Holy See (Vatican City) Government 2000 - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, Political System
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    Ciudad del Vaticano Gobierno 2000

      Nombre del Pa�s:
      conventional long form: The Holy See (State of the Vatican City)
      conventional short form: Holy See (Vatican City)
      local long form: Santa Sede (Stato della Citta del Vaticano)
      local short form: Santa Sede (Citta del Vaticano)

      C�digo: VT

      Tipo de Gobierno: monarchical-sacerdotal state

      Capital: Vatican City

      Independencia: 11 February 1929 (from Italy)

      Feriado Nacional: Installation Day of the Pope (John Paul II), 22 October (1978)

      Constituci�n: Apostolic Constitution of 1967 (effective 1 March 1968)

      Sistema Legal: NA

      Sufragio: limited to cardinals less than 80 years old

      Rama Ejecutiva:
      chief of state: Pope JOHN PAUL II (since 16 October 1978)
      head of government: Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo SODANO (since 2 December 1990)
      cabinet: Pontifical Commission appointed by the pope
      elections: pope elected for life by the College of Cardinals; election last held 16 October 1978 (next to be held after the death of the current pope); secretary of state appointed by the pope
      election results: Karol WOJTYLA elected pope

      Rama Legislativa: unicameral Pontifical Commission

      Rama Judicial: none; normally handled by Italy

      Partidos Pol�ticos y l�deres: none

      Grupos de presi�n Pol�ticos y l�deres: none (exclusive of influence exercised by church officers)

      Participaci�n de Organizaciones Internacionales: IAEA, ICFTU, Intelsat, IOM (observer), ITU, NAM (guest), OAS (observer), OPCW, OSCE, UN (observer), UNCTAD, UNHCR, UPU, WIPO, WToO (observer)

      Representantes Diplom�ticos en EU:
      chief of mission: Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Gabriele MONTALVO
      chancery: 3339 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008
      telephone: [1] (202) 333-7121

      Representantes Dimplom�ticos de EU:
      chief of mission: Ambassador Corrine C. BOGGS
      embassy: Villa Domiziana, Via delle Terme Deciane 26, 00153 Rome
      mailing address: PSC 59, Box F, APO AE 09624
      telephone: [39] (06) 46741-3428
      FAX: [39] (06) 5758346, 57300682

      Descripci�n de la Bandera: two vertical bands of yellow (hoist side) and white with the crossed keys of Saint Peter and the papal miter centered in the white band

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    Revisto 01-Nov-00
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