1005-C-01
    Y 10.21/2:,Monthly Budget Review (EL),1005-C-01
    Y 10.22:,Unauthorized Appropriations and Expiring Authorizations (annual) (EL),1005-C-02
    Y 11.1:,Report to Congress on Use of the Office of Compliance by Covered Employees (annual) (EL),
    Y 11.1/2:,Section 102(b) Report (biennial) (EL),1089-Z-08
    Y 11.2:,General Publications  ESSENTIAL TITLE,1089-Z-02
    Y 11.6:,Regulations, Rules, Instructions  ESSENTIAL TITLE,1089-Z-07
    Y 11.8:,Handbooks, Manuals, Guides ESSENTIAL TITLE,1089-Z-03
    Y 11.15:,Decisions of the Board of Directors (EL),1089-Z-05
    Y 11.16:,Studies Conducted by the Office Pursuant to the CAA (EL),1089-Z-06
    Through programs administered by Library Services and Content Management (LSCM) and the Superintendent of Documents, GPO, the Government Printing Office, disseminates the largest volume of U.S. government publications and information in the world.

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NOTE: The list on this page is re-published from data provided by the the U.S. Government Printing Office. No claims are made regarding the Classification of United States Government Publications information contained here. All suggestions for corrections of any errors about classes of documents should be addressed to GPO.

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